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Shodan Curriculum

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Currculo para 9 Kyu - Faixa Branca

Nvel Iniciante - Vdeo 1

Construindo sua Fundao - Aprenda corretamente os

procedimentos bsicos mais simples do Ninjutsu, tais como como
amarrar a faixa - Como aquecer e alongar antes do treino - Voc
aprender as posturas tradicionais iniciais da arte do Ninjutsu,
Seiza, Hira & Ichimonji no kamae - Aprender neste vdeo as
tcnicas bsicas de rolamentos para frente e para trs e as formas
bsicas de quedas (como ir para o cho sem se machucar) -
Aprender tcnicas de socos e chutes bsicos de Ninjutsu - Este
vdeo aborda como utilizar efetivamente as tcnicas de evaso, de
forma a manter seu corpo fora dos ataques - Voc comear a
aprender o Sanshin no kata, um conjunto de 5 formas elementares
de movimentos que ensinam princpios muito importantes de
movimentos e sentimentos. No Nvel 9 Kyu voc aprender os
movimentos e conceitos bsicos da forma "Chi" terra dentro do
Sanshin no Kata.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 8 Kyu - Faixa Amarela

Nvel Iniciante - Vdeo 2

O foco deste vdeo taihenjutsu ou formas bsicas de quedas,

rolamentos e tcnicas de evaso - Como cair, saltos e habilidades
de evaso - O alicerce de todas as tcnicas mais avanadas que
voc vai aprender repousa sobre sua capacidade de se mover
fluidamente e ir para o cho sem medo. No 8 Kyu voc vai
trabalhar mais suas tcnicas de rolamento e habilidades motoras
do corpo - Bem como acrescentar as posturas Hoko, Doko e
Jumonji kamae - Voc vai aprender Gyaku Omote & Ura (Tcnicas
bsicas de apresamento de pulso - para fora e para dentro) -
Tehodoki (Tcnicas bsicas de escapes de apresamento de pulso) -
Tcnicas Bsicas de Hanbo (Basto curto) - Continuidade das
tcnicas de Sanshin no kata, voc vai aprender a forma bsica
"Sui" gua - No 8 Kyu voc ser apresentado(a) aos movimentos
de Kihon Happo, as formas fundamentais dos movimentos em que
a nossa arte e mais todas as artes marciais se baseiam - A partir
deste nvel em diante voc vai precisar de um parceiro para
trabalhar as tcnicas mais avanadas que viro.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 7 Kyu - Faixa Laranja

Nvel Iniciante - Vdeo 3

A nfase neste nvel aprender a movimentar corpo de forma mais

fluente com menos esforo - Voc precisa ser capaz de ir para o
cho de forma eficaz e ter a habilidade de comprometer o equilbrio
do seu parceiro utilizando o movimento do corpo ao invs dos
msculos - Voc vai aprender os rolamentos laterais - As posturas
Kosei, Hicho & Ihen no kamae sero cobertas nesse vdeo - Bem
como a tcnica shuto (mo em concha) - Ver como executar
eficientemente as tcnicas de chute para vrias direes - Mais
tcnicas de Kihon Happo e as formas Ka (fogo) e Fu (vento) de
Sanshin no Kata - Bem como o Gyaku Waza (reverses de pulso) -
Tcnicas de Omote Oni Kudaki & Gyaku Hon - As tcnicas de Tanto
(faca) tambm so abordadas.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 6 Kyu - Faixa Verde

Nvel Intermedirio - Vdeo 4

Neste nvel, voc vai aprimorar seu taihenjutsu (habilidades

motoras do corpo) - Voc ser capaz de executar rolamentos sem
usar as mos, importante para, por exemplo, poder pegar uma
arma ou derrubar um atacante quando voc estiver rolando - Este
dvd aborda tambm Shiho Tenchi Tobi (4 formas de saltar com
habilidade) - Geri Shiho (4 formas de chutar com habilidade) - Ken
Sokoyaku (utilizao do calcanhar/sola do p ao chutar) - Voc vai
aprender a ltima sequncia do no Sanshin kata, a forma Ku
(vazio) - Aprender Happo Kihon onde voc vai praticar a Jumonji
no kata (postura de braos cruzados) e Musha Dori - O Kusari
Fundo a arma em foco deste nvel (aconselha-se a sempre utilizar
a verso em corda desta arma, como forma de segurana ao
treinar com um parceiro) - A importncia da meditao e dieta so
brevemente cobertos tambm neste nvel.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 5 Kyu - Faixa Azul

