Introduction: Frida Kahlo was a painter and a revolutionary Mexican woman that at 6 years of age ... more Introduction: Frida Kahlo was a painter and a revolutionary Mexican woman that at 6 years of age had acute anterior poliomyelitis with permanent sequels in lower limbs. At the age of 20, she suffered a serious bus accident that culminated in muscle-skeletal injuries that caused pains and problems all her life. Her painting is unique and almost a biography of passion and pain. Objective: To describe and discuss the paintings and comments of the Frida Kahlo's biography related to neurology: congenital abnormalities (spina bifida), acute anterior poliomyelitis, spinal cord injuries, and neuropathic pain. Method: We analysed the literature about the painter that articulated neurology, psychology, and art and contemplated the cultural and historical panorama. Results: The life of Frida Kahlo was marked by pain, tragedies, and sufferings. For Frida, the painting was a way to invent herself, but also a way of exorcize the pain and making tolerable the desperation of the countless conva...
Context: Risperidone is a selective monoaminergic antagonist, its main action as an antipsychotic... more Context: Risperidone is a selective monoaminergic antagonist, its main action as an antipsychotic is attributed to its affinity to dopamine D2 receptors. However, intervention in dopaminergic transmission by this medication can affect the motor control performed by the striatum, generating the so-called extrapyramidal syndromes. Among these syndromes, we have the rabbit syndrome (SC), which is manifested by the chronic use of antipsychotics and causes involuntary movements of the muscles of the jaw and tongue. Case report: E. B. L., a 89- year-old woman undergoing neurological follow-up due to dementia. He started using risperidone 1mg at night to treat behavioral changes and aggressions. However, 4 months after the start of the medication, he started to have a tremor of the chin and stiffness in the upper limbs. These symptoms improved after switching from risperidone to olanzapine 5mg at night. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of recognizing Rabbit Syndrome...
Cortical development malformations (CDM) consist of anomalies that arise from the interruption of... more Cortical development malformations (CDM) consist of anomalies that arise from the interruption of the normal stages of formation of the cortical plaque...
Pseudomeningoceles are rare complications of laminectomy surgery. Such clinical condition results... more Pseudomeningoceles are rare complications of laminectomy surgery. Such clinical condition results from an inadvertent surgical dural rupture. We describe in the present study the report of a patient who developed iatrogenic pseudomeningocele in the lumbar region after performing a left laminectomy in L5 topography. After the neurological assessment of the patient, bilateral hypoaesthesia was observed, in addition to a floating bulging in the lumbar region that was accentuated during the valsalva maneuver, with the hypothesis of a pseudomeningocele.
Introduction: December 2019, an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome started in... more Introduction: December 2019, an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome started in Wuhan, China. This injury spread rapidly until, in March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. Although respiratory symptoms are more reported, there is also evidence of impairment of the nervous system. Among the main neurological symptoms reported, the following stand out: headache, vertigo, altered consciousness, encephalopathies, cerebrovascular disease and seizures. Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe, based on the current literature, the main evidence of brain involvement by COVID-19 and its clinical manifestations. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, carried out through the following databases: PubMed, LILACS, BIREME. The searches were limited to articles from the year 2020, in English and Portuguese. For this search, were used the descriptors indexed in MESH and DeCS “BRAIN” or “CEREBRAL” or “BRAIN INJURIES” or “CENT...
Introdução. A síndrome pós-poliomielite (SPP) é uma entidade caracterizada por um novo episódio d... more Introdução. A síndrome pós-poliomielite (SPP) é uma entidade caracterizada por um novo episódio de fraqueza muscular e fadiga anormal em indivíduos acometidos pela poliomielite anterior aguda (PAA) anos antes. Método. Realizou-se uma extensa pesquisa nas bibliotecas virtuais Bireme e Medline, entre os anos de 1978 e 2007. Discussão. Na literatura atual, principalmente nos periódicos brasileiros, os resultados de estudos envolvendo exercícios terapêuticos para pacientes com PAA e SPP são limitados tanto quantitativamente quanto qualitativamente. Tal fato, provavelmente se relaciona à escassez de pesquisas randomizadas controladas e o pequeno número de pacientes utilizados nas amostras. Dessa forma, a criação de um manual de reabilitação neurológica, formulado basicamente a partir de estudos internacionais, tem como finalidade atentar aos profissionais de saúde quanto aos riscos e benefícios dos programas reabilitativos. Conclusão. A realização de atividades terapêuticas deve ser enca...
Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lifetime illness experience of four p... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lifetime illness experience of four patients with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS). Method. The empirical contents were submitted to a categorization process containing questions referring to: (1) the acute phase of paralytic poliomyelitis and recollection of past clinical pictures and syndromes; (2) physical rehabilitation, guidance as well as care at services for the disabled; (3) adaptation to a new lifestyle; (4) living with PPS and related prejudices and misconceptions; (5) apprehensions towards the future. The level of functional independence (autonomy) was measured using the Barthel Index, a questionnaire regarding several practical motor skills. Results. We have found that the symptoms in post-polio patients increased their day-to-day level of motor disability and sometimes decreased their overall level of life satisfaction. Conclusion. Rehabilitation processes as well as counseling have a positive influence on (PPS) patie...
Introdução. As desordens mitocondriais são doenças genéticas com aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e... more Introdução. As desordens mitocondriais são doenças genéticas com aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e genéticos proteiformes que na maior parte das vezes provocam o envolvimento de vários órgãos e sistemas, onde sobressaem as anormalidades mitocondriais como característica histopatológica comum. De prognóstico reservado e caráter progressivo afeta a musculatura estriada esquelética e outros órgãos e sistemas. Método. Relatamos o caso de um homem que aos 70 anos apresentou lentamente paresia em terço distal dos membros inferiores e dificuldades na marcha. A biópsia muscular apontou a presença de algumas fibras ragged red. No diagnóstico diferencial foram excluídas: miastenia gravis, orbitopatia de Basedow-Graves e distrofia oculofaringeal. Conclusão. Chamamos a atenção para a atípica distribuição da fraqueza muscular, idade de início dos primeiros sintomas e a ausência de alterações em outros órgãos e sistemas. A fisioterapia faz-se necessária para um melhor gerenciamento da fraqueza mus...
IntroductionMigraine with aura is less frequent than the subtype form without aura. Normally, aur... more IntroductionMigraine with aura is less frequent than the subtype form without aura. Normally, auras are typically manifested visual symptoms, but it is possible to have an auditory and olfactory complains as aura symptomatology.Case reportAn 8-year-old boy with family cases of migraine, complained of auditory hallucination episodes, since he was 5 years-old, with a duration of 10 to 20 minutes, followed by cure with intense photophobia and nausea. He called these episodes as "sound attacks". The frequency of the crises ranges from 4 to 5 episodes per month, with the maximum of 11 episodes in one month.Neurological examination was normal. He performed angio-MRI of skull and EEG, without any changes. Treatment was initiated with 250 mg sodium divalproate at night with reduction of events, already in the first month, for 2 to 3 episodes per month. The medication was adjusted for 500 mg of sodium divalproate with a good result, not presenting new episodes in the last 2 months....
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex or Bourneville’s disease is an autosomal dominant disease with high pe... more Tuberous Sclerosis Complex or Bourneville’s disease is an autosomal dominant disease with high penetrance and variability characterized by multisystem involvement by benign lesions, originally defined by the classic triad of Vogt: sebaceous adenoma, epilepsy and mental retardation. The involvement of the brain is responsible for a significant proportion of the morbidity and mortality of this disease and skin lesions are the most common manifestations. The authors report 31-year-old patient case referred to the service by intractable epilepsy with definitive clinical criteria for tuberous sclerosis.
Há um número crescente de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise no Brasil, muitos destes se queixam ... more Há um número crescente de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise no Brasil, muitos destes se queixam de cefaléia durante as sessões. A perda de cafeína consequente ao procedimento dialítico, pode ser um dos fatores desencadeadores da cefaléia. Objetivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um paciente que apresenta cefaléia durante as sessões de hemodiálise, que respondeu a reposição de cafeína. Relato de caso. PFM, 36 anos, feminino, branca, natural do Rio de Janeiro, com história de hidrocefalia, sendo submetida a derivação ventrículo peritoneal (DVP), apresentou glomerulonefrites recorrentes com evolução para insuficiência renal crônica iniciando tratamento com hemodiálise há aproximadamente 2 anos. Apresentou quadro de cefaléia na segunda metade das sessões de hemodiálise com melhora do quadro clínico após o uso de cafeína. Discussão. Segundo a Sociedade Internacional de Cefaléia (IHS) durante a diálise ocorre depuração de várias substâncias, sendo uma das responsáveis pela...
