Apostila de Inglês
Apostila de Inglês
Apostila de Inglês
QUESTÃO 13 AFA Por serem incontáveis, é comum que com essas pala-
vras, para que se dê uma idéia de plural, usemos expres-
_____ milk and _____ meat are good for _____ our sões como a piece of, a bar of, a pint of, a liter of, a
health. glass of, a can of, etc. Se assim acontecer, lembre-se de
a) * / * / * que essas expressões têm plural:
b) * / the / *
c) The / the / * Would you like a piece of cheese?
d) The / the / the I have some pieces of advice for you.
She bought two bars of soap in the market.
Se uma palavra é incontável, o verbo que a acompanha
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência na deve estar obrigatoriamente no singular:
qual se inclui um uso inadequado do artigo em inglês:
a) a watch; a pity; an orange. The news is amazing.
b) an umbrella; a real effort; a year. The weather is nice today.
c) a small plane; an idea; a whale. The information was given yesterday night.
d) a one-man show; an university; a private investigator. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS
e) an egg; an uncle; a book.
O plural dos substantivos é formado, em geral, acres-
QUESTÃO 15 JFS centando-se s ao singular:
Complete corretamente as sentenças abaixo: Coat – Coats
- _____ life you want is really fascinating. Hat – Hats
- I felt _____ love in her touch.
- Carlson, _____ teacher, has become _____ rich man. Se um substantivo singular terminar em s, sh, ch, z, ou
- Everybody intends to enter in _____ university. o forma-se o plural acrescentando –es:
- Johnson bought _____ ewe. Class – Classes
a) The – the – a/ a – an – a Church – churches
b) The – * – the/ a – a – a Box – boxes
c) The – the – the/ a – a – an Wish – wishes
d) * – * – the/ a – an – a Potato – potatoes
e) The – * – the/ a – an – na
Para formar o plural dos substantivos terminados em y
precedidos de consoante, o y é transformado em i, e
AULA 02 - SUBSTANTIVOS acrescenta-se – es:
BLE NOUNS Baby – babies
Vocabulary – vocabularies
Um substantivo, em inglês, pode ser Palavras como boys e days são regulares, pois o y é
contável ou incontável. Dependendo dessa característi- precedido por vogal.
ca certas palavras poderão ou não acompanhá-lo. Veja
Certos substantivos têm um plural irregular. Alguns
a tabela abaixo:
deles, terminados em f ou fe, fazem o plural retirando-se
Would you like an apple?
o f e acrescentando-se a terminação –ves. Outros pos-
I need some new shoes.
suem forma própria. Compare:
Would you like some tea?
I have few/a few friends.
How much money do you have?
How many girlfriends does he have?
ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentença correta, coloca-
da no plural, tempo futuro simples:
QUESTÃO 01 FUVEST a) All they will need.
b) They all will need.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as
c) They would need all.
d) All they would need.
Boys have big _____ and girls have small _____.
e) All they didn't need.
a) foots – ones
b) feet – ones QUESTÃO 07 PUC
c) feet – one
d) feets – ones Match the columns below so that the words in the sec-
e) foot – one ond
column fit the sentences provided in the first one:
1.Tom and Mary love their _____.
QUESTÃO 02 CESGRANRIO 2. Put the oranges inside those _____.
3. I can't walk. My _____ are aching a lot.
KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the words 4. The _____ are flying south.
below 5. The cat is hunting the _____.
DOES NOT form its plural in the same way? 6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her _____.
a) Wife. ( ) feet
b) Life. ( ) teeth
c) Leaf. ( ) children
d) Chief. ( ) geese
e) Half. ( ) mice
( ) boxes
QUESTÃO 03 CESGRANRIO – Choose the correct alternative:
a) 6 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
b) 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
The word that DOESN'T have an irregular plural form c) 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1
like d) 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 1
tooth – teeth is: e) 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
a) ox.
b) foot.
c) cloth.
d) goose.
e) mouse.
ADJECTIVE: adjetivo = palavra que
qualifica o substantivo a que está
ligado: blue, wonderful, hot.
Comparison of adjectives
Na tabela abaixo temos os graus de comparação dos
Less...than As...as
a) mouse – mice/ goose – geese/ phenomenon – phe- So...as/as...as(neg.) er...than/more...than
nomena/ deer – deer
b) mouse – mices/ chick – chicken/ person – persons/ O comparativo de inferioridade é formado utilizando-se
child – children a estrutura less...than:
c) mouse – mouses/ goose – geeses/ deer – deers/ news This car is less expensive than that one.
– news
d) mouse – mouses/ new – newses/ bus – buses /person O comparativo de igualdade é formado com as...as ou
– people so...as (este último apenas para as frases negativas):
e) mouse – mises/ child – children/ police – polices/
news – news Peter is as intelligent as Homer.
Italy is not so rich as France.
QUESTÃO 10 EFOMM O comparativo de superioridade é formado dependendo
The plural forms of the underlined words in the sentenc do número de sílabas do adjetivo. Se este tiver apenas
"Jane is afraid of mouse and louse" are respectively: uma sílaba recebe a desinência – er. Com palavras de
a) mice – lice duas ou mais sílabas usamos more...
b) mices – lices This blouse is shorter than that blue one.
c) mouses – louses (short – só uma sílaba).
d) mice – louses
e) mouses – lice The house is more expensive than the apartment. (ex-
pensive – várias sílabas)
QUESTÃO 11 ESPCEX Exceção: Às palavras de duas sílabas acabadas em y
The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are: acrescenta-se er:
a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes.
b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes. She´s luckier than her brother.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros.
Brian is the richest boy in the city. Os adjetivos, salvo raras exceções, precedem os subs-
(rich – uma só sílaba) tantivos a que se referem:
They are the most important people in this city. That yellow ball is ours.
(important – várias sílabas) Have you seen my lovely cat?
O superlativo de inferioridade é formado com the No inglês informal e em certas estruturas, as preposi-
least...(o menos) ções vêm no final da frase:
Willy is the least old of the group. Who were you talking to?
She’s just been operated on.
OBS: Quando houver phrasal verbs, os pronomes objetos
Lembre-se dos irregulares e dos que acabam em y: devem vir entre o verbo e a preposição. Com os subs-
ADJECTI- COMPARATI- SUPERLATI- tantivos duas posições são possíveis:
GOOD BETTER BEST Turn down the radio. ou Turn the radio down.
BAD WORSE WORST Turn it down.
LITTLE LESS LEAST Objetos diretos e indiretos vão após o verbo. Quando o
FEW FEWER FEWEST verbo puder ser seguido pelos dois (give, send, por
MUCH MORE MOST exemplo) duas ordens de colocação são possíveis:
FAR FURTHER FURTHEST He’ll never approve of our relationship.
Give that book to me! Ou Give me that book.
1. A estrutura the + comparativo de superiorida- Às vezes colocamos o verbo antes do sujeito em frases
de...the + comparativo de superioridade corresponde que não são interrogativas para dar ênfase, ou em poe-
a quanto mais(menos)...mais (menos): sia:
The harder you work, the more you earn.
The more I try, the worse it gets. Here comes the sun...
The less you speak, the less it’ll ache.
2. Atenção aos seguintes adjetivos que, devido a seu Quando precisamos usar mais de um adjetivo na
próprio significado, não aceitam comparação: frase devemos seguir uma ordem. Temos então:
perfect – unique – full – empty – daily opinião / tamanho / idade / forma / cor / origem / materi-
O inglês é muito mais rígido que o português quando o Example: Nice heavy old solid white Italian leather
assunto é a ordem de colocação das palavras na senten- shoes.
ça. Por isso, preste muita atenção às seguintes caracte-
QUESTÃO 01 PUC She’s surely the ____________ girl in town.
Papyrus was used ____________ than paper. a) prettiest
a) early b) most pretty
b) earlier c) prettier
c) more early d) prettiest
d) earlier e) prettier
e) earliest
QUESTÃO 02 OSEC Riding a horse is not ___________ riding a bicycle.
The more I study __________ I know. a) so easy as
a) less b) easyer than
b) the more c) more easy than
c) the least d) the least easy
d) more e) so easy so
e) the most
QUESTÃO 04 FMU The ____________ we study, the __________
That table is __________ than this one. a) most – best
a) long b) more – worst
b) more long c) less – worst
c) longest d) less – worse
d) longer e) least – best
e) most long
QUESTÃO 01 CESGRANRIO Assinale a alternativa correta:
Peter brought his dogs and I brought _____.
Mark the option that contains the appropriate pronouns
a) my
b) your
complete the sentences below:
c) mine
Animals' teeth are changing (I) composition.
d) the mine
That animal had (II) teeth in perfect conditions.
e) our
He brushes (III) teeth whenever he eats something.
If the patient dies, we call (IV) relatives.
The bacteria found (V) way to the stomach. QUESTÃO 01 UNESP
a) (I) their, (II) its, (III) his, (IV) his, (V) their
b) (I) its, (II) their, (III) its, (IV) his, (V) its Assinale a alternativa correta:
c) (I) their, (II) its, (III) her, (IV) her, (V) his This dictionary is in _____ fourth edition.
d) (I) his, (II) their, (III) his, (IV) her, (V) their a) his
e) (I) their, (II) his, (III) their, (IV) its, (V) her b) her
c) its
QUESTÃO 01 PUC d) it's
e) their
Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue
Bob: Do you always get good marks on _____
examinations? Assinale a alternativa correta:
James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do _____ Which team won the game?
homework assignments and study a little every day. _____ team did.
Bob: How about Maria? Are _____ grades good too? a) Theirs
James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very b) They
much. c) Their
a) yours – my – his d) Them
b) you – my – hers e) Yours
c) your – me – your QUESTÃO 01
d) your – mine – yours
e) your – my – her Peter’s wife said: “My husband wants me to sell my
bicycle, but he won’t sell __________”.
QUESTÃO 01 UNESP a) hers
Assinale a alternativa correta: b) his
That sports car is very expensive. The car dealer told me c) yours
that _____ price is 10,000 dollars. d) its
a) her e) theirs
c) its
d) their Mark the option which completes the following sen-
e) hers tences with the adequate pronouns:
I. Businessmen have _____ own priorities.
II. Everyone must feel happy with _____ working hab-
III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more
time with _____ children.
a) Pronomes compostos de SELF,
SELVES. It’s too hot in here. Let’s refresh _________ with a
drink of cold water.
a) myself
b) yourself
Myself c) yourselves
Thyself ourselves d) ourselves
Himself yourselves e) themselves
Herself themselves
b) Os compostos de self, selves podem ser empregados:
I - Como pronomes reflexivos: He hurt himself, ele Peter’s wife said: “My husband wants me to sell my
se feriu. bicycle, but he won’t sell __________”.
II - Como pronomes enfáticos: He read the letter a hers
himself, ele próprio fez a caixa. b) his
c) yours
OBS: d) its
● Se a pessoa que fala dá a si mesma o tratamento de e) theirs
primeira pessoa do plural, usa ourself e não ourselves.
● Quando se fala a uma só pessoa, usa-se yourself e não
● O pronome enfático pode ser empregado após um
verbo intransitivo:
They went themselves.
The lady _______ was here a week ago went to Lon- I just want to know this : how ______ do you go to the
don. bank?
a) which a) much
b) what b) many
c) whom c) long
d) who d) far
e) whose e) often
I don't like people _______ laugh at me. QUESTÃO 15
a) whose “__________ such a silly remark?" – “I did.”
b) which a) Who did you make
c) who b) Who makes
d) what c) Who did
e) whom d) Who made
e) Who did made
His father, _________ lives in Rio, will return soon.
a) whose QUESTÃO 16
b) what
Someone knocks at the door. On the inside you say:
c) who
a) Who is it?
d) whom
b) Who is he?
e) "b" and "c" are corrects.
c) Who is?
d) Who is she?
QUESTÃO 11 e) Who are?
“___________ car is this?” “it belongs to Evans.”
a) who QUESTÃO 17
b) which
_______ did you cry?
c) what
_______ told you I was crying?
d) whose
It doesn't matter. Let's have some juice. _______
e) whom
fruit do you like best?
a) Why / Who / Which
b) Who / What / Why
QUESTÃO 12 c) When / Which / What
___________ of them gave up studying? d) Where / When / Who
a) Who e) What / Whom / When
b) Whom
c) Which QUESTÃO 18
d) Whose
_____ is Mr. Brown? Is he a teacher?
e) What
a) What
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) Where
SOMEHOW - DE ALGUMA MANEIRA, Don't tell _____ lies to me; you cannot deceive me any
a) some
ANY b) no
*Any é usado em frases interrogativas e negativas. Nas
frases afirmativas, any é usado quando: aparecer após a QUESTÃO 02
palavra if; significar qualquer; houver palavra de senti- She didn't have ________ mistakes in her paper.
do negativo na frase como seldom, never, rarely, a) some
without, etc. Este pronome, assim como some, pode ser b) any
um pronome adjetivo (indefinite adjective) ou um pro- c) no
nome substantivo (indefinite pronoun). d) no one
No e Nome são usados em orações negativas sendo
que o NO é SEMPRE acompanhado de substantivo
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
lacuna da frase a seguir:
- "Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a
good offer!"
- "Because I didn't have _____ money on me."
a) a
b) no
c) any
d) some
e) none Há algumas palavras que possuem a mesma forma para
adjetivos e advérbios. Ex:
Those organisms pose _____ danger to human life.
a) any
b) none
c) no
d) not
e) no one
_____ said she is right.
a) Somebody
b) Anybody Alguns advérbios apresentam forma irregular.
c) Anyone Ex: good (bom) – well (bem).
d) Something
e) Anything
Would _____ like to hear music tonight?
a) somebody
b) someone
c) anything
d) anyone BIOS
e) something
De acordo com a circunstância que o advérbio indica,
ele pode ser classificado em advérbio de:
QUESTÃO 01 JFS Indica Exemplos Ordem
quando now (agora) / Final da
I do not want to stay home tonight. I want to go _____. Tempo uma yester- frase.
a) nowhere ação day(ontem)
b) somewhere aconte- today (hoje)
c) nowhere else ceu.
d) anyone else a fre- always (sem- Após verbo
e) noneAULA 08 - ADVÉRBIOS Freqüên qüência pre) to be ou
cia com a never (nunca) modal e
Os advérbios são palavras que modificam verbos, adje- qual often (geral- antes de
tivos ou outros advérbios. Eles indicam em que circuns- uma mente) verbo
tâncias ocorreu a ação do verbo. Ex: ação principal.
She walks slowly. (Ela caminha vagarosamen- ocorre.
te). o modo carefully (cui- Após o
You speak too fast. (Você fala muito rápido). como a dadosamente) verbo ou o
FORMAÇÃO DOS ADVÉRBIOS Modo ação by car (de objeto.
ocor- carro)
Muitos advérbios são formados acrescentando - se LY reu. by walking
(mente) aos adjetivos Ex:
Marque a alternativa correta em relação à correspon-
entre o advérbio destacado e sua classificação.
QUESTÃO 01 a) at home – modo.
Complete a frase “She studied _______________ b) quite – intensidade.
____________ _____________” com a seqüência c) yesterday – tempo.
correta dos advérbios. d) sometimes – freqüência.
a) hard –last year – at UnB
b) at UnB – hard – last year QUESTÃO 08
c) last year – at UnB – hard Qual das frases abaixo está correta de acordo com a
d) hard – at UnB – last year posição dos advérbios.
1 I always lived abroad.
QUESTÃO 02 2 She late came.
Em qual alternativa não estão sendo usados os 3 We work seldom.
advérbios em destaque na posição correta? 4 They traveled never to Miami.
a) She is never late for work.
b) By car we go to the club. QUESTÃO 09
c) They went to New York yesterday. FGV
d) It’s very cold today. In the sentence "Brazil's strong currency will likely also
lead to a loosening of foreign exchange restrictions", the
QUESTÃO 03 word LIKELY indicates a:
Marque a alternativa que apresente apenas advérbios a) comparison.
de modo. b) conclusion.
a) fluently – today – often – at school. c) probability.
b) fast – always – never – quickly. d) preference.
c) hardly – slowly – gradually – calmly. e) certainty.
d) badly – silently – terribly – happily.
QUESTÃO 04 The word that could be placed between HAD and MET
Organize as palavras a seguir, de modo a formar uma in the sentence I HAD MET HER BY CHANCE ONLY
frase interrogativa. Preste atenção na posição dos advér- A SHORT TIME BEFORE is:
bios e marque a alternativa correta: to school / do / you / a) still.
by bus / to go / want / ? b) ever.
a) You do want to go to school by bus? c) yet.
b) Do you want to go by bus to school? d) though.
c) Do you want to go to school by bus? e) already.
d) You do want to go by bus to school?
Complete a frase com as preposições adequadas e de-
pois marque a altenativa com a seqüência correta.
Kate lives ______ Minas Gerais ________ 20 years.
a) in – by.
b) on – of.
c) in – for.
d) at – for.
Marque a alternativa cuja classificação em relação às
The idea that executives need to fly on business class
conjuções subordinativas esteja incorreta.
_____ they can work is bogus.
a) After I arrived, I saw them.
do texto:
b) Despite he was the best player, he lost the game.
a) though
c) Thi is the place where I used to live.
b) so
d) I will go if you go.
c) for
QUESTÃO 03 d) until
e) since
Marque a alternativa que tenha apenas conjunções
a) either...or – when – although – despite. QUESTÃO 09
b) so that – if – since – and. We don't believe your needs should have to wait just
c) and – or – but – therefore. because it's 2 o'clock in the morning. – A palavra "be-
d) because – unless – when – but. cause", em destaque no texto, poderia ser
substituída por:
QUESTÃO 04 a) while.
b) how.
Complete a frase “We get hungry __________ we are c) like.
studying” com a conjunção adequada. d) since.
a) while. e) for.
b) when.
c) whereas.
d) where. QUESTÃO 10 MACK
Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
QUESTÃO 05 ing
Complete a frase “You should take your job seriously sentence: Yes, I know Mario quite well; _____, I _____
_________ you are going to be fired” com a conjunção to see him at the club last weekend.
adequada. a) furthermore – had
a) yet. b) thus – wanted
b) and. c) in fact – happened
c) if. d) whereas – waited
d) otherwise. e) despite – liked
QUESTÃO 13 [UFF 1997]
The new phones can be programmed to dial only a few
In the sentence "It was as if he forgot who I was", AS IF
numbers, LIKE home, or a parent's office. – A palavra
em destaque indica uma relação de:
a) even though
a) oposição.
b) as though
b) comparação.
c) although
c) exemplificação.
d) as for
d) adição.
e) if possibly
e) causa – efeito.
_____ Mr. Foley was reading the newspaper, Mrs.
The word BUT in the sentence "But she's the only one"
Foley was watching television.
a) While
a) cause.
b) As long
b) contrast.
c) In the meantime
c) addition.
d) Because o
d) conclusion.
Everybody _______________ waiting, because the
Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “They eat vegeta-
American people ____________ working on the pro-
bles every day”?
a) Does they eat vegetables every day?
a) is / are
b) Do they eat vegetables every day?
b) are / are
c) Does they eats vegetables every day?
c) was / is
d) Do they eats vegetables every day?
d) is / is
e) are / is
Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta em rela- QUESTÃO 14
ção ao estudo do Simple Present. Smith always ___________________ to classes on
a) I washes the dishes. time.
b) They corrects the composition. a) is coming
c) You need money. b) come
d) She live in New York. c) had come
d) comes
QUESTÃO 10 e) cames
Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente o QUESTÃO 15 UFBA
verbo auxiliar to do (do / does) no Simple Present.
Escolha a pergunta cuja resposta é: “No, he isn’t”.
a) Does my friends play basketball every day?
a) Are the students cheating?
b) You doesn’t have a good English dictionary.
b) Is Mary worrying about the future?
c) She don’t work here.
c) Is Tom working in the lab?
d) Do those children study English?
d) Is the lesson interesting?
e) Does he know to enjoy his life?
Relacione as colunas e depois marque a alternativa que QUESTÃO 16 FMU-SP
contenha a seqüência correta.
My wife always ____________ too much.
(1) Do you drink milk? ( ) No, we don’t. a) worry
(2) Do they take the subway? ( ) Yes, I do. b) worries
(3) Do we like to play foot- ( ) No, she doesn’t. c) have worried
ball? ( ) No, they don’t. d) is worrying
(4) Does she speak French? e) worried
a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2
b) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4
c) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1
d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4
Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she
QUESTÃO 01 ________________ her lesson.
a) studys
Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a b) is studied
alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse c) is studying
tempo verbal: d) studied
a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment. e) has studying
b) Paul is working in the garden at this moment.
c) Paul working in the garden at this moment.
d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment. QUESTÃO 08
John usually _______ a drink before meals but now he
QUESTÃO 02 _______ a tomato juice.
a) has, is having
Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as b) is having, has
frases a seguir no Present Continuous: c) have, is having
I – The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes. d) is having, have
II – Those boys ____________ (to look) at you. e) had, have
a) wearing / looking
b) is wear / are look
c) are wearing / is looking QUESTÃO 09
d) is wearing / are looking The children usually _________ in the afternoon, but
now they _________ in the garden.
QUESTÃO 03 a) studies, are playing
b) are studying, play
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Our children are fac- c) study, plays
ing serious problems”? d) study, are playing
a) Not our children are facing serious problems. e) studies, is playing
b) Our children not are facing serious problems.
c) Our children are not facing serious problems.
d) Our children aren’t are facing serious problems. QUESTÃO 10
You can’t see Bob because he ________ now.
QUESTÃO 04 a) rest
b) was resting
Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The cat is running c) has rest
around the table”? d) is resting
a) Running the cat is around the table? e) resting
b) Is the cat running around the table?
c) The is cat running around the table?
d) The cat is running around the table? QUESTÃO 11
Fernanda generally ________ a sandwich for lunch but
QUESTÃO 05 now she _________ an apple.
a) eat, is eating
A frase “My sisters work so much” no Present Continu- b) is eating, eats
ous seria: c) eats, is eating
a) My sisters are work so much. d) was eating, eats
b) My sisters working so much. e) was eating, eat
c) My sisters is working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much.
QUESTÃO 06 (UnB) Raphael usually __________ a good book, but at the
present moment he ________ TV.
“Hello, Ann, What are you doing?” a) had read, was watching
“I _________________ my books”. b) reads, watch
a) were looking c) has read, has watched
b) has been looking d) reads, is watching
c) looks e) read, watched
d) had looked
e) am looking for
Observe as frases abaixo: Paul ___________ in Germany since 1998.
I – They arrived at the theater at 9 o’clock. a) lived
II – I saw him a year ago. b) has lived
III – She is my best friend. c) will live
IV – Mary slept 12 hours yesterday. d) lives
Quantas frases estão no Simple Past? e) live
a) uma.
c) três.
QUESTÃO 10 a) ações que estavam acontecendo em
Qual é o passado dos verbos: to take – to change – to um determinado momento do passado.
carry – to write? Ex: They were studying five minutes ago. (Eles esta-
a) took – changed – carried – wrote. vam estudando cinco minutos atrás).
b) taked – changed – carryed – writed. b) uma ação que estava acontecendo quando uma outra
c) taked – changeed – carried – written. ação ocorreu. Neste caso, usa-se WHEN (quando) para
d) took – changeed – carryed – wrote. relacionar as duas ações.
Ex: He was having dinner when the phone rang. (Ele
QUESTÃO 11 estava jantando quando o telefone tocou).
c) duas ações que estavam acontecendo no mesmo mo-
Passe a frase “I think she drives madly and keeps mento do passado. Neste caso, usa-se WHILE (enquan-
having accidents” para o Simple Past. Qual to) para relacionar as duas ações.
é a alternativa correta? Ex: She was cleaning the house while he was washing
a) I thought she drived madly and kept having accidents. the dishes. (Ela estava limpando a casa enquanto ele
b) I thought she drove madly and kept having accidents. estava lavando a louça).
c) I thinked she drived madly and keeped having acci-
d) I thought she drove madly and keeped having acci-
dents. O Past Continuous ou Passado Contínuo é forma-
do pelo passado simples do verbo to be (was / were) e
pelo verbo principal no gerúndio, ou seja, com a termi-
QUESTÃO 12 nação ING. Se houver dúvidas em relação à formação
De acordo com o estudo do Simple Past, quantos verbos do gerúndio em inglês, volte à lição sobre o Present
regulares estão destacados na frase “He stopped at the Continuos no item Formação do Gerúndio.
traffic lights, waited and began to drive through the
main road”? FORMA NEGATIVA
a) nenhum. Para se formar frases negativas no Past Continuous
b) um. basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do
c) dois. verbo to be (was / were). A forma contraída do verbo to
d) três. be com a partícula de negação é possível também no
Past Continuous.
Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e inclu-
ir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “It was raining outsi-
QUESTÃO 01 de”?
a) It not was raining outside.
