The layered Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex is covered by mafic and ultramafic rocks including an... more The layered Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex is covered by mafic and ultramafic rocks including anorthosite, gabbro, pyroxenite and other igneous rocks. The ultramafic terrain has frequently undergone metamorphism. In the present study, laboratory spectral measurements were carried out from mafic, ultramafic and felsic rocks in the 350–2500 nm spectral range to characterise their diagnostic spectral features and for further utilisation for rock-type mapping. In 2016, the Sittampundi complex was covered by an AVIRIS-NG airborne survey jointly conducted by the Space Application Centre (SAC-ISRO) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA). The level-2 AVIRIS-NG data was obtained from SAC and used to interpret various rock types. ENVI 5.3 software was used for digital image processing of the AVIRIS-NG airborne hyperspectral data. The continuum-removed spectra of major rock types including anorthosite, meta-anorthosite, gabbro, meta-gabbro, pyroxenite, pegmatite, granite, gneiss and migmatite w...
Under Chandrayaan-II mission, simulation studies on lunar terrain were required for evaluation of... more Under Chandrayaan-II mission, simulation studies on lunar terrain were required for evaluation of the performance of rover and lander. In order to carry out mobility tests of a rover, it was required to prepare a lunar terrain testbed, which required a large quantity of lunar soil to represent the terrain conditions of the Moon. Under such compelling circumstances, U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore, India has decided to manufacture indigenously lunar highland soil simulant, which can represent bulk chemistry, mineralogy and geomechanical properties of actual lunar highland soils brought by Apollo-16 mission of USA. This paper presents the process of manufacturing new lunar highland soil simulant (LSS-ISAC-1) and its various geomechanical properties such as cohesive modulus of deformation, frictional modulus of deformation, sinkage exponent, cohesion stress, angle of internal friction, shear deformation modulus and bulk density. The same were compared with the properties of actual lunar highland soil brought to the Earth by the Apollo-16. This new lunar highland soil simulant is being used for all qualifying tests required to be performed for the indigenously developed rover and the lander of the Chandrayaan mission.
The Western Ghats, the bold westerly escarpment of India paralleling the west coast, are characte... more The Western Ghats, the bold westerly escarpment of India paralleling the west coast, are characterized by different geologic and geomorphic units formed during different episodes of Earth's history. The majority of these present day landforms evolved in response to the tectonic activity that the Western Ghats witnessed during the Tertiary period. The major structural features together with the geomorphic units have predominant role in the occurrence of cataclysmic landslides which the windward slope of Western Ghats witness during the peak monsoon season. The Kerala and Periyar lineaments, which are the sites of minor earthquakes, pass through the study area. Escarpments and structural hill systems are the vulnerable landforms for landslide occurrence. Due to the predominant role of these tectonic and geomorphic features in the capricious change of landforms, a study was carried out in this hilly terrain based on geomorphology. The study of soil, slope morphometry, relative relief, land use/land cover and hydrogeological conditions together with a multidimensional analysis in a GIS environment resulted in classifying the entire area into different landslide susceptible zones based on Bureau of Indian Standards. Moreover, the area is also divided into three zones based on the terrain conditions and the type of landslide occurrence. The methodology can well fit with any area experiencing the same terrain conditions and can be used to classify an area on the basis of landslide occurrence and geomorphology.
GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science, 2019
Abstract The objective of this paper is to demarcate a suitable site for artificial recharge base... more Abstract The objective of this paper is to demarcate a suitable site for artificial recharge based on an aquifer management system in a hard rock area of Talaivasal block, Tamil Nadu, India using a fuzzy logic model. The important parameters, such as land use/land cover, geomorphology, drainage (stream order), lineament density, water level, and slope percentage, were chosen based on recharge characteristics. In the present study, knowledge-based weighted values were assigned for each thematic layer and these thematic maps were integrated into a fuzzy tool to determine membership values. Membership values were derived from thematic maps of each class, then fuzzy overlay analysis was carried out. The entire area has been classified as highly suitable, suitable, moderately suitable, least suitable, and unsuitable for artificial groundwater recharge. The results revealed that only 7.72% of the block was recognized as highly suitable for artificial recharge. Artificial recharge structures for aquifer management system were also suggested to increase groundwater levels for a sustainable environment in this block.
