# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a076450 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A076450 #7 Jun 24 2014 01:08:32 %S A076450 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,16,18,20,22,24,30,32,34,36,40,42,44,48,50,54,60,64, %T A076450 66,68,70,72,74,75,80,84,88,90,96,100,102,108,110,120,128,130,132,134, %U A076450 135,136,138,140,144,148,150,154,156,160,162,168,176,180,192,196,198,200 %N A076450 Natural sculptures. %C A076450 The 'sculpture' of a positive integer n is the infinite vector (c[1], c[2], ...), where c[k] is the number of prime factors p of n (counted with multiplicity) such that n^(1/(k+1)) < p <= n^(1/k). A number is in the sequence if its sculpture is not equal to the sculpture of any smaller number. %H A076450 Jon Perry, Sculptures %t A076450 sculpt[1]={}; sculpt[n_] := Module[{fn, v, i}, fn=FactorInteger[n]; v=Table[0, {Floor[Log[fn[[1, 1]], n]]}]; For[i=1, i<=Length[fn], i++, v[[Floor[Log[fn[[i, 1]], n]]]]+=fn[[i, 2]]]; v]; For[n=1; nlist=slist={}, n<500, n++, sn=sculpt[n]; If[ !MemberQ[slist, sn], AppendTo[slist, sn]; AppendTo[nlist, n]]]; nlist %Y A076450 The first differences are in A076500. %K A076450 nonn %O A076450 1,2 %A A076450 _Jon Perry_, Nov 07 2002 %E A076450 Edited by _Dean Hickerson_, Nov 18 2002 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE