This is beautiful! I really think the crisp clean edges make the pieces most effective :D
Man those construction workers, always taking their time with finishing.
Great piece and probably the best WIP in the gallery!
Yup, that bucket caught my attention too and the picture in general is nicely nuanced.
Love the well bucket and the hardhat donkey in the distance :D
this is surely going down in history as one of the all time best pixels! Amazing job
@everybody, the "wip" is an intended pun.. workers placing puzzle tiles = work in progress, got it? great :) i guess my humor tends to be a bit outside the box sometimes.. i'll try to keep it simple next time - and pixel boobs tasteful nudity :)
@elend: danke für die blumen.. und den vergleich :)
Wow, it looks absolutely amazing! Great transition of colours and great atmosphere!
I wouldn't call it "WIP" when it's released and overally looks very finished (no rough sketches, empty spaces, etc.). Another great picture Tomic, you are my new hero after cyclone^abyss didn't pixel anymore. ~_~
When I saw the preview I thouhgt, "Its finally done!" then I saw the title and faltered then figured what Fishy said.
Anyways, its still awesome though some aspects are definately still unfinished as you said. The colors stick out the most to me.
Love the concept and the well!
I think it's a very good name because the pixel art depicts a scene that is a work in progress. It's sort of a pun I think.
Damn Tomic, this is great.
Doesn't look like a work in prograss to me, wait, did I miss a joke?
My mind is blown. Everything is so smooth and 3d-ish, and incompletely broken in a beautiful way by those puzzle holes.