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The United Kingdom

Em geral não se usa the diante de nomes de ruas,
ARTIGO INDEFINIDO (A/AN) edifícios, aeroportos, universidades, castelos, estações e
A: um, uma  usado antes de palavras lugares dentro de uma cidade:
no singular que comecem com som
consonantal: a horse, a door, a mouse, a Kevin lives in Newton Street.
pen, a university. Times Square is in New York.
Kennedy airport
An: um, uma  usado antes de palavras no singular que Victoria Station
comecem por som vocálico: an apple, an hour, an office, London Zoo
an artist.
Mas usamos the com nomes de restaurantes, cine-
Usa-se a / an antes dos nomes das profissões: mas, teatros, hotéis, bares, museus: The Hilton (Hotel)
/ The National Theatre / The Star of India (res-
I am a teacher.
She’s an engineer.
OBS: Os artigos indefinidos singulares (um, uma) em
inglês são representados pelas palavras A/AN. É impor-
tante lembrar que estes artigos são exclusivamente
singulares, não podendo, em hipótese alguma, serem
seguidos de palavras no plural.
In _____ beginning, _____ religion played _____ im-
* Não é usado antes de substantivos no plural. Nesse portant
caso coloca-se some: part in _____ history of _____ Brazil.
a boy  some boys a) a / the / a / the / *
b) * / the / an / the / *
c) the / the / a / the / *
Só existe uma forma “the” (o, a, os, as) que é usada d) the / * / an / the / *
quando está claro a que pessoa ou coisa nos referimos. e) the / the / an / the / *
É empregado antes de substantivos masculinos ou femi-
ninos, singulares ou plurais: the sky, the boys, the girls, QUESTÃO 02 FUVEST
the rain, the clouds.
What’s the name of this street? _____ money is very important, but you can't buy _____
My office is on the first floor. bit
What’s the time? of luck with all _____ money you have.
a) The / a / the
Com nomes de canais, rios, mares e oceanos: b) * / a / the
The Atlantic Ocean c) A / a / the
The Nile d) Some / a / the
The Suez Canal e) The / a / *

Não usamos the com as palavras television, breakfast, QUESTÃO 03 UNESP

lunch, dinner, next e last:
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as
What did you do last summer? lacunas
What time do you usually have dinner? da frase a seguir:
Do you like to watch television? It was _____ honor for us to see _____ Queen of
_____ England.
Também não usamos the diante de nomes de lugares a) a – the – the
(continentes, países, cidades, ilhas): b) * – a – *
c) an – a – the
France is a very large country. d) the – * – an
China is in Asia. e) an – the – *
Mas usamos the em nomes como Republic (república),
States (estados), Kingdom (reino):

The Irish Republic

The United States of America

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Fill in the blanks of the following sentence with the I want _____ can of _____ peaches, _____ sugar, and
definite _____ pound of _____ raspberry jam.
article: a) the / the / a / the / *
_____ Brazil is _____ most industrial country in b) a / * / * / a / *
_____ South America, while _____ United States c) the / * / a / * / *
holds _____ same position in North America. d) a / the / the / * / the
– Choose the correct alternative: e) a / the / a / the / a
a) the; the; the; the; the; the
b) *; the; the; *; the; * QUESTÃO 09 EFOMM
c) *; the; *; the; the; * _____ lemon originated in _____ China and spread
d) *; the; the; the; the; * south to_____ Malaysian islands and west to ____ In-
e) the; *; *; *; the; the dia.
a) A / the / the / *
b) * / * / * / *
QUESTÃO 05 PUC c) The / the / the / the
d) A / the / * / *
Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preen-
e) The / * / the / *
corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada: QUESTÃO 10 PUC
Fred: I've been thinking of buying _____.
Sam: Really? Which make are you considering? Which is the correct alternative about the use of the
Fred: That doesn't matter as long as _____ is article
economical. "the" in the phrases below?
a) a car – some car I. You mustn't smoke in _____ class.
b) a car – the car II. Marcos has all the right qualifications for _____ job.
c) some car – car III. Sometimes there are shows in _____ Central Park.
d) the car – a car
e) car – a car IV. ___ Mercury is the smallest planet in ___Solar Sys-
QUESTÃO 06 UFPB V. _____ liberty and _____ democracy are idealized
since _____ French Revolution.
Read this sentence:
_____ good idea is _____ good idea, whether it's done a) Only in sentences I and II it's necessary to use the
in _____ one, _____ three or 33 countries. article
– It is completed by the following sequence: THE.
a) A / no article / the / the b) It's correct to use THE in all blank spaces.
b) no article / no article / a / a c) In alternatives I, III, IV and V it's correct to complete
c) The / the / no article / no article the
d) A / a / no article / no article spaces with THE.
e) The / no article / a / no article d) About alternative V, it only needs the article in the
Indique a alternativa em que a tradução de "a" ou "an" e) We have to use THE only in the second space of
difere do seu significado habitual de artigo indefinido phrase
(um, uma) em língua portuguesa: number IV.
a) However, the abduction of Gutiérrez would be a new
twist. QUESTÃO 11 JFs
b) After his family paid an undisclosed ransom. Mark the correct option: _____ Mr. Smith called you
c) An American businessman help for eight days was when you were out.
released just last week. a) A
d) Kidnapping has become rampant in Mexico with b) An
hundreds of cases a year. c) The
e) Editorials are already referring to him as a "political d) No


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QUESTÃO 12 ITA I got a lot of/ lots of presents.
Let´s make a lot of/ lots of money .
Complete corretamente o texto a seguir: As seguintes palavras são incontáveis em inglês, mas
The pianist I told you about lives in _____(I) onestory geralmente contáveis em português:
building on Main Street. Although she isn’t _____(II)
professional musician, she plays _____ Information
(III) piano extremely well. Advice
a) an – a – the Weather
b) * – * – a News
c) a – a – the Bread
d) an – * – * Hair
e) the – * – * Furniture

QUESTÃO 13 AFA Por serem incontáveis, é comum que com essas pala-
vras, para que se dê uma idéia de plural, usemos expres-
_____ milk and _____ meat are good for _____ our sões como a piece of, a bar of, a pint of, a liter of, a
health. glass of, a can of, etc. Se assim acontecer, lembre-se de
a) * / * / * que essas expressões têm plural:
b) * / the / *
c) The / the / * Would you like a piece of cheese?
d) The / the / the I have some pieces of advice for you.
She bought two bars of soap in the market.
Se uma palavra é incontável, o verbo que a acompanha
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência na deve estar obrigatoriamente no singular:
qual se inclui um uso inadequado do artigo em inglês:
a) a watch; a pity; an orange. The news is amazing.
b) an umbrella; a real effort; a year. The weather is nice today.
c) a small plane; an idea; a whale. The information was given yesterday night.
d) a one-man show; an university; a private investigator. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS
e) an egg; an uncle; a book.
O plural dos substantivos é formado, em geral, acres-
QUESTÃO 15 JFS centando-se s ao singular:
Complete corretamente as sentenças abaixo: Coat – Coats
- _____ life you want is really fascinating. Hat – Hats
- I felt _____ love in her touch.
- Carlson, _____ teacher, has become _____ rich man. Se um substantivo singular terminar em s, sh, ch, z, ou
- Everybody intends to enter in _____ university. o forma-se o plural acrescentando –es:
- Johnson bought _____ ewe. Class – Classes
a) The – the – a/ a – an – a Church – churches
b) The – * – the/ a – a – a Box – boxes
c) The – the – the/ a – a – an Wish – wishes
d) * – * – the/ a – an – a Potato – potatoes
e) The – * – the/ a – an – na
Para formar o plural dos substantivos terminados em y
precedidos de consoante, o y é transformado em i, e
AULA 02 - SUBSTANTIVOS acrescenta-se – es:
BLE NOUNS Baby – babies
Vocabulary – vocabularies
Um substantivo, em inglês, pode ser Palavras como boys e days são regulares, pois o y é
contável ou incontável. Dependendo dessa característi- precedido por vogal.
ca certas palavras poderão ou não acompanhá-lo. Veja
Certos substantivos têm um plural irregular. Alguns
a tabela abaixo:
deles, terminados em f ou fe, fazem o plural retirando-se
Would you like an apple?
o f e acrescentando-se a terminação –ves. Outros pos-
I need some new shoes.
suem forma própria. Compare:
Would you like some tea?
I have few/a few friends.
How much money do you have?
How many girlfriends does he have?


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Countable Uncountable Observe a frase: "Did hundreds of Japanese KIDS suffer
A/an - a TVinduced epileptic attack last week". Indique a al-
Some Some ternativa em que todas as palavras têm a mesma forma
Few/ a few Little/ a little de plural de KIDS:
Many Much a) attack – mouse
A lot of/ lots of A lot of/ lots of b) episode – Japanese
c) cartoon – trigger
Leaf – leaves wife – wives d) show – child
Loaf – loaves life - lives e) explosion – Japanese
Thief – thieves knife - knives QUESTÃO 05 PUC
Man – men goose – geese
Woman – women mouse - Check the only word that could be used in the plural
mice form:
Child – children ox - oxen a) Information.
Foot – feet deer - deer b) Land.
Tooth – teeth sheep – sheep c) Research.
d) Energy.
Exceções: handkerchiefs, roofs, proofs, cuffs e) Employment.

ALL HE NEEDED. Escolha a sentença correta, coloca-
da no plural, tempo futuro simples:
QUESTÃO 01 FUVEST a) All they will need.
b) They all will need.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as
c) They would need all.
d) All they would need.
Boys have big _____ and girls have small _____.
e) All they didn't need.
a) foots – ones
b) feet – ones QUESTÃO 07 PUC
c) feet – one
d) feets – ones Match the columns below so that the words in the sec-
e) foot – one ond
column fit the sentences provided in the first one:
1.Tom and Mary love their _____.
QUESTÃO 02 CESGRANRIO 2. Put the oranges inside those _____.
3. I can't walk. My _____ are aching a lot.
KNIVES is the plural of KNIFE. Which of the words 4. The _____ are flying south.
below 5. The cat is hunting the _____.
DOES NOT form its plural in the same way? 6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her _____.
a) Wife. ( ) feet
b) Life. ( ) teeth
c) Leaf. ( ) children
d) Chief. ( ) geese
e) Half. ( ) mice
( ) boxes
QUESTÃO 03 CESGRANRIO – Choose the correct alternative:
a) 6 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
b) 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
The word that DOESN'T have an irregular plural form c) 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1
like d) 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 1
tooth – teeth is: e) 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
a) ox.
b) foot.
c) cloth.
d) goose.
e) mouse.


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d) wives, geese, mice, heroes.
QUESTÃO 08 JFS e) wifes, gooses, mouses, heros.
Considering that the plural form of the following words:
1. Man is Men QUESTÃO 12 JFS
2. Woman is Women
Complete as sentenças a seguir utilizando as formas
3. Roman is Romen
– The incorrect datum(a) is(are) the:
de cada vocábulo apresentado:
a) number 1.
– He bought a _____ car.
b) number 2.
– She is a _____ rock star.
c) number 3.
– I have good _____ to give you.
d) numbers 1 and 2.
– The police _____ in front of the building.
e) numbers 1 and 3.
a) sport – famous – informations – is
b) sport – famous – informations – are
QUESTÃO 09 MACK c) sports – famous – informations – are
– Which alternative shows the correct plural form of the d) sport – famouses – information – is
words given? e) sports – famous – information – are

ADJECTIVE: adjetivo = palavra que
qualifica o substantivo a que está
ligado: blue, wonderful, hot.
Comparison of adjectives
Na tabela abaixo temos os graus de comparação dos

Inferioridade Igualdade Superioridade

Less...than As...as
a) mouse – mice/ goose – geese/ phenomenon – phe- So...as/as...as(neg.) er...than/more...than
nomena/ deer – deer
b) mouse – mices/ chick – chicken/ person – persons/ O comparativo de inferioridade é formado utilizando-se
child – children a estrutura less...than:
c) mouse – mouses/ goose – geeses/ deer – deers/ news This car is less expensive than that one.
– news
d) mouse – mouses/ new – newses/ bus – buses /person O comparativo de igualdade é formado com as...as ou
– people so...as (este último apenas para as frases negativas):
e) mouse – mises/ child – children/ police – polices/
news – news Peter is as intelligent as Homer.
Italy is not so rich as France.
QUESTÃO 10 EFOMM O comparativo de superioridade é formado dependendo
The plural forms of the underlined words in the sentenc do número de sílabas do adjetivo. Se este tiver apenas
"Jane is afraid of mouse and louse" are respectively: uma sílaba recebe a desinência – er. Com palavras de
a) mice – lice duas ou mais sílabas usamos more...
b) mices – lices This blouse is shorter than that blue one.
c) mouses – louses (short – só uma sílaba).
d) mice – louses
e) mouses – lice The house is more expensive than the apartment. (ex-
pensive – várias sílabas)
QUESTÃO 11 ESPCEX Exceção: Às palavras de duas sílabas acabadas em y
The plural of wife, goose, mouse and hero are: acrescenta-se er:
a) wifes, gooses, mouses, heroes.
b) wifes, geese, mice, heroes. She´s luckier than her brother.
c) wives, geese, mice, heros.


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Numa sentença afirmativa, em inglês, a ordem natural é
Observações: sujeito + verbo + complementos. Nas interrogativas
1. Alguns comparativos são irregulares: os pronomes interrogativos vêm antes dos verbos auxi-
liares e estes vêm antes do sujeito; nas negativas os
Good – Better verbos auxiliares vão depois dele:
Bad – Worse
What do you like?
Far – Farther/Further
Do you like pizza?
I like pizza.
2. A conjunção than só é necessária se o outro termo
I don’t like pizza.
da comparação aparecer na sentença.
As posições para os advérbios são:
Superlativo I. antes do verbo. II. No final da frase. III. No começo
Superioridade Inferioridade da frase. Isso sempre vai depender de suas carac-
The...-est / The most.... The least... terísticas:

O superlativo de superioridade é formado acrescentan- It often snows at Christmas in Russia.

do-se the...–est aos adjetivos de uma sílaba e the Authorized personnel only.
most... para os mais de duas sílabas: Sometimes I think I’m crazy.

Brian is the richest boy in the city. Os adjetivos, salvo raras exceções, precedem os subs-
(rich – uma só sílaba) tantivos a que se referem:
They are the most important people in this city. That yellow ball is ours.
(important – várias sílabas) Have you seen my lovely cat?

O superlativo de inferioridade é formado com the No inglês informal e em certas estruturas, as preposi-
least...(o menos) ções vêm no final da frase:
Willy is the least old of the group. Who were you talking to?
She’s just been operated on.
OBS: Quando houver phrasal verbs, os pronomes objetos
Lembre-se dos irregulares e dos que acabam em y: devem vir entre o verbo e a preposição. Com os subs-
ADJECTI- COMPARATI- SUPERLATI- tantivos duas posições são possíveis:
GOOD BETTER BEST Turn down the radio. ou Turn the radio down.
BAD WORSE WORST Turn it down.
LITTLE LESS LEAST Objetos diretos e indiretos vão após o verbo. Quando o
FEW FEWER FEWEST verbo puder ser seguido pelos dois (give, send, por
MUCH MORE MOST exemplo) duas ordens de colocação são possíveis:
FAR FURTHER FURTHEST He’ll never approve of our relationship.
Give that book to me! Ou Give me that book.
1. A estrutura the + comparativo de superiorida- Às vezes colocamos o verbo antes do sujeito em frases
de...the + comparativo de superioridade corresponde que não são interrogativas para dar ênfase, ou em poe-
a quanto mais(menos)...mais (menos): sia:
The harder you work, the more you earn.
The more I try, the worse it gets. Here comes the sun...
The less you speak, the less it’ll ache.
2. Atenção aos seguintes adjetivos que, devido a seu Quando precisamos usar mais de um adjetivo na
próprio significado, não aceitam comparação: frase devemos seguir uma ordem. Temos então:
perfect – unique – full – empty – daily opinião / tamanho / idade / forma / cor / origem / materi-
O inglês é muito mais rígido que o português quando o Example: Nice heavy old solid white Italian leather
assunto é a ordem de colocação das palavras na senten- shoes.
ça. Por isso, preste muita atenção às seguintes caracte-


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FORMAÇÃO DOS ADJETIVOS This book is ______________ the last one we used.
Existem vários sufixos que podem ser agregados aos a) worst than
substantivos para formar adjetivos. Daremos apenas b) more good than
alguns exemplos já que estes sufixos serão objeto de c) worse than
uma lista mais à frente. d) gooder than
Substantivo + sufixos = Adjetivo e) best than
Hunger – hungry Read – readable
Danger – dangerous Trouble – troublesome
Brazil – Brazilian Beauty – beautiful QUESTÃO 06 MACK
Pain – painless Logic – logical Have you heard about the _________ news?
a) latest
Podemos ainda usar construções com os sufixos – ing e
b) lasted
– ed para formar adjetivos como nos casos de “tiring” e
c) more last
d) most often
e) laterest

QUESTÃO 01 PUC She’s surely the ____________ girl in town.
Papyrus was used ____________ than paper. a) prettiest
a) early b) most pretty
b) earlier c) prettier
c) more early d) prettiest
d) earlier e) prettier
e) earliest
QUESTÃO 02 OSEC Riding a horse is not ___________ riding a bicycle.
The more I study __________ I know. a) so easy as
a) less b) easyer than
b) the more c) more easy than
c) the least d) the least easy
d) more e) so easy so
e) the most


The “Herald” is __________ newspaper in the town. Today the weather is ______________ than yesterday.
a) the importantest a) more had
b) the more important b) worse
c) the less important c) baddest
d) the most important d) bedest
e) the importanter e) the worst

QUESTÃO 04 FMU The ____________ we study, the __________
That table is __________ than this one. a) most – best
a) long b) more – worst
b) more long c) less – worst
c) longest d) less – worse
d) longer e) least – best
e) most long


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Whose hat is this? It is mine. - De quem é este
AULA 04 – PRONOMES I chapéu? É meu.
d) Os possessivos concordam em gênero e número com
PRONOMES PESSOAIS o possuidor e não com a coisa possuída, como em por-
a) Pronomes Retos
 O pronome I, eu, é sempre
escrito com maiúscula.
 You, a forma usada, equivale a tu, você, o
senhor, a senhora.
 He, ele, e she, ela, referem-se a pessoas, ani- QUESTÃO 01 UNESP
mais e coisas personificadas. Assinale a alternativa correta:
 It, ele ou ela, pronome neutro, refere-se geral- I know he'll tell _____ a different story.
mente a coisa. Pode também referir-se a um bebê, quan- a) they
do não é indicado o sexo. b) his
 We, nós. c) your
 They, eles, elas, plural de he, she e it, refere-se d) we
a pessoas, animais e coisas. e) us
Os pronomes retos são usados como sujeitos da oração.
Ex.: I wrote two letters, escrevi duas cartas. QUESTÃO 01 UNESP
He read the letters, ele leu as cartas.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
OBS: _____ work in the field of engineering.
Os pronomes retos são também usados como comple- a) She
mentos do verbo to be: b) They
It is I, it is they. c) He
Em linguagem coloquial, é freqüente o emprego das d) Them
formas oblíquas: e) It
It is me, it is them.
b) Pronomes Oblíquos
As formas me, you (thee), him, her, it, us, you (ye),
them são usadas: Stay with _____ while I drive _____ car.
1) Como objeto direto: a) I – your
I saw her yesterday, eu a vi ontem. b) she – you
She saw us, ela nos viu. c) me – your
I didn't see them, não os (as) vi. d) me – yours
2) Como objeto indireto preposicionado: e) her – yours
We looked at him, olhamos para ele.
He waits for us, ele nos espera. QUESTÃO 01 JFS
3) Como objeto indireto sem preposição; Dadas as sentenças:
We gave them a few books, demos-lhes alguns I. THE TITANIC sank in the beginning of the XX cen-
livros. tury.
I told him all that happened, contei-lhe tudo que II. THE BABY OF OUR UPSTAIRS NEIGHBORS is
aconteceu. crying
PRONOMES POSSESSIVOS III. MY PET is the smartest of the neighborhood.
Everybody enjoys seeing him.
a) Os pronomes adjetivos my, thy, his, her, its, our,
– A alternativa que possui os pronomes que substituem
your, their e os pronomes substantivos mine, thine,
corretamente os termos em destaque é:
his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs correspondem aos
a) It – She – It
pronomes pessoais:
b) It – She – He
b) Os pronomes adjetivos my, thy, etc. antecedem o
c) He – She – He
d) She – He – He
Where is my pencil? - Onde está meu lápis?
e) She – It – He
Our books are open. - Nossos livros estão abertos.
c) Os pronomes substantivos mine, thine, etc. são usa-
dos quando o substantivo não é expresso:

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Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna da frase a Assinale a alternativa correta:
seguir corretamente: I have met that girl before, but I can't remember _____
They saw men and women talking to _____ own hearts. name.
a) his a) her
b) her b) his
c) them c) your
d) they d) its
e) their e) yours

QUESTÃO 01 CESGRANRIO Assinale a alternativa correta:
Peter brought his dogs and I brought _____.
Mark the option that contains the appropriate pronouns
a) my
b) your
complete the sentences below:
c) mine
Animals' teeth are changing (I) composition.
d) the mine
That animal had (II) teeth in perfect conditions.
e) our
He brushes (III) teeth whenever he eats something.
If the patient dies, we call (IV) relatives.
The bacteria found (V) way to the stomach. QUESTÃO 01 UNESP
a) (I) their, (II) its, (III) his, (IV) his, (V) their
b) (I) its, (II) their, (III) its, (IV) his, (V) its Assinale a alternativa correta:
c) (I) their, (II) its, (III) her, (IV) her, (V) his This dictionary is in _____ fourth edition.
d) (I) his, (II) their, (III) his, (IV) her, (V) their a) his
e) (I) their, (II) his, (III) their, (IV) its, (V) her b) her
c) its
QUESTÃO 01 PUC d) it's
e) their
Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue
Bob: Do you always get good marks on _____
examinations? Assinale a alternativa correta:
James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do _____ Which team won the game?
homework assignments and study a little every day. _____ team did.
Bob: How about Maria? Are _____ grades good too? a) Theirs
James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very b) They
much. c) Their
a) yours – my – his d) Them
b) you – my – hers e) Yours
c) your – me – your QUESTÃO 01
d) your – mine – yours
e) your – my – her Peter’s wife said: “My husband wants me to sell my
bicycle, but he won’t sell __________”.
QUESTÃO 01 UNESP a) hers
Assinale a alternativa correta: b) his
That sports car is very expensive. The car dealer told me c) yours
that _____ price is 10,000 dollars. d) its
a) her e) theirs
c) its
d) their Mark the option which completes the following sen-
e) hers tences with the adequate pronouns:
I. Businessmen have _____ own priorities.
II. Everyone must feel happy with _____ working hab-
III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more
time with _____ children.


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IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot
discuss _____ disadvantages. PRONOMES DEMONSTRATIVOS
a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their. This , este, esta, isto;
b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its. These , estes, estas;
c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its. That , esse, essa, isso, aquele, aquela, aquilo;
d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. their. Those , aqueles, aquelas
e) I. his, II. his, III. their, IV. your.
● This e These referem-se a algo ou alguém que está
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à sequência de próximo de quem fala.
pronomes que mais adequadamente completam a sen- ● That e Those referem-se a algo ou alguém que está
tença a longe de quem fala.
_____ cat is sick because _____ ate _____ spoiled São usados:
food over there. I) Como pronomes adjetivos:
a) Its; he; that This boy is writing, este menino está escrevendo.
b) Its; he; this That girl is reading, aquela menina está lendo.
c) His; its; this These books are mine, estes livros são meus.
d) Its; it; that Those children are playing, aquelas crianças estão
e) His; it; that brincando.
II) Como pronomes substantivos;
“The lifesaving remedy replaces the body’s lost fluids Who is this? Quem é este?
and salts.” O possessivo que substitui a expressão em What is this? Que é isto?
negrito é: These are the books he bought, estes são os livros que
a) her ele comprou.
b) their Do you agree to that? Você concorda com isso?
c) our That's not right, isso não está direito.
d) its We talked of this and that, falamos disto e daquilo.
e) my Whose are those? De quem são aqueles?


a) Pronomes compostos de SELF,
SELVES. It’s too hot in here. Let’s refresh _________ with a
drink of cold water.
a) myself
b) yourself
Myself c) yourselves
Thyself ourselves d) ourselves
Himself yourselves e) themselves
Herself themselves
b) Os compostos de self, selves podem ser empregados:
I - Como pronomes reflexivos: He hurt himself, ele Peter’s wife said: “My husband wants me to sell my
se feriu. bicycle, but he won’t sell __________”.
II - Como pronomes enfáticos: He read the letter a hers
himself, ele próprio fez a caixa. b) his
c) yours
OBS: d) its
● Se a pessoa que fala dá a si mesma o tratamento de e) theirs
primeira pessoa do plural, usa ourself e não ourselves.
● Quando se fala a uma só pessoa, usa-se yourself e não
● O pronome enfático pode ser empregado após um
verbo intransitivo:
They went themselves.


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QUESTÃO 03 (ITA) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
As I was sure that I couldn't ask anybody for help, I lacuna da frase a seguir:
wrote the letter by __________. Here is some money. Go and buy _____ some decent
a) me clothes.
b) myself a) myself
c) himself b) herself
d) itself c) themselves
e) themselves d) himself
e) yourself


Where did you, Robert, hurt ________________? Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) himself People should know about _____.
b) hers a) yourself
c) yourselves b) herself
d) his c) himself
e) yourself d) themselves
e) yourselves
John and Mary are my best friends, and I often go to QUESTÃO 11 UNESP
movies with _________. You can do that _____.
a) their a) myself
b) her b) himself
c) yhim c) herself
d) them d) yourself
e) they e) ourselves


Put into English: Um dos amigos dele está no exterior Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) A friend of himself is abroad. I took my husband to the airport _____.
b) A friend of him is abroad. a) himself
c) One of her friends is abroad. b) oneself
d) A friend of his is abroad. c) myself
e) One of his friend is abroad. d) herself
e) yourself
Put into English: Ela mesma resolveu o problema. QUESTÃO 13 FAAP
a) She solved the problem itself by herself.. Assinale a alternativa correta para preencher o espaço
b) She herself solved the problem. na sentença a seguir:
c) She solved the problem itself. Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type
d) She solved the problem by itself. the letters _____.
e) She solved herself the problem. a) yourself
b) themself
QUESTÃO 08 MACK c) himself
d) herself
My wife was so hungry that she ate all _______ sand- e) itself
wich and ______ too.
a) herself / my
b) her / myself QUESTÃO 14 UECE 1996
c) her / mine Choose the incorrect alternative:
d) hers / mine a) The hunter shot itself with his own gun.
e) her / my b) She wants to buy herself a new coat.
c) Most girls like to look at themselves in the mirror.
d) I locked myself out of the house.


