This special drama was broadcast on TV Asahi on March 30, 1992. Hiroshi Tachi , who had gained fame through various comedic pairings, displays his knack for playing characters with an eccentric flair. Paired with Inoue Jun, known for his ...See moreThis special drama was broadcast on TV Asahi on March 30, 1992. Hiroshi Tachi , who had gained fame through various comedic pairings, displays his knack for playing characters with an eccentric flair. Paired with Inoue Jun, known for his comedic timing, their chemistry in creating an oddball duo is truly remarkable. Formerly a covert spy under the shogunate, ronin Azami Onijuro and his carefree companion, ronin, journeyed along the Kiso Highway. As they approached the Echizen Domain, they encountered a woman named Osode. Recognizing Onijuro's formidable skills, she asked for his help as she was on her way to Owari. Osode, the daughter of the second-ranking retainer of the Katsuyama Domain, carried a blood-sealed letter that served as evidence of a conspiracy involving the assassination of the domain lord by the Deputy Chief and the lord's younger brother. Onijuro's group becomes a target and is chased after by for the chief retainer's top enforcer .
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