Two economical young ladies, art students, engage a furnished room intending to do housekeeping, but discover that cooking is not allowed. The girls are not over-scrupulous about abiding by such oppressive rules and proceed to boil a head ...See moreTwo economical young ladies, art students, engage a furnished room intending to do housekeeping, but discover that cooking is not allowed. The girls are not over-scrupulous about abiding by such oppressive rules and proceed to boil a head of cabbage, very much to the annoyance of a young doctor who occupies the room overhead. He promptly complains to the landlady, who assures him of an immediate investigation. She demands to know the cause of the horrible odor emanating from their room. They explain that ill-smelling liniment they are using for a bad case of diphtheria is the cause of it. The landlady, fearing contagion, summons the young doctor, who responds to the call. Instead of finding a distressful case of illness, be finds two young girls in the best of health struggling convulsively to control their mirth. Both girls explain the situation to him and show him the contraband cabbage. Being fond of this article of food, he accepts their invitation to join the feast, and finds a girl of his own heart. Written by
Moving Picture World synopsis
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