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Quotations from a variety of sources including newspaper and magazine articles, transcripts, speeches and interviews and profiles.
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Biography & Autobiography, Nonfiction, Politics, Presidents' spouses, Legislators' spouses, Quotations, African American women lawyers, HISTORY, Obama, michelle, 1964-, Presidents' spouses, united states, African american women, African american lawyers, United states, history, Presidentes, Abogadas afronorteamericanas, Esposas, Biography, Biografía, women, state & local history, African American & Black, Personal Memoirs, Cultural, Ethnic & Regional, Feminists, Lawyers, illinois, biography, African americans, biography, Women, united states, biography, nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-nonfiction=2018-12-02, New York Times bestseller, New York Times reviewed, BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Women, HISTORY / United States / State & Local / General, Speeches, addresses, etc., United states, politics and government, 2001-2009, Conduct of life, quotations, maxims, etc.Edition | Availability |
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Michelle Obama: Speeches on Life, Love, and American Values
Feb 05, 2012, Pacific Publishing Studio
0982375638 9780982375631
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Michelle Obama: In Her Own Words
Nov 24, 2008, CreateSpace, Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
1440470960 9781440470967
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Internet Archive item recordPromise Item
Better World Books record
Better World Books record
Work Description
The election of Barack Obama has brought worldwide attention not only to what his policies will be, but to what kind of First Lady Michelle Obama will be. Throughout the long campaign season, Michelle Robinson Obama garnered a good amount of attention, kudos and criticism about her words, actions, even her appearance, but few people know what kind of role she will play once she settles into the White House. One clue is to examine her words and statements of the past, and the proposed book Michelle Obama In Her Own Words will show readers who are eager to learn more about America's new history-making First Lady. Michelle Obama In Her Own Words will be a book that contains 200-250 quotations arranged in approximately 75 different categories. A short introduction and biography of the new First Lady will precede the quotes. Drawing on quotations from a variety of newspaper and magazine articles, transcripts, speeches, and TV interviews and profiles, the quotations date from Michelle's career as a high-powered corporate lawyer in Chicago and her high-powered executive jobs in the Chicago Mayor's office and at the University of Chicago, up through the election of November 5th, 2008.
Links outside Open Library
- Becoming by Michelle Obama | Crown Publishing
- Becoming (book) - Wikipedia
- Reading Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” as a Motherhood Memoir
- Becoming by Michelle Obama review – race, marriage and the ugly side of politics
- Michelle Obama's memoir Becoming sells 10 million copies - BBC News
- New York Times review
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