Researcher in consumer behaviors in the area of food consumption, health, and information-seeking.
Areas of interest 1. Digitalization in the food and health markets from the perspective of a consumer. 2. Shaping sustainable consumption patterns with the new communication technologies. 3. Food and health literacy as a prerequisite of sustainable consumption behaviors. 4. Behavioral interventions design.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
This paper aims to identify the relation between food consumption and well-being, and the level o... more This paper aims to identify the relation between food consumption and well-being, and the level of well-being depending on a diet followed. Moreover, we analyze whether people driven by single motives, such as the health, pleasure or social dimension of food declare the lower or higher level of well-being than those motivated by a larger number of factors. The survey was conducted online (CAWI, n = 1067). The following scales were used: Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Satisfaction with Food-related Life Scale (SWFL), Health Taste Attitude Scales (HTAS) and Social Dimension of Food Meaning. The data analysis was carried out with the application of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), partial eta squared, a t-Student’s test, the Hochberg test, the Games-Howell test, and Pearson’s correlation. Levels of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Food Well-Being (FWB) are strongly correlated with consumers’ dietary pattern. The frequency of consumption of organic food and following vegan, lo...
In recent years marketing researchers show an increasing interest in consumers’ visual perception... more In recent years marketing researchers show an increasing interest in consumers’ visual perception, which is an essential element in the decision-making process of buying. The dominant role of visual information in marketing communications evoke the need to increase the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. Senders of marketing messages want to know whether the marketing measures and incentives used, such as product labels, reach the target segments of consumers and distinguish their products from the competition. The main objective of this chapter was to determine the influence of labels used on the food packaging on their perceived attractiveness among organic consumers. A questionnaire and eye-tracking tests were used. The tested labels were: “Non-GMO”, the European organic food label, “Dobre, bo Wielkopolskie” [It’s good because it comes from Wielkopolska] and the “green dot” symbol. Studies have shown that the identification of the labels on the packaging is poor and educational activities in this area should be intensified. Consumers of organic food and those who do not buy it perceive the labels used on their products likewise. Moreover, findings show that their impact power is not significant. The “Non-GMO” label attracted the most attention from the respondents.
Celem artykulu jest wskazanie mozliwości wykorzystania metod neuromarketingowych, takich jak eyet... more Celem artykulu jest wskazanie mozliwości wykorzystania metod neuromarketingowych, takich jak eyetracking, badanie EEG, GSR czy miografia, do określenia postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentow, przejawiających sie preferowaniem produktow rodzimego pochodzenia. Zastosowanie tych metod moze wzbogacic wyniki badan tradycyjnych, bazujących na deklaracjach konsumentow. Jako punkt wyjścia autorki przedstawiają najcześciej stosowane skale w badaniach postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentow, ich modyfikacje, jak rowniez nowe podejście do badan deklaratywnych. Zastosowanie triangulacji metod tradycyjnych i neuromarketingowych mogloby przyczynic sie do uzyskania bardziej wiarygodnych pomiarow etnocentryzmu konsumenckiego. Wprowadzenie nowych metod badawczych wiąze sie jednak z pewnym ryzykiem i szczegolnymi wymaganiami stawianymi badaczom neuromarketingowym, o czym nalezy pamietac przy projektowaniu nowych badan etnocentryzmu konsumenckiego.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of communication behaviours by the employees of the com... more This chapter includes a detailed analysis of communication behaviours by the employees of the companies researched in relation to the theory of corporate behaviour, as well as psychological and sociological knowledge about communication behaviours. Also, a typology of communication behaviours will be proposed. Other issues discussed here will include the determinants of employees’ communication and the impact of the growing popularity of mediated communication on the above-mentioned behaviours. The authors will point to the areas of strongest concern and the difficulties of communication by organization members, as well as their preferences for the forms and the instruments of communication in the workplace.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
In this chapter the empirical research results will be analysed in terms of the interdependence b... more In this chapter the empirical research results will be analysed in terms of the interdependence between internal and external communication. The authors will present a systematization of the objectives of internal marketing communication, as well as conclusions concerning the degree of their implementation. The relations between communication activities inside an organization and those addressed to external customers will be discussed, with particular attention on the following issues: areas for building the external image of an organization, the role of the sales staff in corporate communication, and the employees’ evaluation of communicating corporate values in company materials. Moreover, the authors will present a regression model for the comprehensive effectiveness of internal communication, which will facilitate the effective allocation of resources for the improvement of the overall effectiveness of internal communication.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
This chapter discusses the organization as a communication environment, types of communication ne... more This chapter discusses the organization as a communication environment, types of communication needs, as well as the essence of communication within an organization. On these grounds, the terms “internal communication” and “communication in an organization” will be analysed. Moreover, the authors’ deliberations will cover types of information, levels of communication, directions of communication, forms of communication, and instruments of communication.