Complete as frases abaixo, com o Past Continuous e b) It was not raining outside.
depois marque a alternativa com a seqüência correta dos c) It not wasn’t raining outside.
verbos. d) Not it was raining outside.
I – The baby _________ (to cry) 10 minutes ago.
II – Alan ______ (to smoke) his pipe in his room. QUESTÃO 08
III – Tom and Ted ____ (to look) at the car in the gar- Qual é a forma interrogaiva frase “The children were
age. looking for the cat”?
a) was crying – was smoking – were looking. a) Were the children looking for the cat?
b) was crying – was smoking – was looking. b) The were children looking for the cat?
c) were crying – were smoking – were looking. c) The children were looking for the cat?
d) were crying – were smoking – was looking. d) Looking the children were for the cat?
Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja na forma FEI 1997
correta do Past Continuous. When she _____ I _____ to do my work.
a) He was read a comic book. a) has arrived – had tried
b) The boys playing chess. b) arrived – was trying
c) We were at school. c) arrives – was trying
d) I was studying for the test. d) has arrived – has tried
e) arrived – try
“My father _______________ on the sofa”? QUESTÃO 10
a) was sleeping. UEL
b) were sleeping. Samuel Ryder _____ a friendly game between some
c) were sleep. British professionals and the American players.
d) was sleep. a) is watching
b) watches
QUESTÃO 04 c) will watch
“________ the boys ____________ TV an hour ago? d) was watching
a) Was – watch. e) has watched
b) Were – watch.
c) Was – watching. AULA 14 – FUTURE
d) Were – watching.
QUESTÃO 05 Usa-se o Simple Future ou Futuro Sim-
“She _________________ a shower when her cell ples para:
phone ______________”? a) expressar fatos e acontecimentos que
a) was having – ringing. certamente ocorrerão.
b) was having – rang. Ex: He will travel tomorrow. (Ele viajará amanhã).
c) were having – rang. b) indicar decisões tomadas no momento da fala.
d) were having – ringing. Ex: The phone is ringing. I will answer it. (O telefone
está tocando. Eu atenderei).
QUESTÃO 06 c) oferecer ou pedir ajuda.
Ex: Who will help me? (Quem me ajudará?)
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
“While the teacher __________ the subject, the students
__________________”? Forma Afirmativa
a) were explain – was talk. O Simple Future é formado pelo verbo auxiliar Will e
b) was explain – were talk. pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, sem a partícula to.
c) was explaining – were talking. O Simple Future, assim como o Simple Past, possui
d) were explaining – was talking. apenas uma forma para todas as pessoas sem exceção. O
Forma Interrogativa
Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a QUESTÃO 01
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo auxiliar will Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja no Simple
e incluir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase. Future.
a) They didn’t watch TV.
Expressões usadas no Simple Future b) She will watch TV tonight.
c) We will travel next week.
As expressões de tempo mais usadas no Simple Future
d) I will study for the test.
soon – logo
tomorrow – amanhã QUESTÃO 02
tonight – hoje à noite Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
next – próximo(a) “I ________________ free time tomorrow” no Simple
a) will to have.
IMMEDIATE FUTURE b) have will.
c) will have.
Usa-se o Immediate Future ou Futuro Imediato para: d) have.
a) ações que vão ocorrer no futuro próximo.
Ex: It is going to rain. The sky is dark. (Vai chover. O QUESTÃO 03
céu está escuro). Complete a frase “The stores ___________ early this
b) planos ou intenções. afternoon” com o verbo no Simple Future e depois mar-
Ex: I am going to visit her tonight. (Eu vou visitá-la que a alternativa correta.
hoje à noite). a) will closing.
c) probabilidade. b) will closes.
Ex: She is probably going to buy a car next month. (Ela c) will closed.
provavelmente irá comprar um carro no próximo mês). d) will close.
Forma Afirmativa
O Immediate Future é formado pelo presente simples Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the
do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerúndio do verbo to house”?
go (going) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, com a a) Paul not will paint the house.
partícula to. b) Paul won’t paint the house.
c) Paul not will painted the house.
Forma Negativa d) Paul won’t painted the house.
Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Future,
basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do QUESTÃO 05
verbo to be. A forma contraída do verbo to be com a Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The computers
partícula de negação é muito usada. will decide our future”?
a) The computers will decide our future?