Nvel Intermedirio - Vdeo 5

O foco neste nvel aprender os movimentos do Kihon Happo com

eficincia e conhecimento dos nomes japoneses para cada tcnica -
Este nvel um passo importante muito importante na sua
formao - Mtodos avanados de chutes e socos sero praticados,
tcnicas de cho - Gata Muto Dori (formas de evaso e mo em
forma de espada) esto no contedo deste dvd - Voc vai aprender
a atacar usando o Boshi Ken (punho do polegar) e Shako Ken
(punho em garra) - Chutar utilizando Kakushi Geri & as formas Geri
Sampo - Dar continuidade ao aprendizado do Kihon Happo - Voc
vai aprender Hicho no kata e Ganseki Nage- Formas bsicas de luta
tambm so abrangidas - Nas tcnicas com armas, este nvel tem
como foco o Shuriken (estrelas de arremesso) -

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 4 Kyu - Faixa Roxa

Nvel Intermedirio - Vdeo 6

Neste nvel, voc aprender com eficincia como colocar seu

adversrio fora de equilbrio - Este vdeo analisa o quo importante
o equilbrio na sua formao e em sua vida - Voc tambm vai
aprender chutes saltando - Saltos com rolamentos de mergulho -
Tcnicas de quebramento de punho - Varreduras nas pernas -
Como combater utilizando chutes e contra chutes - O foco em arma
para Kyu 4 o Bo Rokushaku (basto longo) e voc vai aprender
golpes bsicos e de distanciamento para esta arma.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 3 Kyu - Faixa Vermelha

Nvel Intermedirio - Vdeo 7

Neste ponto da sua formao a sua ateno deve estar no corpo do

seu parceiro e os efeitos que o seu movimento e a sua tcnica tem
em seu parceiro - Este vdeo analisa a importncia disso bem como
uma introduo espada Ninja - Incluindo a forma correta de
segur-la - 10 diferentes kamae (posturas) com espada - Os
movimentos bsicos e cortes de cada uma das 10 posturas -
Tcnicas Avanadas de Taisabaki (evaso do corpo) so cobertas
neste nvel - Comateno especfica para o distanciamento e
tempo, bem como Nage Ganseki avanado (formas de arremesso
do corpo) - Movimentos e tcnicas poderosas de golpes visando
esmagar o adversrio tambm sero aprendidos neste nvel.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 2 Kyu - Faixa Marrom

Nvel Avanado - Vdeo 8

Este nvel centra-se nas tcnicas avanadas de quedas, saltos e

habilidades de evaso - Noburi kata (subir em rvores, prdios,
postes, etc) - Suwari gata (Tcnicas de luta em posio de
joelhos): agarra pulso, reverses, lanamentos e chutes de uma
posio ajoelhada so mostrados - Voc vai aprender cinco novas
armas naturais: Shuki ken (punho com o incio da mo), Sakki ken
(punho com o incio do p), Shishin ken (dedo em forma de agulha)
e Happa ken, bem como Tai ken, o uso de todo o corpo como um
punho - Koppo jutsu ou ataques aos ossos e articulaes do
adversrio e Shime waza go kata (tcnicas de estrangulamento e
asfixia) tambm so ensinadas neste vdeo - O foco em arma neste
vdeo o uso adequado de Shuko (garras de mo) e Shinobi
Kenjutsu Iai, a arte de desembainhar corretamente uma espada -
Aqui tambm ser ensinadas tcnicas espirituais avanadas
utilizadas pelos Ninjas - Uma breve discusso sobre o uso de
sonhos como viso das coisas que esto acontecendo em sua vida.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para 1 Kyu - Faixa Marrom

Nvel Avanado - Vdeo 9

Este nvel trabalha as tcnicas e movimentos de Gotonpo (mtodos

de ocultao do corpo e usar a natureza para escapar) - Koshijutsu
(ataques aos rgos e msculos) so ensinados usando pontos nos
pulsos, braos, ombros, garganta, rosto, costas, trax e pernas -
Variaes avanada de arremessos (henka) a partir dos
movimentos de Kihon Happo, Ura Gyaku, Omote Gyaku, Musha
Dori e Nage Ganseki so mostrados, assim como Koshi nage, nage
Itami (arremessos destruidores) - E uma rara demonstrao de
Kuki nage (arremessarsem tocar o seu adversrio, usando a
energia e a inteno apenas, sem contato corporal) - O foco em
arma para este nvel o Kyoketsu shoge (longa corda com anel
circular em uma extremidade e um punhal de lmina dupla na
outra) - E como usar METSUBUSHI (p cegante) - Como escapar do
perigo usando a natureza (Gotonpo) - Mais tcnicas avanadas de
arremessos (Nage waza) - Ataques de Koshijutsu aos rgos e
msculos e variaes de tcnicas avanadas de luta.

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Currculo para Shodan - Faixa Preta

Nvel Black Belt - Vdeo 10

Aqui voc completa sua formao - Estudaremos as Tcnicas com

faca e como desarmar o adversrio - Como lidar com mltiplos
atacantes - Como combater as tcnicas de Kihon Happo - Taijutsu
natural (movimento do corpo) com uma arma - Quebrando o
equilbrio do corpo do adversrio, fluindo naturalmente de uma
tcnica para outra - Como captar a essncia das tcnicas - Como
utilizar as tcnicas de Ninjutsu para comear a fazer sua vida para
trabalhar para voc - Tudo isso ser cobertos neste vdeo - Se voc
realmente est praticando com afinco, neste nvel de sua formao
a sua vida dever ser muito diferente de quando comeou seu
treinamento - Voc estar mais confiante, mais descontrado e,
geralmente, mais feliz - Mais consciente, mais atento e mais

Aproximadamente 1 hora de vdeo.

Listed below are the basic teachings that we cover both in our American
Bujinkan Dojo Branch Studios and through our Bushindo University video Home
Study Course in Ninjutsu. This information and more will be learned before
receiving a Shodan (1st degree blackbelt) from us. All rank certification comes
from Soke Hatsumi in Japan and is signed by Shihan Van Donk. Please note our
studies go up to 10th dan and are endless in information and application.

Remember: Practice with an open heart, flexible body and a free mind.

1. RESPECT - SELF AND OTHERS Everything begins and ends here.

A. BOWING - SITTING AND STANDING "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo".

. BREATH WORK Your breath is spirit. You will learn several types of deep breathing
techniques to quiet, still and reflect the mind.

. MEDITATION (meditation or quiet thought, inner prayer).

. JUNAN TAISO (Muscle flexibility & conditioning skills) Muscle stretching and
body conditioning will be done before class.