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QUESTÃO 15 UNESP Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente os
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a pronomes demonstrativos:
lacuna da frase apresentada: a) That men is Chinese.
Catherine is making _____ a dress. b) These boxes are empty.
a) to him c) Those orange is delicious.
b) to her d) This computers are broken.
c) himself
e) they
Os pronomes relativos são: “that, who,
In the sentence "We look for answers within OUR-
whom, which e whose”. Eles se referem
SELVES", the capital word has a meaning related to:
a termos citados anteriormente e devem
a) them.
ser usados sempre para se introduzir uma oração subor-
b) him.
dinada a uma oração principal.
c) you.
Cada pronome possui sua função diferenciada, por
d) us.
e) her.
● That (que): relativo a pessoas, animais e coisas.
QUESTÃO 17 He is the man that saved the planet. (Ele é o homem
que salvou o planeta).
Complete a lacuna da frase com o Pronome Demonstra- That is the dog that bit my neighbor. (Aquele é o ca-
tivo correto: Who is ____ woman over there? chorro que mordeu minha vizinha).
a) This This is the TV that is on sale. (Esta é a televisão que está
b) those na promoção).
c) these ● Which (que, o qual, os quais, a qual, as quais):
d) that relativo a coisas e animais.
e) it This is the bus which I take to go home. (Este é o ônibus
que eu pego para ir para casa).
QUESTÃO 18 This is the cat which got in trouble yesterday. (Este é o
Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente os gato que entrou numa fria ontem).
Demonstrative Pronouns: ● Who e Whom (que ou quem): relativo a pessoas.
a) That shoes are mine. The girl whom Peter married is my cousin. (A garota
b) I am tired of this job. com que Peter se casou é minha prima).
c) Let’s play with those child. There is a man outside who wants to see you. (Há um
d) These chair is very comfortable. homem lá fora que quer falar com você).
● Whose (cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas): relativo à posse, é
usado para pessoas e animais.
That is the girl whose brother was making some magic
O plural da frase “This boy is a good actor” é: tricks at the party last Saturday. (Aquela é a garota cujo
a) This boys is a good actors. irmão estava fazendo alguns truques de mágica na festa
b) That boys is a good actors. sábado).
c) These boys are good actors. This is the shirt whose sleeves are too tight. (Esta é a
d) Those boys are a good actors. camisa cujas mangas são muito apertadas).
Apesar de ser possível utilizar os pronomes relati-
A tradução da frase: “Aqueles alunos estão na sala de vos “that e whom” para se referir a pessoas, deve-se
aula” é: usar somente o pronome “whom” quando houver uma
a) This students are in the classroom. preposição na frase. Cabe ainda lembrar que esse pro-
b) That student are in the classroom. nome deve vir após a preposição.
c) Those students are in the classroom. The boy about whom you were talking is my brother.
d) These student is in the classroom. (O garoto sobre quem você estava falando, é meu ir-


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São empregados na formulação de perguntas. No qua-

What O que? Qual? What’s your name?
Where Onde? Where did you go? The clergyman _______ had a sore throat preached a
When Quando? When did she arrive? fine sermon.
Why Por que? Why do you ask? a) what
How Como? How are you? b) which
c) whose
Who/Whom Quem? Who sold the cat?
d) whom
Whose De quem? Whose car is that?
e) that
Which O que? Qual? Which one do you
(seletivo) want? QUESTÃO 02
dro acima apresentamos os principais pronomes inter-
I know the girl _____ wrote you this letter.
a) whose
b) whom
c) which
OBS d) who
1. What refere-se a um número ilimitado de elementos: e) what
What would you like to have? QUESTÃO 03
Were those the physicians to ______ you introduced
2. Which é seletivo e se refere a um número limitado de
you brother?
a) which
Which do you prefer? Coffee or tea? b) who
c) whose
3. Quando a pergunta é feita sobre o sujeito da oração,
d) whom
não se usa verbo auxiliar. Who é usado para pessoas e
e) when
what para coisas:
Who broke that window? The boys did. QUESTÃO 04
Who understands Japanese? Sachiko does.
That’s the businessman_________ daughter suffered an
What broke the window? A stone broke it.
accident this morning.
What happened? A collision between two cars.
a) which
4. Whom é usado no inglês formal e se refere ao objeto b) who
direto ou indireto da oração. Por isso, também formal é c) whose
o uso de whom precedido de preposição: d) whom
e) when
Whom did you meet?
To whom did you give the letter? QUESTÃO 05
5. Why é usado para fazer perguntas, Because para The book ____ I was reading yesterday was a detective
respondê-las: story.
a) whose
Why did you lie to her? Because I had to. b) what
6. Whose (de quem) tem uma estrutura diferente do c) whom
português. É seguido pelo substantivo em inglês: d) who
e) which
Whose car is that?
Whose house did he buy?
7. No inglês informal as preposições geralmente vêm no Did you know ______ agoraphobia is a morbid fear of
final da frase em perguntas interrogativas: open places?
What is that for? a) if
Where is your family from? b) than
Who are you looking at? c) that
d) what
8. Muitos dos pronomes acima são usados nas relative e) which
clauses. Para maiores informações veja o capítulo cor-
respondente nesta apostila.

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The shirt ______ buttons are yellow belongs to me. “________ is your brother like?” “He is tall and slim.”
a) whose a) How
b) which b) Who
c) whom c) Whom
d) who d) What
e) what e) Why

The lady _______ was here a week ago went to Lon- I just want to know this : how ______ do you go to the
don. bank?
a) which a) much
b) what b) many
c) whom c) long
d) who d) far
e) whose e) often

I don't like people _______ laugh at me. QUESTÃO 15
a) whose “__________ such a silly remark?" – “I did.”
b) which a) Who did you make
c) who b) Who makes
d) what c) Who did
e) whom d) Who made
e) Who did made
His father, _________ lives in Rio, will return soon.
a) whose QUESTÃO 16
b) what
Someone knocks at the door. On the inside you say:
c) who
a) Who is it?
d) whom
b) Who is he?
e) "b" and "c" are corrects.
c) Who is?
d) Who is she?
QUESTÃO 11 e) Who are?
“___________ car is this?” “it belongs to Evans.”
a) who QUESTÃO 17
b) which
_______ did you cry?
c) what
_______ told you I was crying?
d) whose
It doesn't matter. Let's have some juice. _______
e) whom
fruit do you like best?
a) Why / Who / Which
b) Who / What / Why
QUESTÃO 12 c) When / Which / What
___________ of them gave up studying? d) Where / When / Who
a) Who e) What / Whom / When
b) Whom
c) Which QUESTÃO 18
d) Whose
_____ is Mr. Brown? Is he a teacher?
e) What
a) What
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) Where


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enquanto o NONE NUNCA é acompanhado de subs-
Os Pronomes Indefinidos (Indefinite DERIVADOS DE NO / NONE
Pronouns) podem ser substantivos  NOBODY / NO ONE – NINGUÉM
(indefinite pronouns), quando os substi-
tuem, ou adjetivos (indefinite adjecti-
ves), quando qualificam os substanti-
vos. Os Pronomes Indefinidos (Indefinite Pronouns)
existentes na Língua Inglesa são: OBS
SOME Much: (muito/a) usado com substantivos incontáveis
MAS, UM, UNS, UMA, UMAS, UM POUCO DE Many (muitos/as): Usado com substantivos contáveis
* Some e seus compostos são usados em frases afirma- no plural.
tivas. Some também pode ser usado em frases inter- LITTLE / FEW
rogativas quando se trata de um oferecimento ou Little (pouco/a): Usado junto com s incontáveis.
pedido ou quando se espera uma resposta positiva. Few (poucos/a): Usado junto com substantivos con-
Este pronome pode ser um pronome adjetivo (indefinite táveis.
adjective) ou um pronome substantivo (indefinite pro-
noun). Many pode ser substituído pela expressão “a large
She was hot and I gave her some water. (Ela estava com number of”e Much por “a great deal of” e ambas por
calor e eu lhe dei um pouco de água.) “plenty of” ou ainda “a lot of”

 SOMEHOW - DE ALGUMA MANEIRA, Don't tell _____ lies to me; you cannot deceive me any
a) some
ANY b) no
*Any é usado em frases interrogativas e negativas. Nas
frases afirmativas, any é usado quando: aparecer após a QUESTÃO 02
palavra if; significar qualquer; houver palavra de senti- She didn't have ________ mistakes in her paper.
do negativo na frase como seldom, never, rarely, a) some
without, etc. Este pronome, assim como some, pode ser b) any
um pronome adjetivo (indefinite adjective) ou um pro- c) no
nome substantivo (indefinite pronoun). d) no one


QUALQUER UM, NINGUÉM Are there ________ books for me today? ) No, there
 ANYTHING - ALGUMA COISA, are not ______ books for you today.
 ANYWHERE - EM ALGUM LUGAR, EM b) some - some
c) any – some
d) anyone – some
 ANYWAY - DE ALGUMA MANEIRA, e) something - no

No e Nome são usados em orações negativas sendo
que o NO é SEMPRE acompanhado de substantivo


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QUESTÃO 04 _________ of you can speak English well.
"Have you seen my radio?" a) None
"No, I haven't seen it ___________." b) No one
a) where c) Nobody
b) nowhere d) Anybody
c) everywhere e) Someone
d) somewhere
e) anywhere QUESTÃO 11 FEI
Complete o diálogo:
QUESTÃO 05 - "Would you like _____ apples?"
He couldn't find ________ wrong with the food - "No, thank you, I don't want _____ apple."
a) some - "And you?"
b) nothing - "Yes, I'd like _____."
c) anything a) some – any – any
d) every b) an – any – no
e) no c) any – no – some
d) some – any – some
QUESTÃO 06 e) an – some – any
The room is empty. There is ______ in it.
a) anybody QUESTÃO 12 FATEC
b) somebody Escolha a alternativa que mantém o mesmo significado
c) nobody de "NO ONE" em "no one passes or fails a TOEFL":
d) anything a) Anybody.
e) something b) Everybody.
c) Nobody.
QUESTÃO 07 d) Somebody.
e) Someone.
I ever eat _______ for breakfast.
a) something
b) whatever QUESTÃO 13 UEL
c) nothing Despite this violent activity, poltergeists in fact never
d) anything hurt _____.
e) something a) something
b) nothing
QUESTÃO 08 (FATEC) c) none
d) nobody
He left without ________ money. e) anybody
a) some
b) no
c) no one QUESTÃO 14 UEL
d) any I will _____ longer stand his bad manners.
e) none a) no
b) very
QUESTÃO 09 (ITA) c) too
d) much
_________ cures a headache faster than an aspirin. e) many
a) Nothing
b) None
c) Nobody
d) Somebody
e) Anybody


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Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
lacuna da frase a seguir:
- "Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a
good offer!"
- "Because I didn't have _____ money on me."
a) a
b) no
c) any
d) some
e) none Há algumas palavras que possuem a mesma forma para
adjetivos e advérbios. Ex:
Those organisms pose _____ danger to human life.
a) any
b) none
c) no
d) not
e) no one

_____ said she is right.
a) Somebody
b) Anybody Alguns advérbios apresentam forma irregular.
c) Anyone Ex: good (bom) – well (bem).
d) Something
e) Anything

Would _____ like to hear music tonight?
a) somebody
b) someone
c) anything
d) anyone BIOS
e) something
De acordo com a circunstância que o advérbio indica,
ele pode ser classificado em advérbio de:
QUESTÃO 01 JFS Indica Exemplos Ordem
quando now (agora) / Final da
I do not want to stay home tonight. I want to go _____. Tempo uma yester- frase.
a) nowhere ação day(ontem)
b) somewhere aconte- today (hoje)
c) nowhere else ceu.
d) anyone else a fre- always (sem- Após verbo
e) noneAULA 08 - ADVÉRBIOS Freqüên qüência pre) to be ou
cia com a never (nunca) modal e
Os advérbios são palavras que modificam verbos, adje- qual often (geral- antes de
tivos ou outros advérbios. Eles indicam em que circuns- uma mente) verbo
tâncias ocorreu a ação do verbo. Ex: ação principal.
 She walks slowly. (Ela caminha vagarosamen- ocorre.
te). o modo carefully (cui- Após o
 You speak too fast. (Você fala muito rápido). como a dadosamente) verbo ou o
FORMAÇÃO DOS ADVÉRBIOS Modo ação by car (de objeto.
ocor- carro)
Muitos advérbios são formados acrescentando - se LY reu. by walking
(mente) aos adjetivos Ex:

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o lugar here (aqui) Final da QUESTÃO 05
onde a at home (em frase. Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
Lugar ação casa) “John __________ go to Italy on vacations”?
ocor- in Brasília (em a) fast.
reu. Brasília) b) always.
Um very (muito) Antes da c) at home.
Intensi aumen- quite (bastante) palavra que d) slowly.
dade to ou almost (quase) modifica.
uma QUESTÃO 06
Em qual alternativa estão sendo usados os advérbios
em destaque na posição correta?
a) They walked to the station slowly.
b) She never is at home.
c) Julia yesterday arrived from France.
d) At school the teacher corrected our tests.

Marque a alternativa correta em relação à correspon-
entre o advérbio destacado e sua classificação.
QUESTÃO 01 a) at home – modo.
Complete a frase “She studied _______________ b) quite – intensidade.
____________ _____________” com a seqüência c) yesterday – tempo.
correta dos advérbios. d) sometimes – freqüência.
a) hard –last year – at UnB
b) at UnB – hard – last year QUESTÃO 08
c) last year – at UnB – hard Qual das frases abaixo está correta de acordo com a
d) hard – at UnB – last year posição dos advérbios.
1 I always lived abroad.
QUESTÃO 02 2 She late came.
Em qual alternativa não estão sendo usados os 3 We work seldom.
advérbios em destaque na posição correta? 4 They traveled never to Miami.
a) She is never late for work.
b) By car we go to the club. QUESTÃO 09
c) They went to New York yesterday. FGV
d) It’s very cold today. In the sentence "Brazil's strong currency will likely also
lead to a loosening of foreign exchange restrictions", the
QUESTÃO 03 word LIKELY indicates a:
Marque a alternativa que apresente apenas advérbios a) comparison.
de modo. b) conclusion.
a) fluently – today – often – at school. c) probability.
b) fast – always – never – quickly. d) preference.
c) hardly – slowly – gradually – calmly. e) certainty.
d) badly – silently – terribly – happily.
QUESTÃO 04 The word that could be placed between HAD and MET
Organize as palavras a seguir, de modo a formar uma in the sentence I HAD MET HER BY CHANCE ONLY
frase interrogativa. Preste atenção na posição dos advér- A SHORT TIME BEFORE is:
bios e marque a alternativa correta: to school / do / you / a) still.
by bus / to go / want / ? b) ever.
a) You do want to go to school by bus? c) yet.
b) Do you want to go by bus to school? d) though.
c) Do you want to go to school by bus? e) already.
d) You do want to go by bus to school?

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Assinale a alternativa de significado equivalente palavra - "Have you finished your book yet?"
entre - "Yes, I’ve _____ done it."
aspas: a) still
He was 'fast' asleep. b) yet
a) almost c) already
b) quickly d) ever
c) sound
d) very 17. [UEL 1996]
e) nearly In the text bellow, the word nearly means:
After 20 years of scientific advances, 'nearly' three out
QUESTÃO 12 UEL of four infertile couples seeking medical assistance to
have a child still go home to an empty crib.
No texto a seguir, 'very' significa: The seven-room 84th a) almost.
Street cooperative on Central Park West in a solid if b) hardly.
decidedly uncharismatic building came on the market c) close.
that 'very' morning. d) far.
a) pouco mais que. e) over.
b) mais que.
c) demasiado.
d) muito. AULA 09 - PREPOSIÇÕES
e) mesma. Preposições são palavras usadas
com nomes para mostrar sua rela-
QUESTÃO 13 UEL ção com outras palavras da senten-
A lacuna é corretamente preenchida pela alternativa: ça. A seguir, apresentamos as prin-
We've been working _____ to ensure all wood comes cipais preposições em inglês e seu uso:
from well managed forests.
Usado em: Ou ainda em:
a) lot.
Meses: In Cidades: In
b) hardly.
January London
c) hard.
d) very. Anos, sécu- Estados: In
e) many. IN los: in 1995 Arkansas
Estações: in Países: in Ni-
winter caragua
QUESTÃO 14 FATEC Partes do dia:
O advérbio SO na frase "he did so efficiently and dis- in the morn- Continentes: In
creetly" ing, in the Asia
pode ser substituído de forma adequada e sem prejuízo afternoon, in
de significado por: the evening
a) very. Dias da se-
b) too. mana: on Ruas, avenidas,
c) enough. ON Sunday praças: on
d) less. Datas (mês + Portugal Ave-
e) a little. dia) on April nue
the 3rd
QUESTÃO 15 UNESP Determinadas
The sun _____ rises in the west. datas: On
a) always Christimas
b) never day
c) often
d) sometimes
e) usually


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About: sobre, a respeito de. Parte inte- Duração de Intenção: She
Above: acima de. Proxim- grante de um FOR tempo:I have made a cake
Across: através de, do idade:
outro lado.
She is advérbio de worked here for her chil-
After: depois de. waiting by modo, indica- for 5 years. dren.
Against: contra. the door. do o meio (Eu trabalhei(Ela fez um
Among: entre (vários).(Ela está agente: aqui por 5 bolo para seus
Around: em volta de. esperando They go to anos) filhos)
Before: antes de. perto da por- work by bus. União, rela- Posse: He is
Behind: atrás de. ta) (Eles vão para OF ção: The
the only son of
Below: abaixo de. o trabalho de president of my friend.
Beside: ao lado de. ônibus) Brazil (Ele é o único
Besides: além de. (O presidentefilho do meu
Between: entre (dois) do Brasil) amigo)
Beyond: além de. Horas: at 7 Endereços (rua
But: exceto. + número): at
By: por, junto, ao lado de. AT 456 Lincoln St.
Down: abaixo, para baixo Certos feri- Lugares públi-
Up: acima, para cima ados: At cos: at the
During: durante. Christmas club, at the
For: a favor de. airport, at a
For: por, para, há (tempo) party
From: de (origem).
In front of: na frente de. DIFERENÇA ENTRE IN, ON e AT
Inside/outside: dentro de/fora de. “IN” é usado para indicações pouco específicas,
Instead of: em vez de. “ON” é usado com situações mais específicas e “AT”
Into: para dentro, em. para conceitos bem explicitados.
Like: como. Exemplo:
Near: perto de. Quando falamos de tempo, mês é um conceito mais
Off: para fora (de uma superfície). genérico que dia, que é por sua vez, mais genérico que
Out of: para fora de. hora. Assim sendo, usaremos, IN para meses, ON para
Over: sobre, acima de, por cima de. dias e AT para horas. (obs: este exemplo é apenas uma
Since: desde. linha mestra, um guia, não sendo uma verdade absoluta).
Through: através de.
Till/until: até (tempo). OBS:
To: para. Na dúvida, as sugestões abaixo podem ajudá-lo a resol-
Towards: para, em direção a. vê-la, mas lembre-se: o uso nem sempre segue a regra
Under: em baixo de. geral.
With/without: com / sem. Use in para indicar “dentro de alguma coisa”:
Within: dentro de. Use on para indicar contato:
Use at para indicar um lugar definido. Nesse caso, seu
sentido é o de “junto a”, “na”:

Complete a frase com as preposições adequadas e de-
pois marque a altenativa com a seqüência correta.
Kate lives ______ Minas Gerais ________ 20 years.
a) in – by.
b) on – of.
c) in – for.
d) at – for.


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QUESTÃO 02 The alternative which contains the prepositions that best
Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta de acordo complete the sentences below is:
com o uso das preposições em destaque. Prepaid meters have been launched with the aim _____
a) My birthday is on January. improving water service; however, they might be a
b) I decided to travel by plane. problem _____ those who cannot afford paying _____
c) They have to work for 8:00 a.m. water services.
d) My parents live in Washington Street. a) to – for – of
b) on – to – for
QUESTÃO 03 c) of – to – on
d) for – on – of
Complete a frase “Sue lives _______ 46 Victoria Street e) of – for – for
and Paul ________ Gower Street” com as preposições
adequadas e depois marque a alternativa
correta. QUESTÃO 08 UNESP
a) at – on. Something is cooking _____ the oven.
b) on – at. a) up
c) in – on. b) to
d) at – in. c) in
d) into
QUESTÃO 04 e) for
Complete a frase “Let’s meet ______ Tuesday ______
four o’clock ______ the afternoon” com as preposições QUESTÃO 09 UNESP
adequadas e depois marque a alternativa correta.
a) on – in – at. He walked _____ the room.
b) at – on – in. a) at
c) in – at – on. b) on
d) on – at – in. c) between
d) into
QUESTÃO 05 e) among
Complete as frases com as preposições adequadas e QUESTÃO 10 UNESP
depois marque a alternativa correta.
I read a chapter _____ politics.
I – He plays the piano ___________ pleasure.
a) on
II – She is a friend ___________ them.
b) at
III – We like to sit ___________ the lake.
c) above
a) in – of – at.
d) before
b) on – in – by.
e) after
c) for – of – by.
d) for – at – on.
QUESTÃO 06 The program Dr. Black is working _____ his colleagues
_____ the department _____ psychiatry will build on a
Complete as frases com a tradução das preposições
pioneering study done _____ 1989.
entre parênteses nas frases e depois marque a alternativa
Complete the passage above:
a) with, of, about, in
I – Aspirin is the best drug to fight ___________ head-
b) with, on, from, in
c) with, in, of, in
II – Let’s talk ___________ your problem.
d) without, at, by, on
III – There is no rule ___________ an exception.
e) without, from, after, on
a) against – near – outside.
b) against – about – without.
c) upon – about – with.
d) over – beyond – without.


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São as conjunções que ligam orações independentes.
I was born _____ 2 o'clock _____ the morning, _____ a Elas se dividem em:
Sunday _____ April _____ the year 1958, _____ a farm Classificação Expressam Conjunções
_____ a small village called Sta. Cruz, _____ the state Aditivas adição and, moreover, again,
of Goiás, Brazil. besides, also.
a) on / in / on / in / in / in / in / in Adversativas contraste but, however, still,
b) on / in / on / in / of / in / in / in instead, yet.
c) at / in / on / in / of / on / in / on Alternativas escolha or, otherwise, else,
d) at / in / in / in / of / in / in / in either…or
e) at / in / on / in / of / in / in / in neither…or.
Conclusivas conclusão so, therefore, thus,
finally, hence.
Explicativas explicação as, such as, for,
_____ the circumstances you must go _____ foot. because.
a) Under – with
b) Under – by
c) On – on
d) Under – on
e) On – under Classificação (idéia Conjunções
Tempo as soon as, after, before, when,
QUESTÃO 14 UNESP while, whenever, as long as.
She is very proud _____ her children. Lugar where, wherever, as far as,
a) at Condição if, unless, whether, as long as,
b) in in case.
c) on Propósito so that, in order to.
d) with Conseqüência so … that
e) of Concessão even though, although,though,
despite this.
QUESTÃO 15 UNESP Causa why, because, since, seeing
Very little is known _____ nuclear energy. that, as, now that, for
a) of Comparação as, as if, as though, as well as,
b) over more…than.
c) in
d) into
e) about


As linking words são as conjunções do Marque a alternativa cuja classificação em relação às
Inglês, servem para fazer relação entre conjunções coordenativas esteja correta.
as idéias e informações expressadas em a) He was tired because he worked all day long. – Con-
uma frase. Linking words: clusiva.
 Either … or (ou … ou, nem … b) We shouted but nobody listened. – Aditiva.
nem) c) They will do their homework and clean their bed-
 Neither … nor (nem … nem (sem o not)) room. – Adversativa.
 Both … and (tanto … quanto) d) We have neither the time nor the resources. –
 not only … but also (não somente … mas também) Alternativa


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Marque a alternativa cuja classificação em relação às
The idea that executives need to fly on business class
conjuções subordinativas esteja incorreta.
_____ they can work is bogus.
a) After I arrived, I saw them.
do texto:
b) Despite he was the best player, he lost the game.
a) though
c) Thi is the place where I used to live.
b) so
d) I will go if you go.
c) for
QUESTÃO 03 d) until
e) since
Marque a alternativa que tenha apenas conjunções
a) either...or – when – although – despite. QUESTÃO 09
b) so that – if – since – and. We don't believe your needs should have to wait just
c) and – or – but – therefore. because it's 2 o'clock in the morning. – A palavra "be-
d) because – unless – when – but. cause", em destaque no texto, poderia ser
substituída por:
QUESTÃO 04 a) while.
b) how.
Complete a frase “We get hungry __________ we are c) like.
studying” com a conjunção adequada. d) since.
a) while. e) for.
b) when.
c) whereas.
d) where. QUESTÃO 10 MACK
Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
QUESTÃO 05 ing
Complete a frase “You should take your job seriously sentence: Yes, I know Mario quite well; _____, I _____
_________ you are going to be fired” com a conjunção to see him at the club last weekend.
adequada. a) furthermore – had
a) yet. b) thus – wanted
b) and. c) in fact – happened
c) if. d) whereas – waited
d) otherwise. e) despite – liked


Complete as frases com a tradução das conjunções e _____ you want to stay young, sit down and have a
depois marque a alternativa correta. good think.
I – He is a young man __________ he behaves like an a) Though
old person. b) But
II – I didn’t go _________ I didn’t want to see him. c) So
III – Mary has two brothers _______ Martha has two d) Then
sisters. e) If
a) but – finally – although.
b) however – because – and. QUESTÃO 12
c) besides – if – in case.
d) where – before – as long as
I'd like to talk to him _____ he arrives.
b) rather than
The sentence "Though overshoppers later experience c) since
considerable remorse, they find shopping exciting" d) as soon as
contains e) because
an idea of:
a) addition.
b) alternative.
c) cause.
d) condition.
e) contrast.

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QUESTÃO 13 [UFF 1997]
The new phones can be programmed to dial only a few
In the sentence "It was as if he forgot who I was", AS IF
numbers, LIKE home, or a parent's office. – A palavra
em destaque indica uma relação de:
a) even though
a) oposição.
b) as though
b) comparação.
c) although
c) exemplificação.
d) as for
d) adição.
e) if possibly
e) causa – efeito.


'A good story,' he thought. So he went there – it took In the sentence "If you wrote about the international
36 hours by train and canoe. banking systems for bankers, your language and infor-
– The relationship between these two sentences is NOT mation would be more technical", the author intends to
one of: transmit an idea of:
a) consequence. a) conclusion.
b) conclusion. b) addition.
c) result. c) condition.
d) cause. d) comparison.
e) time. e) contrast.

_____ Mr. Foley was reading the newspaper, Mrs.
The word BUT in the sentence "But she's the only one"
Foley was watching television.
a) While
a) cause.
b) As long
b) contrast.
c) In the meantime
c) addition.
d) Because o
d) conclusion.


In the following verses: 1. USA-SE O SIMPLE PRESENT
And can understand nothing But the unusual laughter –
“But” means:
a) however. EXPRESSAR:
b) also. a) um fato, uma situação atual ou uma
c) although. condição geral.
d) because. Ex: I live in Brasília. (Eu moro em Brasília).
e) except. b) uma ação ou acontecimento habitual. Nesse caso, é
comum o uso de advérbios de freqüência.
QUESTÃO 17 UERJ Ex: I get up at 7 o’clock every day. (Eu levanto às 7
Consumers can start questioning advertising in the cate- horas todo dia).
gory generally even the intent is to provide worthwhile c) verdades univesais.
information. – The underlined word indicates: Ex: Birds fly. (Os pássaros voam).
a) comparison. d) ações futuras planejadas. Ex:
b) purpose. The plane leaves in 20 minutes. (O avião parte em 20
c) addition. minutos).
d) contrast.]
The construction "such a... that" as in "Eating is such a Para conjugar qualquer verbo no Presente Simples,
passion here that it even shapes the cityscape" express- basta retirar a partícula to do infinitivo do verbo e
es: acrescentar S à 3ª pessoa do singular.
a) condition. O cuidado que se deve ter ao conjugar os verbos no
b) purpose. Presente Simples é apenas na 3ª pessoa do singular (He
c) result. (ele), She (ela), It (ele/ela – neutro)).
d) contrast.
e) manner.

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3. REGRAS PARA A FORMAÇÃO DA 3ª PES- Na forma interrogativa, usa-se o verbo auxiliar do /
SOA DO SINGULAR DO PRESENTE SIM- does no início da frase e o ponto de interrogação no
final da frase.
a) Regra geral: acrescenta-se S no final do verbo. 5. EXPRESSÕES USADAS NO PRESENTE
Ex: to swim = nadar – She swims every day. (Ela nada SIMPLES
todo dia).
to drink = beber – He drinks much coffee (Ele bebe Geralmente usa-se advérbios de freqüência e expressões
muito café). de tempo nas frases para expressar o Simple Present. Os
to bark = latir – It barks a lot. (Ele late muito). advérbios de freqüência são posicionados normalmente
antes do verbo principal da frase e as expressões de
b) Verbos terminados em SS, SH, CH, X, Z e O: tempo são colocadas no final das frases.
acrescenta-se ES no final do verbo. Ex: Ex: I always listen to the radio. (Eu sempre escuto o
Bob studies English three times a week. (Bob estuda
inglês três vezes por semana).


Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja escrita correta-

mente na forma afirmativa do Simple Present:
a) Ted plaies tennis here.
b) We goes shopping on Sunday.
c) Verbos terminados em y: há dois casos.
c) You work at night.
- se o y for precedido de vogal: acrescenta-se
d) They studies at UnB.
apenas o S.
Ex: to play = tocar – She plays the piano. (Ela toca
piano). QUESTÃO 02
- se o y for precedido de consoante: substitui-se o y por Marque a alternativa que tenha a frase “They GO to the
i e acrecenta-se ES. movies on Saturdays” transformada para a 1ª pessoa do
Ex: to study = estudar – He studies at night. (Ele estuda singular.
à noite). a) You go to the movies on Saturdays.
d) Exceção: Verbo to have (ter) na 3ª pessoa é has. b) She goes to the movies on Saturdays.
Ex: to have = ter – He has two brothers. (Ele tem dois c) I go to the movies on Saturdays.
irmãos). d) We go to the movies on Saturdays.


Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase
Nas formas negativa e interrogativa usa-se o verbo auxi-
“_________ they __________ ecology?”
liar to do nas formas do ou does, que não possuem
a) Does – study.
tradução em português. Como o próprio nome sugere,
b) Do – study.
eles apenas ajudam a formar a negativa e a interrogativa
c) Do – studies.
das frases.
d) Does – studies.
Quando o verbo to do (do/does) é usado como principal
significa fazer. Usa-se do quando o sujeito for I (eu), QUESTÃO 04
You (tu/você), We (nós) ou They (eles/elas) e usa-se Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase
does para a 3ª pessoa do singular, ou seja, quando o “Peter ____________ many books”.
sujeito a) have.
for He(ele), She (ela) e It (ele/ela – neutro). b) haves.
Quando se usa o verbo auxiliar does na 3ª pessoa do c) has.
singular (tanto na forma negativa quanto na forma inter- d) hases.
rogativa), o verbo principal perde o S, ES ou IES que se
acrescenta na conjugação da forma afirmativa.
Na forma negativa, usa-se ainda a partícula de negação
not junto com o verbo auxiliar do / does que é posicio-
nado antes do verbo principal das frases.


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QUESTÃO 05 A conjugação correta dos verbos abaixo na 3ª pessoa do
Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase singular para to fly – to stay – to Kiss – to drink é:
“John and Mary __________ in the lake”. a) flies – staies – kiss – drinkies.
a) don’t swim. b) flys – stays – kisses – drinkes.
b) doesn’t swim. c) flys – staies – kissies – drinks.
c) don’t swims. d) flies – stays – kisses – drinks.
d) doesn’t swims.
QUESTÃO 06 Marque a alternativa que tenha a frase “We cry when
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “John cries all night.”? we are sad” transformada na a 3ª pessoa do singular.
a) John doesn’t cries all night. a) I cry when I am sad.
b) John not cry all night. b) They cry when they are sad.
c) John don’t cries all night. c) She cries when she is sad.
d) John doesn’t cry all night. d) You cries when you is sad.

Everybody _______________ waiting, because the
Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “They eat vegeta-
American people ____________ working on the pro-
bles every day”?
a) Does they eat vegetables every day?
a) is / are
b) Do they eat vegetables every day?
b) are / are
c) Does they eats vegetables every day?
c) was / is
d) Do they eats vegetables every day?
d) is / is
e) are / is
Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta em rela- QUESTÃO 14
ção ao estudo do Simple Present. Smith always ___________________ to classes on
a) I washes the dishes. time.
b) They corrects the composition. a) is coming
c) You need money. b) come
d) She live in New York. c) had come
d) comes
QUESTÃO 10 e) cames
Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente o QUESTÃO 15 UFBA
verbo auxiliar to do (do / does) no Simple Present.
Escolha a pergunta cuja resposta é: “No, he isn’t”.
a) Does my friends play basketball every day?
a) Are the students cheating?
b) You doesn’t have a good English dictionary.
b) Is Mary worrying about the future?
c) She don’t work here.
c) Is Tom working in the lab?
d) Do those children study English?
d) Is the lesson interesting?
e) Does he know to enjoy his life?
Relacione as colunas e depois marque a alternativa que QUESTÃO 16 FMU-SP
contenha a seqüência correta.
My wife always ____________ too much.
(1) Do you drink milk? ( ) No, we don’t. a) worry
(2) Do they take the subway? ( ) Yes, I do. b) worries
(3) Do we like to play foot- ( ) No, she doesn’t. c) have worried
ball? ( ) No, they don’t. d) is worrying
(4) Does she speak French? e) worried
a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2
b) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4
c) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1
d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4


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a) Para se formar o gerúndio em inglês basta acrescentar
QUESTÃO 17 UFPB a terminação ING ao infinitivo sem a partícula to dos
verbos. Ex: to buy = comprar - buying = comprando
____________ Beatty usually ____________ what she to sell = vender - selling = vendendo
wants? to bark = latir - barking = latindo
a) Do / get b) Os verbos terminados em E: retira-se o E e acrescen-
b) Does / gets ta-se ING.
c) Does / get Ex: to love = amar - loving = amando
d) was / got to write = escrever - writing = escrevendo
e) is / got to drive = dirigir - driving = dirigindo
QUESTÃO 18 UFPB c) Os verbos terminados em IE: substitui-se o IE por Y
e acrescenta-se ING.
We _____________ go to school on Sundays. Ex: to tie = amarrar - tying = amarrando
a) aren’t to die = morrer - dying = morrendo
b) weren’t to lie = mentir - lying = mentindo
c) wasn’t d) Os verbos terminados em consoante / vogal / conso-
d) didn’t ante que possuem a última sílaba tônica: dobra-se a
e) don’t última consoante e acrescenta-se ING.
Ex: to cut = cortar - cutting = cortando
to swim = nadar - swimming = nadando
The children usually _________ in the afternoon, but to begin = começar - beginning = começando
now they _________ in the garden.
a) studies, are playing Porém, se o verbo terminar em W ou X não se deve
b) are studying, play dobrar a última consoante, acrescentando apenas a ter-
c) study, plays minação ING.
d) study, are playing Ex: to snow = nevar
e) studies, is playing snowing = nevando
to fix = consertar
AULA 11 - PRESENT CONTINUOS fixing = consertando
TINUOUS OU PRESENTE CON- Para se formar frases negativas no Present Continu-
TÍNUO PARA EXPRESSAR ous, basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois
do verbo to be.
a) ações que estão acontecendo no momento em que se A forma contraída do verbo to be com a partícula de
fala. Ex: I am studying English. (Eu estou estudando negação é possível também no Present Continuous.
inglês). Observe a tabela a seguir com a conjugação de dois
b) um fato que está acontecendo no momento em que se verbos.
fala, mas não necessariamente no momento exato da
fala. Ex: He is reading a very good book. (Ele está lendo 5. FORMA INTERROGATIVA
um livro muito bom).
c) ações futuras planejadas ou previstas. Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a
Ex: She is visiting John tomorrow. (Ela está indo visitar posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e inclu-
John amanhã). ir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.


O Present Continuous ou Presente Contínuo é forma-
do pelo presente simples do verbo to be (am/ is/ are) e o Geralmente usa-se advérbios de tempo em frases no
verbo principal no gerúndio, ou seja, com a terminação Present Continuous. As expressões mais usadas são:
ING.  now – agora
 at this moment – neste momento
3. FORMAÇÃO DO GERÚNDIO  at present – no presente
O gerúndio é uma das três formas nominais dos verbos e
equivale em português aos verbos terminados em ando,
endo, indo.


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Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she
QUESTÃO 01 ________________ her lesson.
a) studys
Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a b) is studied
alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse c) is studying
tempo verbal: d) studied
a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment. e) has studying
b) Paul is working in the garden at this moment.
c) Paul working in the garden at this moment.
d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment. QUESTÃO 08
John usually _______ a drink before meals but now he
QUESTÃO 02 _______ a tomato juice.
a) has, is having
Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as b) is having, has
frases a seguir no Present Continuous: c) have, is having
I – The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes. d) is having, have
II – Those boys ____________ (to look) at you. e) had, have
a) wearing / looking
b) is wear / are look
c) are wearing / is looking QUESTÃO 09
d) is wearing / are looking The children usually _________ in the afternoon, but
now they _________ in the garden.
QUESTÃO 03 a) studies, are playing
b) are studying, play
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Our children are fac- c) study, plays
ing serious problems”? d) study, are playing
a) Not our children are facing serious problems. e) studies, is playing
b) Our children not are facing serious problems.
c) Our children are not facing serious problems.
d) Our children aren’t are facing serious problems. QUESTÃO 10
You can’t see Bob because he ________ now.
QUESTÃO 04 a) rest
b) was resting
Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The cat is running c) has rest
around the table”? d) is resting
a) Running the cat is around the table? e) resting
b) Is the cat running around the table?
c) The is cat running around the table?
d) The cat is running around the table? QUESTÃO 11
Fernanda generally ________ a sandwich for lunch but
QUESTÃO 05 now she _________ an apple.
a) eat, is eating
A frase “My sisters work so much” no Present Continu- b) is eating, eats
ous seria: c) eats, is eating
a) My sisters are work so much. d) was eating, eats
b) My sisters working so much. e) was eating, eat
c) My sisters is working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much.
QUESTÃO 06 (UnB) Raphael usually __________ a good book, but at the
present moment he ________ TV.
“Hello, Ann, What are you doing?” a) had read, was watching
“I _________________ my books”. b) reads, watch
a) were looking c) has read, has watched
b) has been looking d) reads, is watching
c) looks e) read, watched
d) had looked
e) am looking for


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He can’t talk to us now because he ________ a bath. “What are Edward and Alice _______________?
a) has “Edward is _____________ his homework and Alice is
b) has having _____________ a cake.”
c) have a) doing / doing / making
d) having b) doing / making / making
e) is having c) making / doing / doing
d) making / making / making
QUESTÃO 14 e) doing / doing / doing
Smith always ___________________ to classes on
a) is coming 1. USA-SE O SIMPLES PAST
b) come
c) had come
d) comes a) ações acabadas em um tempo defini-
e) cames do no passado.
Ex: I walked to school yesterday. (Eu andei para a
QUESTÃO 15 escola ontem).
b) hábitos passados.
Usando-se corretamente os verbos “to live “e “to have” Ex: He always walked to school when he was a child.
(present tense), a frase seguinte: (Ele sempre andava para a escola quando ele era crian-
“Peter __________ in Spain and __________________ ça).
a bride there”.
ficará correta se preenchida, respectivamente, por:
a) lives – have 2. FORMA AFIRMATIVA:
b) lived – had Para a formação do Simple Past em inglês, os ver-
c) live – has bos são divididos em regulares e irregulares. Os verbos
d) lives – had regulares são aqueles que seguem regras para a forma-
e) lives – has ção do passado e os irregulares são aqueles que não
possuem regras para a formação do passado, ou seja,
QUESTÃO 16 (UF-PR) possuem uma forma ortográfica diferente da dos verbos
no infinitivo sem a partícula to.
“What _________________________? “
“Peter _____________ and Alice ________________.”
a) are Peter and Alice doing / is working / is cooking. 3. VERBOS REGULARES:
b) Peter and Alice are doing / is working / is cooking. a) Regra geral: acrescenta-se a terminação ED ao infi-
c) Do peter and Alice do / is working / is cooking. nitivo sem a partícula to do verbo.
d) Is Peter and Alice doing / is working / is cooking. Ex: to work = trabalhar - worked
e) Peter and Alice’s doing / works / cooks to talk = conversar - talked
b) Verbos terminados em E: acrescenta-se apenas D
QUESTÃO 17 (UFPB) ao infinitivo sem a partícula to do verbo.
Don’t disturb! My brothers _____________ hard now. Ex: to love = amar - loved
a) is working to dance = dançar - danced
b) was working c) Verbos terminados em Y: há dois casos.
c) been working - se o Y for precedido por vogal: acrescenta-se ED.
d) were working Ex: to play = tocar, jogar - played
e) are working to stay = ficar - stayed
- se o Y for precedido por consoante: substitui-se Y por
I e acrescenta-se ED.
QUESTÃO 18 (UFS) Ex: to try = tentar - tried
He ____________ “the Times” now, but on Sundays he to cry = chorar - cried
_______ “The Observer”. d) Verbos terminados em consoante / vogal / conso-
a) is reading / reads ante que possuem a última sílaba tônica: dobra-se a
b) read / reads última consoante e acrescenta-se ED.
c) reads / read Ex: to stop = parar - stopped
d) to read / is reading to permit = permitir – permitted
e) are reading / reads


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Qual é a forma correta do passado dos verbos sublinha-
Como já foi dito, os verbos irregulares não seguem dos na frase “The boys win the game and start to to
regras de formação do passado. Assim, consulte sempre cry”?
a lista dos verbos irregulares no final dessa lição e tente a) won – started.
memorizar os verbos à medida que forem sendo usados. b) win – startied.
Ex: to buy = comprar - bought c) wined – start.
to cut = cortar - cut d) woned – startted.
to have = ter - had
to eat = comer - até QUESTÃO 03
Observe a tabela abaixo, com a conjugação de três ver- Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
bos (regulares e irregulares) no passado simples. O “I _________to Porto Seguro last Summer” no Simple
simple past possui apenas uma forma do verbo para Past?
todas as pessoas, sem exceção. a) went.
b) to go.
VAS d) goed.
Nas formas negativa e interrogativa usa-se o verbo QUESTÃO 04
auxiliar to do na forma do passado did, que não possui
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
tradução em português. Como o próprio nome sugere,
“__________ your mother __________ to Rio last
ele apenas ajuda a formar a negativa e a interrogativa
week?” no Simple Past?
das frases no passado e é usado para todas as pessoas
a) Does – travel.
sem exceção.
b) Did – travel.
Quando se usa o verbo auxiliar did, o verbo princi-
c) Did – traveled.
pal perde a marca do passado na forma afirmativa. Ou
d) Do – traveled.
seja, os verbos regulares perdem a terminação ED e os
irregulares são usados na forma do infinitivo sem a
partícula to. QUESTÃO 05
Na forma negativa usa-se ainda a partícula de nega- De acordo com o estudo dos verbos irregulares no pas-
ção not junto com o verbo auxiliar did. Observe a con- sado, marque a alternativa que tenha uma frase correta
jugação de dois verbos na forma negativa na tabela a no Simple Past.
seguir. a) I haved a terrible headache an hour ago.
Na forma interrogativa, usa-se o verbo auxiliar did b) We done our homework last class.
no início da frase e o ponto de interrogação no final da c) They ated a hot dog.
frase. Observe a conjugação de alguns verbos na forma d) She made a delicious cake yesterday.
interrogativa na tabela abaixo.
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “He studied Biology
Geralmente usa-se advérbios e expressões de tempo nas at UnB”?
frases para expressar o Simple Past. As expressões de a) He not did study Biology at UnB.
passado mais usadas são: b) He didn’t studied Biology at UnB.
 yesterday – ontem c) He didn’t study Biology at UnB.
 ago – atrás d) He not studied Biology at UnB.
 last – passado(a)(s)
Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Mario spoke
English very well”?
QUESTÃO 01 a) Mario speak English very well?
Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase b) Did Mario speak English very well?
“The children ____________ (to eat) all the food, but c) Did Mario spoke English very well?
they didn’t ____________ (to drink) the milk” no Sim- d) Mario spoke English very well?
ple Past.
a) eat – drank.
b) ate – drink.
c) eat – drink.
d) ate – drank.

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QUESTÃO 08 Paul ___________ half the work, when they
Qual é a resposta correta para a pergunta: “Did they ___________ in.
like it?”? a) finished, came
a) Yes, you did. b) has finished, came
b) No, they like not. c) had finished, had come
c) No, I didn’t. d) has finished, had come
d) Yes, they did. e) had finished, came

Observe as frases abaixo: Paul ___________ in Germany since 1998.
I – They arrived at the theater at 9 o’clock. a) lived
II – I saw him a year ago. b) has lived
III – She is my best friend. c) will live
IV – Mary slept 12 hours yesterday. d) lives
Quantas frases estão no Simple Past? e) live
a) uma.
c) três.
QUESTÃO 10 a) ações que estavam acontecendo em
Qual é o passado dos verbos: to take – to change – to um determinado momento do passado.
carry – to write? Ex: They were studying five minutes ago. (Eles esta-
a) took – changed – carried – wrote. vam estudando cinco minutos atrás).
b) taked – changed – carryed – writed. b) uma ação que estava acontecendo quando uma outra
c) taked – changeed – carried – written. ação ocorreu. Neste caso, usa-se WHEN (quando) para
d) took – changeed – carryed – wrote. relacionar as duas ações.
Ex: He was having dinner when the phone rang. (Ele
QUESTÃO 11 estava jantando quando o telefone tocou).
c) duas ações que estavam acontecendo no mesmo mo-
Passe a frase “I think she drives madly and keeps mento do passado. Neste caso, usa-se WHILE (enquan-
having accidents” para o Simple Past. Qual to) para relacionar as duas ações.
é a alternativa correta? Ex: She was cleaning the house while he was washing
a) I thought she drived madly and kept having accidents. the dishes. (Ela estava limpando a casa enquanto ele
b) I thought she drove madly and kept having accidents. estava lavando a louça).
c) I thinked she drived madly and keeped having acci-
d) I thought she drove madly and keeped having acci-
dents. O Past Continuous ou Passado Contínuo é forma-
do pelo passado simples do verbo to be (was / were) e
pelo verbo principal no gerúndio, ou seja, com a termi-
QUESTÃO 12 nação ING. Se houver dúvidas em relação à formação
De acordo com o estudo do Simple Past, quantos verbos do gerúndio em inglês, volte à lição sobre o Present
regulares estão destacados na frase “He stopped at the Continuos no item Formação do Gerúndio.
traffic lights, waited and began to drive through the
main road”? FORMA NEGATIVA
a) nenhum. Para se formar frases negativas no Past Continuous
b) um. basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do
c) dois. verbo to be (was / were). A forma contraída do verbo to
d) três. be com a partícula de negação é possível também no
Past Continuous.
Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e inclu-
ir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.


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Qual é a forma negativa da frase “It was raining outsi-
QUESTÃO 01 de”?
a) It not was raining outside.
Complete as frases abaixo, com o Past Continuous e b) It was not raining outside.
depois marque a alternativa com a seqüência correta dos c) It not wasn’t raining outside.
verbos. d) Not it was raining outside.
I – The baby _________ (to cry) 10 minutes ago.
II – Alan ______ (to smoke) his pipe in his room. QUESTÃO 08
III – Tom and Ted ____ (to look) at the car in the gar- Qual é a forma interrogaiva frase “The children were
age. looking for the cat”?
a) was crying – was smoking – were looking. a) Were the children looking for the cat?
b) was crying – was smoking – was looking. b) The were children looking for the cat?
c) were crying – were smoking – were looking. c) The children were looking for the cat?
d) were crying – were smoking – was looking. d) Looking the children were for the cat?

Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja na forma FEI 1997
correta do Past Continuous. When she _____ I _____ to do my work.
a) He was read a comic book. a) has arrived – had tried
b) The boys playing chess. b) arrived – was trying
c) We were at school. c) arrives – was trying
d) I was studying for the test. d) has arrived – has tried
e) arrived – try
“My father _______________ on the sofa”? QUESTÃO 10
a) was sleeping. UEL
b) were sleeping. Samuel Ryder _____ a friendly game between some
c) were sleep. British professionals and the American players.
d) was sleep. a) is watching
b) watches
QUESTÃO 04 c) will watch
“________ the boys ____________ TV an hour ago? d) was watching
a) Was – watch. e) has watched
b) Were – watch.
c) Was – watching. AULA 14 – FUTURE
d) Were – watching.
QUESTÃO 05 Usa-se o Simple Future ou Futuro Sim-
“She _________________ a shower when her cell ples para:
phone ______________”? a) expressar fatos e acontecimentos que
a) was having – ringing. certamente ocorrerão.
b) was having – rang. Ex: He will travel tomorrow. (Ele viajará amanhã).
c) were having – rang. b) indicar decisões tomadas no momento da fala.
d) were having – ringing. Ex: The phone is ringing. I will answer it. (O telefone
está tocando. Eu atenderei).
QUESTÃO 06 c) oferecer ou pedir ajuda.
Ex: Who will help me? (Quem me ajudará?)
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
“While the teacher __________ the subject, the students
__________________”? Forma Afirmativa
a) were explain – was talk. O Simple Future é formado pelo verbo auxiliar Will e
b) was explain – were talk. pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, sem a partícula to.
c) was explaining – were talking. O Simple Future, assim como o Simple Past, possui
d) were explaining – was talking. apenas uma forma para todas as pessoas sem exceção. O

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auxiliar Will irá conjugar o verbo principal no que Expressões usadas no Immediate Future
equivale ao futuro do presente em português.
As expressões de tempo usadas no Immediate Future
são as mesmas usadas no Simple Future. As mais usadas
Forma Negativa
Para se formar frases negativas no Simple Future, basta  soon – logo
acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do verbo  tomorrow – amanhã
auxiliar Will. Há duas possibilidades de contração na  tonight – hoje à noite
forma negativa entre o verbo auxiliar will e a partícula  next – próximo(a)
de negação not: sujeito + ‘ll + not ou sujeito + won’t
(will + not).

Forma Interrogativa
Para formar frases interrogativas, deve-se inverter a QUESTÃO 01
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo auxiliar will Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja no Simple
e incluir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase. Future.
a) They didn’t watch TV.
Expressões usadas no Simple Future b) She will watch TV tonight.
c) We will travel next week.
As expressões de tempo mais usadas no Simple Future
d) I will study for the test.
 soon – logo
 tomorrow – amanhã QUESTÃO 02
 tonight – hoje à noite Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
 next – próximo(a) “I ________________ free time tomorrow” no Simple
a) will to have.
IMMEDIATE FUTURE b) have will.
c) will have.
Usa-se o Immediate Future ou Futuro Imediato para: d) have.
a) ações que vão ocorrer no futuro próximo.
Ex: It is going to rain. The sky is dark. (Vai chover. O QUESTÃO 03
céu está escuro). Complete a frase “The stores ___________ early this
b) planos ou intenções. afternoon” com o verbo no Simple Future e depois mar-
Ex: I am going to visit her tonight. (Eu vou visitá-la que a alternativa correta.
hoje à noite). a) will closing.
c) probabilidade. b) will closes.
Ex: She is probably going to buy a car next month. (Ela c) will closed.
provavelmente irá comprar um carro no próximo mês). d) will close.

Forma Afirmativa
O Immediate Future é formado pelo presente simples Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the
do verbo to be (am / is / are), pelo gerúndio do verbo to house”?
go (going) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo, com a a) Paul not will paint the house.
partícula to. b) Paul won’t paint the house.
c) Paul not will painted the house.
Forma Negativa d) Paul won’t painted the house.
Para se formar frases negativas no Immediate Future,
basta acrescentar a partícula de negação not depois do QUESTÃO 05
verbo to be. A forma contraída do verbo to be com a Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The computers
partícula de negação é muito usada. will decide our future”?
a) The computers will decide our future?
Forma Interrogativa b) The computers won’t decide our future?
Para formar frases interrogativas deve-se inverter a c) The will computers decide our future?
posição do pronome (sujeito) com o verbo to be e inclu- d) Will the computers decide our future?
ir o ponto de interrogação no final da frase.


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QUESTÃO 06 Observe a frase “Ruan divides the murderers into two
Qual alternativa corresponde à transformação da frase groups”. Transformando-a para o future imediato será:
“They don’t have the usual signs” para o Simple Futu- a) Ruan are going to divide the murderers into two
re? groups.
a) They won’t have the usual signs. b) Ruan will divide the murderers into two groups.
b) They will have the usual signs. c) Ruan going to divide the murderers into two groups.
c) They have the usual signs. d) Ruan is going to divide the murderers into two
d) They having the usual signs. groups.

Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase Choose the right alternative according to the Simple
“The boy _________________ popcorn” no Immediate Future Tense. She _________________________ to the
Future. party.
a) am going to eat. a) will wents
b) are going to eat. b) ’ll goes
c) is going to eat. c) will goes
d) be going to eat. d) will go

Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase His flowers _______________ better if he
“____________________ more tonight?”? _______________ them more carefully.
a) Is he going to study. a) would grow – waters.
b) Is going he to study. b) would have grown – had watered
c) He is going to study. c) would have grow – watered
d) Going he is to study. d) will grow – watered
e) will grew – will water
Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma negativa da
frase “Glenda is going to visit you”. QUESTÃO 15
a) Glenda not is going to visit you. Those students _______________ if they
b) Glenda not going to visit you. _______________ hard.
c) Glenda isn’t not going to visit you. a) will succeed – work
d) Glenda is not going to visit you. b) succeed – will work
c) succeeded – had worked
QUESTÃO 10 d) will succeeded – worked
e) n.d.a.
Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma interrogativa da
frase “You are going to have lunch with them”.
a) You are going to have lunch with them? QUESTÃO 16
b) Are you going to have lunch with them? If _______________, you’d have had a good time.
c) Not are you going to have lunch with them? a) you go
d) Going you are to have lunch with them? b) you’d gone
c) you were gone
QUESTÃO 11 d) you was gone
e) you went
Qual é a alternativa que possui uma frase no Immediate
a) I will arrive at 10 o’clock.
b) They are having dinner now.
c) My family is going to move to São Paulo.
d) The girls were looking at you.


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to start – started / to live – lived / to cry – cried
AULA 15 – PERFECT TENSE  Se o verbo for irregular: forma própria
to give – given (consultar a lista de verbos irregulares no
link do lado esquerdo do Blog)
a) Expressar uma ação que aconteceu
num passado recente, porém não de-
terminado, ou seja, quando não se sabe
ou não se quer dizer quando aconteceu:
Ex.: I have painted the room. QUESTÃO 01 UNESP
b) Expressar ações ou eventos passados completamente
terminados, desde que tenham importância para o pre-
sente: Assinale a alternativa correta:
Ex.: Sam is well now. He has been to a doctor. a) I live here since 1970.
c) Expressar ações que começaram no passado e se b) I have lived here since 1970.
prolongam até o presente. Nesse caso, o present perfect c) I am living here since 1970.
tense é bastante usado com: d) I will live here since 1970.
1. Since (desde) indica o início da ação. e) I would live here since 1970.
Ex.: Judy has lived in Australia since 2000.
2. For (por, há, durante) indica a duração da ação. QUESTÃO 02 ITA
Ex.: I have lived in Australia for ten years. She has been in the United States _____ two months.
d) Também pode expressar a ação que acabou de acon- a) for only
tecer, caso em que se usa o advérbio just (agora mes- b) since only
mo). c) since
Ex.: I have just painted the room. d) from
e) none
Outros advérbios comumente empregados com o Pre-
sent Perfect neste uso são:
already (já), em frases afirmativas: he has already Assinale a alternativa que contém o uso correto do tem-
painted the room. po
yet (já, ainda), em perguntas e frases negativas: Has she verbal "present perfect", como no exemplo a seguir:
washed the car yet? We haven’t lived in Scotland yet. Evidence has begun to show that animals have per-
ever (já, alguma vez), em perguntas: Has he ever visited sonalities after all.
Disney World? a) Brazil has won the world cup in 2002.
never (nunca), em frases com sentido negativo: he has b) When America was discovered, Indians have lived in
never visited Disney World. the
land for a long time.
Forma : c) Her grandfather has won the lottery.
Sujeito + verbo to have + verbo principal (partícipio d) They have finished their assignment before the end of
passado do verbo principal). class.
e) The president has arrived from Europe the previous
Afirmativa night.
Ex.: I/You/We/They have painted.
He/She/It has painted. QUESTÃO 04 AFA
Formas contratas: I’ve = I have (I’ve; You’ve; We’ve;
Read the ad and answer the question:
They’ve) / He’s = He has (He’s; She’s; It’s)
Lockheed Martin and Sikorsby. Working together for
three decades, this team _____(I) and integrated
_____(II) any other team in the world. That includes the
Ex.: I/You/We/They have not (haven’t) painted.
SH-60B, _____(III) the new MH-60R and MH60S pro-
He/She/It has not (hasn’t) painted.
grams. This _____(IV) delivers the proven Naval Hawk
airframe with advanced multi-mission avionics capabili-
ties to the U.S. Navy and navies worldwide – together
Have I/You/We/They painted?
we deliver _____(V) naval capability to _____(VI)
Has He/She/It painted?
customers. (SiKorsKy)
A United Technology Company
Sobre o verbo principal:
– Fill in the blanks correctly with grammatical subjects
O verbo principal (main verb) deve ficar no particípio
passado (past participle).
have been asked in the questions below:
 Se o verbo for regular: verbo + -ed / -d / -ied

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I. Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verb to build. QUESTÃO 08
II. Use a Comparative form of Superiority.
III. Use a Comparative form of Equality. FATEC
IV. Use the right Possessive case of nouns. This computer _________ since 1989
V. Use the Superlative form of an adjective. a) Used
VI. Use the right Pronoun. b) Is using
a) has built/ more naval helicopters than/ as well as/ c) Has been used
team’s d) Did use
synergy/ the best/ our. e) None
b) have build/ many naval helicopters as/ so good as/
teams’ QUESTÃO 09
synergy/ the better/ ours.
c) had build/ much more helicopters than/ less well as/ VUNESP
team a) I live here since 1970
synergy’s/ more and more/ us. b) I have lived here since 1970
d) has builded/ less helicopters than/ not so bad as/ team c) I am living here since 1970
synegys’s/ the most/ we. d) I will live here since 1970
e) I would live here since 1970.
Find the correct use of the Present Perfect Tense: QUESTÃO 10 VUNESP
1) I've answered all the questions.
2) He has stayed in that position for half an hour. Assinale a alternativa correta:
3) Jane's written a book. a) I live here since 1970.
4) The writer has written a new book last year. b)I have lived here since 1970.
5) Lice has been a problem to mankind for years. c) I am living here since 1970.
6) Some thieves have robbed the bank a week ago. d) I will live here since 1970.
7) My men has slept for five hours. e) I would live here since 1970
– Choose the right alternative:
a) 1 – 2 – 5 – 7
b) 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 QUESTÃO 11 FUVEST
c) 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 Have you ... the correct alternative?
d) 2 – 3 – 7 a) choose
e) 1 – 2 b) chase
c) choosed
QUESTÃO 06 PUC d) chose
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as e) chosen
Jonh has lived in that same house....many years, actual- QUESTÃO 12 FCC
ly....he was a little boy.
a) for - since I want a pair of shoes. I ... a new pair since 1980.
b) about - for a) had
c) since - since b) don’t have
d) for - for c) haven’t had
e) for – about d) have
e) didn’t have
He_____ in bed for two weeks now. QUESTÃO 13 FCC
a) Is being Ever since she got the flu, she very weak.
b) as a) Has
c) will be b) ‘II be
d) has been c) was
e ) had been d) ‘s been
e) were


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(deveria), must (deve), ought to (precisa) e used to
QUESTÃO 14 FATEC (costumava).

Assinale a alternativa que tem o mesmo significado do ▪ Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habi-
seguinte enunciado: lidade.
It’s now December. I haven’t seen a good filme since Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
September. I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
a) I’ve seen a good film for September. ▪ Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que
b) I’ve seen a good fiml for December. no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de pode-
c) I haven’t seen a good filme therre months ago. ria, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu po-
d) I haven’t seen a good film for three months.
dia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de
e) I haven’t seen a good film since three months.
QUESTÃO 15 ITA Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please?
(Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por
A alternativa que corretamente preenche a lacuna de
▪ May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no
“Her hands have strong smell because she ... the floor.”
presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para
pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos
a) has recently polishing
mais formais que o can.
b) has just polished It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
c) is polished May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
d) is polish ▪ Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no pas-
e) is just polishing sado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo
QUESTÃO 16 PUC à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir
“Do you want a cigarette?” almoçar com a gente amanhã).
“No, thanks. I’ve ... smoked one.” ▪ Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conse-
a) just lho.
b) only You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médi-
c) still co).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fu-
d) yet
e) ever ▪ Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
QUESTÃO 17 SANTA CASA You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
How long ... on the research? ▪ Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábito do
a) you work passado.
b) worked you I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costu-
c) you are working mava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
d) has you worked She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old.
e. have you been worked (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de

Os verbos modais são verbos distintos

dos outros, pois possuem característi- QUESTÃO 01
cas próprias, como:
Na expressão :”You could drive a bus?” O verbo mo-
1. Não precisam de auxiliares;
dal destacado significa:
2. Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no
a) posso
infinitivo, só que sem o “to”;
b) poderia
3. Não sofrem alteração nas terceiras pessoas do
c) pudesse
singular no presente. Logo, eles nunca recebem “s”,
d) podemos
“es” ou “ies”.

São verbos modais: can (pode), could (poderia),

may (pode, poderia), might (pode, poderia), should

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a) might.
QUESTÃO 02 b) must.
c) will.
Qual dos verbos modais ,preenche corretamente o es- d) can.
paço abaixo, dando idéia de possibilidade real e modo
informal? *__________ I come in, Dr. Peter?
a) Might QUESTÃO 09
b)Can Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase
c) Could “________ you play the keyboard?” (Você ________
d) May tocar teclado?)?
a) May.
QUESTÃO 03 b) Can.
c) Shall.
Identify the simple conditional in the sentence:” I d) Would.
would like to study”
b) would Qual é a forma negativa da frase “They could work
c) like together”?
d) study a) Not they could work together.
b) They not could work together.
QUESTÃO 04 c) They could not work together.
d) They could work together not.
Complete a frase “I’m sure she isn’t here. She
__________ be ta home” com o verbo modal adequado.
a) must. QUESTÃO 11
b) can. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “I should have
c) will. lunch with him”?
d) shall. a) Have I should lunch with him?
b) Do I should have lunch with him?
QUESTÃO 05 c) I should have lunch with him?
d) Should I have lunch with him?
Marque a alternativa que corresponda à tradução corre-
ta da frase “Ele não deveria ter feito isso!”.
a) He musn’t have done that. QUESTÃO 12
b) He cannot have done that. Marque a alternativa que tenha a correspondência corre-
c) He wouldn’t have done that. ta entre o verbo modal da frase e o uso desse verbo.
d) He shouldn’t have done that. a) Everybody would like to live in a better world. –
Indica certeza.
QUESTÃO 06 b) Ted might get a job soon. – Probabilidade remota.
c) We shall leave work at 6 p.m. – Indica expectativa.
Marque a alternativa cuja frase não apresente um Modal d) Carol must be at school now. – Dedução.
a) You shouldn’t drink much.
b) May I ask you a question? QUESTÃO 13
c) She had gone to Italy. Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmações abaixo:
d) We must obbey the law. 1 Os Modal Verbs não são considerados verbos auxilia-
QUESTÃO 07 2 Eles não usam verbos auxiliares para formar a negati-
va e a interrogativa.
A frase “You mustn’t take medicine” expressa: 3 Os verbos modais são invariáveis.
a) uma ordem. 4 O Modal Verb Shall é usado apenas em situações
b) uma obrigação. formais.
c) uma advertência. 5 Quando se quer indicar uma habilidade no passado
d) uma proibição. usa-se o modal Can.

Usando os verbos modais, complete a frase “We
_________ go to the club. It depends on the weather”
(Nós _______ ir ao clube. Vai depender do clima.)


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I told Mary what to do, but maybe I _____ told her how Os phrasal verbs na Língua Portugue-
to do it. sa são os verbos preposicionados, onde
a) Have temos uma relação de concordância
b) Must have entre verbo e preposição ou verbo e
c) Will have advérbio. Na situação em questão anali-
d) Should have saremos os verbos + preposições. O verbo ganha uma
e) Can have partícula que dará vários significados ao verbo na ora-
QUESTÃO 15 To Call – chamar
Call for – exigir, requerer.
Which is the correct sentence?
Exemplo: This work calls for a lot of patience.
a) Orderly citizens must pay all their bills.
Call in – convidar
b) Orderly citizens ought pay all their bills.
Call of – cancelar
c) Orderly citizens should to pay all their bills.
Exemplo: I’m going to call off my medical appointment
d) Orderly citizens might pay all their bills.
because I feel much better now.
Call out – gritar para
QUESTÃO 16 Call up – telefonar
It ought ____ long ago. Exemplo: They called up the man.
a) Have been done To come – vir
b) To have being done Come across – encontrar por acaso
c) Have being doing Come down – descer
d) To have been done Come in – entrar
Come off – sair, desprender-se
Come on – entrar em cena
QUESTÃO 17 Come out – sair
Come up – subir, surgir
____ I smoke here? Yes, but you _____ throw ashes on
the floor. To get – adquiri, obter
a) May – should Get along with – dar-se bem com alguém
b) Might – must not Get away – escaper
c) Can – mustn’t Get away with – safar-se
d) Could – ought to Get in – entrar
e) Would – shouldn’t Get into – entrar
Get off – descer, apesar de
QUESTÃO 18 Get on – subir, montar
“Ele não deveria ter feito isso” in English is: Get on with – continuar
a) He mustn’t have made it. Get out – sair
b) He shouldn’t have done that. Exemplo: Get out of here!
c) He could not have made it. Get over – superar, livra-se de
d) He cannot have done that. Get over with – terminar, acabar
Get up – levantar-se
Exemplo: I usually get up early.
QUESTÃO 19 To give – dar
It _____ rain. You _____ take and umbrella. Give away – doar
a) must – ought to Exemplo: She gave away her old dress.
b) may – should Give back – devolver
c) should – may Give in – ceder, entregar-se
d) must – might Give off – exalar
e) ought to – might Give onto – dar para
Give up – desistir
To go – ir
Go after – ir atrás, perseguir
Go at – atacar lançar-se sobre
Go away – ir embora
Go down – descer
Go for – ir buscar

