To i tak nie usprawiedliwia nieobecności na Pixel Heaven :P
Oops... my mistake XD It looks like I forgot to click "parent" option
I was saying Manupix is great at knowing what to suggest for improving a piece :) He always leaves really insightful and valid suggestions
I don't think so :) I'm open for every critique and every comment :D
That actually made me gasp. Incredibly awesomest super goodest.
I was thinking more of a palette tweaking, not adding colors ;)
Something subtle, barely noticeable, and probably not blue (a bit predictable !)
Not sure anyway, should be tried to see. I'd make an edit but I have nothing to pixel with atm.
I see that your point was to deliberately mix a strictly neutral B&W image with color, and as I said it's perfectly done. Shifting the neutrals would of course kill that which would be too bad, but on the other hand, I find the intention a little too obvious and do want to kill it!
Friend - in some point yes. Vital was my friend and master/teacher. I always admired him and to be honest I like that kind of art. So this inspiration was subconscious.
were you inspired by this?:
Manupix: Well it could be interesting but I wanted to stay with the small palette ;) Maybe next time I'll do something like that with 2 colors (red & blue) :D
I feel really sad that I've never seen any of your art before.
I agree with Manupix.. Like a blue on the other side or something. -- This is amazing work.
The way the red light blends into the greys is mindblowing. I wonder if something similar might have been worth doing on the left side, a slight hue shift to break the grey neutrality?
Amazing use of dithering with only 13 colours! There's something interesting in his left eye but I can't tell what.
This is the best "13-color"-image i ever made in the world!!!! Its fucking awessome! You OWN!!!
Can I talk to you later?
Woah! This is incredible. Love the texture! Looks magnificent! =]
Great style for a very powerful image. Impressive piece of work!