The general catalogue of books, printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London 1666. To the end of Trinity-Term 1680. Together with the texts of single sermons, with the authors names : playes acted at both the theaters

and an abstract of the general bills of mortality since 1660. With an account of the titles of all the books of law, navigation, musick, &c. To which is now added a catalogue of Latin books printed in foreign parts and in England since the year 1670

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May 9, 2021 | History

The general catalogue of books, printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London 1666. To the end of Trinity-Term 1680. Together with the texts of single sermons, with the authors names : playes acted at both the theaters

and an abstract of the general bills of mortality since 1660. With an account of the titles of all the books of law, navigation, musick, &c. To which is now added a catalogue of Latin books printed in foreign parts and in England since the year 1670

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Edition Notes

Third edition.

Signatures: 2 leaves unsigned, A-G², [dagger]², [dagger]2², H-Z², Aa-Zz², Aaa-Bbb² (Ff₁ incorrectly signed F)

"Catalogus librorum latinorum" has special t.-p., dated 1681.

Wing C4601.

ESTC R12389.

Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), C4601.

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The Physical Object

2 unnumbered leaves, 191 pages, 4 unnumbered leaves
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Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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