(FB - COM-VESTGEEK) Inglês Extensivo para o ENEM PDF
(FB - COM-VESTGEEK) Inglês Extensivo para o ENEM PDF
(FB - COM-VESTGEEK) Inglês Extensivo para o ENEM PDF
Captulo 1 - GRAMMAR 05
Captulo 3 - tips 29
Impresso: Multicopy
D I C A S ...
Respire atualidade
- Procure ler muito sobre todos os assuntos em livros, jornais, revistas e sites de notcias, para que no
momento da prova voc no seja pego de surpresa com alguma informao que voc desconhea. Lendo voc
conseguir obter um grande vocabulrio e pacincia para enfrentar horas de leitura de enunciados;
# Pegadinhas de imagem
- Sempre que uma questo trouxer para voc uma figura ou imagem, atente-se! Busque entender o que
ela representa e o contexto em que est inserida, no v pelo bvio, nem sempre as coisas so o que parecem
# Falsos cognatos
- Sem dvida devemos tomar cuidado com falsos cognatos, principalmente nos idiomas. Por exemplo:
no confunda college (ingls) com colgio (portugus). O significado correto faculdade e colgio em ingls
high school. J no espanhol no confunda cuello (espanhol) com coelho (portugus), pois o correto pescoo.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
# Interprete o texto
- As provas agora abordam muito interpretao de texto, incentivam o aprendizado e o pensamento,
portanto saiba entender o que est sendo passado, qual a ideia principal e como o assunto se enquadra no
contexto geral;
# No enrosque
- Caso tenha alguma palavra no texto que voc desconhea, no fique preso a ela. Tente entender todo o
contexto. Pode ter certeza de que apenas uma palavra no far diferena. Lembre-se do tempo e da quanti-
dade de questes que voc ter pela frente;
# Leia o principal
- Antes de ler o texto, leia as perguntas referentes a ele. Com isso, voc no s saber o que procurar
como j ter ideia do que o texto aborda. Em seguida, leia o texto, j procurando a resposta especfica para
a questo;
# Treine
O que contribui muito para o seu bom desempenho o treino, portanto procure provas antigas e tente
resolver as questes e faa simulados, sempre marcando seu tempo, pois ele ser precioso no dia da prova.
ingls 3
Fsica Mdulo 1
I me my mine myself
A pronoun usually refers to something already mentioned in a sentence or piece of text. They are used instead
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
of nouns to prevent repetition of the noun to which they refer. One of the most common pronouns is it.
Example (Singular):
Without a pronoun: The train was late, the train had been delayed. (Sounds horrid, doesnt it?)
With a pronoun: The train was late, it had been delayed. (Much better!)
In this example the train is singular, therefore the pronoun must be singular also - it.
Example (Plural):
Without a pronoun: The trains were late, the trains had been delayed. (Still sounds horrid, doesnt it?)
With a pronoun: The trains were late, they had been delayed. (Much better!)
In this example the trains are plural, therefore the pronoun must be plural also - they.
Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person speaking. The
(*) means that you are asked a question.
My name is Sue. (Sue) _____________am English. And this is my family.
My mums name is Angie. (Angie) ____________is from Germany.
Bob is my dad. (My dad) ____________is a waiter.
On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) ___________is my brother.
(Sue and Simon) _______________are twins.
Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) ____________is two years old.
(Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) ____________live in Canterbury.
(Canterbury) ____________is not far from London.
My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) ____________often come and see us.
What can (*)____________tell me about your family?
Aaron was on a business trip to California. He shows you the souvenirs he got for his family.
Fill in the correct pronouns.
ingls 5
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive pronouns.
This book is (you) yours.
The ball is (I)____________.
The blue car is (we)_____________.
The ring is (she)____________.
We met Paul and Jane last night. This house is (they)____________.
The luggage is (he)_____________.
The pictures are (she)____________.
In our garden is a bird. The nest is (it)_________________.
This cat is (we)_____________.
This was not my fault. It was (you)________________.
Reflexive Pronouns
6 ingls
Verb Tenses
ingls 7
in a year, next,
action in the future that cannot tomorrow
A: He will speak. be influenced If-Satz Typ I (If you ask
Future I Simple N: He will not speak. spontaneous decision her, she will help you.)
Q: Will he speak? assumption with regard to the assumption: I think,
future probably, we might,
A: He is going to speak.
decision made for the future
Future I Simple N: He is not going to in one year, next week,
conclusion with regard to the
(going to) speak. tomorrow
Q: Is he going to speak?
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Simple spoken. certain time in the future
Q: Will he have spoken?
A: He would be speaking.
action that might take place
Conditional I N: He would not be
putting emphasis on the course
Progressive speaking.
/ duration of the action
Q: Would he be speaking?
8 ingls
1. When Carol (call) _______________last night, I (watch) __________my favorite show on television.
2. I (work) __________for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I retire!
3. Sharon (love) __________to travel. She (go) _________________abroad almost every summer. Next year, she
plans to go to Peru.
4. Thomas is an author. He (write) _____________mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) ____________
since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) ________________seven novels, three collections of short sto-
ries and a book of poetry.
5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) ____________to the train station, Susan
(wait) _____________for us for more than two hours.
6. Sam (try) __________to change a light bulb when he (slip) _________and (fell)___________.
7. Everyday I (wake) _________up at 6 oclock, (eat) ___________breakfast at 7 oclock and (leave) ________
for work at 8 oclock. However, this morning I (get) ______up at 6:30, (skip) ______breakfast and (leave)
___________for work late because I (forget) __________to set my alarm.
8. Right now, Jim (read) ___________the newspaper and Kathy (make) ___________dinner. Last night at this
time, they (do) ____________the same thing. She (cook) ___________and he (read) _____________the news-
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
paper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) __________the same thing. She (prepare) ___________dinner and
he (read)____________. They are very predictable people!
9. By this time next summer, you (complete) ____________your studies and (find) ___________a job. I, on
the other hand, (accomplish, not) ________________anything. I (study, still) _______________and you (work)
______________in some new high paying job.
10. The students (be, usually) _________________taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach)
____________________taught by Mr. Tan
Jane talks on the phone.
Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour.
Mary is talking on the phone.
Im going to make dinner for Frank.
Im making dinner for Judy.
Ill make dinner for Mary.
I make dinner for Ted.
I will be making dinner for Tony.
ingls 9
Jane left when Tim arrived.
Bob left when Tim had arrived.
Tim arrived when Mary was leaving.
John had left when Tim arrived.
After Tim arrived, Frank left.
Jane is talking in class.
Bob always talks in class.
Mary is always talking in class.
Jane never left Jamestown.
Bob has never left Jamestown.
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clean cleaner cleanest
10 ingls
C - Irregular adjectives
D - Special adjectives
ingls 11
later latest
late latter x
x last
Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or
2) Here is Emily. Shes six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is_____________.
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3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the _________________exercise on the
4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the _____________hobby in the world.
5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even ____________one last weekend.
10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the ________________joke Ive ever heard.
Linking Verbs
Por linking verbs entende-se os verbos que, basicamente, fazem a ligao entre o sujeito da sentena e o que
se diz do sujeito.
Os verbos mais comuns so: be, seem, look, feel, appear, become, grow, sound, taste, go, get, smell, prove.
I am proud of my students. achievements.
All the participants seemed happy.
12 ingls
Auxiliary verbs
A: It.s 1 p.m. I am starving. (Present Progressive or Continuous)
B: No kidding!
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I dont believe its raining again! It will spoil my Sunday! (Simple Future)
I have already finished reading the book for my Literature class. (Present Perfect)
Has your sister returned from work yet? (Present Perfect)
Nothing will prevent me from succeeding! I am determined to succeed.
Do you ever go to church on Sundays? (Simple Present)
Does your brother speak Spanish? (Simple Present)
Did you visit the Tower of London when you were there? (Simple Past)
1) can
Use Examples
ability to do sth. in the present (substitute form: to be able to) I can speak English.
permission to do sth. in the present (substitute form: to be allowed to) Can I go to the cinema?
ingls 13
2) could
Use Examples
ability to do sth. in the past (substitute form: to be able to) I could speak English.
permission to do sth. in the past (substitute form: to be allowed to) I could go to the cinema.
3) may
Use Examples
permission to do sth. in the present (substitute form: to be allowed to) May I go to the cinema?
4) might
Use Examples
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possibility (less possible than may) * It might rain today.
5) must
Use Examples
advice, recommendation You must see the new film with Brad Pitt.
Use Examples
7) need not
Use Examples
14 ingls
must not not to be allowed to I must not swim. = I am not allowed to swim.
need not not to have to I need not swim. = I dont have to swim.
Use modal verbs where possible. If a modal verb cant be used with a certain tense, use its substitute.
ingls 15
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Fsica Mdulo 1
Apesar das diferenas entre o portugus e o ingls, ambos os idiomas tm palavras que se assemelham
na escrita ou no som. Algumas dessas palavras de fato possuem o mesmo significado nas duas lnguas (como
television e computer, que se traduzem por televiso e computador, respectivamente). Essas palavras que
tm semelhana ortogrfica e mesmo significado em diferentes lnguas chamam-se cognatos.
Entretanto, existem outras palavras que diferem completa ou parcialmente quanto ao significado, apesar
de a ortografia nos levar a pensar que elas realmente tenham o mesmo significado no portugus. Estes pares
de palavras so conhecidos como False Cognates ou False Friends (Falsos Cognatos ou Falsos Amigos). A
seguir, apresentamos uma lista com a seleo das palavras mais trickys (enganosas), organizadas da seguinte
maneira: na 1 coluna encontram-se o falso cognato e o seu significado em portugus e, na segunda, a palavra
em portugus com semelhana quela do ingls e a traduo para o ingls:
ingls 17
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Available vlido, disponvel avalivel - ratable
18 ingls
Carton - caixa de papelo carto - card
Collar - gola, colarinho, coleira colar (noun) - necklace / colar (verb) - to glue
ingls 19
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
20 ingls
The commander was hazarding the health of his crew.
(O comandante estava colocando em risco a sade de sua azar bad luck
ingls 21
Venus is the second-most inhabitable planet in
our solar system.
*Cuidado para no confundir ingenious (hbil, engenhoso) com ingenuous, que tem o mesmo sentido da palavra
naive (ingnuo) em ingls. Muitos native speakers (falantes nativos) do preferncia para a palavra de origem
francesa naive quando querem se referir a algum ingnuo(a).
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Jar - pote jarra - pitcher, jug
22 ingls
ingls 23
Policy - norma, programa de ao, aplice (de seguro) polcia - police (plural noun)
presentemente, atualmente - at
present, now, today
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Preservative - conservante preservativo - condom
24 ingls
Reclaim recuperar
Example: A wallet has been found and can be
reclaimed at the managers office.
(Foi encontrada uma carteira, que pode ser recuperar
no escritrio do gerente.)
reclamar - to complain about, to
Record - gravar, disco, gravao
recordar - to remember, to recall
Refrigerant - substncia refrigerante usada em
aparelhos refrigerante - soda, soft drink
Relapse recair, reincidir relapso (adj) - relapsing,
Requirement - requisito
requerimento - petition
Resign demitir-se, renunciar resignar-se - to be resigned, to
adjust oneself to
Respite descanso, folga
respeito - respect
Resume - retomar, reiniciar, dar prosseguimento
Retired aposentado
retirado - removed, secluded
Rim borda
rim - kidney
Robbery assalto
roubo, furto - theft*
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
ingls 25
Sympathize - compadecer-se,
mostrar-se compreensivo
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Turn - vez, volta, curva / virar, girar turno - shift, round
Vegetables - verduras,
legumes vegetais - plants
Venture risco, acaso, ventura (felicidade) - happiness,
aventura** good luck
26 ingls
Vine - videira
vinho - wine
ingls 27
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Fsica Mdulo 1
CAPTULO 3 - tips
A compreenso do texto dispensa a traduo palavra por palavra. O uso excessivo do dicionrio implica em
perda de tempo. necessrio o uso constante dr raciocnio para analisar, deduzir e concluir satisfatoriamente.
