A mermaid named Nikki washes up on the shores of Miami. She is rescued by a lawyer named Matt Johnson who takes her to live with him, his bachelor friend roommate, and his fiancée (who is also his boss' daughter). Upon learning of her true...See moreA mermaid named Nikki washes up on the shores of Miami. She is rescued by a lawyer named Matt Johnson who takes her to live with him, his bachelor friend roommate, and his fiancée (who is also his boss' daughter). Upon learning of her true nature, Matt tries to help Nikki blend in with humanity by helping her get a job as a waitress. But Nikki is being hunted by the villainous Eric Luger, who also comes from the sea. Luger tries to draw Nikki out by putting innocents in danger. According to him, mermaids are drawn to protecting the innocent, "it's in their blood."
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