The reason for addressing the issue of the roles and competencies of managers of
process-project ... more The reason for addressing the issue of the roles and competencies of managers of process-project organizations was the results of literature research. Based on them, it was found that there is a cognitive gap in this area, although it is emphasized that processes and projects are complementary elements of modern organizations. The main objective of the study was to identify the roles and competencies of managers that are important in a process-project organization. Its implementation was carried out within the framework of two sub-objectives: 1) to synthesize theoretical considerations on the roles and competencies of managers in modern organizations, including process-project organizations, 2) to assess the importance of managerial roles and competencies in process-project organizations.
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series, 2023
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the role of responsible leadership in mitigati... more Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the role of responsible leadership in mitigating
the brain drain syndrome in Nigerian healthcare service organizations. It aims to provide
a conceptual model that highlights the need for responsible leadership and its impact on
employee and social well-being.
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series, 2023
The purpose of this scientific article is to explore the concept of green innovations
and respon... more The purpose of this scientific article is to explore the concept of green innovations
and responsible leadership in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. The study aims to examine the
role of responsible leadership in promoting and implementing green innovations in healthcare
facilities, assess the current state of green practices and technologies in Nigerian healthcare,
and identify the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating sustainable
practices into the healthcare sector.
Modern language and culture. Where do we go..., 2016
German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Stand... more German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German. The most popular variety for German language learners is German used in Germany but sometimes the students learn also few words in Austrian German, while the Swiss German is still neglected. The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation. The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.
Zdolność pisania skryptów nauk ścisłych w przejrzysty i ciekawy sposób jest bardzo wymagającym za... more Zdolność pisania skryptów nauk ścisłych w przejrzysty i ciekawy sposób jest bardzo wymagającym zadaniem, ale w osiągnięciu tego celu autorowi może pomóc stosowanie licznych metatekstemów. Z ich pomocą mogą stworzyć artykuł przyjazny odbiorcy. Te konstrukcje mają różne zastosowania, o których naukowcy często zapominają, skupiając się przede wszystkim na przedstawieniu wyników swoich badań. Metatekstemy pomagają autorowi w poukładaniu i przedstawieniu ich toku myślenia, w informowaniu odbiorcy o podjętych przez autora krokach i jego opinii co do wprowadzanych informacji. Za pomocą środków metajęzykowych naukowcy mogą podkreślić najważniejsze informacje w tekście i powoływać się na badania innych autorów, a co najważniejsze, pomagają one nawiązać relację z czytelnikiem. Środki te mają wiele różnorodnych funkcji i w niniejszym artykule prezentujemy ich rolę w skryptach nauk ścisłych wraz z ich charakterystyką i przykładami. Autorzy tekstów naukowych powinni zwracać więcej uwagi na...
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Wydzial Filologiczny. Instytu... more Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Wydzial Filologiczny. Instytut Neofilologii. Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem dra hab. Artura Dariusza Kubackiego, prof. UP oraz dr Renaty Czaplikowskiej (pelniącej funkcje promotora pomocniczego).
pacific asia conference on information systems, 2021
In a world still rushing forward, waiting is a waste of time, opportunity and money. In response ... more In a world still rushing forward, waiting is a waste of time, opportunity and money. In response to this market need, we are building a chatbot allowing e-commerce shops to offer 24/7 customer support at a fraction of the cost. Cost efficiency is a major issue when implementing dialogue agents for inflectionally rich languages, such as Polish. That is why end-to-end systems use machine translation (MT) as a pivot in communication, whereas the chatbot itself operates in English. In our research, we cover bidirectional translation between Polish, English, German, and Italian. We achieve good quality results that exceed 48 BLEU for EN– DE. We show how to generate significant amounts of speech resources in the form of dialogues and use them in MT. We believe our findings are replicable in other languages
Abstrakt. Analiza dyskursu naukowego według projektu Scientext. zarów-no pisanie jak i rozumienie... more Abstrakt. Analiza dyskursu naukowego według projektu Scientext. zarów-no pisanie jak i rozumienie tekstów naukowych jest umiejętnością bardzo istotną w środowisku akademickim. Francuska grupa Scientext, w skład której wchodzą trzy zespoły (LIdILEM, LiCorN i LLS) zajmuje się analizą dyskursu naukowego zwracając szczególną uwagę na pozycję autora tekstu, proces jego rozumowania oraz środki językowe, którymi się posługuje. Celem projektu Scientext było zgromadzenie korpusów w języku francuskim i angielskim służących do analizy dyskursu naukowego i pozycji autora w tekście. Korpusy dostępne są na stronie scientext .msh-alpes .fr. Słowa klucze: tekst naukowy, korpus, autor tekstu naukowego, metajęzyk Abstract. Scientific discourse analysis according to project Scientext. The ability to write and understand scientific texts is very essential in academic environment. A French project Scientext deals with scientific discourse analysis . It brings together a multidisciplinary team including researchers from the fields of linguistics, computational linguistics and teaching methodology . There are three groups which cooperate together: LIdILEM, LiCorN, LLS. This project aims to clarify the characteristics of written scientific discourse. The languages analysed in this project are English and French. A corpus constitutes the basis for each analysis. An important role in a scientific text is assigned to the author. Scientext studies the author's position in a text and the metalanguage used to guide the reader .
Modern language and culture. Where do we go..., 2016
German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Stand... more German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German. The most popular variety for German language learners is German used in Germany but sometimes the students learn also few words in Austrian German, while the Swiss German is still neglected. The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation. The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.
The reason for addressing the issue of the roles and competencies of managers of
process-project ... more The reason for addressing the issue of the roles and competencies of managers of process-project organizations was the results of literature research. Based on them, it was found that there is a cognitive gap in this area, although it is emphasized that processes and projects are complementary elements of modern organizations. The main objective of the study was to identify the roles and competencies of managers that are important in a process-project organization. Its implementation was carried out within the framework of two sub-objectives: 1) to synthesize theoretical considerations on the roles and competencies of managers in modern organizations, including process-project organizations, 2) to assess the importance of managerial roles and competencies in process-project organizations.
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series, 2023
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the role of responsible leadership in mitigati... more Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the role of responsible leadership in mitigating
the brain drain syndrome in Nigerian healthcare service organizations. It aims to provide
a conceptual model that highlights the need for responsible leadership and its impact on
employee and social well-being.
Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology Organization and Management Series, 2023
The purpose of this scientific article is to explore the concept of green innovations
and respon... more The purpose of this scientific article is to explore the concept of green innovations
and responsible leadership in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. The study aims to examine the
role of responsible leadership in promoting and implementing green innovations in healthcare
facilities, assess the current state of green practices and technologies in Nigerian healthcare,
and identify the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating sustainable
practices into the healthcare sector.
Modern language and culture. Where do we go..., 2016
German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Stand... more German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German. The most popular variety for German language learners is German used in Germany but sometimes the students learn also few words in Austrian German, while the Swiss German is still neglected. The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation. The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.
Zdolność pisania skryptów nauk ścisłych w przejrzysty i ciekawy sposób jest bardzo wymagającym za... more Zdolność pisania skryptów nauk ścisłych w przejrzysty i ciekawy sposób jest bardzo wymagającym zadaniem, ale w osiągnięciu tego celu autorowi może pomóc stosowanie licznych metatekstemów. Z ich pomocą mogą stworzyć artykuł przyjazny odbiorcy. Te konstrukcje mają różne zastosowania, o których naukowcy często zapominają, skupiając się przede wszystkim na przedstawieniu wyników swoich badań. Metatekstemy pomagają autorowi w poukładaniu i przedstawieniu ich toku myślenia, w informowaniu odbiorcy o podjętych przez autora krokach i jego opinii co do wprowadzanych informacji. Za pomocą środków metajęzykowych naukowcy mogą podkreślić najważniejsze informacje w tekście i powoływać się na badania innych autorów, a co najważniejsze, pomagają one nawiązać relację z czytelnikiem. Środki te mają wiele różnorodnych funkcji i w niniejszym artykule prezentujemy ich rolę w skryptach nauk ścisłych wraz z ich charakterystyką i przykładami. Autorzy tekstów naukowych powinni zwracać więcej uwagi na...
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Wydzial Filologiczny. Instytu... more Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Wydzial Filologiczny. Instytut Neofilologii. Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem dra hab. Artura Dariusza Kubackiego, prof. UP oraz dr Renaty Czaplikowskiej (pelniącej funkcje promotora pomocniczego).
pacific asia conference on information systems, 2021
In a world still rushing forward, waiting is a waste of time, opportunity and money. In response ... more In a world still rushing forward, waiting is a waste of time, opportunity and money. In response to this market need, we are building a chatbot allowing e-commerce shops to offer 24/7 customer support at a fraction of the cost. Cost efficiency is a major issue when implementing dialogue agents for inflectionally rich languages, such as Polish. That is why end-to-end systems use machine translation (MT) as a pivot in communication, whereas the chatbot itself operates in English. In our research, we cover bidirectional translation between Polish, English, German, and Italian. We achieve good quality results that exceed 48 BLEU for EN– DE. We show how to generate significant amounts of speech resources in the form of dialogues and use them in MT. We believe our findings are replicable in other languages
Abstrakt. Analiza dyskursu naukowego według projektu Scientext. zarów-no pisanie jak i rozumienie... more Abstrakt. Analiza dyskursu naukowego według projektu Scientext. zarów-no pisanie jak i rozumienie tekstów naukowych jest umiejętnością bardzo istotną w środowisku akademickim. Francuska grupa Scientext, w skład której wchodzą trzy zespoły (LIdILEM, LiCorN i LLS) zajmuje się analizą dyskursu naukowego zwracając szczególną uwagę na pozycję autora tekstu, proces jego rozumowania oraz środki językowe, którymi się posługuje. Celem projektu Scientext było zgromadzenie korpusów w języku francuskim i angielskim służących do analizy dyskursu naukowego i pozycji autora w tekście. Korpusy dostępne są na stronie scientext .msh-alpes .fr. Słowa klucze: tekst naukowy, korpus, autor tekstu naukowego, metajęzyk Abstract. Scientific discourse analysis according to project Scientext. The ability to write and understand scientific texts is very essential in academic environment. A French project Scientext deals with scientific discourse analysis . It brings together a multidisciplinary team including researchers from the fields of linguistics, computational linguistics and teaching methodology . There are three groups which cooperate together: LIdILEM, LiCorN, LLS. This project aims to clarify the characteristics of written scientific discourse. The languages analysed in this project are English and French. A corpus constitutes the basis for each analysis. An important role in a scientific text is assigned to the author. Scientext studies the author's position in a text and the metalanguage used to guide the reader .
