# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a268441 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A268441 #33 May 27 2020 20:17:19 %S A268441 1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,3,1,0,1,3,4,6,1,0,1,10,5,15,10,10,1,0,1,10,15,6,15, %T A268441 60,15,45,20,15,1,0,1,35,21,7,105,70,105,21,105,210,35,105,35,21,1,0, %U A268441 1,35,56,28,8,280,210,280,168,28,105,840,280,420,56,420,560,70,210,56,28,1 %N A268441 Triangle read by rows, the coefficients of the Bell polynomials. %C A268441 The triangle of coefficients of the inverse Bell polynomials is A268442. %D A268441 L. Comtet, Advanced combinatorics, The art of finite and infinite expansions, 1974. %H A268441 Peter Luschny, First 26 rows, flattened %H A268441 E. T. Bell, Partition polynomials, Ann. Math., 29 (1927-1928), 38-46. %H A268441 E. T. Bell, Exponential polynomials, Ann. Math., 35 (1934), 258-277. %H A268441 Peter Luschny, The Bell transform %F A268441 E.g.f.: exp( Sum_{k>=1} x_{k}*t^k/k! ), monomials in negative lexicographic order. %e A268441 [[1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1], [1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1], [3], [1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1], [3, 4], [6], [1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1], [10, 5], [15, 10], [10], [1]] %e A268441 [[0], [1], [10, 15, 6], [15, 60, 15], [45, 20], [15], [1]] %e A268441 Replacing the sublists by their sums reduces the triangle to the triangle of the Stirling numbers of second kind (A048993). %t A268441 BellCoeffs[n_, k_] := Module[{v, r}, %t A268441 v = Table[Subscript[x,j], {j,1,n}]; (* list of variables *) %t A268441 r = Table[Subscript[x,j]->1, {j,1,n}]; (* evaluated at 1 *) %t A268441 MonomialList[BellY[n,k,v], v, NegativeLexicographic] /. r]; %t A268441 A268441Row[n_] := Table[BellCoeffs[n,k], {k,0,n}] // Flatten; %t A268441 Do[Print[A268441Row[n]], {n,0,8}] (* _Peter Luschny_, Feb 08 2016 *) %t A268441 max = 9; egf = Exp[Sum[x[k]*t^k/k!, {k, 1, max}]]; P = Table[n!* SeriesCoefficient[egf, {t, 0, n}], {n, 0, max-1}]; row[n_] := (s = Split[ Sort[{ Exponent[# /. x[_] -> x, x], #}& /@ (List @@ Expand[P[[n]]])], #1[[1]] == #2[[1]]&]; Join[{0}, #[[All, 2]]& /@ (s /. x[_] -> 1) // Flatten]); row[1] = {1}; Array[row, max] // Flatten (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Feb 08 2016 *) %o A268441 (Sage) %o A268441 import itertools %o A268441 def A268441_row(n): %o A268441 c = [bell_polynomial(n,k).coefficients() for k in (0..n)] %o A268441 if n>0: c[0] = [0] %o A268441 return list(itertools.chain(*c)) %o A268441 for n in range(9): print(A268441_row(n)) %Y A268441 Cf. A048993, A268442. %K A268441 nonn,tabf %O A268441 0,9 %A A268441 _Peter Luschny_, Feb 07 2016 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE