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My 3 favourite game characters.

My 3 favourite game characters.

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Pixel Art Details

Title: My 3 favourite game characters.
Pixel Artist: Photocopier  (Level 11 Godfather :: 23737 points)
Posted: 1/30/2011 19:10
Statistics:  9 comments    4 faves    0 avatars

just stayed up an extra hour and a bit to do this cause there weren't many pieces.

1st place: Isaac Clarke

2nd place: Dante

3rd place: Ryu Hayabusa 

Weekly Challenge: Top TenWeekly Challenge: Top Ten


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FangsOfDevouration (Level 1 Rookie) @ 7/14/2011 15:30

This was one of the best pixel isaacs i've seen. 

greenraven (Level 2 Hired Gun) @ 2/16/2011 17:20

It looks like Dante has boobs and is wearing a bra. O_O

I like Isaac the most, pretty. But I think it would have looked better if it had the laser sights. Awesome job either way though.


fawful (Level 6 Yonkyu) @ 2/4/2011 05:45

pretty cool, fhotokoper.

Lizard (Level 5 Sniper) @ 1/31/2011 13:47

You suck get back in school I'm kidding they are absolutely lovely.

Make more :3

RodrigoCard (Level 2 Kukyu) @ 1/31/2011 12:03

@lucas_irineu  It is Isaac, from Dead Space. Great Game! :)

Psychotron-3000 (Level 5 Detective) @ 1/31/2011 06:29

That Isaac is gorgeous! Colours and detail is luurvely.

ellie-is (Level 5 Assistant Manager) @ 1/30/2011 21:13

 I don't even know who the first is, but great art.

skamocore (Level 11 Dolphin) @ 1/30/2011 21:07

;_; that Isaac is beautiful.

KaLanGO (Level 5 Soldier) @ 1/30/2011 20:43

 they're awesome, but i guess that a dynamic pose scen would be cooler.

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My 3 favourite game characters. avatars, My 3 favourite game characters. icons, My 3 favourite game characters. pixel art, My 3 favourite game characters. forum avatars, My 3 favourite game characters. AOL Buddy Icons

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