Mbox is a lightweight sandboxing mechanism that any user can use without special privileges in commodity operating systems.
$ git clone https://github.com/tsgates/mbox
$ mbox -- wget google.com
Network Summary:
> [11279] ->
> [11279] Create socket(PF_INET,...)
> [11279] -> a00::2607:f8b0:4006:803:0
Sandbox Root:
> /tmp/sandbox-11275
> N:/tmp/index.html
[c]ommit, [i]gnore, [d]iff, [l]ist, [s]hell, [q]uit ?>
Mbox introduces a novel sandbox usage model; when executing a program in the sandbox, Mbox prevents programs from modifying the host filesystem while giving them the impression that they are in fact making those modifications. Mbox achieves this by providing a layered sandbox filesystem and by interposing on system calls with ptrace and seccomp/BPF. At the end of program execution, the user can examine changes in the sandbox filesystem, and selectively commit them back to the host filesystem.
$ mbox -R -- apt-get install git
(-R: emulate a fakeroot environment)
$ mbox -n -- wget google.com
(-n: disable remote network accesses)
$ mbox -i -- sh
(-i: enable interactive commit-mode)
$ mbox -r outdir -- make
(-r dir: specify a sandbox filesystem)
$ mbox -p build.prof -- ./configure
(-p prof: enable profile-based policy)
## build.prof
allow: .
hide: ~
I highly recommend you to use the latest version of mbox, but here are some easy ways to try mbox.
$ sudo aurget -S mbox-git
$ wget http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/mbox/mbox-latest-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
$ sudo pacman -U mbox-latest-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
$ wget http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/mbox/mbox-latest-amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i mbox-latest-amd64.deb
Here is a list of available options.
$ mbox -h
usage: mbox [-r root] [-s] [PROG]
-m : keep md5 of original files
-c : count time, calls, and errors for each syscall and report summary
-d : enable syscall trace to stderr
-D : enable debug
-p file : load profile (see. NOTE.profile)
-t : run as unit tester (check pre/post condition, see tests-sbox/NOTE)
-n : disable network accesses
-S : enable nested seccomp
-i : disable interactive session at the end
-s : use seccomp instead of ptrace
-R : fakeroot
-C path : change directory
-r path : sandbox root (default:/tmp/sandbox-)