The present study emphasizes the application of fuzzy operators in landslide susceptibility mappi... more The present study emphasizes the application of fuzzy operators in landslide susceptibility mapping along Yercaud ghat road section in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Yercaud is one of the important hill stations and tourist spot in Tamil Nadu. In recent times, it faces frequent landslide occurrences. There is a urgent need for detail study of landslides along the ghat road to prevent further slope failure. The study has been conducted through integrated remote sensing, GIS and field investigations. The existing landslide locations were collected from previous study and verified in the field. The slope gradient, slope aspect, relief, lithology, land cover, geomorphology, proximity to road, proximity to drainage and proximity to lineament were analyzed with the help of Survey of India topo map, published geology map and satellite data. The relationship between various causative factors with past landslide locations were compared using frequency ratio method. These frequency ratio val...
Integrated water resource planning is vital to develop the groundwater resources in a sustainable... more Integrated water resource planning is vital to develop the groundwater resources in a sustainable manner. The main focus of the present research work is to assess the healthy condition of aquifers for sustainable groundwater planning in Uppar Odai sub-basin in western part of Tamil Nadu. The sustainable groundwater aquifer zone should be sustainable in terms of potential, quality and water table conditions. Initially, the geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage density, soil thickness, electrical resistivity, lineament density and rainfall pattern were integrated to create sustainable groundwater potential theme. In the next stage, the layers of eight major ions were integrated for groundwater quality for drinking. The irrigation parameters like salinity, SAR, Na %, RSC, specific ion toxicity and miscellaneous effects due to Cl − and NO 3 − were integrated for derive irrigation water quality index. Finally, the groundwater table conditions in the basin were assessed in terms of shallow, moderate and deep aquifer zones. All the four thematic maps were integrated to assess the sustainability state of aquifers. In this spatial integration, the themes were ranked as per importance in terms of sustainable contributions. The final integrated outputs have revealed that only 11% of the basin area is in the sustainable zone and remaining 89% of area is in slightly unsustainable-highly unsustainable zone which requires immediate restriction of the current rate of groundwater exploitation and protects the aquifer through artificial recharge to maintain the aquifer in sustainable environment. Based on the sustainable category, further groundwater developmental planning is suggested. The current state of groundwater development is recommended for sustainable zone. However, the groundwater development reduced for 10-50% for marginally unsustainable-unsustainable category. In the highly unsustainable zone, further groundwater development should be restricted and the quality-tolerant cropping pattern can be adopted.
International Journal of Advanced Earth Science and Engineering, 2016
Remote sensing TIR as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum is one of the best observations of L... more Remote sensing TIR as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum is one of the best observations of Land surface temperature (LST). Our earth contains heterogeneous land feature and it is composed of a variety of materials. Now-a-days there are many remote sensing satellites that provide thermal data. In the present study, the Landsat TM data with multi temporal periods such as 1992, 2001 and 2010 were utilized to study LST in the mining area. The aim of the study is to prepare LST mapping for estimating land surface temperature from multi temporal Landsat TM thermal bands and compare with the associated phenomenal condition. The Landsat 5 TM data of 11-03-1992, 09-02-2010 and Landsat 7 data of 15-05-2001 were used and the land surface emissivity's for these particular periods were estimated. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated in the same period. The image processing was adopted using the ENVI 4.7 software. The results of emissivity and vegetation index interpreted for each period indicated that when the emissivity increases vegetation index shows negative anomaly. The standardization of error coefficient was founded with the aid of statistical software SPSS, which strengthened the approach of the study. The statistical regression analysis of NDVI and LST were shown in Standardized regression coefficient (B) value as-0.209,-0.143 and-0.190 in the years of 1992, 2001 and 2010 respectively. Comparison of LST and its associated constraint will precisely indicate that these variables are mutually important. Remote sensing multi temporal satellite data when coupled with an image processing technique will support for estimate land surface temperature, normalized vegetation index and preferably utilized for an empirical data report from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) ground based observation data.
International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 2014
In sustainable groundwater study, it is necessary to assess the quality of groundwater in terms o... more In sustainable groundwater study, it is necessary to assess the quality of groundwater in terms of drinking and irrigation purposes. The present study attempt to assess the groundwater quality through Drinking Water Quality Index (DWQI) and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) in hard rock aquifer system and sustainable water use in Uppar Odai sub-basin, Southern India. The quality of ground water in major part of the study area is generally poor. In order to understand the shallow groundwater quality, the water samples were collected from 24 dug wells. The primary physical and chemical parameters like potential Hydrogen (pH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), bicarbonate (HCO 3), carbonate (CO 3), cloride (Cl), sulphate (SO 4), nitrate (NO 3) and fluoride (F) were analyzed for DWQI. The secondary parameters of irrigation groundwater quality indices such as Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Sodium Soluble Percentage (SSP), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Permeability Index (PI), Corrosively Ratio (CR), Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR) and Kellies Ratio (KR) were also derived from the primary parameter for IWQI. The DWQI and IWQI were classified into excellent to unfit condition of groundwater quality based on their Water Quality Index (WQI). The spatial distribution of DWQI (25%) and IWQI (58+26%) indicate that slightly unsustainable to sustainable state of groundwater quality. Due to this quality deterioration of shallow aquifer, an immediate attention required for sustainable development.
ABSTRACT Abstract: Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes ... more ABSTRACT Abstract: Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes changes in landscape and damage to life and property. The main objective of the present study was to carry out landslide hazard zonation mapping on 1:50,000 scale along ghat road section of Kolli hills using a Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factor (LHEF) rating scheme. The landslide hazard zonation map has been prepared by overlaying the terrain evaluation maps with facet map of the study area. The terrain evaluation maps include lithology, structure, slope morphometry, relative relief, land use and land cover and hydrogeological condition. The LHEF rating scheme and the Total Estimated Hazard (TEHD) were calculated as per the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) guidelines (IS:14496 (Part-2) 1998) for the purpose of preparation of Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) map in mountainous terrains. The correction due to triggering factors such as seismicity, rainfall and anthropogenic activities were also incorporated with Total Estimated Hazard to get final corrected TEHD. The landslide hazard zonation map was classified as the high, moderate and low hazard zones along the ghat road section based on corrected TEHD.
... TAMIL NADU (il configuration of topsoil, weathered zone, fractured zone and massive rocks at ... more ... TAMIL NADU (il configuration of topsoil, weathered zone, fractured zone and massive rocks at depth. ... From such lineament data, the total length of lineaments per 250000 sq.m (0.25-sq.fcm) area were measured, plotted in the respective grid center and contoured. ...