São raras as complicações neurológicas da raquianestesia, sendo uma das mais frequentes a cefaléi... more São raras as complicações neurológicas da raquianestesia, sendo uma das mais frequentes a cefaléia por hipotensão do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), que pode ocorrer após a punção da aracnóide. O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar os fatores de risco desencadeantes da cefaléia pós-raquianestesia (CPR), assim como procedimentos que poderão diminuir sua frequência. São fatores de risco para o aparecimento desse tipo de cefaléia: agulha com bisel cortante, introduzido no sentido transversal às fibras; agulhas com maior diâmetro; número elevado de tentativas de punções; determinadas soluções anestésicas; história de cefaléia prévia; idade adulta; sexo feminino e gestação. O conhecimento dos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de CPR, associado à escolha de material adequado para punção, principalmente naqueles pacientes de alto risco para desenvolvê-la, certamente contribuirá para a diminuição de sua ocorrência.
The aim of this paper is to study the prevalence of Zika Virus (ZIKV) and the index of its neurol... more The aim of this paper is to study the prevalence of Zika Virus (ZIKV) and the index of its neurological complications. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional epidemiological study. Data were collected through the compulsory notification of suspected ZIKV and its neurological alterations cases. 113 suspected ZIKV cases were reported, most of them in the summer, with a higher prevalence of females and in the fourth decade of life. Among the neurological changes, 15 Guillain-Barré Syndrome cases were reported, with one registered death. As neurological manifestations, most of them started 30 days after a ZIKV infection. No case has been confirmed laboratory. It is necessary to combat the vector, mainly in the summer, to reduce ZIKV infection and its neurological complications, besides instruction to the health professionals about these complications and serological tests requests for an accurate diagnosis.
Introduction: Frida Kahlo was a painter and a revolutionary Mexican woman that at 6 years of age ... more Introduction: Frida Kahlo was a painter and a revolutionary Mexican woman that at 6 years of age had acute anterior poliomyelitis with permanent sequels in lower limbs. At the age of 20, she suffered a serious bus accident that culminated in muscle-skeletal injuries that caused pains and problems all her life. Her painting is unique and almost a biography of passion and pain. Objective: To describe and discuss the paintings and comments of the Frida Kahlo's biography related to neurology: congenital abnormalities (spina bifida), acute anterior poliomyelitis, spinal cord injuries, and neuropathic pain. Method: We analysed the literature about the painter that articulated neurology, psychology, and art and contemplated the cultural and historical panorama. Results: The life of Frida Kahlo was marked by pain, tragedies, and sufferings. For Frida, the painting was a way to invent herself, but also a way of exorcize the pain and making tolerable the desperation of the countless conva...
Context: Risperidone is a selective monoaminergic antagonist, its main action as an antipsychotic... more Context: Risperidone is a selective monoaminergic antagonist, its main action as an antipsychotic is attributed to its affinity to dopamine D2 receptors. However, intervention in dopaminergic transmission by this medication can affect the motor control performed by the striatum, generating the so-called extrapyramidal syndromes. Among these syndromes, we have the rabbit syndrome (SC), which is manifested by the chronic use of antipsychotics and causes involuntary movements of the muscles of the jaw and tongue. Case report: E. B. L., a 89- year-old woman undergoing neurological follow-up due to dementia. He started using risperidone 1mg at night to treat behavioral changes and aggressions. However, 4 months after the start of the medication, he started to have a tremor of the chin and stiffness in the upper limbs. These symptoms improved after switching from risperidone to olanzapine 5mg at night. Conclusions: The present study emphasizes the importance of recognizing Rabbit Syndrome...
Cortical development malformations (CDM) consist of anomalies that arise from the interruption of... more Cortical development malformations (CDM) consist of anomalies that arise from the interruption of the normal stages of formation of the cortical plaque...
