# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a209827 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A209827 #5 Mar 31 2012 12:37:30 %S A209827 33725,4998707,773359089,122849339000,19693265761805,3169393696357783, %T A209827 510927200467908535,82424301419377854606,13301092381577339804554, %U A209827 2146734609278246230819637,346493487528033789867228222 %N A209827 Number of (n+1)X7 0..2 arrays with every 2X2 subblock having one or two distinct values, and new values 0..2 introduced in row major order %C A209827 Column 6 of A209829 %H A209827 R. H. Hardin, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210 %e A209827 Some solutions for n=4 %e A209827 ..0..0..0..0..0..1..0....0..0..0..0..1..2..0....0..0..0..1..1..1..0 %e A209827 ..1..1..0..2..0..0..0....2..2..0..0..1..2..2....1..0..1..1..2..1..0 %e A209827 ..2..1..0..2..2..2..2....1..2..0..0..1..1..2....0..0..0..1..1..1..1 %e A209827 ..1..1..0..2..0..2..2....1..2..0..1..0..1..2....0..2..0..0..0..0..0 %e A209827 ..1..0..0..2..2..0..0....1..2..0..1..0..1..2....2..0..0..1..0..0..2 %K A209827 nonn %O A209827 1,1 %A A209827 _R. H. Hardin_ Mar 13 2012 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE