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Primes of the form k^4 + 29*k^2 + 101.

%I #19 Dec 13 2019 13:10:51

%S 101,131,233,443,821,1451,2441,3923,6053,9011,13001,18251,25013,33563,

%T 44201,57251,73061,92003,114473,140891,207371,295283,476681,951491,

%U 1078373,1369961,1536251,1913963,3472523,3804341,4159451,4943843,5834531,7972043,9925541

%N Primes of the form k^4 + 29*k^2 + 101.

%H Robert Price, <a href="/A272075/b272075.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..2264</a>

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Prime-GeneratingPolynomial.html">Prime-Generating Polynomials</a>

%e 233 is prime and it is in this sequence since 233 = 2^4 + 29*2^2 + 101.

%t n = Range[0, 100]; Select[#^4 + 29#^2 + 101, PrimeQ[#] &]

%o (PARI) lista(nn) = for(n=0, nn, if(ispseudoprime(p=n^4+29*n^2+101), print1(p, ", "))); \\ _Altug Alkan_, Apr 19 2016

%Y Cf. A050268, A050267, A005846, A007641, A007635, A048988, A050265, A050266.

%Y Cf. A271980, A272074.

%K nonn,less

%O 1,1

%A _Robert Price_, Apr 19 2016