Modern language and culture. Where do we go..., 2016
German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Stand... more German is a pluricentric language. It has three varieties: German Standard German, Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German. The most popular variety for German language learners is German used in Germany but sometimes the students learn also few words in Austrian German, while the Swiss German is still neglected. The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation. The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.
Papers by Ida Skubis
process-project organizations was the results of literature research. Based on them, it was found
that there is a cognitive gap in this area, although it is emphasized that processes and projects are
complementary elements of modern organizations. The main objective of the study was to
identify the roles and competencies of managers that are important in a process-project
organization. Its implementation was carried out within the framework of two sub-objectives:
1) to synthesize theoretical considerations on the roles and competencies of managers in modern
organizations, including process-project organizations, 2) to assess the importance of managerial
roles and competencies in process-project organizations.
the brain drain syndrome in Nigerian healthcare service organizations. It aims to provide
a conceptual model that highlights the need for responsible leadership and its impact on
employee and social well-being.
and responsible leadership in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. The study aims to examine the
role of responsible leadership in promoting and implementing green innovations in healthcare
facilities, assess the current state of green practices and technologies in Nigerian healthcare,
and identify the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating sustainable
practices into the healthcare sector.
Abstract. Scientific discourse analysis according to project Scientext. The ability to write and understand scientific texts is very essential in academic environment. A French project Scientext deals with scientific discourse analysis . It brings together a multidisciplinary team including researchers from the fields of linguistics, computational linguistics and teaching methodology . There are three groups which cooperate together: LIdILEM, LiCorN, LLS. This project aims to clarify the characteristics of written scientific discourse. The languages analysed in this project are English and French. A corpus constitutes the basis for each analysis. An important role in a scientific text is assigned to the author. Scientext studies the author's position in a text and the metalanguage used to guide the reader .
The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation.
The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.
Books by Ida Skubis
process-project organizations was the results of literature research. Based on them, it was found
that there is a cognitive gap in this area, although it is emphasized that processes and projects are
complementary elements of modern organizations. The main objective of the study was to
identify the roles and competencies of managers that are important in a process-project
organization. Its implementation was carried out within the framework of two sub-objectives:
1) to synthesize theoretical considerations on the roles and competencies of managers in modern
organizations, including process-project organizations, 2) to assess the importance of managerial
roles and competencies in process-project organizations.
the brain drain syndrome in Nigerian healthcare service organizations. It aims to provide
a conceptual model that highlights the need for responsible leadership and its impact on
employee and social well-being.
and responsible leadership in the healthcare sector in Nigeria. The study aims to examine the
role of responsible leadership in promoting and implementing green innovations in healthcare
facilities, assess the current state of green practices and technologies in Nigerian healthcare,
and identify the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating sustainable
practices into the healthcare sector.
Abstract. Scientific discourse analysis according to project Scientext. The ability to write and understand scientific texts is very essential in academic environment. A French project Scientext deals with scientific discourse analysis . It brings together a multidisciplinary team including researchers from the fields of linguistics, computational linguistics and teaching methodology . There are three groups which cooperate together: LIdILEM, LiCorN, LLS. This project aims to clarify the characteristics of written scientific discourse. The languages analysed in this project are English and French. A corpus constitutes the basis for each analysis. An important role in a scientific text is assigned to the author. Scientext studies the author's position in a text and the metalanguage used to guide the reader .
The differences between those three varieties concern orthography, phonetics, grammas, lexis and pragmatics and they refer not only to everyday language usage but also to specialised one. All those three variations are equally essential for translators and interpreters because they have to know the differences between them and be able to apply appropriate terms in the translation process in order to make a correct translation.
The legal translation is a very difficult area because the usage of appropriate equivalents is highly important and the incorrect translation may have severe consequences. There is a wide range of errors which can appear in translations but they should be at all costs avoided this is why a legal translator needs to have specific and expert knowledge about the source and target language. Furthermore, they need to know the similarities and differences in both legal systems. Legal translation requires on the one hand familiarity with the relevant terminology according to the variety and the field of law and on the other hand competence in legal writing style.