. UKEMI GATA TAIHENJUTSU (ground hitting skills, breakfalls, rolling and


A. Zenpo Ukemi (forward breakfalls)

1. Zagata (kneeling)

2. Shizen (standing)-Ryote (two hands) Katate (one hand)

3. Tsuki (punching/kicking from breakfalls)

B. Koho Ukemi (backwards breakfalls)

C. Yoko Nagare Ukemi (sideways breakfall)

D. Zenpo Kaiten (forward rolling), Naname (diagonal)

1. Ryote (two hands)

2. Katate (one hand)

3. Mute (no hands)

E. Koho Kaiten (backwards rolling breakfall without raised leg)

1. Ryote (two hands)

2. Katate (one hand)

3. Mute (no hands)

F. Sokuho Kaiten (side roll)

G. Oten (Cartwheels)

1. Ryote (two hands)

2. Katate (one hand)

H. Hicho Kaiten (both height and distance rolling breakfalls)

I. Yokonagashi Zenpo Ukemi (ground drop)

J. Sanpo (walking)

K. Kiten (handsprings)
L. Kuten (front and back flips - no hands).

M. Shiho Tenchi Tobi (directional Heaven-Earth leaping techniques)

1. Sokuho Tobi (sideways leap)

2. Fudoza Tobi (leap up with legs tucked)

3. Zenpo Tobi (front leap)

4. Koho Tobi (backwards leap)

N. Shoten No Jutsu (running up surfaces) - Subir parede correndo

O. Kuhi (flying techniques)

P. Shinobi Aruki (silent movement)

Q. Tai Sabaki (body evasion)

R. Nobori Kata (climbing buildings, trees, poles)

S. Stealth (ground crawling)

T. Inton (concealment/escape)

. SHINKEN TAIHENJUTSU - Muto Dori Gata (Sword evasion Forms)

A. Hira

B. Ichimonji

C. Jumonji

. KAMAE - Basic Taijutsu Postures (there are many more)

A. Seiza No Kamae

B. Shizen No Kamae

C. Kongo Gassho No Kamae

D. Ichimonji No Kamae

E. Hira No Kamae

F. Jumonji No Kamae
G. Kosei No Kamae

H. Hicho No Kamae

I. Hoko No Kamae

J. Doko No Kamae

K. Ihen No Kamae

L. Fudoza No Kamae


A. Chi No Kata (EARTH)

B. Sui No Kata (WATER)

C. Ka No Kata (FIRE)

D. Fu No Kata (WIND)

E. Ku No Kata (VOID)

. KIHON HAPPO GATA - Eight Fundamental Forms

A. Koshi Sanpo Methods

1. Ichimonji No Kamae

2. Hicho No Kamae

3. Jumonji No Kamae

B. Torite Goho Methods

1. Omote Gyaku (outward wrist reversal)

2. Oni-kudaki or Omote Gyaku Ken Sabaki Gata (against a punch)

3. Ura Kote Gyaku (inward wrist twist)

4. Musha Dori - Ude Jime Ashi Ori Gata (elbow lever than kick leg)

5. Ganseki Nage (throw)

. DAKENTAIJUTSU - Techniques of Striking

A. Hokenn Juroppo - Sixteen Secret Fists

1. Kikaku-Ken -- Demon Horns Fist (striking with the head)

2. Shuki-Ken -- Hand Start Fist (striking with the elbow)

3. Fudo-Ken -- Unmoving Fist (clenched fist/immovable fist)

4. Kiten-Ken -- Turn-Causing Fist (half open sword hand, Shuto)

5. Shishin-Ken -- Finger Needle Fist (use the little finger)

6. Shitan-Ken -- Finger End Fist (uses three fingers primarily)

7. Shako-Ken -- Mantis Crab Fist (thrust with fingers/palm)

8. Shito-ken -- Finger Sword Fist (striking with the thumb)

9. Shikan-ken -- Finger Ring Fist (hit using extended knuckles)

10. Koppo-ken -- Bone Method Fist (use of extended thumb knuckle

11. Happa-ken -- Eight Leaf Fist (palms of both hands)

12. Sokuyaku-ken -- Foot Dance Fist (heel/sole kick)

13. Sokki-ken -- Foot Start Fist (striking with the knee)

14. Sokugyaku -- Ken Foot Reverse Fist (striking with extended toes)

15. Tai-ken -- Body Fist (striking/crushing with the body)

16. Ki-ken -- Spirit Fist (striking from afar with mind/spirit)

. HAJUTSU KUHO (Breaking Out Art Nine Methods)

A. Tehodoki (freeing the hands)

B. Taihodoki (freeing the body)

C. Oyagoroshi (killing the thumb)

D. Kogoroshi (killing the little finger)

E. Koshi-kudaki (crushing the hips)

F. Happo-geri (eight directional kicking)

G. Keri-kudaki (kick crusher)

H. Ken-Kudaki (fist crusher)

I. Secret

. GYAKU WAZA (Reversal Techniques)

A. Takeori - (outside/inside)

B. Omote-gyaku (outside reversal)

C. Ura-gyaku (inside reversal)

D. Hon-gyaku (base reversal)

E. Omote Oni-kudaki (outside demon crusher)

F. Ura Oni-kudaki (inside demon crusher)

G. Musha-dori (warrior take)

H. Muso-dori (warrior pair take)

I. Oogyaku (great reversal)

. SHIME WAZA GO-KATA - (Five Strangulation Techniques)

A. Hon-jime (base strangle)

B. Gyaku-jime (reverse strangle)

C. Itami-jime (pain strangle)

D. Sankaku-jime (triangular strangle)

E. Do-jime (torso strangle)

. NAGE WAZA (Throwing forms)

A. Ganseki nage (rock throw)

1. Ganseki-otoshi (rock drop)

2. Ganseki-oshi (rock press)

3. Ganseki-ori (rock break)

B. Hari goshi (sweeping hip throw)

C. Gyaku Nage (reversal throw)

D. Tai-Otoshi (cataract drop) waterfall straight down

1. Seoi-nage (back throw)

2. Koshi-nage (hip throw)

E. O soto gake (great outside hook throw)

F. Uchi-Mata Uchi-Gake (inner thigh inside hook throw)

G. Hane-Koshi Nage (snapping hips throw) Harai Goshi

H. Itami-Nage (pain throw)

I. Ryusui-Nage (flowing water movement)

1. Tomoe-nage (whirl throw)

2. Tachi-nagare (standing flow)

3. Yoko-nagare (sideways flowing)

4. Temakura (hand pillow)

5. Kuruma-nage (wheel throw)

. WEAPONS - Basic useage

A. Hanbo - 3 ft wooden staff (Hakkyu 8th)

B. Tanto - Knife (Nanakyu 7th)

C. Kusari Fundo - rope/weighted chain (Rokkyu 6th)

D. Shuriken - throwing blades (Gokyu 5th) a. Senban -flat blades b. Bo - long

pointed spikes

E. Rokushakubo - 6 ft wooden staff (Yonkyu 4th)

F. Katana - Sword kamae bokken(wood) /shinken (live) (Sankyu 3rd)

G. Kenjutsu Shinobi Iai - sword draws (Nikyu 2nd)

H. Shuko - hand claws (Nikyu 2nd)

I. Kyoketsu Shoge - ring, chord, dagger (Ikkyu 1st)

J. Metsubushi- blinding substances (Ikkyu 1st)

K. Guns- handling/shooting (At Shodan)

L. B Basto Longo

M. Boken Espada de Madeira


9TH KYU REQUIREMENTS- Beginner's Level 1

Building your foundation. Learn the proper Ninjutsu bowing-in procedures, how to tie your belt,
how to warm up & stretch before training & the basic standing postures of Seiza, Hira &
Ichimonji no kamae. This level teaches you basic forward & backward rolls and breakfalls (how
to go to the ground without getting hurt) as well as the basic punches and kicks of Ninjutsu.
Covers how to be out of the way of attacks with proper evasion by using your body effectively.
You'll begin learning the Sanshin no kata, a set of 5 elemental movement forms which teach
very important principles of movement and feeling. At 9th Kyu level you'll learn the basic Chi or
earth feeling form of the Sanshin. Intro Level - Basic Body conditioning, Belt tying, Bowing,
Movement Basics, Natural Postures of Shizen, Seiza & Ichimonji, Earth Form, Evasion,
Rolling, Basic Punching and Kicking.

