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Array A read by upward antidiagonals in which the entry in row n and column k is defined by A(n,k) = (1 + 2^n*(6*k-3+2*(-1)^n))/3, n,k >= 1.
1, 7, 5, 3, 15, 9, 27, 19, 23, 13, 11, 59, 35, 31, 17, 107, 75, 91, 51, 39, 21, 43, 235, 139, 123, 67, 47, 25, 427, 299, 363, 203, 155, 83, 55, 29, 171, 939, 555, 491, 267, 187, 99, 63, 33, 1707, 1195, 1451, 811, 619, 331, 219, 115, 71, 37
Conjecture (now Lemma 1): The sequence is a permutation of the odd natural numbers.
Proof from Max Alekseyev, Apr 29 2015:
Reformulating the conjecture, we need to prove that for any integer m >= 0, the equation (1 + 2^n*(6*k - 3 + 2*(-1)^n))/3 = 2*m + 1 has a unique solution in integers n,k >= 1. Simplifying a bit, we have
(1) 2^n*(6*k - 3 + 2*(-1)^n) = 6*m + 2.
Since the factor (6*k - 3 + 2*(-1)^n) is odd, n is uniquely defined by n = A007814(6*m+2). Since 6*m+2 is even, we have n>=1. Dividing (1) by 2^n and rearranging, we further get
(2) 6*k = (6*m + 2)/2^n + 3 - 2*(-1)^n.
To prove the uniqueness of k, it remains to prove that the r.h.s of (2) is divisible by 6. To that end, the value of n implies that (6*m + 2)/2^n is odd; hence the r.h.s. of (2) is even and thus divisible by 2. Now, taking the r.h.s. modulo 3, we get
(6*m + 2)/2^n + 3 - 2*(-1)^n == 2/(-1)^n + 0 - 2*(-1)^n == 0 (mod 3);
so the r.h.s. of (2) is also divisible by 3. Therefore k is uniquely defined by
k = ((6*m + 2)/2^n + 3 - 2*(-1)^n)/6.
Finally, it is easy to see that (6*m + 2)/2^n >= 1, so k >= 1.
Let v(y) denote the 2-adic valuation of y (see A007814). For x an odd natural number, define the function F(x) = (3*x+1)/2^v(3*x+1) (see A075677). Let F^(j)(x) denote k-fold iteration of F and defined by the recurrence F^(j)(x) = F(F^(j-1)(x)), j>0, with initial condition F^(0)(x) = x.
Lemma 2: The following statements are equivalent. (i) Row n of A is the set of all odd m such that F^(n)(4*m-3) == 1 (mod 4); (ii) Row n of A is the set of all odd m such that v(1+F(4m-3)) = n.
Max Alekseyev, Proof of conjecture in A257499, Sequence fanatics mailing list, April 29 and May 01, 2015
Array A begins:
. 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37
. 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79
. 3 19 35 51 67 83 99 115 131 147
. 27 59 91 123 155 187 219 251 283 315
. 11 75 139 203 267 331 395 459 523 587
. 107 235 363 491 619 747 875 1003 1131 1259
. 43 299 555 811 1067 1323 1579 1835 2091 2347
. 427 939 1451 1963 2475 2987 3499 4011 4523 5035
. 171 1195 2219 3243 4267 5291 6315 7339 8363 9387
. 1707 3755 5803 7851 9899 11947 13995 16043 18091 20139
(* Array: *)
Grid[Table[(1 + 2^n*(6*k - 3 + 2*(-1)^n))/3, {n, 10}, {k, 10}]]
(* Array antidiagonals flattened: *)
Flatten[Table[(1 + 2^(n - k + 1)*(6*k - 3 + 2*(-1)^(n - k + 1)))/3, {n, 10}, {k, n}]]
Cf. A255138 (column 1).
Sequence in context: A255196 A345736 A206643 * A144846 A090289 A160670
L. Edson Jeffery, Apr 27 2015