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Prism default classes are sensible but fixed and too generic. This plugin provide some ways to customize those classes to suit your needs. Example usages:

How to use

Prefix all Prism classes


Replace some Prism classes with ones you defined

	keyword: 'special-keyword',
	string: 'string_ch29s',
	comment: 'comment_93jsa'

Object's keys are the classes you want to replace (eg: comment), with their values being the classes you want to use (eg: my-comment). Classes which are not specified will stay as they are.

Alternatively you can also pass a function that takes the original class and returns the mapped class. This function can also be used implement language specific mapped classes.

Prism.plugins.customClass.map((className, language) => {
	if (language === 'css') {
		return cssSpecificMap[className] || className;
	} else {
		return className;

Add new classes

You can add new classes with per-token and per-language precision.

Prism.plugins.customClass.add(({content, type, language}) => {
	if (content === 'content' && type === 'property' && language === 'css') {
		return 'content-property';

Note: The given content is the inner HTML of the current token. All < and & characters are escaped and it might contain the HTML code of nested tokens.


CSS Modules Usage:

The initial purpose of this plugin is to be used with CSS Modules. It works perfectly with the class map object returned by CSS Modules. For example:

import Prism from 'prismjs';
import classMap from 'styles/editor-class-map.css';

Note: This plugin only affects generated token elements (usually of the form span.token). The classes of code and pre elements as well as all elements generated by other plugins (e.g. Toolbar elements and line number elements) will not be changed.


Prefix and map classes


<pre class="language-javascript"><code>
	var foo = 'bar';


	keyword: 'special-keyword',
	string: 'my-string'


<pre class="language-javascript"><code class="language-markup">
	<span class="pr-token pr-special-keyword">var</span>
	<span class="pr-token pr-operator">=</span>
	<span class="pr-token pr-my-string">'bar'</span>
	<span class="pr-token pr-punctuation">;</span>

Note that this plugin only affects tokens. The classes of the code and pre elements won't be prefixed.

Add new classes


<pre class="language-css"><code>
a::after {
	content: '\2b00 ';
	opacity: .7;


Prism.plugins.customClass.add(({language, type, content}) => {
	if (content === 'content' && type === 'property' && language === 'css') {
		return 'content-property';


<pre class=" language-css"><code class=" language-css">
<span class="token selector">a::after</span>
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
	<span class="token property content-property">content</span>
	<span class="token punctuation">:</span>
	<span class="token string">'\2b00 '</span>
	<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
	<span class="token property">opacity</span>
	<span class="token punctuation">:</span>
	<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>