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Go off – exploder Exemplo: I’m going to drink tonight and don’t try to
Go on – continuar talk me out of it.
Go out – sair Take over – assumir chefia, direção
Go over – rever, repassar
Go with – combinar com
Go up – subir
To look – olhar
Look after – cuidar de QUESTÃO 01 MACKENZIE
Exemplo: Could you look after the children this even- Choose the correct alternative which indicates the
ing? meaning of blow over in the following sentence:
Look at – olhar para They're hoping that this crisis will BLOW OVER
Look down on – menosprezar and be forgotten.
Look for – procurar a) happen suddenly and make you able to accept a
Exemplo: What are you looking for? pleasant
Look forward – aguardar ansiosamente experience.
Look into – examinar, analisar b) explode.
Look out – tomar cuidado c) succeed in spite of difficulties.
Look up – consultar (livro, literatura) d) become stronger and cause trouble for other people.
Look up to – admirar e) pass without doing harm.
Exemplo: You have to look up the dollar exchange rate
every day.
To make – fazer
Make into – transformer Find the correct alternative:
Make off – fugir, escaper a) to put on – to remove
Make out – preencher (cheque) b) to put out – to increase
Make out – entender, captar c) to put off – to dress
Make up – inventar, criar d) to put on weight – to grow fat
Exemplo: You can attend classes on Saturdays to make e) to put together – to keep
up for the classes you missed.
Make up – fazer as pazes QUESTÃO 03 FUVEST
To put – pôr, colocar
Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a seguinte
Put aside – guardar, economizer
Put away – guardar, pôr no lugar
I have run out of vinegar.
Put off – adiar
a) Corri para buscar vinagre.
Exemplo: I think I’ll have to put off my dental appoint-
b) Derramei o vinagre.
c) Preciso sair para pegar vinagre.
Put on – vestir
d) Meu vinagre acabou.
Put out – pôr para for a
e) Joguei fora o vinagre.
Exemplo: The firemen put out the fire.
Put up – hospedar
Put up with – tolerar, suportar QUESTÃO 04 MACKENZIE
To run – corer Choose the correct alternative. Indicate the meaning of
Run after – correr atrás catch on to in the following sentence:
Run away – fugir We didn't quite CATCH ON TO what the teacher
Run down – escorrer said.
Run into – encontrar inesperadamente a) reach the same standard or level
Run out of – ficar sem b) hear
Run over – atropelar c) confirm
Exemplo: He ran over my bicycle with his car. d) believe
To take – tomar, levar e) understand
Take after – puxar, assemelhar-se
Take away – levar embora
Exemplo: Take it away from here.
Take down – anotar
Take in – enganar
Take off – tirar
Exemplo: Take your coat off!
Take on – contratar
Take out – levar para for a

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QUESTÃO 05 UNESP The only option in which MAKE UP has the same
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a meaning as immigrants make up only 12% of today's
sentença workforce is:
a seguir: He took _____ his hat. a) The committee is made up of representatives from all
a) off the
b) out university.
c) in b) You must make up what you owe before the end of
d) into the
e) on month.
c) She never goes without making herself up first.
QUESTÃO 06 UECE d) I can make up a bed for you on the floor.
e) He made up an incredible story about his holiday.
SPLIT UP in After getting stores and various other
commodities together in Mamfe, John and I decided
split up means that: AFA
a) they decided to separate. Qual alternativa possui os três verbos na ordem natural
b) they decided to end their relationship. de
c) they decided to stay together. seu uso?
d) they decided to talk over their plans. a) wake up/sleep/get up
e) they decided to sleep together. b) sleep/get up/wake up
c) get up/wake up/sleep
QUESTÃO 07 CESGRANRIO d) sleep/wake up/get up

The verb to go may be followed by many adverbial QUESTÃO 11

particles EFOMM
and prepositions that add different meanings to it. “Is that my new TV in that package?’
Match the “Yes, just _____.”
two columns and then mark the correct alternative: a) open it up, take it out, plug it in and turn it on.
I – go up b) open it up, take it off, plug it on and turn it on.
II – go on c) take it out, open it on, plug it off and turn it up.
III – go away d) take it in, plug it out, turn it down and open it up.
IV – go by e) open it out, take it up, turn it on and plug it on.
R. continue
S. leave
U. move
V. pass
– Mark the correct match. Assinale a alternativa que traduz melhor a seguinte
a) I – T; II – U; III – S; IV – R sentença:
b) I – T; II – R; III – S; IV – V I can't tell one from the other.
c) I – T; II – V; III – U; IV – R a) Não distingo uma da outra.
d) I – U; II – R; III – S; IV – V b) Não conto com nenhuma outra.
e) I – U; II – V; III – S; IV – R c) Não falo com nenhuma outra.
d) Não posso falar de uma para outra.
e) Não posso dizer para a outra.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
The woman is TAKING CARE of her baby.
– She is:
a) looking back on her baby.
b) looking for her baby.
c) looking after her baby.
d) looking down on her baby.
e) looking over her baby.


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VA: You must shut these doors. (Você deve fechar estas
QUESTÃO 13 ITA portas.)
VP: These doors must be shut. (Estas portas devem ser
A expressão BREAK OUT em During a poker match, VA: People have seen wolves in the streets. (As pessoas
an têm visto lobos nas ruas.)
argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. VP: Wolves have been seen in the streets. (Lobos têm
Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, sido vistos nas ruas.)
the animals realize how they cannot tell the differ- O agente da passiva (sujeito da voz ativa) não deve
ence ser mencionado a menos que ele seja importante para o
between the pigs and the humans significa: entendimento da sentença passiva.
a) to make a sudden, quick advance. Ex.: Hemingway wrote that book. (Hemingway
b) to bring or come to an end. escreveu aquele livro.)
c) to develop suddenly. That book was written by Hemingway. (Aquele livro foi
d) to force or make a way through. escrito por Hemingway.)
e) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently.
Quando o verbo tem dois objetos (direto e indireto),
QUESTÃO 14 JFS são possíveis duas formas de passiva. É mais comum
que o objeto indireto (geralmente pessoa) torne-se o
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below meaningfully: sujeito da passiva.
1. _____ the computer _____ and let's go. Ex.: They offered flowers to the Queen. (Flowers =
2. Her new boyfriend _____ her _____ on their sec- objeto direto; the queen = objeto indireto)
ond 1ª forma: The queen was offered flowers.
date. 2ª forma: Flowers were offered to the queen.
3. She _____ the flu after being sick for a week.
a) 1. Shut … down – 2. stood … up – 3. got over
b) 1. Shut … down – 2. stood … down – 3. got down
c) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … over – 3. got over
d) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … down – 3. got down QUESTÃO 01
e) 1. Shut … off – 2. stood … up – 3. got on Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma ativa da
frase a seguir:
A detailed description [...] is given.
AULA 17 – PHRASAL VERBS a) The authors give a detailed description.
b) The authors will give a detailed description.
As vozes do verbo estabelecem a relação
c) The authors have given a detailed description.
entre o sujeito e a ação expressa elo ver-
d) The authors gave a detailed description.
bo. O sujeito pratica ou sofre a ação, isto
e) The authors will have given a detailed description.
é, o sujeito é agente ou paciente. Quando
o sujeito é o agente, temos a VOZ ATI-
VA e quando o sujeito é o paciente, temos a VOZ PAS- QUESTÃO 02 UNITAU
SIVA. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz ativa da
O uso da voz passiva é semelhante à língua portugue- sentença a seguir:
sa. Usa-se a voz passiva, em inglês, quando o sujeito é The 1994 cup was hosted by the United States.
indefinido, equivalente ao sujeito indeterminado da a) The United States hosted the 1994 Cup.
língua portuguesa. b) The United States will host the 1994 Cup.
c) The United States have hosted the 1994 Cup.
E estrutura básica e geral da voz passiva é: SUJEITO +
d) The United States had hosted the 1994 Cup.
e) The United States will have hosted the 1994 Cup.
O sujeito da voz passiva é o objeto da voz ativa.
1) O verbo auxiliar to be é usado no mesmo tempo que
o verbo principal da voz ativa.
2) O verbo principal na voz passiva aparece sempre no
particípio passado.

VOZ ATIVA: They broke the window. (Quebraram a

VOZ PASSIVA: The window was broken. (A janela foi


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Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a Choose the correct form in the passive voice for Mr.
lacuna da frase a seguir: Brown gave us a lesson:
Those people are happy because they _____ love in a) We had given a lesson.
their childhood. b) A lesson will be given us by Mr. Brown.
a) was given c) A lesson is being given us by Mr. Brown.
b) has given d) We were giving a lesson.
c) were given e) We were given a lesson by Mr. Brown.
d) have being given
e) be given QUESTÃO 09 MACKENZIE
The Passive Voice of "Man has made the world much
QUESTÃO 04 MACKENZIE more complex" is:
Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: a) Much more complex has made the world.
They feed the seals twice a week. b) The world was been made much more complex by
a) The seals are fed twice a week. man.
b) The seals are feeded twice a week. c) Much more complex was the world made.
c) The seals are found twice a week. d) Complex has been made the world much more by
d) Twice a week they are feeding the seals. man.
e) The seals are being fed twice a week. e) The world has been made much more complex.


Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice: This sentence is in the PASSIVE VOICE:
Somebody left the lights on all night. Women are warned by doctors.
a) All night somebody left the lights. – The ACTIVE VOICE is:
b) The lights are left on all night. a) Doctors warn women.
c) The lights didn't leave on all night. b) Women warn doctors.
d) The lights were left on all night. c) Doctors are warned by women.
e) The lights was left on all night. d) Women are being warned.
e) Doctors warned women.
Change the following sentence to the Passive Voice:
You don't need to wind this wonderful watch. Choose the correct active voice form for "They have
a) This wonderful watch isn't needed to be wind. been widely praised":
b) This wonderful watch doesn't need to winded. a) The press had widely praised them.
c) This wonderful watch doesn't need to be wound. b) People praised them widely.
d) This wonderful watch don't need to be wounded. c) One has widely praised them.
e) You don't need to be wounded by this wonderful d) The press has widely praised them.
watch. e) People has widely praised them.


Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
lacuna da frase a seguir: "He was elected". Indique a forma ativa:
In many parts of the world, the future productivity a) He elects.
of b) He elected.
the soil _____ by man's ill use of it. c) He had elected.
a) endangers d) He has elected.
b) endangered e) He is electing.
c) will endanger
d) are endangered
e) is endangered


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We’re going riding this afternoon.
AULA 18 – SUBJUCTIVE | IMPERATIVE | When are you going shopping? As soon as we get our


O modo imperativo é usado para dar QUESTÃO 01 UNESP

conselhos, instruções e ordens. Ele também pode ser Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
usado para: sentença
 dar sugestões: a seguir:
Ex.: Try this coat on. It is very nice and cheap. Most people cannot learn verbs without _____ them.
 Encorajar alguém: a) to study
Ex.: Go, Lakers, go! (em uma torcida). b) studying
Fazer um pedido: c) study
Ex.: Call a taxi for me, please. d) studied
Bring me some water. e) studies


Assinale a alternativa correta:
O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo tal qual se
Nothing can be done except _____ the results of the
encontra num dicionário. Pode aparecer na frase com ou
sem o “to”. O gerúndio é o verbo com a terminação –
a) to waiting
b) waits
c) to wait
O infinitivo com “to” é de uso mais amplo apare-
d) waiting
cendo após a grande maioria dos verbos, adjetivos,
e) wait
advérbios, nomes, pronomes, etc:

I expect to be there. QUESTÃO 03 UEL

This car is hard to park. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
She knows where to find the keys. lacuna da frase abaixo:
He stopped _____ only after the doctor said he was
Também pode indicar propósito, finalidade: going to die.
They went there to buy something = They went there in a) drank
order to buy something. b) drink
c) drinks
Use o infinitivo sem o “to”: d) drinking
e) to drink
1. após modal verbs (can, could, must, etc.)
2. após os auxiliares do-does-did-will-would QUESTÃO 04 UNESP
3. após had better, would rather, rather than
4. após as preposições but e except: She did nothing
but complain. Both Mary and Roger enjoy _____ tennis.
5. após os verbos make e let: You make me feel brand a) plays
new. b) play
Let me help you! c) to playing
d) playing
O gerúndio é usado como substantivo nas funções de e) played
sujeito, objeto indireto ou objeto indireto (após
preposição use sempre o gerúndio): QUESTÃO 05 MACKENZIE
Indicate the correct alternative:
1. Swimming is his favourite sport. I had hoped _____ my letter.
2. He likes swimming. a) her answer
3. They were prevented from swimming.É usado tam- b) her answering
bém após os verbos go e come indicando atividade c) that she answer
física, e na expressão go shopping: d) that she would answer
e) to her answer

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06. I regretted answering like that. I was sorry _____ so. QUESTÃO 10 MACKENZIE
a) to have done
b) in doing
c) to do Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
d) to be doing ing
e) for do sentence:
The teacher mentioned some changes that we can
expect _____ by the year 2000.
a) have been taking place
QUESTÃO 06 FEI b) to take place
c) to have taken place
Excuse _____ you. d) taking place
a) me to interrupt e) have had taken place
b) me for interrupt
c) me for interrupting
d) me in interrupting
e) me to interrupting

Assinale a alternativa correta:
Would you mind coming with me? I'd like _____.
a) you to come
b) to come
c) coming
d) you coming
e) you come

The best time _____ an international call is between 11
p.m. and 8 a.m.
a) you for to make AGORA, ALUNO, VÁ À LUTA!!!
b) for you make
c) that you to make
d) that to make you
e) for you to make

Indicate the alternative that best completes the follow-
ing sentence:
The teacher mentioned some changes that we can
expect _____ by the year 2000.
a) have been taking place
b) to take place
c) to have taken place
d) taking place
e) have had taken place


Which of the following sentences is not in the Impera-

tive Mood?
a) Get plenty of calcium.
b) Don’t mess too much with your hair.
c) But, be patient with those who supply it.
d) Painting over the ugly parts.
e) But trust me on the sunscreen.

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