This features the process of the Backlight Animation process for the film and the use of digital Imagery as you witness the creation of Tron's "Backlight Animation," learn about the use of "Digital Imagery in Tron," watch an excerpt from a...See moreThis features the process of the Backlight Animation process for the film and the use of digital Imagery as you witness the creation of Tron's "Backlight Animation," learn about the use of "Digital Imagery in Tron," watch an excerpt from a television special called "Beyond Tron," unravel the "Role of Triple I" and watch a bizarre and hilariously antiquated Triple I computer animation demo. We hear from MAGI founder Dr. Phillip Mittelman, and we learn about their origins and their work. Lisberger appears to relate his early exposure to MAGI and how it influenced his decisions for Tron.
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