Curriculum Vitae
Oct. 2012 – present: Tutorial Fellow and Clarendon University Lecturer in Ancient
History (Associate Professor), St John’s College and Faculty of Classics, University
of Oxford.
Oct. 2010 – Sept. 2012: British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Classics,
University of Oxford.
Jan. 2010 – Sept. 2012: Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow, New College,
University of Oxford.
Oct. 2009 – Sept. 2010: Research Associate in Greek Epigraphy (Part-time), The
social and cultural construction of emotions: The Greek paradigm project, Faculty of
Classics, University of Oxford.
Oct. – Dec. 2009: Stipendiary Lecturer in Ancient History, New College, University
of Oxford.
Oct. 2006 – Sept. 2009: Esmée Fairbairn Junior Research Fellow in Classics, New
College, University of Oxford.
Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006: research assistant (part-time), Roman Inscriptions of Britain,
vol. 4.
Oct. 2004 – Mar. 2006: Latin Reading instructor, Faculty of Classics, University of
Oct. 2004 – Sept. 2005: stipendiary lecturer in Ancient History (part-time), Wadham
College and Keble College, University of Oxford.
June 2001 – Sept. 2002: Library of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow,
part-time cataloguing assistant.
2004–8: Balliol College, Oxford: D.Phil. in Ancient History on Roman Law and
Local Law in Asia Minor (133 BC – AD 212), supervisor Prof. Alan Bowman,
examiners Prof. Stephen Mitchell, Prof. Boudewijn Sirks. Passed without corrections.
2002–4: Balliol College, Oxford: M.Phil. in Greek and Roman History, personal
congratulations from the examiners. Oxford Ancient History Prize 2004.
1997–2002: Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow: MA in
History, with high distinction.
Academic service
Oct. 2020 – (Sept. 2022): Chair, Sub-Faculty of Ancient History and Classical
Archaeology, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Oct. 2019 – (Sept. 2023): Curator, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
Oct. 2019: visiting professor, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2018: Secretary and Lecture List Secretary, Sub-Faculty of Ancient
History and Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford
Oct. 2015 – Oct. 2018: chair, Committee for the Library and Information Provision in
Classics, University of Oxford.
Mar. 2015 – present: member of the editorial board, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii
Apr. 2014 – present: Keeper of the College Pictures, St John’s College, Oxford
Oct. 2009 – present: Assistant Editor (since Jan. 2017 – Associate Editor),
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Thrace, Danubian region, Northern Black
Sea area)
Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
British Epigraphy Society
Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine
British Institute at Ankara
Classical Association of England and Wales
Oxford University Numismatic Society
Academic Publications
G. Kantor, T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Property and Ownership
(Oxford 2017)
Articles and chapters
‘Citizenships and jurisdictions: The Greek city perspective’, in C. Ando and M. Lavan
(eds.), Imperial and Local Citizenships in the Long Second Century (New York and
Oxford 2021), ch. 8, forthcoming.
‘Inventories and official responsibility: Response to Michele Faraguna’, in K. HarterUibopuu and W. Rieß (eds.), Symposion 2019: Vorträge zur griechischen und
hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Vienna 2021), forthcoming.
‘Die römische Provinzialgerichtsbarkeit’, in N. Grotkamp and A. Seelentag (eds.),
Konfliktlösung in der Antike (Berlin 2021), ch. 26, forthcoming.
‘Roman citizenship among multiple citizenships in Lycia’, in G. Frija (ed.), Être
citoyen romain dans le monde grec au IIe siècle p.C. (Bordeaux 2020), 95-115.
‘Navigating Roman law and local privileges in Pontus-Bithynia’, in K. Czajkowski,
B. Eckhardt and M. Strothmann (eds.), Law in the Roman Provinces (Oxford 2020),
‘Фергюс Миллар (5. VII. 1935 – 15. VII. 2019)’, Вестник древней истории 80/2
(2020), 549–52 [in Russian].