8TH KYU REQUIREMENTS- Beginner's Level 2

The focus of this level is taihenjutsu or basic falling, leaping & evasion skills. The foundation for
all of the more advanced techniques you will learn rests upon your ability to move fluidly and go
to the ground without fear. In 8th Kyu you'll work more on your rolling & body movement skills as
well as adding the postures of Hoko, Doko & Jumonji no kamae. You'll learn Omote & Ura
Gyaku (inside and outside basic wrist grabs & reversals) as well as Tehodoki (basic wrist
escapes) & basic Hanbo (3 ft staff) movements. Continuing the Sanshin no kata you'll learn the
basic Sui or water feeling form movement. At 8th kyu you will be introduced to the Kihon Happo
movements, the fundamental ways of moving upon which our art and most all of the martial arts
are based. From this level on up you will need a partner to work out with. Ichimonji no kata is
the first movement drill you will learn from the Kihon Happo. Wrist grabs - Locks and escapes,
Cartwheels, Weapon- Hanbo (3ft wooden staff), Water form, Being a training partner (Uke),
Blocks, Escape from grabs, Striking techniques. Jumonji, Hoko and Doko No Kamae.

7th Kyu REQUIREMENTS - Beginner's Level 3

Emphasis at this level is on having more flowing body movement with less effort. You need to be
able to go to the ground effectively and be able to take your partner off balance using your body
movement rather than muscle. You'll learn side rolls, more advanced back rolls, standing,
forward, backward & sideways breakfalls. The postures of Kosei, Hicho & Ihen no kamae are
covered as well as Shuto (cupped hand) strikes & backward and sideways kicks. More punching
drills, Kihon Happo & the Sanshin forms of Ka (fire) & Fu (wind) as well as the Gyaku Waza
(wrist reversals) techniques of Omote Oni Kudaki & Hon Gyaku. Basic tanto (knife) techniques
are also covered. Advanced Rolling methods, Breakfalls, Kicks, Fire & Wind feeling forms
(SanShin), Beginning grappling (Kihon Happo), Knife understanding attacks, Postures: Ihen,
Kosei, & Hicho, Posture flow drill, Oni-kudaki.

6TH KYU REQUIREMENTS - Intermediate Level 4

At this level in your taihenjutsu (body movement skills) you should be able to roll without using
your hands so that you can either pick up a weapon or take down an attacker as you are rolling.
This level covers how to do this as well as Shiho Tenchi Tobi (4-way leaping skills), Shiho Geri
(4-way kicking) and Sokoyaku Ken (heel/sole foot dance). You'll learn the last set of the Sanshin
no kata, the Ku or void feeling form. From the Kihon Happo you'll practice the Jumonji no kata
(crossed hand posture movement drill) & Musha Dori. The Kusari fundo,a weighted chain, is the
weapon focus for this level (we always use a rope version for safety when training with a
partner). The importance of meditation & diet are covered as well. Leaping skills in several
directions, Thumb striking, Void feeling form, Medium level Grappling, Weapon -Kusari Fundo-
(Rope/Chain) techniques, Advanced kicking including 4-way (Shiho tenchi Tobi). Meditation,
Diet, More Kihon Happo.

5TH KYU REQUIREMENTS - Intermediate Level 5

The focus at this level is learning the Kihon Happo movements with efficiency and knowledge of
the Japanese names for each technique. This level is a major step and accuracy as well as
good body flow is a must. Advanced kicking & punching methods practiced while going to the
ground as well as Muto Dori Gata (empty handed sword evasion forms) are on this level. You'll
learn how to strike using the Boshi Ken (thumb fist) & Shako Ken (claw fist), and to kick using
Kakushi Geri & Sampo Geri forms. Continuing the Kihon Happo you'll learn Hicho no kata (flying
bird form movement drill) and Ganseki Nage (beginning throwing forms). Basic grappling forms
are also covered at this level and the weapon focus for this level is Shuriken (throwing
stars).Sword evasion forms, Medium level Grappling (Kihon Happo), Body grab escapes,
Shuriken techniques, Beginning throws (Nage), advanced kicking and punching methods also
done while falling.