Minerals and rocks show varying spectral reflectances under different spectral ranges of the elec... more Minerals and rocks show varying spectral reflectances under different spectral ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum and such spectral responses vary because of colour, texture, crystal structure, specific gravity and other physical and optical properties. Hence in order to optimise the spectral ranges which may be used in the recognition of the minerals and the rocks, spectral reflectance measurements were carried
Mining practices like granite quarries has associated with the various environmental problems dur... more Mining practices like granite quarries has associated with the various environmental problems during the exploration, blasting, transporting and the disposal of waste rock. Appraisal of land use and land cover changes in and around the granite quarries is one of the important tasks in order to trace the impacts on ecosystems such as land degradation, loss in biodiversity, pollution of water resources and degradation of scenery. Land use refers to man-made agricultural practices, construction of buildings and other activities. Land cover denotes naturally covered land units such as forest cover, barren land, outcrops and water bodies etc., In the present context, an assessment has been made in the context of the land use and land cover changes in the site of granite quarries in Krishnagiri District, South India using remote sensing techniques. In the first step, the Landsat satellite data procured for the year 1973, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 and 2018. The six decadal of images were classified using supervised classification and subsequently change detection was applied to measure the land use and land cover changes. Next, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used to highlight the dynamics in vegetation cover around the quarry site. The granite quarries resulted in the development of water ponds within the quarries. Likewise, there are significant losses in vegetation and bare land. NDVI results has shown the variability in mean NDVI values in different time period. The trend of overall mean NDVI values showed that the most of the granite quarry site had retain the vegetation cover. Over all, less vegetation cover was observed 1981. The results revealed that the environmental assessment sustainable development and continuous monitoring in and around the granite quarry is warranted in the mining district. The mining industry has evolved significantly and allows for improved mapping and monitoring environmental impacts related to mining activities.
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 2021
Landslides are among the most prevalent and harmful hazards. Assessment of landslide susceptibili... more Landslides are among the most prevalent and harmful hazards. Assessment of landslide susceptibility zonation is an important task in reducing the losses of lifeand properties. The present study aims to demarcate the landslide prone areas along the Vathalmalai Ghat road section (VGR) using remote sensing and GIS techniques. In the first step, the landslide causative factors such as geology, geomorphology, slope, slope aspect, land use / land cover, drainage density, lineament density, road buffer and relative relief were assessed. All the factors were assigned to rank and weight based on the slope stability of the landslide susceptibility zones. Then the thematic maps were integrated using ArcGIS tool and landslide susceptibility zonation was obtained and classified into five categories ; very low, low, moderate, high and very high. The landslide susceptibility map is validated with R-index and landslide inventory data collected from the field using GPS measurement. The distribution ...
IGARSS'97. 1997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. Remote Sensing - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development
Introduction: The planetary scientists are using terrestrial analogs for several kinds of investi... more Introduction: The planetary scientists are using terrestrial analogs for several kinds of investigation and comparative studies between earth and other planets which is very important for understanding the geochemistry, morphological features, origin and evolution of the planetary bodies [1]. The terrestrial lunar equivalent Anorthositic samples could be used to gain significant and deeper knowledge on lunar highland surface composition and primordial crust. The Anorthosite is composed of calcium rich plagioclase, is the typical rock unit found on lunar highland regions which is representing the oldest crustal lithological units on the moon [2]. The terrestrial anorthosite occurrences fall into a few genetic ‘types’ or ‘associations’ such as: (i) Archaean (>2500 million years (Ma)) megacrystic, (ii) Proterozoic massif type (2500– 500 Ma) and (iii) components of layered mafic and ultramafic igneous plutons [1, 3, 4]. In southern peninsular India, there are number of anorthosite co...
Introduction: Mars has several tectonic imprints on its surface. Several studies were conducted o... more Introduction: Mars has several tectonic imprints on its surface. Several studies were conducted on tectonic evolution, formation of graben structure, fault topography and tectonics associated with volcanism [1, 2, 3 & 4]. Graben structures on Martian surface might have developed due to isostatic stresses in the volcanic region, flexural bending stresses and deformation, surface expression of giant dykes and magmatic processes [5,6, 7, 8 & 9]. Borraccini et al (2007) have conducted detailed tectonic evolution study in the eastern regions of the Thaumasia plateau. They related the orientation of lineaments and graben structures with different time period. In the present study, we have done structural mapping of Cusus Valles and inferred that the valles formation controlled by graben structure. Cusus Valles located in the south east of Cassini crater at 14.34 0 N 50.5 0 E on Mars. Cusus valles and its channels were probably carved out along structural discontinuities by flooding during...
