Seduction, lies and manipulation are displayed in dramatic fashion as these elements dominate this intense tale of the Ultimate Betrayal. Jerry (Woody Deant), a recently unemployed accountant, was living the American Dream with a beautiful...See moreSeduction, lies and manipulation are displayed in dramatic fashion as these elements dominate this intense tale of the Ultimate Betrayal. Jerry (Woody Deant), a recently unemployed accountant, was living the American Dream with a beautiful home and his dazzling wife, Stephanie (Tiffany Nash). Jerry's other half is a housewife that has grown accustomed to being well-kept. However, the loss of her husband's job threatens the very existence of that lifestyle. With past due bills piling up, the couple welcomes an unexpected house guest in the person of Jerry's best friend and mentor: Lionel Brown (Joel Osborne), a cocky music producer and manager of hot new talent. But just when Jerry and Stephanie think things can't get any worse their dream soon evaporates into thin air; turning into a dreadful nightmare with Lionel first showing his real persona to Jerry's annoying-at-times, but true friend: Shawn (Eric Bendross), bag boy by day and aspiring R&B artist by night. Lionel pits the two against each other all the while making a play for Stephanie. He makes use of the almighty dollar by exploiting Stephanie's only weakness at this point, consequently committing the ultimate betrayal. This momentous exchange sets off a chain of events that leads to a fiery end. What's A Friend: The Ultimate Betrayal holds you captive as you take a peak into Jerry's dark side... a side of which Jerry himself never even knew existed. Written by
Eric Bendross
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