... to the fact that programming environment designers did not provide appropriate visualizationt... more ... to the fact that programming environment designers did not provide appropriate visualizationtools. The second theme was that, even though several vendors were represented at the workshop, there was a need to increase the awareness of SV among software developers and ...
The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education: working group reports and supplemental proceedings - ITiCSE-WGR '97, 1997
Mobile privacy concerns are central to Ubicomp and yet remain poorly understood. We advocate a di... more Mobile privacy concerns are central to Ubicomp and yet remain poorly understood. We advocate a diversified approach, enabling the cross-interpretation of data from complementary methods. However, mobility imposes a number of limitations on the methods that can be effectively employed. We discuss how we addressed this problem in an empirical study of mobile social networking. We report on how, by combining a variation of experience sampling and contextual interviews, we have started focusing on a notion of context in relation to privacy, which is subjectively defined by emerging socio-cultural knowledge, functions, relations and rules. With reference to Gieryn's sociological work, we call this place, as opposed to a notion of context that is objectively defined by physical and factual elements, which we call space. We propose that the former better describes the context for mobile privacy.
The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides ... more The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details. However, concealing the impact of network context on the security state of the firewall may result in users developing an incorrect ...
peer-reviewed How can we best explore the range of users’ reactions when developing future techno... more peer-reviewed How can we best explore the range of users’ reactions when developing future technologies that may be controversial, such as personal healthcare systems? Our approach in ContraVision uses futuristic videos, or other narrative forms, that convey both negative and positive aspects of the proposed technology for the same scenarios. This work presents a new methodology for eliciting reactions to future technology using contrasting positive and negative representations to elicit elusive concerns such as privacy and identity. SFI
... to the fact that programming environment designers did not provide appropriate visualizationt... more ... to the fact that programming environment designers did not provide appropriate visualizationtools. The second theme was that, even though several vendors were represented at the workshop, there was a need to increase the awareness of SV among software developers and ...
The supplemental proceedings of the conference on Integrating technology into computer science education: working group reports and supplemental proceedings - ITiCSE-WGR '97, 1997
Mobile privacy concerns are central to Ubicomp and yet remain poorly understood. We advocate a di... more Mobile privacy concerns are central to Ubicomp and yet remain poorly understood. We advocate a diversified approach, enabling the cross-interpretation of data from complementary methods. However, mobility imposes a number of limitations on the methods that can be effectively employed. We discuss how we addressed this problem in an empirical study of mobile social networking. We report on how, by combining a variation of experience sampling and contextual interviews, we have started focusing on a notion of context in relation to privacy, which is subjectively defined by emerging socio-cultural knowledge, functions, relations and rules. With reference to Gieryn's sociological work, we call this place, as opposed to a notion of context that is objectively defined by physical and factual elements, which we call space. We propose that the former better describes the context for mobile privacy.
The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides ... more The Windows Vista personal firewall provides its diverse users with a basic interface that hides many operational details. However, concealing the impact of network context on the security state of the firewall may result in users developing an incorrect ...
peer-reviewed How can we best explore the range of users’ reactions when developing future techno... more peer-reviewed How can we best explore the range of users’ reactions when developing future technologies that may be controversial, such as personal healthcare systems? Our approach in ContraVision uses futuristic videos, or other narrative forms, that convey both negative and positive aspects of the proposed technology for the same scenarios. This work presents a new methodology for eliciting reactions to future technology using contrasting positive and negative representations to elicit elusive concerns such as privacy and identity. SFI
Papers by Blaine Price