# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a329426 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A329426 #31 Jul 31 2022 15:57:59 %S A329426 1,2,6,20,97,550,3794,29826,266527,2649156,29040865,347548542, %T A329426 4509961264,63050417976,944767674590,15103712944100,256594870255076, %U A329426 4616238126871328,87670085904641440,1752759735606185804,36796608121601906104,809312755145598475440,18609995953274373396982 %N A329426 Number of non-isomorphic directed graphs where every vertex has outdegree 1, and no self-loops. %H A329426 Stephen Dunn, Table of n, a(n) for n = 2..100 %F A329426 a(n) = 1 + A329427(n) + A056542(n-1). %F A329426 a(n) = 1 + A056542(n-1) + Sum_{2..floor(n/2)} a(i)*a(n-i). %e A329426 For n = 2, a(2) = 1 + A329427(2) + A056542(1) = 1 + 0 + 0 = 1, which is the graph A <--> B. %e A329426 For n = 3, a(3) = 1 + A329427(3) + A056542(2) = 1 + 0 + 1 = 2, which are graphs A --> B <--> C and A --> B --> C --> A. %e A329426 The middle term is nonzero when there are graphs with more than 1 component. %o A329426 (Kotlin) %o A329426 fun A329427(n: Long): Long = (2L..(n/2)).map { a(it) * a(n-it) }.sum() %o A329426 fun A056542(n: Long): Long = if (n == 1L) 0 else n * A056542(n-1) + 1 %o A329426 fun a(n: Long): Long = 1 + A329427(n) + A056542(n-1) %Y A329426 Cf. A329427, A056542. %K A329426 nonn %O A329426 2,2 %A A329426 _Stephen Dunn_, Nov 30 2019 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE