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Ceragon Abranet 2013

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Portflio Ceragon Networks

Abranet 2013

Bruno Moreira de Melo Guerra Pre Sales Manager - Brazil

Ceragon and Nera a combination that delivers MORE Nera Networks

Incorporation: 1947 Owned by Eltek ASA, traded on the Oslo: ELT Leadership in long-haul products

Ceragon Networks

Incorporation: 1996 NASDAQ: CRNT Leadership in short-haul products

446 M USD revenues in 2012

Combination creates the Premier Wireless Backhaul Specialist

Proprietary and Confidential

The #1 Wireless Backhaul Specialist

Innovation Experience Commitment

>500,000 Radios since 2004

US $446M In 2012

Field Proven Experience

1200 Professionals

Proprietary and Confidential

The #1 Wireless Backhaul Specialist

Top Specialist Revenue Top Specialist Shipments
DRWI 1% SIAE 5% Others 4%

NSN 5% Aviat 6%

E/// 25%

Ceragon 8%

ALU 10%

NEC 21% Huawei 15% Source: SLR

Proprietary and Confidential

MW Revenue
4 Rolling Quarters Q3 2011- Q2 2012

Presena Global

Suporte, logstica & corpo tcnico local Presena Forte em Todas Regies, mais de 39 pases
5 Proprietary and Confidential

Presena Local
Estrutura Local
Servios de Engenharia Projetos Turn-key Instalao e Comissionamento Manuteno no site Suporte Tcnico Laboratrio Centro de Treinamento e Reparo Logstica e Estoque local


Matriz em SP & Filial no RJ Escritrios regionais de projeto por todo Brazil

Proprietary and Confidential

Clientes & Parceiros no Brasil

> 40,000 radios entregues para todos segmentos de mercado

Provedores de Internet
mais de 400 clientes ativos

Proprietary and Confidential

Produtos & Solues

Produtos & Solues

Short Haul Access Aggregation Long Haul Aggregation Backbone

Network Management System - NetMaster

IP-20C All outdoor FibeAir2000/2500 Sub6 GHz IP-10C All outdoor IP-10G Hybrid IP-10E Ethernet only IP-10 Nodal

High Power ODUs


Proprietary and Confidential

MORE Innovation
Apply Design-to-Cost Across Entire Portfolio





Proprietary and Confidential

Chipset Prprio - Lder Tecnolgico

Tecnologia e desenvolvimento prprio
Modem, RFIC, Amplificadores de Potncia

Desenvolvido para produo em massa Melhor desempenho

Capacidade Confiabilidade Ecolgico (Menor consumo do mercado)

gil e flexvel na inovao tecnolgica

Modulao 2048QAM funcionando em campo

Dedicada excelncia para solues de Rdios MW

11 Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10

FibeAir IP-10 - Traditional 6-42 GHz Microwave

6 42 60 70 80 GHz

Short Haul

Alto Ganho Sistmico Alta Capacidade Bandas Licenciadas Ideal para agregao
o o



Alta Disponibilidade Enlaces Longos

FibeAir IP-10C


FibeAir IP-10 G/E

FibeAir IP-20 C



Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10C
Compact All-Outdoor

Tudo em uma unidade

nico, Compacto & Robusto para instalaes outdoor RF & Banda Base Transporte puro Ethernet

1+0, 2+0, 1+1HSB

Alimentao -48VDC
Conversor externo opcional: 220VAC para -48VDC

Consumo de energia: 40W

RSL (BNC) Terminal port (RJ45) 3 x GBE ports (1SFP/elec., 2 elec.)

Compact All Outdoor Solution For Every Location and Every Network Scenario
Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10 G-Series

STM1 Mux T-Card

16 x E1 T-Card

PWE3 processing T-Card (16E1)

Fans drawer

Craft Terminal (DB9)

External Alarms (DB9)

16 x E1/DS1s (optional) Protection Interface User Channel (RJ45) (optional) (RJ45)

2 x GE combo ports Electrical (RJ45) or Optical (SFP)

5 x FE Electrical (RJ45) RFU interface (N-Type) GND

Power -48V DC (dual-feed option)

Engineering order-wire (optional)


Split-mount architecture - Compatible with all Ceragon RFUs

Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir RF Units
FibeAir IP-10 trabalha com as seguintes unidades de RF:

RFU-C Standard Power 6-42 GHz



High Power 6-11 GHz


Proprietary and Confidential

Configurao 4+0 Split Mount RFU-HP


1Gbps radio links (High Tx Power) with 2 x 28MHz

Easily add RFUs to enhanced configurations


Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10 Integrated Nodal Solution

Mesma IDU IP-10 pode ser usada como terminal e soluo nodal Empilhvel e modular, nico sobressalente Baixo consumo de energia nas estaes
47W, 1+0

Forma um dispositivo simples nodal

Ethernet Switch Comum E1/DS1s Cross Conexo nico endereo IP nico elemento de rede para gerenciar


Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10Q
Construdo para altas capacidades de agregao (Full GE) Pronto para qualquer topologia (Ethernet, MPLS, etc.) Ultra flexvel & design modular
Configuraes possveis:

4 x 1+0 2 x 1+1 HSB (optional SD/FD) 2 x 2+0 East/West (XPIC optional) 2+2 HSB (XPIC, SD/FD optional) 4+0 (XPIC optional)

Ultra modular & design compacto at 4 RF em 1 unidade de rack Flexvel e 100% redundante
Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-10 Key Advantages

Altas Capacidades


FibeAir IP-10
Baixas Latencias Alto Ganho Sistmico

Melho opo para sincronizao de redes IP


Proprietary and Confidential

Maximizando a Capacidade da Rede

Maximizando a Capacidade da Rede



Modulation Header compression Payload compression Latency System gain Adaptive Power ACM QoS mechanism Resiliency (ABR) Asymmetrical


Wireless Network


Proprietary and Confidential

Common Packet Load Distribution*

Network Traffic in voice oriented mobile backhaul network

Model 1
1518 octets, 15%

576 octets, 5%

64 octets, 80%

* Source: ITU-T Recommendation G.8261, "Timing and Synchronization Aspects in Packet Networks," April 2008. In collaboration with 3GPP

Pacotes pequenos so dominantes na distribuio

Proprietary and Confidential

3GPP Traffic Model 1 56 MHz

BW [Mhz] Modulation Radio Throughput (Mbps) Eth Capacity L2 Header Comp. 3GPP traffic model 1
100 151 200 266 331 397 452 491

Eth Capacity Multi-Layer Header Comp. + Payload compression 64 Bytes

205 307 408 543 675 810 922 1001

64 Bytes
56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 QPSK 8 PSK 16 QAM 32 QAM 64 QAM 128 QAM 256 QAM 256 QAM 76 113 150 199 248 297 338 367 109 163 217 288 358 430 490 532

3GPP traffic model 1

160 240 318 424 526 632 719 781

~100% gain Mais capacidade usando o mesmo espectro significa: Mais usurios recebem mais qualidade Baixo OPEX de rede

At 100% mais capacidade

24 Proprietary and Confidential

Common Packet Load Distribution*

Network Traffic in data oriented mobile backhaul network

Model 2
64 octets, 30% 1518 octets, 60%

576 octets, 10%

* Source: ITU-T Recommendation G.8261, "Timing and Synchronization Aspects in Packet Networks," April 2008. In collaboration with 3GPP

Pacotes maiores so dominantes

Proprietary and Confidential

3GPP Traffic Model 2 56 MHz

BW [Mhz] Modulation Radio Throughput (Mbps) Eth Capacity L2 Header Comp. 3GPP traffic model 1
84 126 167 222 276 332 378 410

Eth Capacity Multi-Layer Header Comp. + Payload compression 64 Bytes

205 307 408 543 675 810 922 1001

64 Bytes
56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 QPSK 8 PSK 16 QAM 32 QAM 64 QAM 128 QAM 256 QAM 256 QAM 76 113 150 199 248 297 338 367 109 163 217 288 358 430 490 532

3GPP traffic model 1

104 156 206 275 341 410 466 506

~40% gain Mais capacidade usando o mesmo espectro significa: Mais usurios recebem mais qualidade Baixo OPEX de rede

At 40% mais capacidade

26 Proprietary and Confidential

Esquemas de Modulao e ACM

8 Esquemas de Modulao (QPSK 256QAM) Melhor combinao de controle de potncia associado ao ACM
Potncia de Transmisso Adaptativa melhores ganhos sistmicos Priorizao dos dados TDM e Ethernet QoS advanado e integrado com suporte Ethernet/IP/MPLS

Mais capaciadade com maior disponibilidade

Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir 2000 / 2500

Bandas No Licenciadas

FibeAir 2500 - Sub-6 GHz P2MP Solution

6 42 60 70 80 GHz

At 250 Mbps agregado por setor, At

100 Mbps por SU Menos equipamentos em campo Baixo consumo de energia Funciona sem linha de visada MIMO Bandas licenciadas e no licenciadas


FibeAir 2500
29 Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir 2000 - Sub-6 GHz P2P Solution

6 42 60 70 80 GHz

At 200 Mbps agregado Possibilidade de 4E1 a 16E1 Enlaces de at 120km Baixo consumo de energia Instalao para qualquer ambiente: o Funciona sem linha de visada Bandas licenciadas e no licenciadas


FibeAir 2000
30 Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir2000/2500 Key Advantages

Altas Capacidades

Melhor Imunidade contra rudo


Soluo Verde

Instalao Simples

Maiores Distncias


Proprietary and Confidential

Introduzindo: FibeAir IP-20C

1 Rdio a entregar 1 Gbps!

Leapfrog Technology

Ceragon Multi Multi-Core Radio Technology Sets a New Standard in Microwave Transmission Delivering Multi-Gbps Anywhere
33 Proprietary and Confidential

FibeAir IP-20C Multi Core Radio



Multi-Core Radio - Parallel radio processing engine that can double

your radio capacity and/or, distance and/or availability any way you want

Enabled by Ceragons unique in-house chipset technology

34 Proprietary and Confidential

Port View


Fully whether protected IP66 Compliant

Proprietary and Confidential

High Modulation (without any optimization)

Higher modulation schemes provides more
bits per symbol
Traffic Optimization

Ceragon has unique capability to provide high

modulation while keeping high system gain

Header Compression

(2048 QAM)

2048QAM 1024QAM 16QAM,... 256QAM...

High Modulation


(256 QAM)




Proprietary and Confidential

Line-of-Sight (LoS) MIMO 4x4

Using antenna separation to achieve uncorrelated receiver streams At each site the original data is split into 4 bit streams
Two antennas, two polarization on each The receiver is able to distinguish between the streams due to a phase difference caused by the antenna separation

Transmitting and receiving utilizing the same frequency channel

Site 2
Proprietary and Confidential

Site 1

NMS NetMaster R13

Ceragon NMS
Easier, Faster and More Accurate Network Troubleshooting
Network view, network reports Current & history alarm list, inventory, alarm & performance analysis, etc.

Services End-to-End provisioning

Faster And Easier Network Maintenance

NE software download, NE configuration file upload & download, etc. Task scheduling: auto offline reports, database backup, database check, configuration backup, and application execution Mass configuration change (for selected features) Workflow-oriented tools for complex or repetitive tasks Easier root analysis

Less Operational Mistakes

Fast Disaster Recovery

Automatic redundant NMS HW solution NE configuration download


Proprietary and Confidential

Anasise de Alarmes
Identificao de reas problemticas


Proprietary and Confidential

Exemplo Servios E-LAN

Personalized Services view Connectivity Map Shows all L2 network elements connectivity End to End Services Map Ethernet & TDM

Service Properties SAPs, SNPs, Name, etc

Service Alarms Physical and logical Service actions changing parameters, definitions, etc

Detailed pop up with service related information

Services Information Summary Basic properties of each service Adding / deleting services wizard launch

Highest Scalability


Proprietary and Confidential

Open SNMP Manager Adapter

Open SNMP, permite a descoberta e gerenciamento de qualquer elemento na rede baseado em SNMP
Descubra e Gerencie qualquer
equipamento SNMP v1/v2c

Configure o polling de conexo Configure a abertura de

ferramentas externas/adicionais
A centralized window into customer's network

Configure os alarmes Tabela de alarmes recorrentes Traps para atualizao dos

Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C

Funcionalidade como OSS (Open Source Software)

42 Proprietary and Confidential

Open SNMP - centralized window into customer's site

Range of hardware and
software tools to manage the passive elements at customers site.

Passive monitoring
refers to the monitoring of a cell site for power, security, and environmental issues

Source : Asentria

Ceragon Open-SNMP & SNMP sensors reduce operating the communication network costs
43 Proprietary and Confidential

Projects & Professional Services

Ceragon Global Services

Network Planning



Proprietary and Confidential


Major Takeaways Ceragon is the #1 Wireless backhaul specialist Comprehensive wireless portfolio Innovative in everything we do Global experience

Committed to the industry


Proprietary and Confidential


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