Jerry finds himself hungry and broke, without an idea where to get his next meal. He succeeds in wheedling the necessary cash out of a police sergeant under false pretenses, but discovery is swift, and the policeman proceeds to "take it ...See moreJerry finds himself hungry and broke, without an idea where to get his next meal. He succeeds in wheedling the necessary cash out of a police sergeant under false pretenses, but discovery is swift, and the policeman proceeds to "take it out of his hide." Jerry is chased by the indignant sergeant and half a dozen club swingers, finally escaping them. He gets work in a general store, makes love to the proprietor's daughter, but is discovered by Dad and chased again until he turns the old gentleman wrong side up in a water barrel. While the storekeeper is off watch the store is robbed, and Jerry helps to catch the thieves. This restores him to favor, and he marries the maiden with his usual abandon. Written by
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