4TH KYU REQUIREMENTS - Intermediate Level 6

At this level you need to be proficient at taking your opponent off balance. This level reviews
how important balance is in your training and in your life. You'll also find jumping kicks, jumping
& diving rolls, running up surfaces, wrist breaking techniques, leg sweeps & how to counter
kicks all on this level. The weapon focus for 4th Kyu is the Rokushaku Bo (6ft staff) & you'll
learn basic strikes & distancing for this weapon. Jumping kicks, Countering Kicking attacks, leg
sweeps, wrist breaking techniques, 6ft bo staff training (basic and advanced), Rolls (jumping
and diving), Flying techniques.

3RD KYU REQUIREMENTS - Intermediate Level 7

At this point in your training your attention should be on your partner's body & the effects that
your movement & technique have on your partner. This level reviews the importance of this as
well as introducing the sword, including how to hold it, 10 different sword kamae (postures) and
the basic movements and cuts from each of the 10 postures. Advanced Taisabaki (body
evasion) is covered on this level, paying specific attention to distancing & timing, as well as
advanced Ganseki Nage (throwing forms), power moves & damaging blows to crush your
opponent. Sword postures (10 different kamae) , basic movement and cutting from each one,
Throwing skills of ganseki forms, Silent movement, using nature, Fist and body harmony, power
moves, damaging blows crush your opponent.

2ND KYU REQUIREMENTS- Advanced Level 8

This level focuses on advanced falling, leaping, and evasion skills. Kuten (front handspring),
Noburi kata (climbing trees, buildings, poles), and Suwari gata (kneeling forms): wrist grabs,
reversals, throws and kicks from a kneeling position are shown. You'll learn five new strikes:
Shuki ken (hand start fist), Sakki ken (foot start fist), Shishin ken (finger needle strike) and
Happa ken (eight leaf fist) as well as Tai ken, the use of the whole body as a fist. Koppo jutsu or
bone attacks and Shime waza go kata (the five strangle hold/choking techniques) are also
taught on this level. Weapon focus on this level is the proper use of Shuko (hand claws) and
Kenjutsu Shinobi Iai the art of properly drawing a sword. Discussion on using dreams as
insight into things that are happening in your life. Choking and strangulation holds, Knee and
elbow strikes, Bone attacks, Climbing trees skills, How to draw a Sword several ways, Fighting
from sitting and kneeling, Hand claws, Dream work.

1ST KYU REQUIREMENTS- Advanced Level 9

This level covers Stealth movement and Gotonpo (body concealment methods using nature to
escape). Koshijutsu (organ and muscle attacks) are taught using points on the wrists, arms,
shoulders, throat, face, back, chest and legs etc. Advanced throwing variations (henka) from
the Kihon Happo movements of Ura Gyaku, Omote Gyaku, Musha Dori and Ganseki Nage are
shown as well as Koshi nage (hip throws), Itami nage (pain throws) and a rare demonstration of
Kuki nage (throwing without touching your opponent by using energy and intent only- no body
contact). Weapon focus is the Kyoketsu shoge (long rope with circular ring on one end and a
double bladed dagger on the other) and how to use Metsubushi (blinding powder). Stealth,
Escaping from danger using nature (Gotonpo), Advanced throws (Nage waza), Organ and
muscle attacks of Koshijutsu, Variations of advanced grappling forms, Rare Shoge weapon,
Metsubushi blinding powders.


Knife and gun disarms, how to deal with multiple attackers, Kihon Happo reversing and
countering techniques as well as natural taijutsu (body movement) with a gun. Breaking body
balance, flowing from technique to technique, capturing the essence of the techniques, and
getting your life to work for you are all covered at this level. If you have really been practicing,
by this level of your training your life should be very different than when you first started
training. You will be more confident, more relaxed and generally a happier, more aware, and
more conscious human being. Now you are ready to really train! Knife and gun disarms,
Handling multiple attackers, Reversing/countering techniques, Natural Gun shooting, breaking
body balance, flowing technique to technique, capturing the feeling, Randori.

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