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘А.Л. Смышляев как я его помню’, Исторический вестник 28 (2019), 260–61 [in
‘Property in land in Roman provinces’, in G. Kantor, T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.),
Legalism: Property and Ownership (Oxford 2017), 55–74.
(with T. Lambert and H. Skoda) ‘Property and ownership: an overview’, in G. Kantor,
T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Property and Ownership (Oxford 2017),
‘The date and circumstances of Quintus Iulius Vestalis’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie
und Epigraphik 203 (2017), 85–91.
‘К 80-летию Освина Меррея’, Вестник древней истории 77/2 (2017), 474–5 (in
‘Qui in consilio estis: The governor and his advisers in the Early Empire’,
Исторический вестник 19 (2017), 50–87.
‘Towards the dating of the inscriptions of foreign judges from Mylasa’, Epigraphica
Anatolica 49 (2016), 131–5.
‘Local Law in Asia Minor after the Constitutio Antoniniana’, in C. Ando (ed.),
Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200-1900: The Antonine Constitution after 1800
years (Stuttgart 2016), 45–62.
‘Greek law under the Romans’, in E. Harris and M. Canevaro (eds.), Oxford
Handbook of Ancient Greek Law (Oxford, forthcoming 2018), pre-print at
oxfordhb-9780199599257-e-25 (published online in Aug. 2015)
‘Adnotationes Tyche 38. MAMA XI 178: Roman Career Inscription from Synnada.
39. A graffito by a Sinopean at Anchialos. 40. A Roman citizen on Chios and the
proconsul L. Ulpius Marcellus’, Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie
und Epigraphik 29 (2014), 269–71.
‘Roman legal administration in the province of Asia: Hellenistic heritage vs.
innovation’, in J. Dubouloz, S. Pittia and G. Sabatini (eds.), L’Imperium Romanum en
perspective: Les savoirs d’empire dans la République romaine et leur héritage dans
l’Europe médiévale et moderne (Besançon 2014), 243–68.
‘Roman treaty with Lycia (SEG LV 1452) and the date of Caesar’s third dictatorship’,
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 190 (2014), 135–6.
‘Law in Roman Phrygia: Rules and jurisdictions’, in P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman
Phrygia: Culture and Society (Cambridge 2013), 143–67.
‘SEG LV 1452, ll. 32–34, and the crime of plagium in the Late Republic’, Zeitschrift
für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 184 (2013), 219–24.
‘Историческая паранаука’, Антропологический форум = Forum for Anthropology
and Culture 18 (2013), 72–9 [in Russian].
‘Local courts of Chersonesus Taurica in the Roman age’, in P. Martzavou and N.
Papazarkadas (eds.), Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-Classical Polis: Fourth
Century BC to the Second Century AD (Oxford 2012), Oxford Studies in Ancient
Documents, 69–86.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘«Разбирать свои тяжбы»: суды иудейских общин в провинции Азия’, Вестник
древней истории 282 (2012:3), 29–50 [in Russian, summary in English].
‘Ideas of law in Hellenistic and Roman legal practice’, in P. Dresch and H. Skoda
(eds.), Legalism: Anthropology and History (Oxford 2012), 55–83.
‘Procuratorial jurisdiction in the lex portorii Asiae’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und
Epigraphik 179 (2011), 155–8.
‘Siculus cum Siculo non eiusdem ciuitatis: Litigation between citizens of different
communities in the Verrines’, Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz 26 (2010), 187–204.
‘Острова Эгейского моря и провинция Азия’, Вестник древней истории 269
(2009:2), 138–49 [in Russian, summary in English].
‘Knowledge of law in Roman Asia Minor’, in R. Haensch (ed.), Selbstdarstellung und
Kommunikation: Die Veröffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in
der römischen Welt (Munich 2009), Vestigia 61, 249–65.
‘Провинция Ликия: Отеческие законы под римской властью’, Вестник древней
истории 259 (2006:4), 50–77 [in Russian, summary in English].