Sempre que voc for ler um texto instrumental, no caso um texto em lngua estrangeira, deve:
Maior sucesso ter o leitor no estudo do texto se fizer uso de algumas estratgias de leitura, bem como todas
as dicas que o prprio texto proporciona. Conhea a seguir alguns desses elementos.
1 Skimming: Estratgia que consiste em lanar os olhos rapidamente sobre o texto, numa breve leitura para
captar o assunto geral apenas, se esse for o objetivo da leitura.
2 Scanning: uma estratgia de leitura no-linear em que o leitor busca objetivamente localizar as infor-
maes em que est interessado. Atravs do scanning o leitor objetivo e seletivo e nem sempre precisa ler
o texto todo.
3 Cognates: Muito comuns na lngua inglesa, os cognatos so termos de procedncia grega ou latina bastante
parecidos com o portugus tanto na forma escrita como no significado. Seria interessante o aluno notar que os
cognatos podem ser idnticos: radio, piano, hospital, nuclear, social, etc...
ingls 29
4 - Repeated words: Quando certas palavras se repetem vrias vezes no texto, mesmo com formas diferentes
(exemplo socialismo, social, socialist, socialize...), normalmente so importantes para a compreenso. As palavras
repetidas aparecem especialmente na forma de verbos, substantivos e adjetivos e nem sempre so cognatas.
5 Typography: As marcas tipogrficas so elementos que, no texto, transmitem informaes nem sempre
representadas por palavras. Reconhece-las um auxlio bastante til leitura.
6 Key words: As palavras-chave so aquelas que esto mais de perto associadas especificamente ao assunto do
texto, podendo aparecer repetidas e algumas vezes na forma de sinnimos. A identificao das key words atraves
do skimming leva-nos a Ter uma viso geral do texto.
7 Prediction: a atividade pela qual o aluno levado a predizer, inferir o contedo de um texto atravs do ttulo
ou de outros elementos tipogrficos, como ilustraes, por exemplo. Sendo uma atividade do tipo pr-leitura, a
prediction contribui para estimular o interesse e a curiosidade do aluno pelo contedo de um texto que o tpico
Quanto mais cultura geral (bacground knowlodge) tiver o leitor, mais fcil ser q sua prediction. Tomemos
como exemplo o ttulo ecologia. Um leitor com um conhecimento razovel poderia ordinariamente predizer sobre
o assunto listando palavras como: Meio-ambiente, Poluir, Desastroso, Poluentes, Matar, Devastao, Poluio, Flo-
restas tropicais, Animais em extino, Proteger, Protestos, Chuva cida, Produtos qumicos, Natureza, Reforestar,
Envenenar, Etc... Estas palavras poderiam at no fazer parte do texto, mas muito provvel que faam. Observe
agora o mesmo ttulo em ingls e avalie o grau de dificuldade comparado com aquele em portugus.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
30 ingls
Fsica Mdulo 1
above acima de
against contra
along ao longo de
although embora
and e
as como, enquanto
as long as enquanto
as soon as to logo
at a, em, no na
because porque
bebind atrs de
between entre
beyond alm de
both ambos
by por, perto de
ingls 31
despite a despeito de
due to devido a
either/or um ou outro
enough suficiente
even if mesmo se
except exceto
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
forward adiante
from de (procedncia)
if se
in em, dentro de
in order to a fim de
in spite of a despeito de
inasmuch as porque
inside dentro
32 ingls
near perto
nevertheless no obstante
next to ao lado de
Nonetheless no obstante
nor nem
of de
On sobre
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
only if s se
opposite oposto
or Or
provided that se
providing that se
ingls 33
since desde,porque
so long as enquanto
therefore portanto
though embora
through atravs at
till at
to para, at a
towards em direo
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
under debaixo de
until at
what o que
when quando
where onde
which qual
34 ingls
while enquanto
who quem
with com
within dentro de
without sem
ingls 35
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freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar
get got gotten, got obter **
give gave given dar
go went gone ir
grind ground ground moer
grow grew grown crescer, cultivar
have had had ter, beber, comer
hear heard heard ouvir
hide hid hidden, hid esconder
hit hit hit bater
hold held held segurar
hurt hurt hurt machucar
keep kept kept guardar, manter
know knew known saber, conhecer
lay laid laid pr na horizontal,
lead led led liderar
leave left left deixar, partir
lend lent lent dar emprestado
let let let deixar, alugar
lie lay lain deitar
lose lost lost perder, extraviar
make made made fazer, fabricar **
mean meant meant significar, querer dizer
meet met met encontrar, conhecer
36 ingls
ingls 37
** verbos de significado mltiplo, que podem mudar consideravelmente de significado, conforme a frase em
que ocorrerem. Em maior ou menor grau, a maioria dos significados em portugus fornecidos acima servem ap-
enas como indicativo aproximado e provvel. O significado exato vai sempre depender do contexto em que ocor-
rerem os verbos.
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1. PREFIX: DIS (Indica negao des - .)
38 ingls
to write(escrever) to rewrite(escrever)
ingls 39
oversuplly Superabundncia
overhappy feliccssimo
Adjetivo Substantivo
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able (hbil) ability (habilidade)
Adjetivo Substantivo
40 ingls
harp (rduo) hard (arduamente)
fast (rpido) fast (rapidamente)
SUFFIXES (FUL) = cheio de e (LESS) indica falta, ausncia (transformam substantivo em adjetivo)
ingls 41
SUFFIXES: - ER, -OR, -AR (Indicam a pessoa ou coisa que faz a ao do verbo.)
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
SUFFIX EN (Transforma adjetivo em verbo.)
42 ingls
Certos substantivos podem ser usados tanto para o masculino como para o feminino
artist - artista
musician - msico
servant - servo
foreigner - estrangeiro
neighbor - vizinho(a)
speaker - orador(a)
cook - cozinheiro(a)
friend - amigo(a)
student - estudante
criminal - criminoso(a)
writer - escritor(a)
ingls 43
doctor - doutor(a)
teacher - professor(a)
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thumb (b) = polegar
dumb (b) = mudo
calf (f) = bezerro
tomb (b) = tmulo
walk (l) = andar
knife (k) = faca
Knight (k) cavaleiro
Knee (k) = joelho
Know (k) = saber (verbo)
Know-how (k) = experincia
Knowledge (k) = conhecimento
Knit (k) = tricotar
Knob (k) = maaneta, calombo
44 ingls
Fsica Mdulo 1
UFMG 2009
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the texts carefully and then choose the alternative which best completes the state-
ment in each question.
Access: july, 2008. (Adapted)
Question 01
According to the text, we CANNOT say that water scarcity, worldwide,
Question 02
The word does (line 15) can be best interpreted as
ingls 45
Question 03
The organization of this text is in the form of
Question 04
We can say that the text argues in favor of
A) adaptation.
B) financing.
C) opportunities.
D) partnerships.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
too much salt, without it we would die. In addition, salt is one
of the most effective and widely used food preservatives and its
10 industrial uses are innumerable. Indeed, salt is vitally important to
agriculture, snow and ice control, water conditioning, the chemical
industry, metals production - to name just a few!
Salt has a fascinating history and references to it are common
since writing began. Some 2,700 years BC the Peng-Tzao-Kan-Mu
15 was published in China. This is probably the earliest known treatise
on pharmacology. A major portion of this writing is devoted to
a discussion of more than 40 kinds of salt. The treatise includes
descriptions of two methods of extracting salt and adapting it to a
usable form. The ancient Chinese methods for obtaining salt are
20 amazingly similar to processes still in use today.
Salt has also been of crucial economic importance. In some
parts of the world, salt was minted into coins and deemed to be as
valuable as gold. The ancient Greeks traded salt for slaves, giving
rise to the phrase not worth his salt to describe someone who
25 is lazy or does not work hard. The beautiful Italian city of Venice
was built on revenue from the salt trade. Roman soldiers were
partially paid in the mineral known as salarium argentum, out
of which comes the common English word salary. References
to salt abound in languages around the globe, especially where
30 salt is important to food. From the Latin sal, for example, come
such words for preserved foods as sauce and sausage.
46 ingls
According to the text, we canot say that
From the text, we can infer that salt
According to the text, the process to obtain salt has been
According to the text, the word deemed (line 22) means nearly the same as
A) considered.
B) imagined.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
C) neglected.
D) pretended.
01 C
02 D
03 C
04 D
05 A
06 D
07 B
08 A
UFES 2009
If Barack Obama came to visit Brazil and he should we would impress him
with our bigness in everything. We might even cause him to ponder just what all this
bigness and ambition means for the United States.
If Obama came, we would show him not just a good time, but a great time. He
could join the biggest party on earth (Carnaval) or go to the biggest football stadium
in the world (Maracan) to watch the biggest, or at least the winningest, national
team in action. We would awe Obama with our geography. Were bi-hemispherical,
ingls 47
crossed by the equator on top and laying our feet near the South Pole. We can sweat and freeze at the same
time. We occupy more than half of South America, we have the biggest river and the biggest iron-ore reserves
on earth, and might just become one of the worlds leading exporters of oil in the not-so-distant future. And if
that doesnt work or if our oil runs out we will surely become the leading producer of biofuel. Our reputation
for ethnic harmony is a bit undeserved but, still, ours is the biggest experiment in racial integration and misce-
genation in history. We have a big, leftist (more or less) government but also a capitalist economy and are on
the way to developing a big popular consumer market for our own products and for imports. We also have the
widest spread between rich and poor in the world, however, along with the ugliest shantytowns and probably the
worst corruption scandals. When not having fun or being awed, Obama would have much to think about. He may
see us as a semitropical China, a giant stretching its limbs and demanding attention but a different kind of
attention than it got in the past. He may notice that we have Americanized, or McDonaldized, to a high degree,
but notice, too, a sense in the land that its time our bigness started to pay off and deliver on the future it prom-
ised. This might mean standing up like a giant in defiance of old attitudes and submissions. Obama might view
moderate Brazil as a good ally against the radical populists popping up throughout the continent in the wake of
failed neoliberal economics, or he may see us as an emerging geopolitical threat. There are people in Brazil who
are sure that the United States is redeploying the Fourth Fleet to the South Atlantic just to show us whos really
big. We have big ambitions but big paranoia, too.
Se viesse ao Brasil, Barack Obama
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Uma das contradies do Brasil ser um pas capitalista com
A) capital reduzido.
B) governo esquerdista.
C) idias conflitantes.
D) muitos analfabetos.
E) poucas dvidas.
Terra de muitas promessas, o Brasil, entretanto, tambm
Se visitasse o Brasil, Barack Obama perceberia que, em relao ao passado, o pas est mais
A) americanizado.
B) endividado.
C) favelizado.
D) feio.
E) isolado.
48 ingls
O ttulo do texto faz meno ao ___________ e ____________ do Brasil.
A) analfabetismo / economia.
B) clima / beleza.
C) relevo / diversidade.
D) povo / pobreza.
E) tamanho / localizao.
01 D
02 B
03 D
04 A
05 E
UFOP 2009-1
Questes de 01 a 07
Read the text carefully and answer the questions according to it.
Denmark is the happiest country in the world, according to the latest World Values Survey pub-
lished by the United States National Science Foundation.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
The survey asked people two simple questions about their happiness and their level of satisfaction with life.
Puerto Rico and Colombia completed the top three happiest nations. Zimbabwe was found to be the least
happy, with Russia and Iraq also in the bottom 10.
The study was directed by University of Michigan professor Ronal Inglehart. He says that unlike other studies,
which have focused on economic factors, his research has found that financial prosperity is not the only reason for
Our research indicates prosperity is linked with happiness. It does contribute, he says, but it is not the most
important factor.
