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Curriculum Vitae

Polimoda International Institute Fashion, Business of Fashion, Faculty Member
Monika Poettinger +39 3425792212 monika.poettinger@unibocconi.it ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND GRANTS 2014-2024 Teaching Qualification as Associate Professor in Economic History (validity 13/07/2024)i 2019-2022 Contract Professor, Economic History and Macroeconomics courses, graduate and undergraduate level, English, Polimoda, Florence 2019 Recipient of Chandler Travel Grant Award, Harvard Business School 2010-2021 Assistancy (Cultore della materia) to the course of History of Economic Thought Department of Economics, University of Florence. Teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses in the history of economic thought 2006-2018 Contract Professor, Economic History and Business History courses graduate and undergraduate level, Italian/English, Bocconi University, Milan 2008-2010 Contract Professor, Microeconomics course, Università Statale Bicocca, Milano 1995-2000 Tutorship, History of Economic Thought courses, Bocconi University, Milan. AFFILIATIONS AND NON-ACADEMIC POSITIONS - Secretary General, since 2014 of: Opificio Toscano di Economia, Politica e Storia (www.opificiotoscanoeps.it) - Member of scientific communities: ESHET, EBHA - Member of German international organisations: Villa Vigoni - Jury: Preis für Unternehmensgeschichte, since 2019, Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (GUG Frankfurt) EDUCATION 2000 PhD in Economic and Social History, Bocconi University, Milan Thesis “German Entrepreneurs in Milan during the XIX century” July 1995 Degree in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan (grade: 110 out of 110, cum laude) Major: International Economics, Minor: History of Economic Thought LANGUAGES Italian, German Mother tongue English CEFR C1 (IELTS Academic Test 30/09/2019) French (elementary) RESEARCH HISTORY, CONFERENCES AND PUBLICATIONS Merchant networks and entrepreneurial migrations 18th-19th century This is the first research interest of my career, connected to my PHD thesis on “German entrepreneurs in 19th century Milan”. The scope of the research was soon enlarged to German entrepreneurial migrations and merchant networks from the 18th to the 20th century. On this topic I organized the international conference German Merchant and Entrepreneurial Migrations (1750-1900) [Villa Vigoni 24-26 November 2008; DFG Funding] and the panel Merchant networks, entrepreneurial migrations and economic development [Third European Congress on World and Global History 14-17 April 2011, London School of Economics & Political Science]. Recently I was invited to present my research as a seminar titled »Kaufmännische Netzwerke der Deutschen im Zeitalter Napoleons« for the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (26. Juni 2018). The results of my thesis and of the Villa Vigoni conference were published as volumes: - Monika Poettinger, Deutsche Unternehmer im Mailand des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Netzwerke, soziales Kapital und Industrialisierung, Casagrande Editore, Lugano, 2012 - Monika Poettinger (editor), German Merchant and Entrepreneurial Migrations, Casagrande Editore, Lugano, 2012 On the topic I also published several articles and essays: - Internationale Netzwerke im napoleonischen Mailand, in: Magnus Ressel / Ellinor Schweighöfer (eds.), Heinrich Mylius (1769–1854) und die deutsch-italienischen Verbindungen im Zeitalter der Revolution, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020, pp. 143-188 - Richard in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. LCCCVII, Treccani, Roma, 2016, pp. 404-408 - Crises and Merchant Networks in the nineteenth century: The Case of German Networks in Lombardy “The Historical Review/La Revue Historique”, 10, 2013, pp. 11-32 - German entrepreneurial networks and the industrialization of Milan “Bulletin of the German Historical Institute London”, n. 2, 2011, pp. 249-292 - International Networks in Milan in the Napoleonic Age “Entrepreneurial History Discussion Papers”, 6, 2010 http://www.ehdp.net. - International entrepreneurial networks and economic development in nineteenth century Lombardy in Franco Amatori, Andrea Colli (eds.), Imprenditorialitá e sviluppo economico. Il caso Italiano (secc.XIII-XX), Egea, 2009 - Innovazione e network imprenditoriali nella Lombardia ottocentesca: gli imprenditori tedeschi in Carlo G. Lacaita (ed.), Viaggi di istruzione ed esperienze innovative nel processo italiano di modernizzazione, Casagrande Editore, 2009, pp. 99-136 - Imprenditori tedeschi nella lombardia del primo ottocento, spirito mercantile, capitale sociale ed industrializzazione “Rivista di Storia Economica”, vol.III, Anno XXIII, 2007, pp. 319-360 - Internazionalizzazione ed innovazione tecnologica nella Milano ottocentesca, gli imprenditori tedeschi Kramer e Mylius in Guido Alfani (editor), Il ruolo economico della famiglia, Bulzoni Editore, 2007, pp. 303-357 - Lo sviluppo economico lombardo nelle attività degli imprenditori tedeschi in Giorgio Oldrini, Aldo Venturelli (eds.), La tradizione rinnovata, Villa Vigoni, 2006, pp. 49-103 The merchant economy: institutional organization and economic culture Following my interest in entrepreneurial migrations and the functioning of merchant networks I closely analyzed the developing in time of merchant economies. The results were summarized in the volume: - Mercante e società: riflessioni di storia comparata, Casagrande Editore, Lugano, 2012 and in the articles and essays: - Merchants and the new Catholic view on the economy: Florence and Augsburg between the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries, in: Iwo Amelung and Bertram Schefold, European and Chinese histories of economic thought, London, Routledge, 2022, pp.106-118 - Milan in the 1850s: a merchant economy “Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte”, 60, 2, 2015, pp. 218-237 - Forme d’impresa, socializzazione del capitale e innovazione nella Milano di metá Ottocento “Rivista di Storia Economica”, vol. II, Anno XXVII, 2011, pp. 171-223 - Etica mercantile e sviluppo economico “Societá e Storia”, 125, 2009, pp. 465-502 - Lo sviluppo economico lombardo ed i network imprenditoriali “Villa Vigoni Comunicazioni/Mitteilungen”, vol.X, July 2007, pp. 148-165 Economic thought and history in Tuscany 15th-19th century During my long-standing collaboration with the chair of history of economic thought at the University of Florence (2010 to present) and the direction of the cultural association Opificio Toscano di Economia, Politica e Storia I organized several researches on Tuscan economic history and economic thought. Among them: the conference Amintore Fanfani. Diari e Storia [Florence 1901-2015 Funding Centro di Studi Storici Economici e Sociali “Amintore Fanfani”] and the conference cycle A spasso per Firenze Capitale [Florence 2015 www.aspassoperfirenzecapitale.it-Funding Regione Toscana and CRF]. Results were published in a class A article: - An Aristocratic Enterprise: the Ginori Porcelain Manufactory (1735-1896), “Business History”, 2020, ID: 1801643, DOI:10.1080/00076791.2020.1801643 in the volumes: - Monika Poettinger, Piero Roggi (editors), Florence Capital of the Kingdom of Italy (1865-1871), Bloomsbury, London, 2017 Monika Poettinger, Piero Roggi et alii, Storia illustrata dell’economia in Toscana dall’Ottocento ad oggi, Pacini Editore, Pisa, 2016 - Monika Poettinger, Piero Roggi Una capitale per l’Italia. Firenze (1865-1871), Opificio Editore, Firenze, 2016 - Monika Poettinger, Firenze e l’Europa liberale. L’Economista (1874-1881), Polistampa, Firenze, 2013 - Monika Poettinger, Amintore Fanfani, Dall’Eden alla terza guerra mondiale. Un inedito, Polistampa, Firenze, 2014 and in articles and essays: - Francesco Ferrara, la Società Adamo Smith e «L’Economista», in: Sandro Rogari (a cura di), Firenze dopo la capitale, Firenze, Polistampa, 2022, pp.149-172 - Piero Roggi (1941-2020), “History of Economic Thought and Policy” (DOI: 10.3280/SPE2020002008), Anno 2020, n.2, pp. 139-150 - Il gruppo Richard-Ginori: un inquadramento storico economico (1896-1972), in: Oliva Rucellai, Andreina d’Agliano, Christiana Fissore (a cura di), Mirabile Industria. La Società Ceramica Richard-Ginori dal 1896 al 1972, Pistoia, GliOri, 2020, pp.15-31 - Curzio Malaparte Arcitedesco, in: Emmanuel Mattiato et alii, Curzio Malaparte e la ricerca dell’identità europea, Presses de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc, 2020, pp. 21-52 - Imprenditorialità, innovazione e limiti strutturali del settore vitivinicolo Toscano dell’Ottocento, in: Ezio Ritrovato, Giovanni Gregorini (a cura di), Il settore agro-alimentare nella storia dell'economia europea, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019, pp. 474-498 - (with Simone Fagioli) La manifattura di Doccia e il 1848: innovazione tecnica, fermenti operai e narrazione aziendale, in: Laura Diafani e Andrea Giaconi (eds.), Il 1848 tra Europa, Italia e Toscana, Firenze, Edizioni dell’Assemblea, 2019, pp. 117-143 - Carlo Lorenzini e la pedagogia illuminista, “Studi sulla Formazione”: 21, 181-192, 2018-1 - La diffusione della scienza economica come strumento di propaganda liberale: «L’Economista» (1874-1881) «Il pensiero economico italiano», Anno XXI, 2013, 1, pp. 151-176 - Wirtschaftsdenken im Spätmittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit (with Bertram Schefold) in Alfried Wieczorek, Gaëlle Rosendahl, Donatella Lippi (editors), Die Medici - Menschen, Macht und Leidenschaft, Verlag Schnell + Steiner, Regensburg, 2013, pp. 65-77 - Un burattino in libertà nell’Italia di fine Ottocento in Cosimo Ceccuti and Antonia Ida Fontana (eds.), Carlo Lorenzini dal Risorgimento all’Unità, Firenze, 2011, pp. 127-182 The relationship of economic thought and economic facts My epistemological studies related to the researches on Amintore Fanfani, Otto Neurath and the German historical school led me to organize several conferences on the relationship between facts and thought in the evolution of economic theories: Economic thought and cultural contaminations in France, Germany and Italy in the nineteenth century [International Conference Villa Vigoni, 6-10 April 2011, DFG funding]; Economic crisis and new nationalisms [CESIFIN International Conference, 15 November 2012, CESIFIN funding]; I fatti e il pensiero nella storia dell'economia [XII AISPE Conference, Florence February 21-23 2013]; Economic cycles and economic theory in Europe from the XIX to the XXI century [Trilateral Project - France, Germany, Italy - Villa Vigoni 2014-16 funding: DFG, Maison des sciences de l'homme, Fondazione Cariplo]. Results were published in the volumes: - Alain Alcouffe, Maurice Baslè, Monika Poettinger (editors), Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis, Routledge 2018 - Alain Alcouffe, Monika Poettinger, Bertram Schefold (editors), Business Cycles in Economic Thought: A History, Routledge, 2017 - Monika Poettinger, Gianfranco Tusset (editors), Economic Thought and History: An Unresolved Relationship, Routledge, 2016 - Monika Poettinger, Antonio Varsori (editors), Economic crisis and new nationalisms: German political economy as perceived by European partners, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2014 and in the articles and essays: - Economic crises in nineteenth century Italy: a cultural analysis, in: Daniele Besomi (ed.), Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium, London, Routledge, 2022 (forthcoming) - Eclettismo in economia: un dramma in due atti, “Ventunesimo Secolo”, XX, 48, 2021, pp.181208 - Il nuovo modello Germania tra ordoliberalismo e neomercantilismo, in: Luca Renzi and Ubaldo Villani-Lubelli (eds.), La nuova Germania. La Repubblica Federale 30 anni dopo la Riunificazione, Edizioni ETS, 2020, pp. 99-125 - Ugo Spirito: frammenti di letture economiche, in Piero Roggi (ed.), Ugo Spirito a Pisa. Appunti delle lezioni (1932-1935), Opificio Editore, 2020, pp. 231-274 - Uncertainty and the Need for Democracy: Otto Neurath (1906-1924), “Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia”, Vol. CXLVIII (2018), pp.181-195 - Riviste, recensori e biblioteche: l’interscambio tra pensiero economico italiano e tedesco (1918-1945), in Piero Barucci, Piero Bini, Lucilla Conigliello (eds.), Il Corporativismo nell’Italia di Mussolini. Dal declino delle istituzioni liberali alla Costituzione repubblicana, Firenze, FUP, 2018, pp.177-210 - La scienza economica e l’ascesa del nazionalsocialismo in Germania: qualche spunto interpretativo, “Nuova Antologia”, 2285, (1) 2018, pp.314-328 - The travels of Gaetano Ciocca, an Italian engineer in the Soviet Union of the first five-year plan, in Emmanuel Mattiato et alii, Voyager dans les États autoritaires et totalitaires de l’Europe de l’entre-deux-guerres, Presses de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc, 2018, pp. 21-52 - Quale economia per un neonato stato nazionale? Il dibattito italiano (1861-1878), in Venturelli Aldo (ed.) La costruzione dello stato nazionale in Italia e Germania, monographic issue “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei”, anno CDXIII, 2016, pp.95-117 - Tra storia ed economia: Otto Neurath in Società Italiana degli Storici Economici, Innovare Nella Storia Economica: Temi, Metodi, Fonti, Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, 2016, pp. 591-614 - Besieging the French Liberal Fortress: The Diffusion of Italian and German Economic Thought in the Last Quarter of the 19th Century “Rivista di Storia Economica”, vol. I, Anno XXX, 2014, pp. 37-58 Federico Caffè Among the economists who recently attracted my attention is Federico Caffè, a major Italian economist after WWII who introduced the discipline of political economy at university level. On the centenary of Caffe’s birth the Opificio Toscano di Economia, Politica e Storia organized the conference: Federico Caffe’ nel pensiero economico italiano [Florence 20-10-2014, Funding Regione Toscana]. Results were published in the volume: - Monika Poettinger, Piero Roggi (editors), Federico Caffè nel pensiero economico italiano, “Pensiero economico italiano”, monographic issue, 2, 2015 and in the essays and articles: Federico Caffè and the vanity of economic ideas, in Franco Amatori, Archives of Italian Economic and Business History, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2017, pp.143-163 - Velleitarismo: il giudizio storico di Federico Caffè sul secondo dopoguerra, “Ricerche di storia economica e sociale”, II, 1-2, 2016, pp. 157-181 - Civilization as the Diffusion of Eclecticism in Economic Thought. Federico Caffè (1914-1987) “Global & Local Economic Review”, 18, 2, 2014, pp. 145-176 Ancient Economic History and Economic Thought Starting with some research projects on ancient economic history financed by Bankitalia, I have been in contact with many historians of ancient history and have organized a group of sessions on Ancient Economies in Comparative Perspective: Material Life, Institutions and Economic Thought at the XV Congress of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico held in Rome, 23-25 November 2017. Results of this conference will be published in the volume: Marcella Frangipane, Monika Poettinger, Bertram Schefold (eds.), Ancient Economies in Comparative Perspective: Material Life, Institutions and Economic Thought, Springer Verlag, 2022 (forthcoming) I also published the article: - Entrepreneurship in the Ancient Near East: Some Preliminary Observations “La Sapienza Orientale”, Anno IX, 2013, pp. 143-156 - - Book Reviews Sophus A. Reinert. The Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy, “The American Historical Review”, Volume 125, Issue 5, December 2020, Pages 1989–1990, https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhz779 - Recensione a G. Nardozzi, Una nuova Germania per l’Europa? Francesco Brioschi Editore, Milano 2021, “Il Pensiero Storico”, 10/03/2022 (https://ilpensierostorico.com/caccia-allospirito-del-capitalismo/) PARTICIPATION TO CONFERENCES AND INVITATIONS TO SPEAK Yearly participation to the conferences of national and international academic associations (SEI, AISPE, SISE, ASSI, ESHET, EBHA) – papers available online Guest speaker: -Villa Vigoni (19/05/2005) Innovazione e sviluppo: da Mylius alla Sesto del futuro -German Historical Institute London (12/2007) Cosmopolitan Networks -Accademia die Lincei (25-27 maggio 2011) La costruzione dello stato nazionale e le sue prospettive future in Italia e in Germania -Verein für Socialpolitik-Ausschuss für die Geschichte der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (15-17/05/2014) Macht oder ökonomisches Gesetz? -Università di Milano (29/08/2016) Nobility and Economy in the XIXth Century. Asian and European cases and contexts -Villa Vigoni (19-21/10/2017) Heinrich Mylius (1769-1854) und die deutsch-italienischen Verbindungen im Zeitalter der Revolution: Die Lombardei und das nordalpine Europa im frühen 19. Jahrhundert - Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (30/11/2017) The Significance of Economic Theorising for Economic Growth and Prosperity. Chinese and Western Perspectives - Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali Università di Firenze (24/3/2018) La cultura politica, giuridica ed economica in Italia tra le due guerre - Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (26. Juni 2018) Vorreiter Europas? – Deutsch-italienische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in Neuzeit und Moderne - Università di Torino, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Côte d’Azur, Curzio Malaparte e la ricerca dell’identità Europea, 6-8 Giugno 2019 - Centre Walras-Pareto (Lausanne), 24-26 October 2019, Metaphors for crises, cycles and equilibrium - Convegno Internazionale Siscalt 2021, Germania Italia Europa: Trent’anni Dalla Riunificazione Tedesca E Le Scommesse Del 21° Secolo, Napoli 4-6 novembre 2021 Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Web pages and online papers: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Monika_Poettinger https://rmauro.academia.edu/monikapoettinger http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-no2013093960/ March, 13, 2022 Signature Monika Poettinger i https://asn16.cineca.it/pubblico/miur/esito-abilitato/13%252FC1/2/5