Frontiers Policy Labs

Rethinking the world with science

The Frontiers Policy Labs initiative seeks to strengthen the connection between robust scientific research and informed policymaking. Now is the time to look to science as a tool to enable better, more holistic decision making; an interface through which policy is driven by evidence. To enable that, science must be open, science must be trusted, and science must be accessible. Frontiers Policy Labs provides an evidence-based discussion platform, covering topics where commentaries are judged as scientific pieces, ensuring rigorous and informed contributions to policy development.

Introduction from our CEO

Dr Kamila Markram, Frontiers’ CEO and co-founder, welcomes you to Policy Labs – a platform unifying world experts from business, science, and policy so that together, we can look toward creating a brighter, more sustainable future for all people.

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“Never waste a good crisis: we must already consider and prepare for the challenges of a post-corona world.”

Dr. Jean-Claude Burgelman
Editor-in-Chief of the Frontiers Policy Labs

Jean Claude Burgelman, Professor of Open Science Policy at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and former Head of Unit for Open Science Policy at the European Commission, hosts in-depth conversations and analysis with leading experts in policy, business, and academia on the lessons and legacy of COVID-19.

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