Personal freedom is even more important, and its freedom in all kinds of ways. Political freedom, like with
democracy and freedom of choice.
A happier world
The world is becoming a happier place overall, according to the survey, which has been conducted since 1981.
Dr Inglehart says that gender equality is also an indicator of happiness, as is rising social tolerance. He says
that both of these things have risen dramatically in recent years.
The worlds wealthiest nation, the United States, was found to be the worlds 16th happiest country, behind
Switzerland, Canada and Sweden.
ingls 49
The study also found that the countries at the bottom of the list all struggle with widespread poverty or au-
thoritarian governments.
Zimbabwe, which is gripped by hyperinflation and has recently seen a controversial presidential election
marred by violence, was found to be the least happy nation amongst the countries covered by the survey.
02. The ranking of the U.S.A. in the results of the survey indicates that:
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
04. Complete the statement with one of the alternatives.
Different kinds of freedom are _________ economic prosperity for people to be happy.
A) as influential as
B) less influential than
C) more influential than
D) not to be compared with
A) equality
B) love
C) poverty
D) violence
A) almost 20 years.
B) about 27 years.
C) less than 20 years.
D) more than 40 years.
50 ingls
01 B
02 C
03 D
04 C
05 A
06 B
07 A
UFVJM 2009-1
Instructions: Read the text carefully and then choose the alternative which correctly completes the following
01 Cars are expensive to run and bad for the environment, but some scientists
think they can change all that by using RUBBISH to power them.
They.ve found a way to turn some of the stuff we throw away into something
called bio-ethanol, which can be mixed in with petrol and used in cars.
05 The scientists say it.s a more environmentally friendly way of getting about,
and helps get rid of rubbish.
They think a million tonnes of rubbish could run more than a million cars.
For the last 15 years they.ve been experimenting with turning bio-degradable
rubbish - like paper and vegetable waste - into fuel.
10 They.ve found a way of doing it by heating it up to a really high temperature.
ingls 51
He said the bio-ethanol gives off 90% less greenhouse gasses than petrol, and helps get rid of waste.
Question 01
In this report the author.s main purpose is to
Question 02
The word .stuff. on line 3 refers to
a) bio-ethanol.
b) rubbish.
c) petrol.
d) gas supplies.
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Question 03
To produce bio-ethanol with rubbish, scientists use
Question 04
In some countries, especially in Brazil, people have been already making bio-ethanol using
a) crops.
b) rubbish.
c) paper and vegetable waste.
d) bacteria or bugs.
52 ingls
01 Two new robots are being put through their paces to see if they.re up to the
job of being blasted into space to find out if there really is life on Mars.
Nicknamed Bruno and Bradley, the robots are the latest test models for a
European rover that.s expected to land on the red planet in seven year.s
05 time.
Engineers say the six-wheeled robots created for the ExoMars mission are
the toughest ever built.
It.s thought they.ll be able to go where no other rover has gone before.
Each robot can turn all six wheels, move sideways like a crab and even
10 tackle really steep or slippery slopes.
They do it by anchoring themselves with five of their wheels and then inching
each wheel forward one at a time to crawl over obstacles.
Question 05
The expression .put through their paces. (line 1) means
a) built.
b) tested.
c) fixed.
d) measured.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Question 06
According to the text, the new robots will be up to all these jobs, EXCEPT
Question 07
According to the engineers who created the robots they are the toughest ever built. They mean theses robots
01 C
02 B
03 D
04 A
05 B
06 D
07 C
ingls 53
UFTM 2009
The current effort on the part of physicists to resolve the contradictions between quantum mechanics
and Einsteins general theory of relativity is not, for most people, something that would spring to mind as a
promising subject for a ballet. But it is the subject of Karole Armitages new work, inspired by the physicist
Brian Greenes popular book (and PBS TV series) The Elegant Universe, and, come to think of it, Armitages
fireand-ice style is a good fit for these awesome matters. Her piece, a collaboration with the composer Lukas
Ligeti, will be given a preview this weekend at the Guggenheim Museum, as part of its Works & Process
series. On Saturday, Greene and on Friday, his colleague Jim Gates will be on hand to tell us about cut-
tingedge trends in physics. If you flunked in college, heres your chance. After the show, you can meet the
participants, and have free sandwiches, at a reception in the museums rotunda, which itself looks like some-
thing out of theoretical physics.
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(C) fizeram um trabalho contraditrio sobre a srie Works & Process.
(D) oferecero uma recepo aps o lanamento da srie Works & Process.
(E) revisam princpios da Fsica para alunos reprovados nessa disciplina.
(A) a preview.
(B) TV series.
(C) Works & Process.
(D) Guggenheim Museum.
(E) a collaboration.
54 ingls
Big-state, social-democratic Sweden seems an odd place to look for a free-market revolution. Yet that is what
is under way in the countrys schools. Reforms that came into force in 1994 allow pretty much anyone who satisfies
basic standards to open a new school and take in children at the states expense. The local municipality must pay
the school what it would have spent educating each child itself a sum of 48,000-70,000 kronor ($8,000-12,000)
a year, depending on the childs age and the schools location. Children must be admitted on a first-come, first-
served basis there must be no religious requirements or entrance exams. Nothing extra can be charged for, but
making a profit is fine.
() In just 14 years the share of Swedish children educated privately has risen from a fraction of a percent to
more than 10%.
09. Nas linhas 2 e 3 do texto, a frase Yet that is what is under way in the countrys schools significa:
01 E
02 A
03 D
04 B
05 D
06 C
07 B
08 D
09 A
ingls 55
UNIFAL 2009-1
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
24 You will need a polished resume and cover letter that
25 indicates your strengths and suitability for a
26 position. Resumes and cover letters are an essential
27 part of your job-hunting tool kit. They are the most
28 common instruments job seekers use to get their
29 foot in the door.
30 Early in your search you will need to determine the
31 type of position you would like and then what the
32 best entry position might be to help you get there.
33 With this information your next step is to look at
34 companies that you would be interested in working
35 for that have these types of entry-level positions.
36 Many jobs are not advertised. You can tap into this
37 hidden job market by networking,
38 knocking on doors, seeking out free employment
39 programs and services, searching on the internet,
40 attending job fairs, and marketing yourself.
41 Follow-up is an important element of every job
42 search strategy. Re-connecting with a potential
43 employer by mail or phone can be very effective.
44 If you are interested in offering a service
45 babysitting, yard-work, painting, etc. - you could
46 make up a flyer and deliver it around your
47 community. It may not be long-term work but it does
48 help you start to build your experience and can
49 provide potential references for you.
56 ingls
2 No trecho However, you will find... (line 20), o termo grifado pode ser substitudo por
a) therefore.
b) provided that.
c) in spite of.
d) unless.
e) but.
5 O fragmento Unless you have family connections to a business where you can gain some experience,
looking for work starts with creating a plan and getting prepared. (lines 13-16) apresenta a idia de
a) necessrio que voc tenha parentes envolvidos em seu primeiro trabalho para ter sucesso.
b) necessrio criar um plano de visitao s indstrias.
c) a procura pelo primeiro trabalho envolve a elaborao de um planejamento e preparar-se para o mesmo.
d) voc pode adquirir experincia mesmo antes do incio do curso superior.
e) as empresas familiares geralmente no admitem que parentes sejam contratados.
6 De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o que preciso fazer para encontrar um
7 De acordo com as informaes do texto, assinale a alternativa correta. Most young people
ingls 57
01 A
02 E
03 A
04 C
05 C
06 B
07 B
08 D
UFOP 2009-2
Read the text carefully. Then choose the correct alternative for each question.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
by Dian Schaffhauser
58 ingls
02. In terms of Internet privacy education, the research shows that students are more likely to be influenced by their:
A) teachers.
B) brothers.
C) parents.
D) peers.
03. Mark the option that is not correct in terms of grammatical and meaning construction.
04. Researchers from the University at Buffalo and University of Maryland surveyed 285 preteens and early teen-
agers [] (lines 02-03). The word underlined in the sentence above means:
A) interviewed.
B) pointed.
C) mentioned.
D) looked at.
( ) Students who have experienced safety problems on the Internet are now more worried about online protection.
( ) Researchers found out that preteens and early teenagers who have received information on the importance of
Internet privacy are more concerned with online safety practices.
( ) Girls are less likely to protect themselves on the Internet than boys are.
A) T F F
B) T F T
C) F T F
D) T T F
A) open e-mails from known senders, protect their personal information on the Internet and download files from
strangers as well as unknown Web sites.
B) download files from people and Web sites they know, open e-mails from known senders and protect their per-
sonal information on the Internet.
C) protect their personal information on the Internet, download files from unknown people or Web sites and open
e-mails from unknown senders.
D) run risks on the Internet, only download files from family members and open emails from friends.
ingls 59
01 B
02 C
03 B
04 A
05 C
06 B
07 D
UFV 2009
1 If youve been shopping for food lately, I dont have to tell you that prices are going through the roof. In
2 some cases world prices have more than tripled in recent months, going from, in December, a price of $300
3 a ton to just this week over $1,000 a ton.
4 Robert Zeigler of the International Rice Research Institute is talking about rice, a basic staple food across
5 Asia, of course. Prices surged dramatically after China, Vietnam, and India limited exports to ensure they
6 had enough supplies for their own people. Other food products have also seen alarming increases.
7 The U.N.s Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO, says wheat prices have doubled in Senegal.
8 Bread prices doubled in Tajikistan. The cost of corn in Uganda rose 65 percent in just six months. One
9 reason: farmers are passing on their higher costs, particularly the rising cost of energy. Fertilizers become
10 more and more unaffordable for the small farmers, who are at the center of a response to the world food
11 crisis, notes Joachim von Braun, who heads the International Food Policy Research Institute in
12 Washington. And transport costs have become higher and higher, so the cost side of agriculture will keep
13 food prices high, even if we make major efforts to increase production.
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14 Other reasons for the run-up in prices include natural causes like drought and pest outbreaks and
15 speculation in the commodities market.
16 And as world oil prices hover around $120 a barrel, more food crops are ending up in fuel tanks. In the
17 United States, about one-quarter of the corn crop is now being used to make ethanol, which is blended with
18 gasoline to make a motor fuel. Soybean farmers are switching to corn, which drives up soy prices, and so
19 on.
20 Rising living standards also play a role. Particularly in India and China, where hundreds of millions of
21 people are having access to the middle class, more people are buying more food higher up the food chain,
22 says Carlos Ser of the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi.
23 We know that consumers, when they move, lets say, from $2 to $10 a day per capita, they largely
24 expand the consumption of vegetables, oils, and animal products. This is happening in big countries around
25 the world. This has a big impact.
26 But in many cases the poorest of the poor are paying the price for the good fortune of the emerging
27 middle class.
28 Analysts like Robert Zeigler of the Rice Research Institute are starting to assess the damage. Now what
29 are the consequences of this? Well, there are some estimates that say that if present trends continue for
30 very long, we can expect 100 million people to be pushed back into poverty. And Joachim von Braun of the
31 Food Policy Research Institute says that higher food prices today can cause long-term damage as people
32 change their eating habits.
33 The high food prices lead poor people to limit their food consumption and shift to even less balanced
34 diets with harmful effects on health in the short and long run. The child who is not appropriately nourished
35 under the age of three for a couple of months will be harmed for the rest of its life.
36 The three experts spoke in a telephone conference organized by the International Agricultural Research
37 Group, whose research centers have some 8,000 scientists working on food issues.
60 ingls
01. All of the following are causes for the increase in the prices of food, EXCEPT:
a) transportation costs.
b) advertising campaigns.
c) natural disasters.
d) higher life standards.
a) balanced diets.
b) more food consumption.
c) health problems.
d) good nourishment.
04. The expression going through the roof (line 1) can be best replaced by:
a) falling.
b) decreasing.
c) freezing.
d) rising.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
05. All of the following alternatives are examples of the present perfect simple tense, EXCEPT:
a) raise.
b) risen.
c) rise.
d) rosen.
07. The only word that functions as a verb in the text is:
a) experts.
b) Group.
c) scientists.
d) centers.
ingls 61
09. The word switching (line 18) can be best replaced by:
a) avoiding.
b) selling.
c) changing.
d) buying.
a) rest.
b) age.
c) life.
d) child.
01 B
02 A
03 C
04 D
05 B
06 C
07 A
08 B
09 C
10 D
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
UFVJM 2009-2
Instructions: Read the texts carefully and then choose the alternative which best completes the following
62 ingls
Rates: Taxas
Increased: Aumentou
Targets: Metas
UN: Naes Unidas
Environmental: Ambientais
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
Question 01
The plan, announced by Brazil, has the following objective:
a) recycle wood
b) stop gases emissions
c) clean polluted rivers
d) reduce the cutting of trees
Question 02
What are the countries encouraged to contribute with to the Amazon fund?
a) seedling plants
b) financial resources
c) reforestation projects
d) eucalyptus cultivation
Question 03
According to the text, Srgio Leito says that some things dont contribute to Brazils plan. All the following are
correct, EXCEPT:
a) economic crisis
b) wrong speed
c) international resources
d) timid targets
Question 04
In this report the author.s main purpose is to
ingls 63
a) inform people that Brazil and other nations are taking care of the Amazon rainforest
b) suggest countries to contribute to the Amazon fund and protect the rainforest
c) advise population to recycle, save energy and decrease car fumes to help to reduce deforestation in the Amazon
d) alert Brazilian government to increase the speed of environmental actions to save the Amazon
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
at the
20 zoo in the city north of Stockholm, collected the stones in a calm
prior to the zoo opening in the morning.
The launching of the stones occurred hours later - during domi-
25 displays to zoo visitors - with Santino in an .agitated. state.
This suggests that Santino was anticipating a future mental state
- an
ability that has been difficult to definitively prove in animals, ac-
cording to
30 Mathias Osvath, a cognitive scientist from Lund University in Swe-
and author of the new research.
Weve done experimental studies, and the chimps in my mind
show very
clearly that they do plan for future needs, but it has been argued
perhaps this was an experimental artefact, Dr Osvath told BBC
Now we have this spontaneous behaviour, which is always in
some sense better evidence.
Male: Macho Prior: Antes
Launching: Lanamento Behaviour: Comportamento
64 ingls
Question 05
According to the text, the chimpanzee is able to do all the following, EXCEPT:
Question 06
Santino is the name of a:
a) Swedish zoo
b) zoo visitor
c) cognitive scientist
d) male chimpanzee
Question 07
When the chimp launches stones, it wants to show:
a) ability
b) evidence
c) dominance
d) calm
01 D
02 B
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
03 C
04 A
05 B
06 D
07 C
UFMG 2010
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the texts carefully and then choose the alternative which best completes the statement
in each question, from 01 to 08.
ingls 65
The introduction to the text (lines 1-2) implies that, at present, the capitalist system
A) guides transitions.
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
B) rules the world.
C) serves the market.
D) teaches governors.
The best topic for the first paragraph is that
According to the text, market economy, trade and capital (1st paragraph) are
Braudel suggests that capitalism is
66 ingls
The word disembodied (line 15) can be best understood as
A) foreign.
B) marketed.
C) nearby.
D) vague.
Communism (line 19) and managerialism (line 20) are mentioned in the text as systems that
We can say that the author of the text thinks that religion
Study this cartoon:
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
ingls 67
01 C
02 B
03 C
04 B
05 D
06 B
07 C
08 B
UFTM 2010-1
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is an alliance driven by the vision
of a world without malnutrition. GAIN mobilizes public-( I ) partnerships and provides fi-
nancial and technical support to deliver healthier foods and supplements to those people
most at risk of malnutrition. Our innovative partnership projects in more than 25 coun-
tries are improving the lives of ( II ) 200 million people. Our project portfolio is growing
and our goal is to reach one billion people.
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(C) distribuir alimentao para crianas que sofrem de m nutrio.
(D) diminuir a m nutrio atravs de diversas aes.
(E) convencer outros pases a distribuir fortificantes a pessoas famintas.
03. Observe a palavra other em through food fortification and other strategies aimed at e indique a alter-
nativa na qual other est corretamente empregada.
04. In and our goal is to reach one billion people. we may say that the organization expects to
68 ingls
(A) hopeless.
(B) persuasive.
(C) sarcastic.
(D) nostalgic.
(E) optimistic.
06. The adjective annoyed and the verb hang up respectively mean
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
07. The last sentence says There is a better way. Which alternative would complete this sentence adequately?
ingls 69
08. Dentro do contexto do cartoon, a mulher parece no entender a pergunta que lhe feita porque
09. De acordo com a opinio expressa pelo homem, no segundo e terceiro quadrinhos, pode-se concluir que
(A) as mulheres ferem os sentimentos dos homens em filmes feitos para mulheres.
(B) os homens gostam de ouvir a opinio das mulheres na hora de escolher filmes.
(C) as mulheres apreciam mais o gnero romntico ou drama.
(D) os chamados filmes masculinos no ferem os sentimentos de outras pessoas.
(E) os filmes feitos para homens so mais agressivos do ponto de vista fsico.
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01 D
02 C
03 E
04 A
05 C
06 B
07 A
08 B
09 E
BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB (G, 101 minutes) In this charming documentary, German director Wim
Wenders chronicles his friend Ry Cooders successful attempt to persuade a lost generation of legendary Cuban
musicians to make a comeback album called Buena Vista Social Club. It sold more than a million copies. Between
the beats of this so-called son music, you can feel a touching camaraderie among the musicians, including 80-year-
old pianist Ruben Gonzalez and Ibrahim Ferrer, aka The Nat King Cole of Cuba, whose soft, 70-year-old voice will
slay anyone with an appreciation of fine music. When the band makes its final appearance on the Carnegie stage,
to the sweetly mournful strains of Quizs, Quizs, Quizs, you realize youre hooked on these musicians for life.
