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36 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Jake Affleck
Jake Black - commentator
Robert Anthony
Rob Anthony
Thomas Ballester
AR Fox
Stephanie Bell
Mia Yim
Grant Berkland
Danny Havoc - The Suicide Kings
Ryan Cluney
Ryan McBride- The Irish Driveby
Alex Colon
Wayrne Davis
Salamander Jones - commentator
Brigham Doane
Masada- Cult Fiction
Kimberly Frankele
Kimber Lee
Jonathan Good
Jon Moxley
Halfbreed Billy Gram
Jonathan Gresham
Jonathan Gresham
Drew Gulak
Ty Hagen
Tyler Veritas
Sami Johnston
Sami Callihan
Edward Jones
Darnell Kittrell
Sabian- Philly's Most Wanted (as Darnell Kittiell)
Kurt Krueger
Marvin Lambert
Brain Damage- Cult Fiction
David John Markland
DJ Hyde
Ryan Michener
Ryan Slater- The Runaways
Ophidian - The Osirian Portal
Kit Osbourne
Kevin Papics
tHURTeen- Cult Fiction
Bill Posada
Joker- Philly's Most Wanted
Desean Pratt
Amasis - The Osirian Portal
Charles Renner
Devon Moore - Suicide Kings
Joe Ruby
Joe Gacy - The Runaways
Tyrone Scott
Maven Bentley
Gregory Skipper
Greg Excellent- commentator
Richard Swann
Rich Swann - The Irish Driveby
Scott Thompson
Scotty Vortekz- The Suicide Kings
Nick Wilson
Nick Gage (as Nick Gage)
A.J. Winkler
Alexander James
Drake Wuertz
Drake Younger