‘J. Osgood, Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE – 20 CE (Cambridge
2018)’, Journal of Roman Studies 109 (2019), 360–61.
‘R. Färber, Römische Gerichtsorte: Räumliche Dynamiken von Jurisdiktion im
Imperium Romanum (München 2014)’, Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte,
Papyrologie und Epigraphik 32 (2017), 299–301.
‘F. Lerouxel, A.-V. Pont (eds.), Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient romain
‘V. Cojocaru, C. Schuler (eds.), Die Aussenbeziehungen pontischer und
kleinasiatischer Städte in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit’, Journal of Hellenic
Studies 135 (2015), 236–7.
‘A.Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation’, Phoenix
69.1-2 (2015), 198–200.
‘V. Cojocaru, Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, vol. 1:
Epigraphica, numismatica, onomastica et prosopographica’, Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 2015.04.41
‘M.C. Hoff, R.F. Townsend (eds.), Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological
Approaches (Oxford and Oakville, CT, 2013)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
‘J.B. Campbell, Rivers and the power of ancient Rome (Chapel Hill 2012)’, Journal of
Roman Studies 103 (2013), 288–9.
‘F. Camia, Roma e le poleis. L'intervento di Roma nelle controversie territoriali tra le
comunità greche di Grecia e d'Asia Minore nel secondo secolo a.C. Le testimonianze
epigrafiche (Atene 2009)’, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte.
Romanistische Abteilung 130 (2013), 575–7.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘É. Guerber, Les cités grecques dans l'Empire romain: les privilèges et les titres des
cités de l'Orient hellénophone d'Octave Auguste à Dioclétien (Rennes 2009)’, Journal
of Roman Studies 102 (2012), 325–6.
‘B. Kelly, Petitions, Litigation, and Social Control in Roman Egypt (Oxford 2011)’,
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.02.47
‘C. Müller, D’Olbia à Tanaïs. Territoires et réseaux d’échanges dans la mer
Noire septentrionale aux époques classique et hellénistique (Bordeaux 2010)’,
Classical Review 62/1 (2012), 219–21.
‘Chr. Marek, Geschichte Kleinasiens in der Antike (München 2010)’, Tyche: Beiträge
zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik 26 (2011), 361–3.
‘J. Fournier, Entre tutelle romaine et autonomie civique: l'administration judiciaire
dans les provinces hellénophones de l'empire romain, 129 av. J.-C. – 235 ap. J.-C.
(Athènes 2010)’, Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011), 248–9.
‘G.C.R. Schmalz, Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens: A New Epigraphy and
Prosopography (Leiden 2009)’, Classical Review 60/2 (2010), 500–502.
(review-article) ‘Интернет-ресурсы по античной эпиграфике [Internet resources for
Greek and Latin epigraphy]’, in A.G. Avdeev (ed.), Voprosy epigrafiki II (Moscow
2008), 232–49 [in Russian, summary in English].
‘S. Dmitriev, City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (New York and
Oxford, 2005)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 265 (2008:2), 186–90 [in Russian].
(with I.A. Makarov) ‘A. Çoskun (ed.), Roms auswärtige Freunde in der späten
Republik und im frühen Prinzipat (Trier, 2005)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 262 (2007:3),
217–26 [in Russian].
‘B.H. McLean, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman
Periods (Ann Arbor, 2003)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 255 (2006:1), 209–18 [in
Encyclopaedia articles
‘Bündnisse’, in L. Burkhardt and M. Speidel (eds.), Militärgeschichte der griechischrömischen Antike: Lexikon (Berlin 2021), Der Neue Pauly Supplemente 12,
‘Lex (Rubria) de Gallia Cisalpina’, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed. (published
online 24 Oct. 2018).
‘Lex Iulia municipalis’, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed. (published online 20
Dec. 2018).
‘Дион Хрисостом’, Российская историческая энциклопедия, vol. 6 (Moscow
2017), 55.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘Album’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford
2012), 279–80.
