The film 'The Ghost Light' was inspired by John Wayne Gacy and the incredibly creepy true story of an accomplice to his murders. The film started with Colin McCarthy who was an intern at Portsmouth Public Media. Colin wrote The Ghost Light...See moreThe film 'The Ghost Light' was inspired by John Wayne Gacy and the incredibly creepy true story of an accomplice to his murders. The film started with Colin McCarthy who was an intern at Portsmouth Public Media. Colin wrote The Ghost Light and had the intention to create the film. Being a nonprofit volunteer based film, I Chad Cordner (Studio Ops at Portsmouth Public Media) gathered a group of volunteers and local actors to participate in creating the film. The films visuals and edits make you feel like you're watching this film from the straps of a chair. There are twists and turns that leaves you feeling very uncomfortable as if we are all outside watching something that we maybe should not see.
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