Forma Interrogativa b) The computers won’t decide our future?
Para formar frases interrogativas deve-se inverter a c) The will computers decide our future?
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e inclu- d) Will the computers decide our future?
ir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.
Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase Choose the right alternative according to the Simple
“The boy _________________ popcorn” no Immediate Future Tense. She _________________________ to the
Future. party.
a) am going to eat. a) will wents
b) are going to eat. b) ’ll goes
c) is going to eat. c) will goes
d) be going to eat. d) will go
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase His flowers _______________ better if he
“____________________ more tonight?”? _______________ them more carefully.
a) Is he going to study. a) would grow – waters.
b) Is going he to study. b) would have grown – had watered
c) He is going to study. c) would have grow – watered
d) Going he is to study. d) will grow – watered
e) will grew – will water
Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma negativa da
frase “Glenda is going to visit you”. QUESTÃO 15
a) Glenda not is going to visit you. Those students _______________ if they
b) Glenda not going to visit you. _______________ hard.
c) Glenda isn’t not going to visit you. a) will succeed – work
d) Glenda is not going to visit you. b) succeed – will work
c) succeeded – had worked
QUESTÃO 10 d) will succeeded – worked
e) n.d.a.
Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma interrogativa da
frase “You are going to have lunch with them”.
a) You are going to have lunch with them? QUESTÃO 16
b) Are you going to have lunch with them? If _______________, you’d have had a good time.
c) Not are you going to have lunch with them? a) you go
d) Going you are to have lunch with them? b) you’d gone
c) you were gone
QUESTÃO 11 d) you was gone
e) you went
Qual é a alternativa que possui uma frase no Immediate
a) I will arrive at 10 o’clock.
b) They are having dinner now.
c) My family is going to move to São Paulo.
d) The girls were looking at you.
Assinale a alternativa que tem o mesmo significado do ▪ Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habi-
seguinte enunciado: lidade.
It’s now December. I haven’t seen a good filme since Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
September. I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
a) I’ve seen a good film for September. ▪ Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que
b) I’ve seen a good fiml for December. no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de pode-
c) I haven’t seen a good filme therre months ago. ria, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu po-
d) I haven’t seen a good film for three months.
dia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de
e) I haven’t seen a good film since three months.
QUESTÃO 15 ITA Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please?
(Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por
A alternativa que corretamente preenche a lacuna de
▪ May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no
“Her hands have strong smell because she ... the floor.”
presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para
pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos
a) has recently polishing
mais formais que o can.
b) has just polished It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
c) is polished May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
d) is polish ▪ Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no pas-
e) is just polishing sado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo
QUESTÃO 16 PUC à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir
“Do you want a cigarette?” almoçar com a gente amanhã).
“No, thanks. I’ve ... smoked one.” ▪ Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conse-
a) just lho.
b) only You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médi-
c) still co).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fu-
d) yet
e) ever ▪ Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
QUESTÃO 17 SANTA CASA You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
How long ... on the research? ▪ Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábito do
a) you work passado.
b) worked you I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costu-
c) you are working mava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
d) has you worked She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old.
e. have you been worked (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de
Usando os verbos modais, complete a frase “We
_________ go to the club. It depends on the weather”
(Nós _______ ir ao clube. Vai depender do clima.)
06. I regretted answering like that. I was sorry _____ so. QUESTÃO 10 MACKENZIE
a) to have done
b) in doing
c) to do Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
d) to be doing ing
e) for do sentence:
The teacher mentioned some changes that we can
expect _____ by the year 2000.
a) have been taking place
QUESTÃO 06 FEI b) to take place
c) to have taken place
Excuse _____ you. d) taking place
a) me to interrupt e) have had taken place
b) me for interrupt
c) me for interrupting
d) me in interrupting
e) me to interrupting
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Would you mind coming with me? I'd like _____.
a) you to come
b) to come
c) coming
d) you coming
e) you come
The best time _____ an international call is between 11
p.m. and 8 a.m.
a) you for to make AGORA, ALUNO, VÁ À LUTA!!!
b) for you make
c) that you to make
d) that to make you
e) for you to make
Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
ing sentence:
The teacher mentioned some changes that we can
expect _____ by the year 2000.
a) have been taking place
b) to take place
c) to have taken place
d) taking place
e) have had taken place