‘Manlius Vulso, Gnaeus’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History
(Malden and Oxford 2012), 4263–4.
‘Mithradatic Wars’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and
Oxford 2012), 4544–8.
‘Mithradates, I–VI of Pontos’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History
(Malden and Oxford 2012), 4548–51.
‘Treaties, Roman Republic and Roman Empire’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of
Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 6842–6.
Associate Editor and Contributor
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXVI (Leiden, forthcoming 2021).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXV (Leiden 2019).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXIV (Leiden 2018).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXIII (Leiden 2017).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXII (Leiden 2016).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXI (Leiden 2015).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LX (Leiden 2014).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LIX (Leiden 2013).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVIII (Leiden 2012).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVII (Leiden 2011).
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVI (Leiden 2010).
Conference and seminar papers
‘Law and jurisdiction between polis and province in the High Empire’, Colloquium
Classicum seminar, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 21 January 2021.
‘Law and jurisdiction between polis and province: Negotiating the city status in the
Greek East under Rome’, departmental seminar, Deparment of Classics, University of
Nottingham, 11 February 2020.
‘Proconsular letter to the city of Ephesus referencing Ulpian’s De officio proconsulis’,
Convegno La struttura nascosta: Id diritto dei giuristi nella tarda antichità,
Università degli studi di Pavia, 22 January 2020.
(with Charles Crowther) ‘A pierre errante from Erythrai: I.Erythrai 120-121
rediscovered’, Oxford Epigraphy Workshop, 25 November 2019.
Three invited lectures on Greek City under Rome: Institutional Aspects, Scuola
Normale Superiore di Pisa, 18-22 October 2019.
‘Roman and local law in Salvius Iulianus (D. 1.3.32 pr-1)’, LXXXIIIe Session de la
Societé Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’histoire des droits de l’antiquité,
Edinburgh, 5 September 2019.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘Inventories and official responsibility: response to Michele Faraguna’, Symposion
XXII: Tagung der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte,
Hamburg, 28 August 2019.
‘From Mithridates to Mithridates: Bosporus and Rome in the Early Empire’, Kingship
and Statecraft in the Greek East (1st c. BCE – 1st c. CE), Ancient History sub-faculty
seminar, University of Oxford, 14 May 2019.
‘Law and history in Roman provinces’, UK Ancient Historians meeting, Stevenage,
12 May 2019 (invited contribution to the round table on law and history).
‘Law in Roman Asia Minor: Evidence and Models’, Legal History Colloquium,
Vanderbilt University, 11 March 2019.
‘Transmission of legal knowledge in Eastern Roman Provinces in the High Empire’,
departmental seminar, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 14 September
‘Transmission of legal knowledge in Eastern Roman Provinces in the High Empire’,
4th Euro-Japanese Colloquium on the Ancient Mediterranean World, University of
Nagoya, 4 September 2018.
‘Citizenships and jurisdictions: the Greek city perspective’, Imperial and local
citizenship in the long second century conference, St Andrews, 26 July 2018.
‘Multiple citizenships in Lycia’, Être citoyen romaine en Asie Mineure au IIe siècle
p.C. conference, Université Paris-Est Marne-La Vallée, 12 April 2018.
‘Navigating Roman law and local privileges in Pliny’s and Dio’s Pontus-Bithynia’,
Greek City under Rome, Ancient History sub-faculty seminar, University of Oxford,
25 April 2017.
Invited talk at the launch of the new IOSPE volumes for Tyras and Chersonesos,
King’s College London, 11 May 2017.
‘Pro Flacco 84-93 (Sextillius Andro and Falcidianus)’, Cicero: Pro Flacco, Ancient
History sub-faculty seminar, University of Oxford, 28 February 2017.
‘Observations on the acts of Polycarp and Pionius’, Roman Period Court Proceedings
workshop, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 14-15 July 2016.
‘The new municipal law from Troesmis’, Oxford Epigraphy group, 9 May 2016.