Pseudomeningoceles are rare complications of laminectomy surgery. Such clinical condition results... more Pseudomeningoceles are rare complications of laminectomy surgery. Such clinical condition results from an inadvertent surgical dural rupture. We describe in the present study the report of a patient who developed iatrogenic pseudomeningocele in the lumbar region after performing a left laminectomy in L5 topography. After the neurological assessment of the patient, bilateral hypoaesthesia was observed, in addition to a floating bulging in the lumbar region that was accentuated during the valsalva maneuver, with the hypothesis of a pseudomeningocele.
Introduction: December 2019, an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome started in... more Introduction: December 2019, an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome started in Wuhan, China. This injury spread rapidly until, in March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic. Although respiratory symptoms are more reported, there is also evidence of impairment of the nervous system. Among the main neurological symptoms reported, the following stand out: headache, vertigo, altered consciousness, encephalopathies, cerebrovascular disease and seizures. Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe, based on the current literature, the main evidence of brain involvement by COVID-19 and its clinical manifestations. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, carried out through the following databases: PubMed, LILACS, BIREME. The searches were limited to articles from the year 2020, in English and Portuguese. For this search, were used the descriptors indexed in MESH and DeCS “BRAIN” or “CEREBRAL” or “BRAIN INJURIES” or “CENT...
Introdução. A síndrome pós-poliomielite (SPP) é uma entidade caracterizada por um novo episódio d... more Introdução. A síndrome pós-poliomielite (SPP) é uma entidade caracterizada por um novo episódio de fraqueza muscular e fadiga anormal em indivíduos acometidos pela poliomielite anterior aguda (PAA) anos antes. Método. Realizou-se uma extensa pesquisa nas bibliotecas virtuais Bireme e Medline, entre os anos de 1978 e 2007. Discussão. Na literatura atual, principalmente nos periódicos brasileiros, os resultados de estudos envolvendo exercícios terapêuticos para pacientes com PAA e SPP são limitados tanto quantitativamente quanto qualitativamente. Tal fato, provavelmente se relaciona à escassez de pesquisas randomizadas controladas e o pequeno número de pacientes utilizados nas amostras. Dessa forma, a criação de um manual de reabilitação neurológica, formulado basicamente a partir de estudos internacionais, tem como finalidade atentar aos profissionais de saúde quanto aos riscos e benefícios dos programas reabilitativos. Conclusão. A realização de atividades terapêuticas deve ser enca...
Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lifetime illness experience of four p... more Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lifetime illness experience of four patients with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS). Method. The empirical contents were submitted to a categorization process containing questions referring to: (1) the acute phase of paralytic poliomyelitis and recollection of past clinical pictures and syndromes; (2) physical rehabilitation, guidance as well as care at services for the disabled; (3) adaptation to a new lifestyle; (4) living with PPS and related prejudices and misconceptions; (5) apprehensions towards the future. The level of functional independence (autonomy) was measured using the Barthel Index, a questionnaire regarding several practical motor skills. Results. We have found that the symptoms in post-polio patients increased their day-to-day level of motor disability and sometimes decreased their overall level of life satisfaction. Conclusion. Rehabilitation processes as well as counseling have a positive influence on (PPS) patie...
Introdução. As desordens mitocondriais são doenças genéticas com aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e... more Introdução. As desordens mitocondriais são doenças genéticas com aspectos clínicos, bioquímicos e genéticos proteiformes que na maior parte das vezes provocam o envolvimento de vários órgãos e sistemas, onde sobressaem as anormalidades mitocondriais como característica histopatológica comum. De prognóstico reservado e caráter progressivo afeta a musculatura estriada esquelética e outros órgãos e sistemas. Método. Relatamos o caso de um homem que aos 70 anos apresentou lentamente paresia em terço distal dos membros inferiores e dificuldades na marcha. A biópsia muscular apontou a presença de algumas fibras ragged red. No diagnóstico diferencial foram excluídas: miastenia gravis, orbitopatia de Basedow-Graves e distrofia oculofaringeal. Conclusão. Chamamos a atenção para a atípica distribuição da fraqueza muscular, idade de início dos primeiros sintomas e a ausência de alterações em outros órgãos e sistemas. A fisioterapia faz-se necessária para um melhor gerenciamento da fraqueza mus...
