Futuro Ingles 2
Futuro Ingles 2
Futuro Ingles 2
O Future Progressive, basicamente, expressa aes que estaro ocorrendo em algum momento no futuro.
Observe as formas e usos deste tempo verbal:
Tomorrow, at this same time I will be leaving my job. (Amanh, neste mesmo horrio, estarei saindo do
meu trabalho.)
A forma negativa do Future Progressive se faz acrescentando not entre o auxiliar modal will e o verbo
to be:
When you arrive, I will not be waiting for your at the airport. (Quando voc chegar eu no estarei lhe
esperando no aeroporto.)
Robert won't be working next week; he will be on vacation. (Roberto no estar trabalhando na semana
que vem, ele estar de frias.)
Na forma interrogativa do Future Progressive o auxiliar modal will se posiciona antes do sujeito.
1. Expressar aes que estaro em andamento num momento determinado no futuro. Para indicar
este momento determinado, expresses do tempo futuro so usadas:
Tomorrow they'll be taking pictures of the animals. (Amanh eles estaro tirando fotos dos animais.)
At this time next Tuesday we will be sleeping in our new apartment. (Neste horrio, na prxima tera-
feira, ns estaremos dormindo em nosso novo apartamento.)
When I wake up tomorrow morning, the sun will be shining. (Quando eu acordar amanh de manh, o sol
estar brilhando.)
The President elect will be visiting some coutries in Europe next month. (O Presidente eleito estar
visitando alguns pases europeus no ms que vem.)
Next semester, will you be taking the same courses? (No prximo semestre voc estar fazendo as
mesmas matrias?)
a) Ill have spent all my holiday money by the end of the week.
d) I will have been in London for six months by the time I leave.
4)Choose the correct answer for the following question: Will you have finished your composition by
c)Yes, I will.
A primeira condicional expressa uma condio provvel, que pode acontecer. Veja alguns exemplos em
As frases condicionais tm duas partes: a orao principal e a orao condicional. A orao condicional
vem sempre com a palavra se (if) e expressa a condio para que algo acontea. Veja como ficam as
frases acima, em ingls.
Se voc pedir a ele, ele te contar a histria. If you ask him, he will tell you the story.
Se eu estudar para o teste, passarei. If I study for the test, I will pass.
1-Utilize as regras do First Conditional e complete os espaos utilizando os verbos entre parnteses
a)If you___________ (help) me with my homework, I ______________ (finish) it in time to go to the
b) If it____________ (not/rain), the students _____________ (practice) sport in the playground.
c) Jane _____________ (come) home early if she________________ (not/be) very busy at work.
d) Our teacher _______________ (be) pleased if we _______________ (do) our homework.
e) If Robert____________ (play) football with us, we______________ (win) the match.
d) If we __________ (recycle) more, we ____________ (help) our planet.
e) If people___________ (share) their cars to go to work, there __________ (not/be) so many car fumes.
f) we___________ (save) thousands of trees IF we___________ (waste) so much paper.
g) If the govenment ___________ (fine) those who pollute the atmosphere, some factories______ (stop)
throwing waste into rivers.