# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a032027 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A032027 #15 Nov 15 2022 17:52:07 %S A032027 1,1,1,3,5,13,35,95,255,715,2081,6003,17645,52127,155863,468129, %T A032027 1415521,4301055,13134789,40275109,123970669,382919917,1186475687, %U A032027 3686899725,11487023793,35876838669,112304155021,352276801491 %N A032027 Number of planted planar trees (n+1 nodes) where any 2 subtrees extending from the same node are different. %H A032027 Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..200 %H A032027 C. G. Bower, Transforms (2) %H A032027 Index entries for sequences related to rooted trees %F A032027 Shifts left under "AGK" (ordered, elements, unlabeled) transform. %e A032027 From _Gus Wiseman_, Nov 15 2022: (Start) %e A032027 The a(1) = 1 through a(6) = 13 ordered rooted identity trees (ranked by A358374): %e A032027 o (o) ((o)) ((o)o) (((o))o) (((o)o)o) %e A032027 (o(o)) (((o)o)) ((o(o))o) %e A032027 (((o))) ((o(o))) (o((o)o)) %e A032027 (o((o))) (o(o(o))) %e A032027 ((((o)))) ((((o)))o) %e A032027 ((((o))o)) %e A032027 ((((o)o))) %e A032027 (((o))(o)) %e A032027 (((o(o)))) %e A032027 ((o)((o))) %e A032027 ((o((o)))) %e A032027 (o(((o)))) %e A032027 (((((o))))) %e A032027 (End) %t A032027 aot[n_]:=If[n==1,{{}},Join@@Table[Tuples[aot/@c],{c,Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n-1]}]]; %t A032027 Table[Length[Select[aot[n],FreeQ[#,_[__]?(!UnsameQ@@#&)]&]],{n,1,10}] (* _Gus Wiseman_, Nov 15 2022 *) %o A032027 (PARI) %o A032027 AGK(v)={apply(p->subst(serlaplace(y^0*p),y,1), Vec(prod(k=1, #v, (1 + x^k*y + O(x*x^#v))^v[k])-1, -#v))} %o A032027 seq(n)={my(v=[1]); for(i=2, n, v=concat([1], AGK(v))); v} \\ _Andrew Howroyd_, Sep 20 2018 %Y A032027 The unordered version is A004111, ranked by A276625. %Y A032027 These trees (ordered rooted identity) are ranked by A358374. %Y A032027 Cf. A000081, A001190, A005043, A003238, A063895, A358377. %K A032027 nonn,eigen %O A032027 1,4 %A A032027 _Christian G. Bower_ # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE