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DirectivityShaper Guide

A frequency-dependent Encoder and a Tool to create source directivity patterns.

About this guide

The DirectivityShaper is a twofold plug-in: on the one hand it’s a frequency-dependent Ambisonic encoder - on the other hand it can create Directivity signals. In this guide, we will first take a look at the encoder side and then visit those mysterious Directivity signals, which - to be honest - can be a bit tricky to understand, but will open up a world full of possibilities. Especially when using the RoomEncoder.

Frequency Bands

Let’s look at the first section of the plug-in: Filter Bands and Probe Response This section filters your mono audio signal (see input widget) into four independent frequency bands. These bands are color-coded and the respective colors will also be used in the other sections. But let’s first focus on the filters: You can adjust each of the four filters with the controls below the filter visualizer. Each of them can be an All-pass, Low-pass, Band-pass, or High-pass filter, with adjustable center-/cutoff-frequencies, gains and Q-factors. The filter response is visualized with the respective color of that filter band.

Tip: Using the mouse-wheel with the mouse-cursor over one of the filter knobs will adjust it’s Q-factor.

Without having changed anything else in the plug-in but the filters, the white line in the filter visualizers shows the overall frequency response of those four, parallel frequency bands. In the following, this line will be referred to as the Probe Response. I will explain this later, it will all make sense, I promise!

Ambisonic Order

After having split our input signal into four frequency bands, we will go on selecting an Ambisonic order we want to encode our individual bands in. This can be done with the Order and Shape section. For now, we only want to move the four colored knobs (representing our frequency bands) along the y-axis (up/down). This ensures that be do a basic encoding, like any other encoder would do.

The first thing you should notice is that you can adjust the individual orders continuously, instead of just 1st, 2nd, and so on. Cool, isn’t it? Okay, having even problems imaging how a first order beam looks like? And now we can use 1.323th order Ambisonics? No worries! That’s why the directivity visualizer right next to the XY-pad shows you the shape (!) of your beam. That’s the second thing you should notice.

Note: Please make sure, your output order setting in the upper right of the plug-in is set to an adequate value, otherwise the XY-pad will be marked with a red area, in which you should not move the points.

Okay, so I guess you’ve already moved the knobs towards the middle, even though I told you not to. Then it’s time to meet Mr. Squidhead (order: 5.2, shape: 0.78).

Back to basic! We will take care about maxrE, inPhase and anything in-between shortly. It’s time for…

Spatial Panning

Quick recap: Mono-signal split into four frequency bands, set an Ambisonic order for each band. Let’s encode! With the sphere panner in the upper right, you can now pan each of the four signals (same color again!) into different directions. The four signals will be encoded with their individual directions and their individual Ambisonic orders, resulting in a frequency-dependent encoder. Cool! First chapter finished. Moving on.


You might have noticed that black P-knob in the sphere panner. That’s the Probe. It has two functions:

Probe Function #1

You can move the Probe in the sphere panner, and the Probe Response in the filter visualizer will show you the frequency response of the four frequency bands mixed together with their individual panning. Basically, what would hear if you listen to just that direction. With all orders set to 0 the Probe Response won’t change, as all bands will be encoded as omni-signals.

Probe Function #2

Have you notices the little toggle button named Lock Directions? Activate it, move the Probe, and watch what happens to the four knobs in the sphere panner. They move along! They are now locked to the probe. You still can move them individually, relative to the probe. By the way, the MultiEncoder also has that feature! So why would you need this? Imagine you have encoded a complex and very cool sounding, frequency-dependent beam constellation (or just cavcsfdbc) and now you want to move that cavcsfdbc towards another direction without changing their relative directions. Lock Directions is your friend!

Directivity signals

Okay, it’s time to get serious. So far that was easy, frequency-dependent Ambsonic encoding with fractional orders, so what? Piece of cake. A walk in the park. What we will do now is thinking out of the box, well actually we will think inside the shoebox of the RoomEncoder.

The Directivity signal widget in the upper right corner of the DirectivityShaper

So what’s a directivity signal? To answer that question, we first have to look at the Encoding and Decoding process in Ambisonics: In general, when encoding an audio signal into Ambisonics, there are no weights applied to it, creating a beam pattern you’ve seen in the directivity visualizer. These beam patterns have a very distinct main-lobe and several side-lobes. Note: every other side-lobe has a flipped phase! The beam patterns tell you, how much energy is projected onto a virtual sphere around you. So let’s encode a frequency band in the front direction, with 2nd order and basic shape. Most of that signal’s energy is projected to the front, as desired. But there’s also energy in the opposite direction, luckily with a -10dB attenuation (which is not much). And there are two more side-lobes pointing left and right, with around -15dB and a flipped sign, as they are the next ones to the main-lobe.

This might be surprising, as you would never think of heaving a signal in the opposite direction, far far away from your desired direction! I can reassure you, everything is not lost! There’s still our decoding stage. Most decoders will apply special weights to your Ambisonic signals before actually decoding them to your loudspeakers. There are two specific weights you should know of: maxrE and inPhase.

Let’s look at our 2nd order beam, decoded with maxrE weights. We can simulate this by moving our shape control to maxrE (or just by setting the shape value to 0.5). Our lobes have changed! The main-lobe became a little bit wider, but the undesired side-lobes are now attenuated even more. With inPhase (all the way to the right, or 1.0), there will be no side-lobes, however, at a cost of a wider main-lobe.

Note: The AllRADecoder wlll create a decoder with maxrE weighting. However, you can edit the exported configuration file, and replace maxrE by inPhase and load it in the SimpleDecoder in order to experience inPhase weights.

To sum up this excursion: the encoding-decoding process can be seen as:
The first part is taken care of by an Ambisonic Encoder and the last two by an Decoder.

Now, back to our question: What’s a directivity signal?

Answer: A directivity signal is an Ambisonic signal, but with specific weights applied to it. These weights can be a frequency dependent. In contrast: Ambisonic signals have no weights applied to them: basic.

In the DirectivityShaper you can adjust these weights by moving the individual frequency bands within the XY-pad.

Okay follow up question: What are directivity signals good for? Isn’t my decoder already applying weights? Answer Yes, your Decoder already applies weights to your signals. So why should you apply weights yourself?

Now it’s time to think outside the box!

First of all: applying weights makes only little sense when using the signals as regular Ambisonic signals and decoding them to loudspeaker signals. It only would make sense, if your decoder does not apply weights. However, everything that sounds good, is good!

Tip: You can change the configuration file attribute to none, then there are no weights applied.

Gedankenexperiment (I am surprised this is an actual english word)

Let’s not see the encoded and weighted signals as signals projected / encoded onto a sphere around you, radiating energy towards you (to the inside). Let’s rather see it as a tiny tiny sphere, so tiny it’s basically a dot. You might call it a source. A source radiating energy outwards. Away from it’s center. Energy, which origins from a mono audio signal, divided up into four frequency bands, and panned into different directions.

So, where is this source positioned? How can I listen to it? Can I use a loudspeaker?

If you have a loudspeaker, being able to radiate sound into different directions: yes!

However, you can also use a virtual loudspeaker (or virtual source) within a virtual room, and you can listen to the signals radiated by the source, and reflected by the room walls, standing virtually in that room. I think you already know, what I am driving at.


Let’s fire up the RoomEncoder directly after the DirectivityShaper.

Warning: Make absolutely sure, the output setting of the DirectivityShaper matches the input setting of the RoomEncoder. Otherwise and with unfortunate order settings, very loud signals might be generated!

The orange dot is that source, whose radiation pattern can be defined with the DirectivityShaper. E.g. with the bands panned to the front, these signals will be radiated towards the front wall. The listener is represented by the green dot. It receives the direct signal (per default arriving from front left) and all the wall reflections (coming from different directions).

What’s happening under the hood? The RoomEncoder decodes the input Directivity signal at each direction necessary to calculate the direct signal and reflections, without weights. Decoding without weights? Good that we have already applied weights in the DirectivityShaper! The signals will be attenuated according to distance and reflection properties, and then encoded to an Ambisonic signal, without weights, good ol’ basic Ambisonic signals.

Ambisonic signals, you can then decode to your loudspeaker array. Um… is this called room-in-room solution? What would happen, if I send these signals into another RoomEncoder instance? Or even feed it back? Recursive-Room?

At the end: a quote

Directivity signals, which - to be honest - can be a bit tricky to understand, but will open up a world full of possibilities.
Daniel Rudrich, a couple of minutes ago.