This ticket is to add language codes for the representations of lemmata and forms in a number of languages:
* [x] [[|Hausa]] in the Arabic script (Ajami), since Hausa is one of the focus languages of the Abstract Wikipedia;
* [ ] [[|Manchu]], as a language written in the Mongolian script whose code is less controversial than mvf;
* [x] [[|Sumerian]] (in its cuneiform and Latin-script representations), because we have L1 and it, out of all lexemes, should at least be modeled correctly;
* [x] [[|German Sign Language]], by analogy with the American equivalent having one and the British one being requested in another ticket; and
* [ ] [[|Klingon]] (in its pIqaD and Latin forms), so that those processing lexemes in that language can better process it.
The first three have some publicly available resources listed [[ | on this page ]], while the last two at least have non-endangered communities using them.
@Amire80 @jhsoby What do you say?