It's not quite done, but it's past 4 am and I need to sleep. Background, the stuff on the right and parts of the dress will be finished later, and I'll put together the WIP animation as soon as I have the time.
Big thanks to ptoing for crits and suggestions.
Edit: Finally finished this. I'm sure it could be polished a bit more, but I really need a break from working on it now. Thanks for all the help.
Mirage - Hehe, oddly enough, it was the first thing I thought of. I had been thinking about drawing something not creepy for a change, so maybe it was that.
I thought light from the light bulbs in it would give the shadow under the boquet that shape, but maybe it depends on how far out you imagine the bulbs to be placed? It's the first time I've tried something with this many light sources, so I'm sure it's not quite right in places. I didn't have much time to look into it further, so I focused on finishing it instead.
I like it very much... my only nitpick would be that the shadow from the bowl of flowers is too big and shaped incorrectly, but that's probably because i've been staring at the picture for too long :)
Thanks, guys! Glad you liked it, and I hope it'll look even better when it's all as polished.
RoboBOT - Good points. Initially, I intended for some bulbs to have a slightly different hue than the rest, and I wanted to suggest that color in the bulbs on the ground, but I wanted to keep it limited to 16 colors as a bit of a challenge to myself, so it ended up looking a bit more harsh than it should have and doesn't really make sense now. I'll also see if I can add a bit more color to the leaves.
Fool - Thanks, that does help. I'll try and darken the metal a bit.
Yes! I've learned to get excited when Arachne has submitted another piece :D This looks great. An issue for me is the orange outline of the bulbs on the ground. If they aren't emitting light, then I don' think the outline should be orange. Also, I feel like the leaves in the bouquet that are next to the bulbs should have a stronger, orange highlight on them. The lack of it seems to make the orange bulbs float in front of the blue background. Overall, though, I love it!
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