The layered Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex is covered by mafic and ultramafic rocks including an... more The layered Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex is covered by mafic and ultramafic rocks including anorthosite, gabbro, pyroxenite and other igneous rocks. The ultramafic terrain has frequently undergone metamorphism. In the present study, laboratory spectral measurements were carried out from mafic, ultramafic and felsic rocks in the 350–2500 nm spectral range to characterise their diagnostic spectral features and for further utilisation for rock-type mapping. In 2016, the Sittampundi complex was covered by an AVIRIS-NG airborne survey jointly conducted by the Space Application Centre (SAC-ISRO) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA). The level-2 AVIRIS-NG data was obtained from SAC and used to interpret various rock types. ENVI 5.3 software was used for digital image processing of the AVIRIS-NG airborne hyperspectral data. The continuum-removed spectra of major rock types including anorthosite, meta-anorthosite, gabbro, meta-gabbro, pyroxenite, pegmatite, granite, gneiss and migmatite w...
Under Chandrayaan-II mission, simulation studies on lunar terrain were required for evaluation of... more Under Chandrayaan-II mission, simulation studies on lunar terrain were required for evaluation of the performance of rover and lander. In order to carry out mobility tests of a rover, it was required to prepare a lunar terrain testbed, which required a large quantity of lunar soil to represent the terrain conditions of the Moon. Under such compelling circumstances, U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore, India has decided to manufacture indigenously lunar highland soil simulant, which can represent bulk chemistry, mineralogy and geomechanical properties of actual lunar highland soils brought by Apollo-16 mission of USA. This paper presents the process of manufacturing new lunar highland soil simulant (LSS-ISAC-1) and its various geomechanical properties such as cohesive modulus of deformation, frictional modulus of deformation, sinkage exponent, cohesion stress, angle of internal friction, shear deformation modulus and bulk density. The same were compared with the properties of actual lunar highland soil brought to the Earth by the Apollo-16. This new lunar highland soil simulant is being used for all qualifying tests required to be performed for the indigenously developed rover and the lander of the Chandrayaan mission.
The Western Ghats, the bold westerly escarpment of India paralleling the west coast, are characte... more The Western Ghats, the bold westerly escarpment of India paralleling the west coast, are characterized by different geologic and geomorphic units formed during different episodes of Earth's history. The majority of these present day landforms evolved in response to the tectonic activity that the Western Ghats witnessed during the Tertiary period. The major structural features together with the geomorphic units have predominant role in the occurrence of cataclysmic landslides which the windward slope of Western Ghats witness during the peak monsoon season. The Kerala and Periyar lineaments, which are the sites of minor earthquakes, pass through the study area. Escarpments and structural hill systems are the vulnerable landforms for landslide occurrence. Due to the predominant role of these tectonic and geomorphic features in the capricious change of landforms, a study was carried out in this hilly terrain based on geomorphology. The study of soil, slope morphometry, relative relief, land use/land cover and hydrogeological conditions together with a multidimensional analysis in a GIS environment resulted in classifying the entire area into different landslide susceptible zones based on Bureau of Indian Standards. Moreover, the area is also divided into three zones based on the terrain conditions and the type of landslide occurrence. The methodology can well fit with any area experiencing the same terrain conditions and can be used to classify an area on the basis of landslide occurrence and geomorphology.
GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science, 2019
Abstract The objective of this paper is to demarcate a suitable site for artificial recharge base... more Abstract The objective of this paper is to demarcate a suitable site for artificial recharge based on an aquifer management system in a hard rock area of Talaivasal block, Tamil Nadu, India using a fuzzy logic model. The important parameters, such as land use/land cover, geomorphology, drainage (stream order), lineament density, water level, and slope percentage, were chosen based on recharge characteristics. In the present study, knowledge-based weighted values were assigned for each thematic layer and these thematic maps were integrated into a fuzzy tool to determine membership values. Membership values were derived from thematic maps of each class, then fuzzy overlay analysis was carried out. The entire area has been classified as highly suitable, suitable, moderately suitable, least suitable, and unsuitable for artificial groundwater recharge. The results revealed that only 7.72% of the block was recognized as highly suitable for artificial recharge. Artificial recharge structures for aquifer management system were also suggested to increase groundwater levels for a sustainable environment in this block.
The present study emphasizes the application of fuzzy operators in landslide susceptibility mappi... more The present study emphasizes the application of fuzzy operators in landslide susceptibility mapping along Yercaud ghat road section in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Yercaud is one of the important hill stations and tourist spot in Tamil Nadu. In recent times, it faces frequent landslide occurrences. There is a urgent need for detail study of landslides along the ghat road to prevent further slope failure. The study has been conducted through integrated remote sensing, GIS and field investigations. The existing landslide locations were collected from previous study and verified in the field. The slope gradient, slope aspect, relief, lithology, land cover, geomorphology, proximity to road, proximity to drainage and proximity to lineament were analyzed with the help of Survey of India topo map, published geology map and satellite data. The relationship between various causative factors with past landslide locations were compared using frequency ratio method. These frequency ratio val...
Integrated water resource planning is vital to develop the groundwater resources in a sustainable... more Integrated water resource planning is vital to develop the groundwater resources in a sustainable manner. The main focus of the present research work is to assess the healthy condition of aquifers for sustainable groundwater planning in Uppar Odai sub-basin in western part of Tamil Nadu. The sustainable groundwater aquifer zone should be sustainable in terms of potential, quality and water table conditions. Initially, the geology, geomorphology, slope, drainage density, soil thickness, electrical resistivity, lineament density and rainfall pattern were integrated to create sustainable groundwater potential theme. In the next stage, the layers of eight major ions were integrated for groundwater quality for drinking. The irrigation parameters like salinity, SAR, Na %, RSC, specific ion toxicity and miscellaneous effects due to Cl − and NO 3 − were integrated for derive irrigation water quality index. Finally, the groundwater table conditions in the basin were assessed in terms of shallow, moderate and deep aquifer zones. All the four thematic maps were integrated to assess the sustainability state of aquifers. In this spatial integration, the themes were ranked as per importance in terms of sustainable contributions. The final integrated outputs have revealed that only 11% of the basin area is in the sustainable zone and remaining 89% of area is in slightly unsustainable-highly unsustainable zone which requires immediate restriction of the current rate of groundwater exploitation and protects the aquifer through artificial recharge to maintain the aquifer in sustainable environment. Based on the sustainable category, further groundwater developmental planning is suggested. The current state of groundwater development is recommended for sustainable zone. However, the groundwater development reduced for 10-50% for marginally unsustainable-unsustainable category. In the highly unsustainable zone, further groundwater development should be restricted and the quality-tolerant cropping pattern can be adopted.
International Journal of Advanced Earth Science and Engineering, 2016
Remote sensing TIR as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum is one of the best observations of L... more Remote sensing TIR as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum is one of the best observations of Land surface temperature (LST). Our earth contains heterogeneous land feature and it is composed of a variety of materials. Now-a-days there are many remote sensing satellites that provide thermal data. In the present study, the Landsat TM data with multi temporal periods such as 1992, 2001 and 2010 were utilized to study LST in the mining area. The aim of the study is to prepare LST mapping for estimating land surface temperature from multi temporal Landsat TM thermal bands and compare with the associated phenomenal condition. The Landsat 5 TM data of 11-03-1992, 09-02-2010 and Landsat 7 data of 15-05-2001 were used and the land surface emissivity's for these particular periods were estimated. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated in the same period. The image processing was adopted using the ENVI 4.7 software. The results of emissivity and vegetation index interpreted for each period indicated that when the emissivity increases vegetation index shows negative anomaly. The standardization of error coefficient was founded with the aid of statistical software SPSS, which strengthened the approach of the study. The statistical regression analysis of NDVI and LST were shown in Standardized regression coefficient (B) value as-0.209,-0.143 and-0.190 in the years of 1992, 2001 and 2010 respectively. Comparison of LST and its associated constraint will precisely indicate that these variables are mutually important. Remote sensing multi temporal satellite data when coupled with an image processing technique will support for estimate land surface temperature, normalized vegetation index and preferably utilized for an empirical data report from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) ground based observation data.