In Spanish and English with subtitles. Contains nothing objectionable except mildly risqu lyrics. Arlington Cinema
N Drafthouse.
70 ingls
As far as communicative intentions are concerned, the text above is best characterized as:
The construction which does not contain a typical instance of adjectival modification is:
ingls 71
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(A) they raided passing ships and forced them to hand over any scrolls (l. 39 - 41)
(B) They ask visiting businessmen and dignitaries (...) any spare books (l. 43- 45)
(C) Acquisitions that fit the strategy include copies of Spains Escorial collection (l. 56 - 57)
(D) sources say that the Egyptians dont want a librarian running the show (l. 70 - 72)
In Short of trying to collect every book in existence, as the ancient library did..., the word as conveys the idea
(A) cause
(B) comparison
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(C) simultaneity
(D) contradiction
The comic strip offers food for thought about the way men feel and behave.
ingls 73
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(A) Brazil will fulfill its economic potential once it opens its borders and embraces free trade.
(B) The air industry will go bust when Brazil beats its bitterest rivals, thanks to effective foreign policies.
(C) Brazil will soon be in a position to wield decisive influence over the future of the world trading system.
(D) The establishment of free trade will be strongly supported by Brazilian leaders due to reasonable tariffs.
74 ingls
(A) A new front in that conflict emerged in February when Canada suddenly announced a prohibition on imports
of Brazilian beef, (l. 33 - 36)
(B) Brazilian officials argued that the beef ban was just an excuse to intimidate them in the aircraft dispute and
gave Canada until March 1 to rescind the ban. (l. 38 - 41)
(C) When the Canadians finally gave Brazilian meat a clean bill of health on Feb. 27, government officials were
able to treat the event as a triumph and announced plans to file complaints against Canada (l. 41 - 45)
(D) This was a win-win situation for Brazil, in that it got the attention of the Canadians and will probably get more
attention at the upcoming summit than it would have otherwise, (l. 47 - 50)
The longer works of John Coltrane and Charles Mingus, an Abbey Lincoln retrospective and a Brazilian music
festival are among more than 400 events worldwide planned by Jazz at Lincoln Center for its 11th season as a
year-round producer, starting in September.
After a July residency by the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Festival in Spain, the organization
plans a fall series of performances, educational events and broadcasts centering on the theme Jump In. Jump In
signifies the philosophy of Jazz at Lincoln Center, which is welcome and dont hesitate, like when you go to some-
bodys house and they try to make you comfortable in the shortest period of time, said Wynton Marsalis, the organiza-
tions artistic director. We have a season that is inclusive of many styles and forms, with musicians of all persuasions.
Since its inception, Jazz at Lincoln Center has been criticized for ignoring music produced since the 1960s. The
2001-2 season suggests a broader focus: two concerts are to explore the later, visionary works of Coltrane and Min-
gus, and a three-concert retrospective will present not only Ms. Lincolns musical compositions but her poetry as well.
A series of events will also reflect the relationship between Brazilian music and jazz, including collaborations
between the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra and a samba band led by the percussionist Cyro Baptista; three concerts
featuring new arrangements of the music of the Brazilian composer Pixinguinha, performed by a small ensemble led
by the guitarist Romero Lubambo; an annotated film program that examines the carnival traditions of Brazil and New
Orleans; and three Jazz for Young People concerts, one on Mingus, one on Coltrane and a third titled What Is Samba?
http://www.nytimes.com . March 26.2001
(A) high-quality jazz orchestras led by Brazilian musicians will play in New Orleans
(B) artistic trends of Brazil and New Orleans will be showcased in New York City
ingls 75
(C) carnival traditions and samba music arrangements will be examined in New York City
(D) jazz bands and Brazilian samba composers will give joint performances in New Orleans
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
76 ingls
(A) lastly
(B) recently
(C) currently
(D) fundamentally
ingls 77
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(UERJ 2002/2) Questo 20
The argumentation in the text is structured by means of the following combination of strategies:
78 ingls
(A) Such conflicts, many of which are associated with the rise of industry-funded science, have already attracted
scrutiny from Congress, (l. 6 - 7)
(B) In the last few years, a number of spectacular failures of disclosure and editorial oversight have come to light.
(l. 12)
(C) a panel report endorsing a proprietary blood test for Alzheimers disease but did not disclose that one of the
panelists held a patent on the test (l. 16 - 17)
(D) there is a risk that more research will just become client science, where truth is determined according to
your clients needs. (l. 21 - 22)
ingls 79
(A) authors
(B) journals
(C) conflicts
(D) scientists
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(UERJ 2003/1) Questo 25
Friends of the Earth is one of the leading environmental pressure groups in the UK, represented in 68 countries,
that calls for prompt action to control the use of chemicals.
The image and text on the campaign poster basically suggest that:
80 ingls
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
(A) In other words, who we are and where we are will always be factors in how we define truth. (l. 4 - 5)
(B) Indeed, change seems to be norm in reality, while things that stay the same are the exception. (l. 9 - 10)
(C) Humans are always in a process of anticipating the evolution of discourse and resolving their misunderstand-
ings through interpretive strategies (l. 13 - 14)
(D) A rhetorical critic studies texts to determine how particular speakers or writers use words to be persuasive or
perhaps create whole new conceptions of reality. (l. 15 - 16)
ingls 81
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
The idea conveyed by the image for the campaign is found in the following sentence:
82 ingls
01. C
02. D
03. A
04. B
05. A
06. A
07. B
08. C
09. C
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. D
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. A
32. B
ingls 83
TF1-2011 - REPRODUO PROIBIDA: Art. 184 do Cdigo Penal e Lei 9.610 de fevereiro de 1998 - www.gaussprevestibular.com.br