The protagonist, a ronin named Shinjiro Katsuragi (also known as Momotaro), played by Masahiro Takashima, takes down the evil ruling powers who impose unjust suffering on honest commoners. The lazy and freeloading Momotaro is a lover of ...See moreThe protagonist, a ronin named Shinjiro Katsuragi (also known as Momotaro), played by Masahiro Takashima, takes down the evil ruling powers who impose unjust suffering on honest commoners. The lazy and freeloading Momotaro is a lover of beautiful women and often follows them around. Although he is always scolded by his mother (Tamio Nakamura), he is actually full of a sense of justice and becomes incredibly strong when he gets angry. Whenever he finds a weak villain, he declares, "I'll come to exterminate the demons on behalf of heaven!!" and defeats the evil. This is a period drama produced by Toei.
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