The functioning of science and technology parks ought to be based on a business model, which shou... more The functioning of science and technology parks ought to be based on a business model, which should specify not only the way of action, but also describe how the park plans to make a profit, create the value and meet the needs of different groups of customers. The business model is thus a potential source of competitive advantage. Developing a business model and related strategies should be based above all on the analysis of solutions adopted in parks operating in developed markets and look at own situation from the perspective of other parks residents, its own employees and those jointly responsible for managing the park. Due to increasing competitiveness between science and technological parks located not only in the same country but also in the specific region of Europe, the elaboration of unique business model of its operating is getting more attention from both practitioners and academics. Despite the differences between parks, certain comparative areas may be indicated, as wel...
The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers from ... more The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers from the perspective of companies' activities in the sphere of marketing communication, taking into account new concepts which had emerged in this field. The analysis was based on a critical literature review in the areas of information behaviors and marketing communication. The author described the challenges of marketing communication and discussed its new concepts. The analysis led to the conclusion that because of the changes in ICT and consumer information behaviors, modern communication activities of companies must be based on the concept of customer-driven communication, which combines insights from marketing communication and customer logic-driven communication. As the paper is based only on a literature review, the findings should be confronted with research results conducted in the field of customer-driven communication. Particular attention should be given to the area of targeting the marketing messages to specific groups of consumers with account being taken of their information behaviors patterns and their determinants. Marketing communication managers should implement the concept of customer-driven communication and take into consideration dynamic changes in information behavior as the key success factors in executing marketing communication strategies. The challenges of marketing communication in modern society were analyzed from both perspectives-receivers and senders in the process. Moreover, recommendations are given on which new concepts that emerged in this field should be implemented in communication strategies.
The consumption of organic food, considered to be safe and limiting the bad influence on the envi... more The consumption of organic food, considered to be safe and limiting the bad influence on the environment, is conditioned by different factors that change over time. We may notice especially dynamic changes in the motivations and attitudes of consumers who are characterized by a positive approach towards organic food. The aim of this article is to show how the consumers of organic food differ from people who do not consume such food (non-consumers) in terms of sociodemographic factors, pro-health attitudes, perception of food as the source of pleasure and social process, as well as the level of e-health literacy and well-being (subjective and food-related). For that purpose, quantitative research was performed on a sample of 1,067 consumers, out of whom 28.2% were regular organic food consumers. In the light of the results, it was decided that the consumers of organic food are more interested in the pro-health, social, and hedonistic approach to food than non-consumers. They also show a higher level of e-health literacy what may suggest that they are aware consumers. Regular consumption of organic food results in higher levels of subjective well-being and food well-being.
The paper aimed to verify whether the level of e-health literacy is a factor that reduces the ris... more The paper aimed to verify whether the level of e-health literacy is a factor that reduces the risk of cyberchondria and increases the well-being. We also analysed other determinants of the level of cyberchondria, such as trust in online information sources and to what degree they reassure information seekers. The online survey was carried out on a sample of 1,067 Polish Internet users. We found that people with a higher degree of e-health literacy enjoy a higher level of well-being. We also pointed out that high e-literacy does not guard us against cyberchondria, but a low degree of trust in online information reduces the risk of developing this abnormal behaviour. Moreover, the higher the level of cyberchondria was, the more reassured the respondents felt after searching the Web for health-related information. We also proved that socio-demographic characteristics, except for the material situation, have no significant correlation with the degree of cyberchondria.
This paper aims to identify the key aspects of wellbeing-driven expectations for facilities and t... more This paper aims to identify the key aspects of wellbeing-driven expectations for facilities and then to point out its potential benefits for human resource management. It is a conceptual paper based on the identification of the role of Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM), characteristics of wellbeing objectives and expectations of human resource management. Based on the concept of SHRM we discuss challenges for the inclusion of facilities to that concept. The paper recognizes the increased importance of Human Resource divisions, the need for facilities that enhance their employees' wellbeing, and indicates further research directions.
The purpose of this paper was to take a critical look at the FWB concept and the possibilities of... more The purpose of this paper was to take a critical look at the FWB concept and the possibilities of its empirical verification, aimed at identifying limitations and difficulties in measurement. The critical literature analysis is based on inductive reasoning and was conducted on two levels - the conceptual framework of FWB and empirical research in the FWB field. The interdisciplinarity of FWB conceptual models hinders their empirical verification. In the analysed studies, empirical measurements are characterized by fragmentation. The fact that researchers use various methods causes problems with comparing results and formulating universal conclusions or recommendations that contribute to increasing the level of FWB in terms of the individual or the society. Moreover, the issue of the shape of the FWB pinwheel needs to be clarified, e.g. individual issues should be included under a separate food (related) personality dimension. The analyses were based solely on the review of available literature and existing research, which was conducted in most part from the perspective of one discipline. Primary empirical and interdisciplinary study is needed to explore the subject further. To the best of authors’ knowledge, no attempt has been made so far to analyse FWB in the presented approach, which would allow defining its conceptual limitations, the possibility of empirical verification or indicating research directions in individual dimensions of FWB.
Współczesny pacjent staje się coraz bardziej proaktywny w dbaniu o swoje zdrowie. W związku z tym... more Współczesny pacjent staje się coraz bardziej proaktywny w dbaniu o swoje zdrowie. W związku z tym można zaobserwować rosnące znaczenie zjawiska patient empowerment, które niesie wiele wyzwań dla funkcjonowania rynku opieki zdrowotnej. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza możliwości realizacji koncepcji patient empowerment, w kontekście kompetencji pacjentów niezbędnych do praktycznego jej wykorzystania oraz związanych z tym wyzwań. Rozważania opierają się na przeglądzie literatury naukowej z zakresu medycyny, zdrowia publicznego, ekonomii i zarządzania (w szczególności artykułów dostępnych w bazach danych Scopus, JSTOR i ProQuest). W świetle przeprowadzonych analiz patient empowerment wydaje się zarówno dużym wyzwaniem, jak i zagrożeniem dla funkcjonowania rynku ochrony zdrowia. Z jednej strony może pomóc w rozwiązaniu takich problemów jak nieefektywna opieka zdrowotna, niestosowanie się do zaleceń terapeutycznych i brak zaangażowania pacjenta w proces leczenia. Z drugiej strony, zjawiska w sferze społecznej i technologicznej wzmacniają przekonanie pacjenta o wysokich kompetencjach w zakresie ochrony zdrowia, często bez ich potwierdzenia w poziomie alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego. Z tego powodu konieczne jest tworzenie i rozwijanie programów oraz kampanii edukacyjnych ukierunkowanych na podniesienie kompetencji pacjentów (informacyjnych, zdrowotnych i e-zdrowotnych), w celu optymalizacji wykorzystania zasobów i kosztów opieki zdrowotnej.
Bezpieczeństwo konsumentów na rynku żywności, 2020
Celem rozdziału jest przedstawienie relacji między cechami żywności ekologicznej a jej postrzegan... more Celem rozdziału jest przedstawienie relacji między cechami żywności ekologicznej a jej postrzeganiem przez konsumentów. Na tym tle autorki rysują przyszłe wyzwania dla rynku żywności ekologicznej w kontekście bezpieczeństwa, które dotyczą wszystkich uczestników łańcucha żywności
The latest technological and social changes as well as overwhelming flow of various types of info... more The latest technological and social changes as well as overwhelming flow of various types of information to consumers have exerted a major impact on their activity regarding dealing with marketing messages. They perform different roles in the marketing communication process, as they are recipients, opinion leaders, brokers, content selectors, cocreators, and senders. However, they still need to select valuable information from the communication noise in order to make purchase decisions, though. The main objective of this chapter is to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers. This study presents the major factors influencing consumers’ behaviors in case of collecting and dealing with marketing information and shows its implications for the organizations’ marketing communication activities.
Four hundred and eighty-one structured direct interviews were conducted in Poland with persons responsible for food purchases in households. Correlations and cluster analyses were executed. On the basis of the results consumers’ segmentation in relation to information gathering and attaching importance to opinions acquired while taking decisions on the purchase of food was done. The classification into five clusters was selected, named: Hesitant seekers (22% of all respondents), Independent seekers (15.8%), Observers (21.8%), Information relativists (22.1%), and Skeptics relying on others (18.3%). The description of main characteristics was done for each segment.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
This paper aims to identify the relation between food consumption and well-being, and the level o... more This paper aims to identify the relation between food consumption and well-being, and the level of well-being depending on a diet followed. Moreover, we analyze whether people driven by single motives, such as the health, pleasure or social dimension of food declare the lower or higher level of well-being than those motivated by a larger number of factors. The survey was conducted online (CAWI, n = 1067). The following scales were used: Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), Satisfaction with Food-related Life Scale (SWFL), Health Taste Attitude Scales (HTAS) and Social Dimension of Food Meaning. The data analysis was carried out with the application of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), partial eta squared, a t-Student’s test, the Hochberg test, the Games-Howell test, and Pearson’s correlation. Levels of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Food Well-Being (FWB) are strongly correlated with consumers’ dietary pattern. The frequency of consumption of organic food and following vegan, lo...
In recent years marketing researchers show an increasing interest in consumers’ visual perception... more In recent years marketing researchers show an increasing interest in consumers’ visual perception, which is an essential element in the decision-making process of buying. The dominant role of visual information in marketing communications evoke the need to increase the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. Senders of marketing messages want to know whether the marketing measures and incentives used, such as product labels, reach the target segments of consumers and distinguish their products from the competition. The main objective of this chapter was to determine the influence of labels used on the food packaging on their perceived attractiveness among organic consumers. A questionnaire and eye-tracking tests were used. The tested labels were: “Non-GMO”, the European organic food label, “Dobre, bo Wielkopolskie” [It’s good because it comes from Wielkopolska] and the “green dot” symbol. Studies have shown that the identification of the labels on the packaging is poor and educational activities in this area should be intensified. Consumers of organic food and those who do not buy it perceive the labels used on their products likewise. Moreover, findings show that their impact power is not significant. The “Non-GMO” label attracted the most attention from the respondents.
Celem artykulu jest wskazanie mozliwości wykorzystania metod neuromarketingowych, takich jak eyet... more Celem artykulu jest wskazanie mozliwości wykorzystania metod neuromarketingowych, takich jak eyetracking, badanie EEG, GSR czy miografia, do określenia postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentow, przejawiających sie preferowaniem produktow rodzimego pochodzenia. Zastosowanie tych metod moze wzbogacic wyniki badan tradycyjnych, bazujących na deklaracjach konsumentow. Jako punkt wyjścia autorki przedstawiają najcześciej stosowane skale w badaniach postaw etnocentrycznych konsumentow, ich modyfikacje, jak rowniez nowe podejście do badan deklaratywnych. Zastosowanie triangulacji metod tradycyjnych i neuromarketingowych mogloby przyczynic sie do uzyskania bardziej wiarygodnych pomiarow etnocentryzmu konsumenckiego. Wprowadzenie nowych metod badawczych wiąze sie jednak z pewnym ryzykiem i szczegolnymi wymaganiami stawianymi badaczom neuromarketingowym, o czym nalezy pamietac przy projektowaniu nowych badan etnocentryzmu konsumenckiego.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of communication behaviours by the employees of the com... more This chapter includes a detailed analysis of communication behaviours by the employees of the companies researched in relation to the theory of corporate behaviour, as well as psychological and sociological knowledge about communication behaviours. Also, a typology of communication behaviours will be proposed. Other issues discussed here will include the determinants of employees’ communication and the impact of the growing popularity of mediated communication on the above-mentioned behaviours. The authors will point to the areas of strongest concern and the difficulties of communication by organization members, as well as their preferences for the forms and the instruments of communication in the workplace.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
In this chapter the empirical research results will be analysed in terms of the interdependence b... more In this chapter the empirical research results will be analysed in terms of the interdependence between internal and external communication. The authors will present a systematization of the objectives of internal marketing communication, as well as conclusions concerning the degree of their implementation. The relations between communication activities inside an organization and those addressed to external customers will be discussed, with particular attention on the following issues: areas for building the external image of an organization, the role of the sales staff in corporate communication, and the employees’ evaluation of communicating corporate values in company materials. Moreover, the authors will present a regression model for the comprehensive effectiveness of internal communication, which will facilitate the effective allocation of resources for the improvement of the overall effectiveness of internal communication.
