# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a073853 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A073853 #31 Apr 09 2023 11:50:17 %S A073853 0,5,9,12,24,45,60,65,179,764,1268,5891,16135,29909,71774,173310, %T A073853 200040,1454560,2485272,86430343,92439810,115854652,7208007982, %U A073853 17016737751,17589706947,24531053552,33113576855,80692537585,234365843350,266484243960,285357252641,426388494035,975986718040,1505420538689,43633539697333 %N A073853 Indices of zeros in A079777. %C A073853 Let b(1) = b(2) = 1, b(k) = (b(k-1) + b(k-2)) mod k; sequence gives n such that b(n) = 0. %C A073853 A079777(2^31-1) = 1103802855, and A079777(2^31) = 2117709557. %C A073853 No further terms below k = 5*10^10, at which point, A079777(k-1) = 6059364906669 and A079777(k) = 29451014544130. - _Luca Armstrong_, Apr 07 2023 %H A073853 Zak Seidov, A073853 Four more terms [From _Zak Seidov_, Dec 06 2009] %e A073853 b(3) = 2 mod 3 = 2; b(4) = (2+1) mod 4 = 3; b(5) = (3+2) mod 5 = 0, hence a(1) = 5. %t A073853 a = 0; b = 1; lst = {0}; Do[c = Mod[a + b, n]; If[c == 0, AppendTo[lst, n]; Print@n]; a = b; b = c, {n, 2, 2^31}] (* _Robert G. Wilson v_ *) %o A073853 (Java) class A073853 { public static void main(String [] args) { BigInteger an = BigInteger.ZERO ; BigInteger an1 = BigInteger.ONE ; BigInteger n = new BigInteger("2") ; for( ; ; n = n.add(BigInteger.ONE) ) { BigInteger an2 = an.add(an1).mod(n) ; if ( an2.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0 ) System.out.println(n) ; an = an1 ; an1 = an2 ; } } } // _R. J. Mathar_, Dec 06 2009 %Y A073853 A079777(n) = 0. %K A073853 nonn %O A073853 1,2 %A A073853 _Benoit Cloitre_, Sep 02 2002 %E A073853 Corrected and extended by _John W. Layman_, Jun 11 2003 %E A073853 a(23)-a(26) from _Zak Seidov_; a(27)-a(28) from _John W. Layman_; a(29)-a(34) from _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Dec 09 2009. (These new terms were added by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 20 2009.) %E A073853 a(35) from _Luca Armstrong_, Apr 07 2023 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE