Phylogenetic tree of Alu subfamilies. Human
Alu elements having intact head and tail were randomly
selected from both the GenBank database and the on-line database of
Alu pairs ( The
tree was made by the neighbor-joining method (20). Distances were
calculated with Kimura's two-parameter method (21). The poly(A) tails
of sequences were not used in tree-making. The sequence of an
AluJb element, which belongs to the old
AluJb subfamily, was used as an outgroup. The average
age of AluJb, AluSq, AluY,
and AluYb8 subfamilies has been estimated at 81, 44, 19,
and 3 million years, respectively (ref. 22). The Alu
elements shown in Fig. 1 are represented by Hs sahAluY,
Pt sahAluSq, Gg sahAluSq, and Mm
sahAluSq. msAluY indicates the sequence
most similar to the one of sahAluY. Hs, Homo
sapiens; Pt, Pan troglodytes; Gg, Gorilla
gorilla; Mm, Macaca mulatta.