The monthly top rating system works differently then I thought.
Congrats on 4th.
The lighting in this is brilliant! Especially loving the purple/blue/grey ramps.
@ |||| : I know, and thank you for the thought, I do appreciate it. Sorry if I came off as a little cold.
I meant well.
It probably didn't have the three or so days it needed to accumulate enough ratings in May is all.
I don't care when you post; thanks for sharing such an awesome piece.
Monthly top is just for fun, mkay?
Wow, this is super awesome! Wonderful work on lightning up that huge robot!
that sentinel looks amazing, and digging those alarm lights!
No it shouldnt, I didn't post it in June, I posted it in May. Besides if it truly deserves to get in the monthly top it will, regardless of when it is posted. I post whenever I feel like it, that is unlikely to change in future ;p
This piece should get moved to the month of June as well So it can have a chance of getting monthly top.
Why you guys posting one day before the month is up?
@Zizka: Nope, never posted it here, you probably saw it over at Pixelation.
Wasn't this submitted before? I have the feeling I had seen this before.
Looks super!
That's some astounding work. Really digging the lightning on the Sentinel.
My new favorite pixel art this year! Excellent work on this!
One of my all time favorite games. This is amazing, thank you, you made my day.
Thanks guys
@Harvey: Thanks dude, loved your recent witcher piece btw, good job
I see you've made some new upgrades. :) Lights are perfect now and those animated cogs are great detail. Great work wolf. :)
A long time coming. Glad to finally see this in the gallery. Amazing work.