Bons negócios: Português do Brasil para o mundo do trabalho
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Bons negócios - Denise Santos
Tem bacharelado e licenciatura em Português e Inglês pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, e é mestre em Educação em Língua Inglesa pela University of Oklahoma (Estados Unidos) e doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela University of Reading (Reino Unido). Tem participação frequente em congressos nacionais e internacionais, e possui vários trabalhos publicados em livros e revistas acadêmicas no Brasil e no exterior, bem como livros didáticos para o ensino de inglês e de português como língua estrangeira. Mais informações em <>.
É docente na University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (Estados Unidos) e atua nas áreas de linguística, língua portuguesa e metodologia de ensino, lecionando tanto na graduação quanto na pós-graduação. Bacharel em Letras (Português-Inglês) pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, obteve os títulos de mestre em Linguística e de doutora em Linguística Hispânica pela University of Iowa (Estados Unidos). Sua pesquisa atual centra-se no ensino e aprendizagem de português como língua estrangeira e como língua de herança.
© 2013 Denise Santos e Gláucia V. Silva
Capa e projeto gráfico: Alberto Mateus
Editoração eletrônica: Crayon Editorial
Supervisão editorial: Faccioli Editorial
Assistência editorial: David Santos
Revisão: Sandra Garcia Cortés
Locutores: Alessandra Merz, Marina Sirabello, Rodrigo de Araújo Costa e Tatá Guarnieri
Produtora: JM Produção de Áudio
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)
(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Santos, Denise
Bons negócios : português do Brasil para o mundo do trabalho / Denise Santos, Gláucia V. Silva. -- 1. ed. -- Barueri, SP : DISAL, 2013.
ISBN 978-85-7844-151-7
1. Português comercial - Estudo e ensino 2. Negócios I. Silva, Gláucia V. II. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Português comercial : Linguística aplicada 469
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"If you talk to a man in a language he
understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his own language,
that goes to his heart."
Organização dos áudios
What You Need to Know
Pronunciation Guide
Transcrição dos áudios
Respostas dos Exercícios
Glossário Português-Inglês
Bons Negócios is a book designed for those who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese for business either individually, in private lessons, or group lessons. The book is written for those with little or no prior knowledge of Portuguese and its main aim is to develop learners’ linguistic skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing while simultaneously extending vocabulary and grammar knowledge. The book also aims to help learners understand some cultural aspects characterizing life and work in Brazil.
In Bons Negócios, Brazilian Portuguese is presented and practiced around key themes in the workplace, such as team work, negotiations, interviews, presentations, and leadership. Those themes therefore form the central core of the twenty units comprising this book, and each unit is organized as follows:
•Começando o Trabalho (Starting the Work) : In this section learners are presented with a situation involving the theme of the unit. They are then asked to reflect and make some conclusions about how the Portuguese language is used in that situation.
•Compreensão Oral (Listening) : This section includes several tasks for oral comprehension practice, starting from more simple activities and moving on to more challenging ones. Task demands vary within each unit: learners may be asked, for example, to listen for general ideas or for specific details, to observe how the language is used, to make inferences, etc. The listening contexts and their levels of formality also vary from individual presentations to group meetings, dialogues, summaries of news articles, conversation between colleagues, to name a few.
•Produção Oral (Speaking) : Here learners are offered opportunities for oral production in both formal and more informal situations at work. Those opportunities range from more guided production of sentences to less controlled role plays, also including several other tasks with varying degrees of guidance and challenge: oral presentations, negotiations, job interviews, and many others.
•Compreensão Escrita (Reading) : This section includes a reading task. There is a wide range of texts in the book (e.g., newspaper and magazine articles, websites, brochures, letters) so that learners can familiarize themselves with the content and form of different texts. The exercises focus on vocabulary and comprehension and culminate with an invitation for learners to make connections between the texts read and their own lives.
•Produção Escrita (Writing) : In this section learners will be guided towards the production of a written text. Each unit focuses on a different text, and some examples are e-mails, slides, press releases, promotional materials, and CVs.
•Vocabulário e Pronúncia (Vocabulary and Pronunciation) : Here learners will read and listen to key vocabulary associated with the unit, and have opportunities to practice that vocabulary in written and/or oral form.
•Informações Culturais (Cultural Information) : This section provides learners with information about Brazilian culture. The topics include dress codes, body language, ways of negotiating, key Brazilian institutions, people and companies, etc.
•Gramática (Grammar) : At the end of each unit there are exercises to consolidate the grammar points addressed in the unit. Learners can consult the Mini-grammar ( Minigramática ) in the Appendix while doing those exercises; they can also check their answers in the answer key ( Respostas dos Exercícios ) at the end of the book.
In addition to 20 main units, this book includes an Appendix where the learner can find 4 sections to be used as reference:
•Minigramática (Mini-grammar) : a mini-grammar containing a summary of the main grammar points presented in the units;
•Transcrição dos Áudios (Audioscript) : the audioscripts of the material recorded on the CDs accompanying the book;
•Respostas dos Exercícios (Answer Key) : the answers to the exercises proposed in the book;
•Glossário Português-Inglês (Portuguese-English Glossary) : a glossary listing the key vocabulary from the book, together with their translation in English.
Each unit in Bons Negócios contains several small boxes with linguistic information (spelling, grammar, language use, etc.) that provides the reader with further details about the topics in focus. There are also boxes that invite the readers to make connections between the materials presented in the book and their own lives: at the end of the section on reading comprehension (Compreensão Escrita) there is a box entitled O Texto e Você (The Text and You) that contains such questions; a similar box is found at the end of the section containing cultural information (Informações Culturais): there, a box entitled Conexões Interculturais (Intercultural Connections) aims to lead the readers to reflect on how their culture relates to Brazilian culture.
Following this introduction the reader can find two supplementary sections that should be used as reference by those working with Bons Negócios. The first section is called What You Need to Know: it outlines basic vocabulary such as the alphabet and numbers in Portuguese (with audio support). It also discusses some fundamental characteristics of the Portuguese language which the learner should be aware of before delving into the material. The section closes with a short list of grammatical terms and their definition. Some learners may find that list helpful when reading some explanations in the book, or when tackling some exercises.
The final supplementary section before the main unit is called Pronunciation Guide: it lists and explains most sounds of Brazilian Portuguese and it is accompanied by audio recordings illustrating those sounds.
The overall structure of this book has been designed following a sequence starting from less complex towards more complex ideas. In that regard, it makes sense to follow the sequence of the units and work from the beginning to the end. That does not mean that some units (or parts of units) cannot be skipped, or worked in a different order, if the learners have different needs.
Within each unit there is also scope for users to reorient the sequence of the work. If learners prefer, say, to have a firm grasp of grammar before carrying out the listening and/or speaking exercises, it is possible to do so. The units are flexible enough to allow for that or other sequences that users might prefer. Self-learners might want to spend some time familiarizing themselves with the structure of each unit before engaging in their work with Bons Negócios. If adopted in a course with a group of learners, teachers and students might define what sequence matches their needs and expectations. It goes without saying that one possible option is to follow the sequence presented in the book with no changes.
is used next to boxes that bring extra linguistic and/ or cultural information.
Audio information
You can find all the audio content of this book in one of the platforms below:
Any of these platforms requires an access code (free version available). Once registered, you have to search for Disal Editora, then for Book Playlist and you will find all the audio content mentioned in the book. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us:
The learning of a foreign language can be a challenging task, and while designing Bons Negócios we have tried to focus on four issues which we believe can support that challenge and at the same time lead to effective learning: relevance, opportunities for practice, reflection, and connections. The themes and activities we propose are, we believe, relevant to the learners who wish to develop their Portuguese knowledge and skills in the workplace in Brazil. We also try to propose a wide range of opportunities for practice of oral and written Portuguese for business; however, we understand that practice only will not necessarily help learners achieve success in their learning process. In order to be effective, practice needs to be accompanied by reflection from the learner about his or her own learning process, and about the content that is being learned. This is the reason why Bons Negócios regularly asks students to reflect on how the Portuguese language is used and in what ways those uses compare to the learners’ native language. We also invite learners to make connections between what they read and their own life.
With those ideas in mind, we welcome you to Bons Negócios and wish you happy learning!
1 Listen and repeat the letters of the alphabet in Portuguese.
Portuguese spelling uses a few graphic marks (acentos) together with some letters:
•acento agudo (´): can be used with all the vowels, for example: empresário , café , litígio , escritório , público;
•acento circunflexo (ˆ): can be used with a , e , or o , for example: contemporâneo , contêiner , bônus;
•acento grave (`): only used with a , indicating preposition " a plus article
a ": Vou a+a reunião → Vou à reunião;
•til (˜): used with a and o : negociação ; negociações;
•cedilha (¸): used with the letter c before a , o , or u to give it a [s] sound: eleição , preço , açúcar . We never use ç at