Category Archives: php

php tail

The Problem

You want the functionality of tail(1) in a php function.

The Solution

Bellow is a php function that gives you the last N lines from a file. It doesn't do everything tail(1) does ( like following, retrying, etc ) but just the basic stuff:

  1. span style="color: #ff0000;">'r'"";$ret="""\n"""

It may not be the fastest solution but it works.
Have a better one? Please let me know about it.

Comparing float values in PHP

I had to learn this the hard way. It seems in php 27.64 is just not quite 27.64 , but something close to it ( that's what some people say here anyway: ) .

And that's why the following code wouldn't echo the text "dude" as you might think it should:

  1. span style="color: #ff0000;">"amountdue: $amountdue, amount: $amount\n""dude\n""but still no match\n"

Run this script and you should see:

amountdue: 27.64, amount: 27.64
but still no match

That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. A similar code written in C gives the good results. Isn't php written in C? They should have copied C's good behavior.
If conversion from float to string gives the right results, why not use the same results when comparing float values?
So if you're having this problem it seems this will work:


The fact that php can't compare float values reliably and that you have to resort to this to make it work just makes php look bad.

Where’s the xml sitemap?

Someone contacted me through the contact form to ask me where is the xml sitemap generated by the xml sitemap module for pligg .

If he would have read my first post about this module I think he would have eventually figured out where it is but since that first post was written a long time ago let me answer that question in this post.

I will do this in a post instead of answering privately because maybe there are others that might run into the same problem and I hate answering the same question over and over.

The module doesn't generate a sitemap but a sitemap index ( that's basically just a list of sitemaps in xml ) and unless you're using cache the module will generate it every time someone goes to the sitemap's URL.

If you're not using friendly urls for sitemaps then the url to the sitemap will be :
If you want to use friendly urls for the sitemap you will have to configure it as described here

Last time I checked ( when I first created the module ) could not be pinged unless your sitemap url looked like a static url or/and was ending in .xml and this is why I created the module with this choice in mind. If you don't care about pinging or if changed it's policy ( can anyone check this ? ) then you don't need friendly urls for sitemaps.

For the future I would appreciate if such questions would be asked in the comments instead of private contact. I prefer the comments for answering questions about my posts or the code in my posts because this way others can benefit from my answers or others can contribute.

The contact form would be for private matters like asking for consultancy , business proposals or others that don't fit into the comments.

Xml Sitemaps pligg module v0.9

This one is a quick release just like the previous one that fixes just one thing.

All previous versions had this problem that the urls were not urlencoded so those urls that contained special characters like those with an accent or diacritics were invalid and of course google would show an error on those sitemaps.

Version 0.9 makes escapes those urls so now those of you with such special characters in the urls can finally enjoy this module.

It seems like the modules is getting closer to version 1.0 . If you have any suggestion about some feature you would like in 1.0 or you found some other bug that needs fixed, don't hesitate to let me know about it.

download v 0.9 from the module's page

Xml Sitemaps pligg module v0.8

It seems my last version of the Xml Sitemaps module for pligg didn't really fixed the date format problem with the generated sitemaps.

Back when this module was created google had less strict rules about the date format in the lastmod section. My module generated a date and time string with this format YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS and it was ok but now it's only valid if it also contains the timezone offset in this format +/-HH:MM or if the string doesn't contain the time anymore.

So here is another update on this module that also contains the timezone offset so the sitemap is considered valid by google.

Download here

xml sitemap for pligg v0.7

This is a quick fix for a bug introduced in a previous version because I tried to make it compatible with php4 date().

This bug may have made your sitemap invalid because the lastmod date contained the timezone between the date and time.

This version also brings a new feature that could be useful for larger sites.

The cache

I noticed that on a site with over 20000 links it may take a lot of time to generate the sitemap index and sitemap files and will put some significant load on the server if google, yahoo or ask will try to access the sitemap every few minutes or hours ( depending on your site's posting/pinging frequency ), so I thought it would be nice to have some kind of cache.

The module will save generated sitemap index and sitemaps in pligg's cache directory ( this means it needs to be writable by the user running the webserver ) and if the cache has not expired yet the module will serve the sitemaps from the cache instead of trying to regenerate every time.

You can set the expire time ( TTL ) and the module will regenerate the sitemap if TTL seconds have passed since the last time it was modified.

You don't need to set any cron job to generate the sitemap files. It will only generate the sitemap if someone/something(google,yahoo,ask) tries to access it.

Another modification related to the caching system is that the site will only ping services if the cache has expired so make sure you set your cache's TTL accordingly.


To upgrade to this version just download and unzip in your module's directory and then to pligg admin -> module management , disable and uninstall the module and then reinstall it so that you can see the new options ( "Use Cache" and "Cache TTL")

Download from module's own page

xml sitemap for pligg update v0.6

Update: There is be a new version of this module. Click here to get it.

Last year I have released a pligg module that creates XML sitemaps for better SEO. The module was tested and working on pligg 0.9.7. Since that time pligg was updated two times and is now at 0.9.9.

In pligg 0.9.8 they removed the clear_cache function that the my module's install code was using to clear the configuration cache. Because of this it was impossible to install the module.

The quick fix was just to edit xml_sitemaps_install.php and remove a line (#5) that called clear_cache() and then you could install it without any problems. This workaround was already known and discussed in the comments
Someone in the pligg community released a new version of this module that is basically just my module with that clear_cache function call removed and another 1 bug that was also discussed in the comments and was easy to fix. They bumped the version number to 0.5 which in my opinion was really not necessary since it was such a small fix.
They have also added a .htaccess file to the archive, again not necessary since my initial post already had the details ( .htaccess code ) about how to set it up and the module was also showing that in the configuration section.
One other thing I didn't like about their release was that they didn't make the module available for download without having to register on their forum.

So here I release a new version ( 0.6 ) of this module with more bugs fixed and now the module will have a page of it's own so that it will be easier to track new versions .

What changed:

  • use safe category names
  • generate links according to URLMethod configuration
  • modified use of date() function to work on php4

This module was tested on pligg 0.9.9.

Go to xml sitemap pligg module page for download