# Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences! http://oeis.org/ Search: id:a353054 Showing 1-1 of 1 %I A353054 #47 Apr 24 2022 02:29:28 %S A353054 1052,26315,15789473,3157894736,421052631578,2105263157894, %T A353054 36842105263157,1052631578947368421052,26315789473684210526315, %U A353054 15789473684210526315789473,3157894736842105263157894736,421052631578947368421052631578,2105263157894736842105263157894,36842105263157894736842105263157 %N A353054 Numbers k such that placing the last digit first gives 2k+1. %C A353054 The digits of all terms appear to be a substring of the digits 105263157894736842 (= A092697(2)) repeated. - _Chai Wah Wu_, Apr 23 2022 %H A353054 Chai Wah Wu, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..389 %e A353054 2*1052 + 1 = 2105. Thus, 1052 is in this sequence. %t A353054 Select[Range[100000000], FromDigits[Prepend[Drop[IntegerDigits[#], -1], Last[IntegerDigits[#]]]] == 2 # + 1 &] %o A353054 (PARI) f(n) = if (n < 10, n, my(d=digits(n)); fromdigits(concat(d[#d], Vec(d, #d-1)))); %o A353054 isok(m) = f(m) == 2*m+1; \\ _Michel Marcus_, Apr 21 2022 %o A353054 (Python) %o A353054 from itertools import count, islice %o A353054 def A353054_gen(): # generator of terms %o A353054 for l in count(1): %o A353054 a, b = 10**l-2, 10**(l-1)-2 %o A353054 for m in range(1,10): %o A353054 q, r = divmod(m*a-1,19) %o A353054 if r == 0 and b <= q - 2 <= a: %o A353054 yield 10*q+m %o A353054 A353054_list = list(islice(A353054_gen(),20)) # _Chai Wah Wu_, Apr 23 2022 %Y A353054 Other "rotate right" sequences: A035126, A035130. %Y A353054 Subsequence of A034180. %K A353054 nonn,base %O A353054 1,1 %A A353054 _Tanya Khovanova_, Apr 20 2022 %E A353054 a(4)-a(7) from _Amiram Eldar_, Apr 22 2022 %E A353054 a(8)-a(14) from _Chai Wah Wu_, Apr 23 2022 # Content is available under The OEIS End-User License Agreement: http://oeis.org/LICENSE