‘Conflict of laws or conflict of jurisdictions? Problems in legal history of Roman Asia
Minor’, Università di Pisa (invited paper for the departmental seminar), 23 Nov. 2015.
‘Legal pluralism in Roman Asia Minor’, Legal Pluralism in the Roman Empire
conference, MFO, 15 June 2015.
(with Dragana Mladenovic) ‘Unpublished inscriptions from the Tiber waterfront’,
Oxford Epigraphy group, 18 May 2015.
‘Property in land in Roman provinces: some problems’, Oxford Legalism seminar, 12
May 2015.
‘Greek leagues and the coming of Rome’, Peter Derow day, Wadham College,
Oxford, 13 Dec. 2014.
‘Augustus and the administration of justice in Roman Asia’, Auguste et l’Asie
Mineure conference, Bordeaux, 21 Nov. 2014.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020
‘The lex portorii Lyciae and the model of provincial government in LyciaPamphylia’, Documents and the Mechanics of Roman Rule: Conference in Honour of
Alan Bowman, Oxford, 1 June 2014.
‘Dynamis and Aspourgos in recent inscriptions from the Bosporan kingdom’, Oxford
Greek Epigraphy group, 2 Dec. 2013.
‘Augustus and the province of Asia’, University of Newcastle, 6 Nov. 2013.
‘Greek law under the Romans’, Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Law colloquium,
University of Edinburgh, 14 Sep. 2013.
‘Roman legal administration in the province of Asia: Hellenistic heritage vs.
innovation’, Colloquium Culture d'empire durant la période républicaine, Paris, 28
Nov. 2012.
‘Local law in Asia Minor after the Constitutio Antoniniana’, Constititutio
Antoniniana after 1800 years: Citizenship and Empire in Europe, 200–1900
conference, Rome, 20 Sep. 2012.
‘The laws of the Lycians: A re-consideration of the evidence’, 3rd International
Meeting of Young Historians of Greek Law, Athens, 5 Sep. 2012.
‘Role of local judges in Roman jurisdiction: a case of Asia Minor provinces’, Legal
regimes and legal change in antiquity conference, Berkeley, 13 Apr. 2012.
‘Law in Roman Phrygia: Rules and Jurisdictions’, LGPN/MAMA Anatolian Society
conference, University of Oxford, 12 Jul. 2011.
‘Ideas of law in Hellenistic and Roman legal practice’, The Foundations of Law:
Legalism in the ancient world, Europe and Asia workshop, University of Oxford, 6
Jun. 2011.
‘Siculus cum Siculo non eiusdem civitatis: Litigation between citizens of different
communities’, Juridiction locale - juridiction centrale dans les provinces romaines
colloquium, Paris, 18 Dec. 2010.
‘Local justice in Roman Asia Minor: civic courts and village courts under Roman
rule’, Legalism: History and Anthropology seminar series, St. John’s College research
centre, University of Oxford, 26 Jan. 2010.
‘Ancestral laws and the spread of Roman jurisdiction’, Faculty of Classics, Tel Aviv
University, 18 Jan. 2010.
‘Legal experts in Roman Asia Minor’, Scientists and Professionals in the Ancient
World conference, University of St. Andrews, 9 Sep. 2009.
‘Ancestral laws under Roman rule: the case of Lycia’, Provincials and Empire
conference, Yale University, 25 Apr. 2008.
‘Knowledge of law in Roman Asia Minor’, Colloquium Selbstdarstellung und
Kommunikation: Die Veröffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in
der römischen Welt, Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Munich, 2 Jul.
‘Jurisdiction of free cities in Roman Asia Minor’, Oxford Classics Graduate
Colloquium Law, Oriel College, Oxford, 4 Feb. 2006.
‘Roman law in Syria’, Oxford-Princeton Graduate Colloquium Syria in Antiquity,
Princeton, 12 Jan. 2006.
G. Kantor: CV
Nov. 2020