Communication in Organizational Environments, 2016
This chapter discusses the organization as a communication environment, types of communication ne... more This chapter discusses the organization as a communication environment, types of communication needs, as well as the essence of communication within an organization. On these grounds, the terms “internal communication” and “communication in an organization” will be analysed. Moreover, the authors’ deliberations will cover types of information, levels of communication, directions of communication, forms of communication, and instruments of communication.
The functioning of science and technology parks ought to be based on a business model, which shou... more The functioning of science and technology parks ought to be based on a business model, which should specify not only the way of action, but also describe how the park plans to make a profit, create the value and meet the needs of different groups of customers. The business model is thus a potential source of competitive advantage. Developing a business model and related strategies should be based above all on the analysis of solutions adopted in parks operating in developed markets and look at own situation from the perspective of other parks residents, its own employees and those jointly responsible for managing the park. Due to increasing competitiveness between science and technological parks located not only in the same country but also in the specific region of Europe, the elaboration of unique business model of its operating is getting more attention from both practitioners and academics. Despite the differences between parks, certain comparative areas may be indicated, as wel...
The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers from ... more The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers from the perspective of companies' activities in the sphere of marketing communication, taking into account new concepts which had emerged in this field. The analysis was based on a critical literature review in the areas of information behaviors and marketing communication. The author described the challenges of marketing communication and discussed its new concepts. The analysis led to the conclusion that because of the changes in ICT and consumer information behaviors, modern communication activities of companies must be based on the concept of customer-driven communication, which combines insights from marketing communication and customer logic-driven communication. As the paper is based only on a literature review, the findings should be confronted with research results conducted in the field of customer-driven communication. Particular attention should be given to the area of targeting the marketing messages to specific groups of consumers with account being taken of their information behaviors patterns and their determinants. Marketing communication managers should implement the concept of customer-driven communication and take into consideration dynamic changes in information behavior as the key success factors in executing marketing communication strategies. The challenges of marketing communication in modern society were analyzed from both perspectives-receivers and senders in the process. Moreover, recommendations are given on which new concepts that emerged in this field should be implemented in communication strategies.
The consumption of organic food, considered to be safe and limiting the bad influence on the envi... more The consumption of organic food, considered to be safe and limiting the bad influence on the environment, is conditioned by different factors that change over time. We may notice especially dynamic changes in the motivations and attitudes of consumers who are characterized by a positive approach towards organic food. The aim of this article is to show how the consumers of organic food differ from people who do not consume such food (non-consumers) in terms of sociodemographic factors, pro-health attitudes, perception of food as the source of pleasure and social process, as well as the level of e-health literacy and well-being (subjective and food-related). For that purpose, quantitative research was performed on a sample of 1,067 consumers, out of whom 28.2% were regular organic food consumers. In the light of the results, it was decided that the consumers of organic food are more interested in the pro-health, social, and hedonistic approach to food than non-consumers. They also show a higher level of e-health literacy what may suggest that they are aware consumers. Regular consumption of organic food results in higher levels of subjective well-being and food well-being.
The paper aimed to verify whether the level of e-health literacy is a factor that reduces the ris... more The paper aimed to verify whether the level of e-health literacy is a factor that reduces the risk of cyberchondria and increases the well-being. We also analysed other determinants of the level of cyberchondria, such as trust in online information sources and to what degree they reassure information seekers. The online survey was carried out on a sample of 1,067 Polish Internet users. We found that people with a higher degree of e-health literacy enjoy a higher level of well-being. We also pointed out that high e-literacy does not guard us against cyberchondria, but a low degree of trust in online information reduces the risk of developing this abnormal behaviour. Moreover, the higher the level of cyberchondria was, the more reassured the respondents felt after searching the Web for health-related information. We also proved that socio-demographic characteristics, except for the material situation, have no significant correlation with the degree of cyberchondria.
This paper aims to identify the key aspects of wellbeing-driven expectations for facilities and t... more This paper aims to identify the key aspects of wellbeing-driven expectations for facilities and then to point out its potential benefits for human resource management. It is a conceptual paper based on the identification of the role of Sustainable Human Resource Management (SHRM), characteristics of wellbeing objectives and expectations of human resource management. Based on the concept of SHRM we discuss challenges for the inclusion of facilities to that concept. The paper recognizes the increased importance of Human Resource divisions, the need for facilities that enhance their employees' wellbeing, and indicates further research directions.
The purpose of this paper was to take a critical look at the FWB concept and the possibilities of... more The purpose of this paper was to take a critical look at the FWB concept and the possibilities of its empirical verification, aimed at identifying limitations and difficulties in measurement. The critical literature analysis is based on inductive reasoning and was conducted on two levels - the conceptual framework of FWB and empirical research in the FWB field. The interdisciplinarity of FWB conceptual models hinders their empirical verification. In the analysed studies, empirical measurements are characterized by fragmentation. The fact that researchers use various methods causes problems with comparing results and formulating universal conclusions or recommendations that contribute to increasing the level of FWB in terms of the individual or the society. Moreover, the issue of the shape of the FWB pinwheel needs to be clarified, e.g. individual issues should be included under a separate food (related) personality dimension. The analyses were based solely on the review of available literature and existing research, which was conducted in most part from the perspective of one discipline. Primary empirical and interdisciplinary study is needed to explore the subject further. To the best of authors’ knowledge, no attempt has been made so far to analyse FWB in the presented approach, which would allow defining its conceptual limitations, the possibility of empirical verification or indicating research directions in individual dimensions of FWB.
Współczesny pacjent staje się coraz bardziej proaktywny w dbaniu o swoje zdrowie. W związku z tym... more Współczesny pacjent staje się coraz bardziej proaktywny w dbaniu o swoje zdrowie. W związku z tym można zaobserwować rosnące znaczenie zjawiska patient empowerment, które niesie wiele wyzwań dla funkcjonowania rynku opieki zdrowotnej. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza możliwości realizacji koncepcji patient empowerment, w kontekście kompetencji pacjentów niezbędnych do praktycznego jej wykorzystania oraz związanych z tym wyzwań. Rozważania opierają się na przeglądzie literatury naukowej z zakresu medycyny, zdrowia publicznego, ekonomii i zarządzania (w szczególności artykułów dostępnych w bazach danych Scopus, JSTOR i ProQuest). W świetle przeprowadzonych analiz patient empowerment wydaje się zarówno dużym wyzwaniem, jak i zagrożeniem dla funkcjonowania rynku ochrony zdrowia. Z jednej strony może pomóc w rozwiązaniu takich problemów jak nieefektywna opieka zdrowotna, niestosowanie się do zaleceń terapeutycznych i brak zaangażowania pacjenta w proces leczenia. Z drugiej strony, zjawiska w sferze społecznej i technologicznej wzmacniają przekonanie pacjenta o wysokich kompetencjach w zakresie ochrony zdrowia, często bez ich potwierdzenia w poziomie alfabetyzmu zdrowotnego. Z tego powodu konieczne jest tworzenie i rozwijanie programów oraz kampanii edukacyjnych ukierunkowanych na podniesienie kompetencji pacjentów (informacyjnych, zdrowotnych i e-zdrowotnych), w celu optymalizacji wykorzystania zasobów i kosztów opieki zdrowotnej.
Bezpieczeństwo konsumentów na rynku żywności, 2020
Celem rozdziału jest przedstawienie relacji między cechami żywności ekologicznej a jej postrzegan... more Celem rozdziału jest przedstawienie relacji między cechami żywności ekologicznej a jej postrzeganiem przez konsumentów. Na tym tle autorki rysują przyszłe wyzwania dla rynku żywności ekologicznej w kontekście bezpieczeństwa, które dotyczą wszystkich uczestników łańcucha żywności
The latest technological and social changes as well as overwhelming flow of various types of info... more The latest technological and social changes as well as overwhelming flow of various types of information to consumers have exerted a major impact on their activity regarding dealing with marketing messages. They perform different roles in the marketing communication process, as they are recipients, opinion leaders, brokers, content selectors, cocreators, and senders. However, they still need to select valuable information from the communication noise in order to make purchase decisions, though. The main objective of this chapter is to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers. This study presents the major factors influencing consumers’ behaviors in case of collecting and dealing with marketing information and shows its implications for the organizations’ marketing communication activities.
Four hundred and eighty-one structured direct interviews were conducted in Poland with persons responsible for food purchases in households. Correlations and cluster analyses were executed. On the basis of the results consumers’ segmentation in relation to information gathering and attaching importance to opinions acquired while taking decisions on the purchase of food was done. The classification into five clusters was selected, named: Hesitant seekers (22% of all respondents), Independent seekers (15.8%), Observers (21.8%), Information relativists (22.1%), and Skeptics relying on others (18.3%). The description of main characteristics was done for each segment.
Dobrostan żywieniowy jest jedną z istotnych składowych satysfakcji z życia człowieka. Ta holistyc... more Dobrostan żywieniowy jest jedną z istotnych składowych satysfakcji z życia człowieka. Ta holistyczna koncepcja zadowolenia z życia w odniesieniu do zachowań żywieniowych uwzględnia nie tylko odżywianie się jako dostarczanie organizmowi kalorii i wartości odżywczych niezbędnych do zdrowego życia, ale zwraca także uwagę na jedzenie jako proces społeczny i źródło przyjemności. Wychodząc od pięciu elementów kształtujących dobrostan żywieniowy w postaci: dostępności żywności, polityki żywnościowej, socjalizacji żywieniowej, alfabetyzmu żywieniowego i marketingu żywności, autorki wskazują na czynniki związane bezpośrednio z konsumentem (cechy, postawy, motywy i zachowania), które wpływają na odczuwany przez niego dobrostan żywieniowy. Z przeprowadzonych do tej pory badań wynika, że w osiąganiu wyższego poziomu dobrostanu żywieniowego większe znaczenie od cech demograficznych konsumentów mają ich postawy wobec żywości i odżywiania się, motywy wyboru różnych diet, jak również stosowane diety. Czynniki te mogą być kształtowane poprzez odpowiednie działania marketingowe. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości oddziaływania na postawy i motywacje konsumentów w ujęciu afektywnym, kognitywnym i behawioralnym, które mogą przyczynić się do podniesienia ich poziomu dobrostanu żywieniowego.
Wiele branż ucierpiało w czasie lockdownu z tytułu epidemii SARS-CoV-2, ponieważ zostały zmuszone... more Wiele branż ucierpiało w czasie lockdownu z tytułu epidemii SARS-CoV-2, ponieważ zostały zmuszone do zawieszenia lub ograniczenia swojej aktywności. Były jednak również takie, które działały ze zwiększoną intensywnością, jak chociażby firmy z branży farmaceutycznej, mierzące się w marcu i kwietniu 2020 r. z wyjątkowo dużym zainteresowaniem ze strony pacjentów. Dla aptek i pracujących w nich farmaceutów był to czas wzmożonej pracy, ale przede wszystkim różnorodnych wyzwań, którym należało sprostać, a na które nie zawsze byli oni przygotowani. Celem rozważań podjętych w rozdziale jest ocena funkcjonowania branży aptecznej w okresie pandemii COVID-19 na podstawie badań empirycznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii związanych z przygotowaniem aptek do działalności w warunkach zagrożenia epidemicznego oraz wpływem pandemii na kondycję aptek. Poza analizą źródeł wtórnych w postaci raportów branżowych i publikacji medialnych, omówione zostaną również wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród farmaceutów, dotyczących percepcji funkcjonowania aptek oraz zachowań pacjentów w okresie pandemii. Na tej podstawie zostaną nakreślone największe wyzwania, z którymi musiała zmierzyć się branża apteczna.