International Journal of Advanced Geosciences, 2014
In sustainable groundwater study, it is necessary to assess the quality of groundwater in terms o... more In sustainable groundwater study, it is necessary to assess the quality of groundwater in terms of drinking and irrigation purposes. The present study attempt to assess the groundwater quality through Drinking Water Quality Index (DWQI) and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) in hard rock aquifer system and sustainable water use in Uppar Odai sub-basin, Southern India. The quality of ground water in major part of the study area is generally poor. In order to understand the shallow groundwater quality, the water samples were collected from 24 dug wells. The primary physical and chemical parameters like potential Hydrogen (pH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), bicarbonate (HCO 3), carbonate (CO 3), cloride (Cl), sulphate (SO 4), nitrate (NO 3) and fluoride (F) were analyzed for DWQI. The secondary parameters of irrigation groundwater quality indices such as Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Sodium Soluble Percentage (SSP), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Permeability Index (PI), Corrosively Ratio (CR), Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR) and Kellies Ratio (KR) were also derived from the primary parameter for IWQI. The DWQI and IWQI were classified into excellent to unfit condition of groundwater quality based on their Water Quality Index (WQI). The spatial distribution of DWQI (25%) and IWQI (58+26%) indicate that slightly unsustainable to sustainable state of groundwater quality. Due to this quality deterioration of shallow aquifer, an immediate attention required for sustainable development.
ABSTRACT Abstract: Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes ... more ABSTRACT Abstract: Landslides are the most common natural disaster in hilly terrain which causes changes in landscape and damage to life and property. The main objective of the present study was to carry out landslide hazard zonation mapping on 1:50,000 scale along ghat road section of Kolli hills using a Landslide Hazard Evaluation Factor (LHEF) rating scheme. The landslide hazard zonation map has been prepared by overlaying the terrain evaluation maps with facet map of the study area. The terrain evaluation maps include lithology, structure, slope morphometry, relative relief, land use and land cover and hydrogeological condition. The LHEF rating scheme and the Total Estimated Hazard (TEHD) were calculated as per the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS) guidelines (IS:14496 (Part-2) 1998) for the purpose of preparation of Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) map in mountainous terrains. The correction due to triggering factors such as seismicity, rainfall and anthropogenic activities were also incorporated with Total Estimated Hazard to get final corrected TEHD. The landslide hazard zonation map was classified as the high, moderate and low hazard zones along the ghat road section based on corrected TEHD.
... TAMIL NADU (il configuration of topsoil, weathered zone, fractured zone and massive rocks at ... more ... TAMIL NADU (il configuration of topsoil, weathered zone, fractured zone and massive rocks at depth. ... From such lineament data, the total length of lineaments per 250000 sq.m (0.25-sq.fcm) area were measured, plotted in the respective grid center and contoured. ...
