@sulamith Thank you for taking the time to comment on my pieces. This piece has a lot of trendy new cliches lol. I'm starting to see a lot of floating severed limb stuff too because of ARYZ.
Great art!
All trendy things are here: triangles, antlers, vivid colors. And it's very impressive.
this is excellent. for some reason i want to click on that triangle in the middle to start an animation ;)
Thanks thanks! I'm likeing what I'm seeing of Dome.
thanks everyone else also :P
Thanks everybody!
I'll try to be less lazy with my refining next time.
I love sketchy too. I think Elk and I mentioned 'line' quality as it pertains to pixelart not creative style.
I love sketchy art!
This is amazing, your style is unique and beautiful
I think I prefer it sketchy for such an original outcome such as this. It works well and is defined just enough.
'would look so good if polished' - Elk
Indeed! Great design and colors but on the pixel level some spots are very messy.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very nice...would look so good if polished
This isn't madness.
pretty good. It's fairly trippy snowk. I love the colors.
Doesn't look like any sketch to me, looks very cool man, very cool.
I find this more sketch (including the preview) than what I thought PJ wanted as pixel works. I dig it as (abstract) art though! Just like your last few pieces submitted here.
Finders keepers! FAV