W książce omówiono wyzwania związane z przekazywaniem na rynek informacji niezbędnych pacjentom w... more W książce omówiono wyzwania związane z przekazywaniem na rynek informacji niezbędnych pacjentom w procesie wyboru i zakupu produktów farmaceutycznych, zaspokajających najważniejszą potrzebę człowieka, jaką jest zdrowie. Trudność podjętej problematyki wynika z występowania na tym rynku różnych kategorii produktów: leków Rx (wydawanych na receptę), z ograniczoną możliwością zakupu oraz leków OTC (wydawanych bez recepty), suplementów diety i dermokosmetyków, nabywanych przez konsumentów podobnie jak inne produkty (np. żywność). Dodatkowo ze względu na specyficzne uwarunkowania prawne, występują na nim ograniczenia stosowania określonych form i narzędzi komunikacji marketingowej, w zależności od tego, jakiej kategorii produktu dotyczy przekaz. Na wspomniane kwestie nakładają się ponadto względy etyczne, które często powodują odmienną ocenę zachowań podmiotów uczestniczących w procesach komunikacji. Ze względu na powyższe odrębności rynku farmaceutycznego, analizie poddano następujące zagadnienia: • procesy komunikacji marketingowej w kontekście zmian społeczno-technologicznych; • uwarunkowania oraz proces tworzenia strategii komunikacji marketingowej na rynku farmaceutycznym; • narzędzia komunikacji marketingowej wykorzystywane na rynku leków bez recepty, suplementów diety i dermokosmetyków, a także w procesie sprzedaży leków na receptę; • wyzwania dla komunikacji marketingowej w branży farmaceutycznej; • dobre praktyki w komunikowaniu się z rynkiem podmiotów farmaceutycznych, bazujące na opisie studiów przypadków. Prowadzone rozważania podsumowano rekomendacjami w kierunku odpowiedzialnej komunikacji marketingowej przedsiębiorstw działających na omawianym rynku, wskazując na ważną rolę branży farmaceutycznej w systemie ochrony zdrowia, a co za tym idzie odpowiedzialność jej podmiotów za zdrowie społeczeństwa.
This book showcases an interdisciplinary and comprehensive study of the issues related to communi... more This book showcases an interdisciplinary and comprehensive study of the issues related to communication in corporate environments. Including perspectives from psychology, sociology and management science, Communication in Organizational Environments analyzes original quantitative and qualitative research, and determines the functions, objectives and conditions of effective internal communication. In this book, the authors bridge the gap in the literature on the management of corporate internal communication, and provide a tool for measuring communication effectiveness. Useful as a guide for internal communication managers in various organizations, this book is also important reading for academics in corporate communication, public relations, corporate management and behaviour, and human resource management.
Papers by Anna Rogala
decisions, though. The main objective of this chapter is to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers. This study presents the major factors influencing consumers’ behaviors in case of collecting and dealing with marketing information and shows its implications for the organizations’ marketing communication activities.
Four hundred and eighty-one structured direct interviews were conducted in Poland with persons responsible for food purchases in households. Correlations and cluster analyses were executed. On the basis of the results consumers’ segmentation in relation to information gathering and attaching importance to opinions acquired while taking decisions on the purchase of food was done. The classification into five
clusters was selected, named: Hesitant seekers (22% of all respondents), Independent seekers (15.8%), Observers (21.8%), Information relativists (22.1%), and Skeptics relying on others (18.3%). The description of main characteristics was done for each segment.
decisions, though. The main objective of this chapter is to analyze the information behaviors of modern consumers. This study presents the major factors influencing consumers’ behaviors in case of collecting and dealing with marketing information and shows its implications for the organizations’ marketing communication activities.
Four hundred and eighty-one structured direct interviews were conducted in Poland with persons responsible for food purchases in households. Correlations and cluster analyses were executed. On the basis of the results consumers’ segmentation in relation to information gathering and attaching importance to opinions acquired while taking decisions on the purchase of food was done. The classification into five
clusters was selected, named: Hesitant seekers (22% of all respondents), Independent seekers (15.8%), Observers (21.8%), Information relativists (22.1%), and Skeptics relying on others (18.3%). The description of main characteristics was done for each segment.