Minerals and rocks show varying spectral reflectances under different spectral ranges of the elec... more Minerals and rocks show varying spectral reflectances under different spectral ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum and such spectral responses vary because of colour, texture, crystal structure, specific gravity and other physical and optical properties. Hence in order to optimise the spectral ranges which may be used in the recognition of the minerals and the rocks, spectral reflectance measurements were carried
Mining practices like granite quarries has associated with the various environmental problems dur... more Mining practices like granite quarries has associated with the various environmental problems during the exploration, blasting, transporting and the disposal of waste rock. Appraisal of land use and land cover changes in and around the granite quarries is one of the important tasks in order to trace the impacts on ecosystems such as land degradation, loss in biodiversity, pollution of water resources and degradation of scenery. Land use refers to man-made agricultural practices, construction of buildings and other activities. Land cover denotes naturally covered land units such as forest cover, barren land, outcrops and water bodies etc., In the present context, an assessment has been made in the context of the land use and land cover changes in the site of granite quarries in Krishnagiri District, South India using remote sensing techniques. In the first step, the Landsat satellite data procured for the year 1973, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 and 2018. The six decadal of images were classified using supervised classification and subsequently change detection was applied to measure the land use and land cover changes. Next, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was used to highlight the dynamics in vegetation cover around the quarry site. The granite quarries resulted in the development of water ponds within the quarries. Likewise, there are significant losses in vegetation and bare land. NDVI results has shown the variability in mean NDVI values in different time period. The trend of overall mean NDVI values showed that the most of the granite quarry site had retain the vegetation cover. Over all, less vegetation cover was observed 1981. The results revealed that the environmental assessment sustainable development and continuous monitoring in and around the granite quarry is warranted in the mining district. The mining industry has evolved significantly and allows for improved mapping and monitoring environmental impacts related to mining activities.
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 2021
Landslides are among the most prevalent and harmful hazards. Assessment of landslide susceptibili... more Landslides are among the most prevalent and harmful hazards. Assessment of landslide susceptibility zonation is an important task in reducing the losses of lifeand properties. The present study aims to demarcate the landslide prone areas along the Vathalmalai Ghat road section (VGR) using remote sensing and GIS techniques. In the first step, the landslide causative factors such as geology, geomorphology, slope, slope aspect, land use / land cover, drainage density, lineament density, road buffer and relative relief were assessed. All the factors were assigned to rank and weight based on the slope stability of the landslide susceptibility zones. Then the thematic maps were integrated using ArcGIS tool and landslide susceptibility zonation was obtained and classified into five categories ; very low, low, moderate, high and very high. The landslide susceptibility map is validated with R-index and landslide inventory data collected from the field using GPS measurement. The distribution ...
IGARSS'97. 1997 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. Remote Sensing - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development
Introduction: The planetary scientists are using terrestrial analogs for several kinds of investi... more Introduction: The planetary scientists are using terrestrial analogs for several kinds of investigation and comparative studies between earth and other planets which is very important for understanding the geochemistry, morphological features, origin and evolution of the planetary bodies [1]. The terrestrial lunar equivalent Anorthositic samples could be used to gain significant and deeper knowledge on lunar highland surface composition and primordial crust. The Anorthosite is composed of calcium rich plagioclase, is the typical rock unit found on lunar highland regions which is representing the oldest crustal lithological units on the moon [2]. The terrestrial anorthosite occurrences fall into a few genetic ‘types’ or ‘associations’ such as: (i) Archaean (>2500 million years (Ma)) megacrystic, (ii) Proterozoic massif type (2500– 500 Ma) and (iii) components of layered mafic and ultramafic igneous plutons [1, 3, 4]. In southern peninsular India, there are number of anorthosite co...
Introduction: Mars has several tectonic imprints on its surface. Several studies were conducted o... more Introduction: Mars has several tectonic imprints on its surface. Several studies were conducted on tectonic evolution, formation of graben structure, fault topography and tectonics associated with volcanism [1, 2, 3 & 4]. Graben structures on Martian surface might have developed due to isostatic stresses in the volcanic region, flexural bending stresses and deformation, surface expression of giant dykes and magmatic processes [5,6, 7, 8 & 9]. Borraccini et al (2007) have conducted detailed tectonic evolution study in the eastern regions of the Thaumasia plateau. They related the orientation of lineaments and graben structures with different time period. In the present study, we have done structural mapping of Cusus Valles and inferred that the valles formation controlled by graben structure. Cusus Valles located in the south east of Cassini crater at 14.34 0 N 50.5 0 E on Mars. Cusus valles and its channels were probably carved out along structural discontinuities by flooding during...
Papers by S Anbazhagan