Jane Andrews, a middle-aged woman, takes up her government claim. Jim, her next neighbor, who lives with his invalid mother, proffers aid, but Jane, in her independence, refuses. Later, while she is attending his sick mother, all the money...See moreJane Andrews, a middle-aged woman, takes up her government claim. Jim, her next neighbor, who lives with his invalid mother, proffers aid, but Jane, in her independence, refuses. Later, while she is attending his sick mother, all the money she possesses is stolen by the man whom she hired to help her. Against her will she is obliged to receive financial aid from Jim. It makes her feel beholden to him, and later, when he proposes marriage, her pride rebels on this account. She leaves a note explaining to him that while she loves him, she could not consent to a one-sided contract and is going away to suffer her failure alone, but half-way down the hot, dusty mountain road she meets the parson in his gig. She thinks of Jim's kindness to his mother and his tenderness with her. Her pride is broken and she returns with the parson. Meantime Jim has found her note and ridden posthaste to the station. The workman who stole Jane's money is joined by one of Jim's ranch hands. The two plot to gain possession of the money Jim has just received from a cattle deal. They arrive at the house just after Jane and the parson, and having overpowered Jane, the mother and the parson, are about to make their getaway, when Jim appears and by a skillful ruse frustrates their design. They are witnesses to his wedding. Written by
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