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a(n) is the smallest number k such that the symmetric representation of sigma(k) consists of n parts of width 1.
1, 3, 9, 21, 81, 147, 729, 903, 3025, 6875, 59049, 29095, 531441, 171875, 366025, 643885, 43046721, 3511475
The sequence is infinite since, for example, for any n >= 1 the symmetric representation of sigma(3^n) consists of n + 1 parts of width 1. However, it is not increasing since a(11) = 59049 = 3^10 and a(12) = 29095 = 5 * 11 * 23^2. Also a(13) <= 531441 = 3^12.
This sequence is a subsequence of A174905; its subsequences a(n) for odd/even n are subsequences of A241010/A241008, respectively. Some even-indexed elements of this sequence are members of A239663, e.g., a(2), a(4), a(6), a(8) and a(12), but not a(10) = 6875.
The central pair of parts in the symmetric representation of sigma(a(2)), sigma(a(4)) and sigma(a(8)) meets at the diagonal (see A298856).
From Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Oct 04 2021: (Start)
An upper bound to the sequence is a(n) <= 3^(n-1), n >= 1, (see A348171).
For p = 1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17, a(p) = 3^(p-1) and this equality possibly holds for all a(p) with p a prime.
Also, 75 * 10^6 < a(19) <= 3^18, a(20) = 15391255, a(21) = 44289025 and a(n) > 75 * 10^6 for n > 21.
a(13)-a(18) computations based on A348171 rather than A237270.
The symmetric representation of sigma(3^(p-1)), p prime, consists of p parts and its middle part has area 3^((p-1)/2). (End)
a(n) >= A038547(n) with equality for n=1 and primes n since the distinct prime divisors of n can be replaced by primes 3, 5, 7, 11, ... yielding a smaller number k with the same number of odd divisors. However, some parts in the symmetric representation of sigma(k) have width at least 2. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Dec 11 2023
The smallest number k whose symmetric representation of sigma(k) consists of four parts of width one is a(4) = 21. The parts are 11, 5, 5, 11.
a(4) = 3*7 has width pattern, A341969, 1010101 while A038547(4) = 3*5 has width pattern 1012101. a(6) = 3 * 7^2 = 147 has width pattern 10101010101 while A038547(6) = 3^2 * 5 = 45 has width pattern 10121212101. - Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Dec 11 2023
(* Function path[] is defined in A237270 *)
segmentsSR[pathN0_, pathN1_] := SplitBy[Map[Min, Drop[Drop[pathN0, 1], -1] - pathN1], #==0&]
regions[pathN0_ , pathN1_] := Select[Map[Apply[Plus, #]&, segmentsSR[pathN0, pathN1]], #!=0&]
width1Q[pathN0_, pathN1_] := SubsetQ[{0, 1}, Union[Flatten[Drop[Drop[pathN0, 1], -1] - pathN1, 1]]]
(* parameter seq is the list of elements of the sequence in interval 1..m-1 already computed with an entry of 0 representing an element not yet found *)
a318843[m_, n_, seq_] := Module[{list=Join[seq, Table[0, 10]], path1=path[m-1], path0, k, a, r, w}, For[k=m, k<=n, k++, path0=path[k]; a=regions[path0, path1]; r=Length[a]; w=width1Q[path0, path1]; If[w && list[[r]]==0, list[[r]]=k]; path1=path0]; list]
a318843[2, 60000, {1}] (* data - actually computed in steps *)
Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Sep 04 2018
a(13)-a(18) from Hartmut F. W. Hoft, Oct 04 2021