IntroductionMigraine with aura is less frequent than the subtype form without aura. Normally, aur... more IntroductionMigraine with aura is less frequent than the subtype form without aura. Normally, auras are typically manifested visual symptoms, but it is possible to have an auditory and olfactory complains as aura symptomatology.Case reportAn 8-year-old boy with family cases of migraine, complained of auditory hallucination episodes, since he was 5 years-old, with a duration of 10 to 20 minutes, followed by cure with intense photophobia and nausea. He called these episodes as "sound attacks". The frequency of the crises ranges from 4 to 5 episodes per month, with the maximum of 11 episodes in one month.Neurological examination was normal. He performed angio-MRI of skull and EEG, without any changes. Treatment was initiated with 250 mg sodium divalproate at night with reduction of events, already in the first month, for 2 to 3 episodes per month. The medication was adjusted for 500 mg of sodium divalproate with a good result, not presenting new episodes in the last 2 months....
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex or Bourneville’s disease is an autosomal dominant disease with high pe... more Tuberous Sclerosis Complex or Bourneville’s disease is an autosomal dominant disease with high penetrance and variability characterized by multisystem involvement by benign lesions, originally defined by the classic triad of Vogt: sebaceous adenoma, epilepsy and mental retardation. The involvement of the brain is responsible for a significant proportion of the morbidity and mortality of this disease and skin lesions are the most common manifestations. The authors report 31-year-old patient case referred to the service by intractable epilepsy with definitive clinical criteria for tuberous sclerosis.
Há um número crescente de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise no Brasil, muitos destes se queixam ... more Há um número crescente de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise no Brasil, muitos destes se queixam de cefaléia durante as sessões. A perda de cafeína consequente ao procedimento dialítico, pode ser um dos fatores desencadeadores da cefaléia. Objetivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um paciente que apresenta cefaléia durante as sessões de hemodiálise, que respondeu a reposição de cafeína. Relato de caso. PFM, 36 anos, feminino, branca, natural do Rio de Janeiro, com história de hidrocefalia, sendo submetida a derivação ventrículo peritoneal (DVP), apresentou glomerulonefrites recorrentes com evolução para insuficiência renal crônica iniciando tratamento com hemodiálise há aproximadamente 2 anos. Apresentou quadro de cefaléia na segunda metade das sessões de hemodiálise com melhora do quadro clínico após o uso de cafeína. Discussão. Segundo a Sociedade Internacional de Cefaléia (IHS) durante a diálise ocorre depuração de várias substâncias, sendo uma das responsáveis pela...
São raras as complicações neurológicas da raquianestesia, sendo uma das mais frequentes a cefaléi... more São raras as complicações neurológicas da raquianestesia, sendo uma das mais frequentes a cefaléia por hipotensão do líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), que pode ocorrer após a punção da aracnóide. O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar os fatores de risco desencadeantes da cefaléia pós-raquianestesia (CPR), assim como procedimentos que poderão diminuir sua frequência. São fatores de risco para o aparecimento desse tipo de cefaléia: agulha com bisel cortante, introduzido no sentido transversal às fibras; agulhas com maior diâmetro; número elevado de tentativas de punções; determinadas soluções anestésicas; história de cefaléia prévia; idade adulta; sexo feminino e gestação. O conhecimento dos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de CPR, associado à escolha de material adequado para punção, principalmente naqueles pacientes de alto risco para desenvolvê-la, certamente contribuirá para a diminuição de sua ocorrência.
The aim of this paper is to study the prevalence of Zika Virus (ZIKV) and the index of its neurol... more The aim of this paper is to study the prevalence of Zika Virus (ZIKV) and the index of its neurological complications. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional epidemiological study. Data were collected through the compulsory notification of suspected ZIKV and its neurological alterations cases. 113 suspected ZIKV cases were reported, most of them in the summer, with a higher prevalence of females and in the fourth decade of life. Among the neurological changes, 15 Guillain-Barré Syndrome cases were reported, with one registered death. As neurological manifestations, most of them started 30 days after a ZIKV infection. No case has been confirmed laboratory. It is necessary to combat the vector, mainly in the summer, to reduce ZIKV infection and its neurological complications, besides instruction to the health professionals about these complications and serological tests requests for an accurate diagnosis.
Papers by Antonio Catharino