# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a291126 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A291126 #38 Aug 27 2018 16:53:36 %S A291126 3,6,210,88200,101970,193290,289680,993990,11264550,59068230,72776970, %T A291126 98746230,122460690,126500910,132766770,234150930,514442214,531391650, %U A291126 638082390,650428020,790769790,1249160790,3727074450,4775972850,8299675650,9530202210 %N A291126 Psibonacci numbers: solutions n of the equation psi(n) = psi(n-1) + psi(n-2), where psi is the Dedekind psi function (A001615). %C A291126 Analogous to phibonacci numbers (A065557) and other sequences (see crossrefs). %H A291126 Giovanni Resta, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..70 (terms < 4*10^12) %e A291126 psi(210) = 576 = 240 + 336 = psi(209) + psi(208), therefore 210 is in the sequence. %t A291126 psi[n_]:=If[n < 1, 0, n Sum[ MoebiusMu[ d]^2 / d, {d, Divisors @ n}]]; %t A291126 Select[Range[10^6], psi[#]==psi[#-1]+psi[#-2] &] %Y A291126 Cf. A001615, A065557, A065900, A076136, A076251, A145469. %K A291126 nonn %O A291126 1,1 %A A291126 _Amiram Eldar_, Aug 19 2017 %E A291126 a(21)-a(26) from _Giovanni Resta_, Aug 26 2018 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE