Verb Tenses
Verb Tenses
Verb Tenses
Leonardo Pontes
Verb Tenses
6. GERUND 15
16.1 GABARITO 92
1. Introdução
Aqui iniciamos maisuma aula de nosso curso. Não se trata de uma aula qualquer, mas sim
da aula mais densa e com mais conteúdo essencial de todo o curso! Essa é, certamente, uma
das mais importantes aulas para a sua preparação. Estamos falando da aula de verbos.
Os verbos são uma classe gramatical essencial para que você compreenda textos de
forma geral. São os verbos que te permitem identificar se determinado trecho está no presente,
passado ou futuro. Nessa aula, nós veremos todos os tempos verbais que você precisa para
estar 100% preparado para o concurso. Sim, eu disse TODOS os tempos verbais que você pode
precisar na sua prova.
Verbo é a classe gramatical responsável por exprimir ação, são a verdadeira alma da
língua! Sem verbo, não há oração. Ao entender os verbos e suas conjugações, podemos
entender qualquer texto com muito mais facilidade, pois eles nos mostram qual o assunto sendo
tratado pelo texto.
Seu trabalho aqui será estudar constantemente os tempos verbais e se familiarizar com
eles, pois é só praticando muito que assimilamos esse tópico de forma que reconhecer e
conjugar os verbos se torne algo mais “natural” para você. Trabalhe duro nisso! Work on it!
Conforme dito anteriormente, os verbos são essenciais para que você possa construir um
raciocínio e, portanto, um assunto do qual não se pode escapar, e mais do que isso, um assunto
que precisa ser muito bem compreendido para garantir que você possa fazer uma excelente
Vamos começar a ver os tempos verbais, mas não sem, antes, entendermos o famosíssimo
verbo to be. Ele é base de todos os verbos, pois é extremamente usado na Língua Inglesa e é
um verbo irregular, por isso é bom que começemos por ele. So, let’s go!
2. Verbo To Be
O verbo to be é, provavelmente, o mais importante da Língua Inglesa, pois ele equivale
aos verbos ser e estar da Língua Portuguesa, verbos dos mais usados em todo tipo de situações.
Trata-se de um verbo irregular e, por isso exige muita atenção de nossa parte, mas
também não é motivo para preocupação, já que estudaremos esse verbo de forma eficiente
para que você se sinta seguro para usá-lo e entendê-lo no dia do seu concurso.
Como dito anteriormente, o verbo to be é o equivalente dos verbos ser e estar da Língua
Portuguesa, porém não há forma de saber em qual sentido ele está sendo usado senão pelo
contexto específico apresentado em cada situação.
O verbo to be pode ser usado nas mais diversas situações, tanto na função de verbo
principal quanto na função de verbo auxiliar em uma determinada oração. Esse verbo é irregular,
mas não se trata de um verbo irregular qualquer, já que os verbos irregulares, por regra,
continuam usando o mesmo radical do verbo na hora de serem conjugados, enquanto o verbo
to be muda por inteiro. Podemos tomar como exemplo o verbo to write (escrever). Ao conjugá-
lo no simple present, temos: I write, You write, He/She/It writes, We write, You write, They
write. Quanto ao verbo to be, observaremos como o verbo é completamente alterado na
conjugação. No simple present, temos:
I am, You are, He/She/It is, We are, You are, They are. Note como o verbo muda. A boa notícia
é que esse é um caso único na Língua Inglesa, já que mesmo os verbos irregulares possuem um
padrão muito mais simples de conjugção que o verbo to be.
Ao ser usado como verbo ser, geralmente encontramos adjetivos nas frases como: ela é
bonita/feia – she is beautiful/ugly, ou para designar qual é sua profissão: eu sou um engenheiro
– I am an engineer.
Já ao ser usado como verbo estar, encontraremos o verbo to be agindo como verbo de
estado ou ainda como forma de exprimir alguma ação. Exemplos: Ela está bem – She is well
/ Eu estou em casa – I am at home / Ele está indo ao cinema – he is going to the movies.
Apresentaremos todos os tempos verbais da seguinte forma: explicação, seguida das
formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa dos verbos para garantir que você tirará o melhor
proveito da aula.
O verbo to be é usado nas frases afirmativas é usado conforme vimos no exemplo da
explicação acima: I am, You are, He/She/It is, We are, You are, They are. Pode-se observar que
You se repete, e isso se deve ao fato de que tanto a segunda pessoa do singular, quanto a
segunda pessoa do plural são representadas pela mesma palavra You.
Na forma negativa, deve-se adicionar a partícula de negação not após o verbo. Assim,
teremos a seguinte conjugação: I am not, You are not, He/She/It is not, We are not, You are
not, They are not. Temos ainda as contrações, que são muito comuns, tanto na escrita quanto
na fala. Dessa forma, usando as contrações, temos a seguinte conjugação da forma negativa:
I’m not, You aren’t, He/She/It isn’t, We aren’t, You aren’t, They aren’t.
Temos ainda a forma interrogativa, onde a Língua Inglesa exige que invertamos a ordem
pronome-verbo (you are) para verbo-pronome (are you?). Dessa forma, temso a seguinte
conjugação: Am I?, Are you?, Is He/She/It?, Are we?, Are you?, Are they?.
Agora aprenderemos o verbo to be no Simple Past, já que sua conjugação também é
completamente diferente de sua forma nominal no infinitivo be.
I am se transforma em I was, You are se transforma em You were, He/She/It is se
transforma em He/She/It was, We are se transforma em We were, You are se transforma em You
were e They are se transforma em They were.
Abaixo, apresentaremos dois diferentes quadros, cada um apresentando de forma prática e
bastante visual cada forma de usar o verbo to be (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa), tanto no
Simple Present quanto no Simple Past. O primeiro quadro apresentará o tempo presente,
enquanto o segundo apresentará o tempo passado.
Agora, o esquema no passado (Verb to be in the Past), assim como no presente, vejamos:
In the PAST
3. Simple Present
O Simple Present é o primeiro tempo verbal a ser aprendido por se tratar do tempo
presente com conjugação mais simples. Ele seria o equivalente ao tempo verbal presente do
indicativo na Língua Portuguesa.
Assim, esse tempo pode ser usado para descrever fatos imutáveis ou atemporais, assim
como fatoos que são verdadeiros no momento em que se fala, mesmo que posteriormente esse
fato deixe de ser verdadeiro. Podemos citar alguns exemplos desses usos do Simple Present:
people need to eat in order to survive (as pessoas precisam comer para sobreviver), dogs bark
(cachorros latem), Technology grows day after day (a tecnologia cresce dia após dia).
Ainda podemos usar o Simple Present para descrever coisas que são feitas regularmente.
Podemos fazer a seguinte pergunta: Do you drink? (você bebe?), e poderíamos ter como resposta:
Yes, I drink. (sim, eu bebo.). Dessa forma, percebe-se que o Simple Present está sendo usado para
definir hábitos, ou algo que se faz regularmente. Eu poderia dizer: I teach English. (eu ensino
Inglês). Também seria uma forma de usar o Simple Present para exprimir uma ação frequente, já
que, neste caso, estamos falando de uma profissão.
O Simple Present tem dois auxiliares para permitir que usemos esse tempo verbal em suas
formas negativa e interrogativa, o Do e o Does. Os auxiliares também podem servir para dar
ênfase a determinada ação na forma afirmativa.
Dessa forma, temos os auxiliares usados para ênfase na afirmativa: I do like cars! (eu
realmente gosto de carros). Nesse caso, em português usamos a palavra realmente para dar a
ideia de ênfase. Há outras palavras que podemos usar, e no Inglês uma das opções é o uso do
auxiliar para enfatizar. She does work hard! (Ela realmente trabalha duro!). Nesse caso,
observamos o uso do auxiliar does para dar ênfase. O sujeito She exige o uso do Does ao invés do
Na negativa, usamos os auxiliares para designar a forma negativa da frase. Do e Does se
transformam em Don’t e Doesn’t. Dessa forma, conseguimos negar determinada sentença. I don’t
like cars. (eu não gosto de carros.), She doesn’t work hard. (ela não trabalha duro.). Observe que
usamos as mesmas sentenças que usamos para exemplificar a ênfase na afirmativa. Isso é para
que você possa perceber como usar o tempo verbal em cada uma de suas formas, já que este
formato se aplica a qualquer sentença no simple present.
Na interrogativa, os auxiliares são os responsáveis por transformar a sentença em uma
pergunta, e fazemos isso ao inverter a ordem natural da sentença na afirmativa. O pronome passa
a ser posicionado depois do auxiliar, ao invés de antes, como fazemos na afirmativa e também na
interrogativa. Do I like cars? (eu gosto de carros?) , Does she work hard? (ela trabalha duro?).
Ao longo da aula, observaremos essa lógica de uso do auxiliar em todos os tempos verbais.
O verbo conjugado de forma direta na afirmativa, o uso do auxiliar para transformar a sentença
em negativa, e a inversão da posição natural do auxiliar para transformar a sentença em
Um detalhe importante da conjugação dos verbos é o fato de que a terceira pessoa do
singular (He/She/It) sempre pedirem os verbos acompanhados do sufixo “S”, “ES” ou “IES”. É por
isso que para a terceira pessoa do singular, usa-se o auxiliar Does ao invés de Do. Note que Does,
nada mais é do que o auxiliar Do acrescido do sufixo “ES”. Isso sempre acontecerá no Simple Past.
Se dizemos I work, devemos dizer He works, She works ou It works quando usamos a terceira
pessoa do singular.
Vejamos, como exemplo, o verbo to study (estudar), conjugado em todas as pessoas do
singular e plural nas três formas – afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa no Simple Present:
4. Simple Past
O Simple Past é o tempo verbal que indica o passado em sua forma mais simples, ou seja,
algo que aconteceu e já se encerrou, assim como um evento que passou ou uma história que
aconteceu e já se encerrou.
Muitas vezes, vemos as frases no Simple Past acompanhadas por alguma expressão que
indica tempo definido. Algumas dessa expressões são: Yesterday (ontem), last (último), ago
(atrás, no sentido de tempo decorrido), entre outras. Essas expressões ajudam a ambientar
aquele que está recebendo a mensagem sobre quando aquilo aconteceu. Essas expressões
também se mostram importantíssimas na hora de resolver questões com preenchimento de
lacunas, pois ao ver uma dessas expressões, você já saberá que a frase está no Simple Past.
No Simple Past, usamos o auxiliar Did para designar o tempo passado, além de usá-lo para
transformar sentenças em negativas ou interrogativas, da mesma forma que fazemos no Simple
Na afirmativa, ao invés de usarmos o auxiliar, apenas conjugamos o verbo diretamente. Os
verbos regulares são conjugados no Simple Past ao se acrescentar o sufixo “D” ou “-ED” ao final
do verbo. Podemos usar como exemplo o verbo to work, que no Simple Past se conjuga worked.
She works in the factory (ela trabalha na fábrica) / She worked in the factory (ela trabalhou na
fábrica). Conjugamos o verbo to work da seguinte forma: I worked, you worked, he/she/it
worked, we worked, you worked, they worked.
Se o verbo terminar em vogal + a letra “y”, recebem “ed” – He played baseball (Ele jogou
beisebol). Mas, se terminar em consoante + a letra “y”, troca-se o “y”por “ied” – She cried
yesterday. (Ela chorou ontem – verbo to cry – chorar). Caso o verbo termine com a sequência
consoante/vogal/consoante, se dobra a última consoante e também acrescenta “ed” - I preferred
the blue pen. (Eu preferi a caneta azul – verbo to prefer – preferir). Se o verbo terminar com a
vogal “e”, simplesmente recebe “d” – He arrived yesterday. (Ele chegou ontem – verbo to arrive
– chegar).
Na negativa, usamos o Did da mesma forma que usamos o Do e o Does no Simple Present.
Ao transformarmos em negativa a frase “She worked in the factory” (ela trabalhou na fábrica),
usaremos o Did not (didn’t) entre o sujeito (she) e o verbo (to work) no infinitivo da seguinte
forma: She didn’t work in the factory (ela não trabalhou na fábrica).
Na interrogativa, também usamos o Did da mesma forma que usamos o Do e o Does no
Simple Present. Ao transformarmos em interrogativa a frase “She worked in the factory” (ela
trabalhou na fábrica), usaremos o Did antes do sujeito (she) e retornaremos o verbo para o
infinitivo (work). Did she work in the factory? (ela trabalhou na fábrica?).
Explicarei, agora, o que acontece quando os verbos são irregulares. Felizmente, são
minoria e isso colabora com seus estudos. Verbos irregulares são aqueles em que as conjugações
no tempo Past Simple sofrem diversas alterações, como mudança das letras (por exemplo o verbo
to write – escrever – se torna wrote), acréscimo de letras (por exemplo o verbo to hear – ouvir –
se transforma em heard), entre outras modificações que acontecem.
O Will é usado sempre que algo é decidido extamente naquele momento em que se fala
(de repente) ou quando se quer expressar algo no futuro com um determinado grau de incerteza.
Podemos observar nas provas o uso de algumas palavras e expressões que ajudam a dar essa ideia
de incerteza contida no uso do auxiliar Will. Alumas delas são: I think (eu acho), probably
(provavelmente), I guess (eu acho), maybe (talvez). Essas palavras ou expressões, quando usadas
no tempo futuro, são muito associadas ao auxiliar Will, já que todas elas ajudam a passar uma
ideia de incerteza.
Para exemplificar, podemos usar a seguinte frase: I will probably work next Sunday. (eu,
provavelmente, trabalharei no domingo). Podemos dar outro exemplo: He will maybe take a day
off tomorrow. (ele talvez tirará o dia de folga amanhã).
Toda regra tem exceções, mas via de regra, utilizaremos o going to quando estivermos
falando de um futuro planejado, de algo com grau de certeza maior. Quando se diz: I am going
to do my homework tonight. (eu vou fazer meu trabalho de casa esta noite), o simples fato de
usar o going to, leva a crer que já tenho meu dia planejado e que farei o trabalho de casa durante
a noite, e não que decidi naquele momento quando faria o trabalho de casa.
As frases afirmativas são formadas por um sujeito, o auxiliar will, um verbo principal e o
complemento. They will play soccer tomorrow in the afternoon (Eles jogarão futebol amanhã à
As frases interrogativas são formadas pelo auxiliar will no início da frase, um sujeito, um
verbo principal e o complemento (onde, quando aconteceu, com quem, porque ou qualquer outra
informação), exemplos: Will you go to the party? Will he go to the party? (Você vai à festa? Ele
vai à festa?)
As frases negativas são formadas por um sujeito, auxiliar will not ou abreviado won’t, um
verbo principal e o complemento (onde, quando aconteceu, com quem, porque ou qualquer outra
informação), exemplos: I won’t do the job. She won’t run. (Eu não farei o trabalho. Ela não
Vejamos exemplos do verbo to study, conjugado no futuro simples com Will no “esquema”
em todas as formas – afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa para fixar melhor.
Como já vimos anteriormente, o going to é usado para exprimir uma ideia no tempo futuro
que possui maior grau de certeza, por exemplo: I’m going to buy a house next year (eu vou
comprar uma casa ano que vem). Comprar uma casa não é algo que se faz de repente, mas algo
planejado. Nesse caso, é indicado o uso do going to ao invés do will.
Também se usa o going to quando damos um palpite sobre o que vai acontecer no futuro,
por exemplo: It’s going to be an excellent week for me! ( será uma excelente semana para mim!).
As frases afirmativas são formadas por um sujeito + o verbo to be como auxiliar de cada
sujeito (I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are) + going to + o verbo principal e o
complemento. She is going to do the test tomorrow (Ela vai fazer o teste amanhã), onde she é o
sujeito, is é o verbo to be concordando com o sujeito, going to é o que caracteriza o tempo futuro,
do é o verbo principal, the test tomorrow é o complemento.
As frases negativas são formadas por um sujeito + verbo to be + Not + going to + verbo
principal + complemento. She is not going to do the test tomorrow (ela não vai fazer o teste
amanhã), onde she é o sujeito, is é o verbo to be concordando com o sujeito, not é o que
caracteriza a negativa, going to é o que caracteriza o tempo futuro, do é o verbo principal, the
test tomorrow é o complemento.
Nas frases interrogativas, temos o verbo to be sendo posicionado a frente do sujeito, pois
como já estudamos, é essa inversão que caracteriza uma interrogativa na Língua Inglesa. Elas são
formadas pelo verbo to be + sujeito + going to + verbo principal + complemento. Is she going to
do the test tomorrow? (ela vai fazer o teste amanhã?), onde is é o verbo to be concordando com
o sujeito, she é o sujeito, going to é o que caracteriza o tempo futuro, do é o verbo principal, the
test tomorrow é o complemento.
Vejamos exemplos do verbo to study, conjugado no futuro com going to, em todas as
formas – afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa para você fixar melhor.
Agora, estudaremos o gerúndio em nossa aula. Ele será muito utilizado em tempos verbais
que estudaremos mais adiante. Let’s do this!
6. Gerund
O gerúndio é uma forma verbal importantíssima na Língua Inglesa. Ele nos possibilita
montar muitas estruturas e formar diferentes tempos verbais.
O formação do gerúndio consiste na colocação do sufixo -ing no verbo no infitivo (sem to).
Para exemplificar, temos o verbo to work, o gerúndio dele é working. Usamos o gerúndio em
diferentes situações, uma delas é para transmitir a ideia de que algo ainda está em andamento,
acontencendo ou uma determinada ação prolongada. O gerúndio também é usado para
transformar verbos em substantivos, pode ainda ser sujeito de orações, predicado ou
complemento de verbos.
Para formar tempos verbais Continuous (ações em andamento), precisaremos usar sempre
o gerúndio, além de outras situações específicas como:
• O gerúndio é sempre utilizado após preposições. Thanks for coming today!
(obrigado por vir hoje). Podemos observar pela tradução que o verbo está no
infinitivo, não no gerúndio. Mas em inglês, não se usa verbo no infinitivo após
• Também usamos o gerúndio após os verbos come and go. Will you come running
with me? (Você vem correr comigo?). I love to go fishing! (eu adoro ir pescar!).
• O gerúndio também pode transformar os verbos em substantivos sujeitos de
oração. Reading is a powerful way to increase vocabulary (a leitura é um jeito
poderoso de aumentar vocabulário).
Há casos em que os verbos, necessitam -ing quando há duas ações, ou seja, dois verbos
em uma só frase. São esses os exemplos: “to admit, to avoid, to appreciate, to consider, to
continue, to delay, to detest, to deny, to dislike, to enjoy, to escape, to finish, to forgive, to
imagine, to include, to keep, to mention, to miss, to practice, to recommend, to resist, to risk, to
suggest, to try, to understand e to quit.”
Esses verbos, quando inseridos em frases, necessitam que o segundo verbo, logo após eles,
tenham o acréscimo de -ing. I avoid drinking too much (eu evito beber demais). I practice rowing
(eu pratico remo). Existe uma regra em que os verbos terminados pela letra “e”, perdem o “e”,
ao usar -ing. São exemplos os verbos to drive (dirigir) e to behave (comportar-se), She is driving
now (Ela está dirigindo agora) e He is behaving well (Ele está se comportando bem).
Após algumas expressões, precisamos usar o -ing como regra também. São elas: “ can’t
stand, it’s worth, be used to, can’t help, feel like, it’s no good, look forward to, what about, how
about, it’s no use, in spite of.” Vejamos exemplos: “It’s worth doing it” (Vale a pena fazer isso), “I
can’t stand explaining you something thousands of times” (Não aguento explicar a você a mesma
coisa mil vezes).
Vejamos exemplos de alguns verbos, em forma de “esquema” no Gerúndio, conforme as
regras e exemplos de como melhor usar, de acordo com a teoria e explicações estudadas.
As frases afirmativas são formadas pela esrtutura citada acima sujeito + verbo to be + verbo
principal no gerúndio + complemento. They are studying at the moment (eles estão estudando
no momento)
As negativas são formadas pelo sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo principal no gerúndio +
complemento. She is not studying hard enough for the test (ela não está estudando duro o
suficiente para a prova)
As interrogativas são formadas pelo verbo to be + sujeito + verbo principal no gerúndio +
complemento. Lembrando que essa inversão entre o sujeito e o verbo to be é necessária para
designar a interrogativa. Are they studying at the moment? (eles estão estudando no
Vejamos exemplos do verbo to study, no Present Continuous:
9. Present Perfect
O Present Perfect é um tempo verbal que tem fama de difícil, mas, na verdade, o que mais
incomoda as pessoas é o fato de não haver um tempo verbal correspondente em Língua
Portuguesa. Tudo que precisamos entender é sua estrutura e em quais situações usar. Dessa
forma, você se livrará de uma vez por todas do fantasma do Presnt Perfect. :)
Esse tempo verbal é usado em situações que tem acontecido com frequência recentemente.
I have been happy recently (eu tenho estado feliz ultimamente). Outro uso bastante comum para
este tempo verbal é em situações que acabaram de acontecer. They have just left ( eles acabaram
de sair).
Outra situação em que se usa o Present Perfect é quando se quer falar de algo no passado
que não tem um tempo definido de quando aconteceu, ou por quanto tempo aconteceu. I have
played soccer for a long time (eu joguei futebol por muito tempo).
A estrutura do Present Perfect é um sujeito + Have/Has + verbo principal no particípio +
complemento. Have/Has são os auxiliares usados para configurar o tempo verbal Present Perfect.
Has deve ser usado quando o sujeito for da terceira pessoa do singular (He/She/It), nos outros
casos, usa-se sempre o Have. O particípio ou Past Participle dos verbos regulares é formado ao se
acrescentar o sufixo -ed ao final do verbo, exatamente como no Simple Past. Já nos verbos
irregulares não há regra, mas pode-se observar que há muitos verbos irregulares cujo past
participle consiste em acrescentar o sufixo -en ao final do verbo.
• Verbo regular: To work – Simple Past (worked) – Past Participle (worked)
• Verbo irregular: To write – Simple Past (wrote) – Past Participle (written)
As frases afirmativas são formadas por um sujeito + will + Have (para todas as pessoas) +
verbo principal no particípio + complemento. He will have graduated by 2026 (ele terá se formado
em 2026).
As frases negativas são formadas por um sujeito + will + not + Have (para todas as pessoas)
+ verbo principal no particípio + complemento. He won’t have graduated by 2026 (ele não terá se
formado em 2026).
As frases interrogativas são formadas por will + sujeito + Have (para todas as pessoas) +
verbo principal no particípio + complemento. Will he have graduated by 2026? (ele terá se
formado em 2026?). Vejamos o Future Perfect em nosso “esquema”.
As frases interrogativas são formadas por will + sujeito + Have (para todas as pessoas) +
verbo principal no particípio + complemento. Will he have graduated by 2026? (ele terá se
formado em 2026?).
Vejamos o Future Perfect em nosso “esquema”.
Para citar mais um exemplo, digamos que uma pessoa esteja limpando a casa, e ela diz: I
am cleaning my house. (eu estou limpando minha casa). Isso é Present Continuous. Essa mesma
pessoa, na mesma situação, poderia dizer: I have been cleaning my house for two hours. (eu
estive limpando minha casa por 2 horas/eu estou limpando minha casa há 2 horas). Portanto, se
eu deixo claro que a ação que eu estou fazendo agora se iniciou no passado, não há problema
nenhum em usar o Present Perfect Continuous.
Não confunda:
•Present Continuous
•Present Perfect Continuous
•Present Perfect
O Present Continuous expressa uma ação que está ocorrendo no momento, agora:
She is dancing now. (Ela está dançando agora.)
O Present Perfect Continuous expressa algo que começou no passado e continua até o presente:
He has been dancing for one hour. (Ele está dançando há uma hora.)
O Present Perfect expressa ações que acabaram em um tempo não definido do passado:
She has danced. (Ela dançou. – pode dançar novamente, todos os dias já que não definiu
As frases afirmativas são formadas por um sujeito + Have/Has + been(verbo to be no
particípio) + verbo principal no gerúndio + complemento. He has been studying (ele tem
estudado). Ele começou a estudar no passado e ainda está estudando.
Essa pessoa tinha trabalhado duro o dia todo. Perceba que nesse exemplo, é passado o
fato de que a pessoa chegou em casa cansada, mas esse fato é decorrente de outro fato anterior
a ele. O fato de que a pessoa tinha trabalhado duro o dia todo. He was tired when he got home.
He had been working hard all day. (ele estava cansado quando chegou em casa. Ele tinha
trabalhado duro o dia todo.)
É muito comum, no Past Perfect Continuous, o uso de advérbios diversos na elaboração
das sentenças, como when (quando), since (desde), before (antes), after (depois) etc. porque
esses advérbios proporcionam a ligação entre os eventos que aconteceram no passado.
As frases afirmativas do Present Perfect Continuous são formadas por um sujeito + had +
been + verbo principal no gerúndio + complemento. He had been working hard all day. (ele passou
o dia trabalhando duro).
As frases negativas são formadas por um sujeito + had + not + been + verbo principal no
gerúndio + complemento. He hadn’t been working hard all day. (ele não esteve trabalhando duro
ao longo do dia).
As frases interrogativas são formadas por had + sujeito + been + verbo principal no gerúndio
+ complemento. Lembrando que as frases interrogativas precisam inverter a ordem entre sujeito
e auxiliar para caracterizar a frase interrogativa. Had he been working hard all day? ( Ele esteve
trabalhando duro o dia todo?).
Vejamos o esquema do verbo to study, conjugado no Past Perfect Continuous.
Ø May he have forgotten his keys at work? (ele pode ter esquecido suas chaves no
Ø She might have gone away. (ela pode ter ido embora);
Ø She might not have gone away. (ela pode não ter ido embora);
Ø Might she have gone away? (ela pode ter ido embora?).
Ø 10 years ago, I would run every morning. (10 anos atrás, eu corria toda manhã);
Ø My car wouldn’t start. (meu carro não “queria” ligar);
Ø I talked to him, but he wouldn’t listen to me. (eu falei com ele, mas ele se recusou
a me oouvir).
15. Imperative
O Imperativo é usado para dar ordens, instruções, dar um aviso ou um pedido (caso haja a palavra
“please” na frase). Para formar o Imperativo basta usar o verbo no infinitivo sem a preposição to.
Para usar o Imperativo na negativa, apenas colocamos not ou don’t antes do verbo.
Pode-se usar usar o Imperativo com qualquer subject pronoun (you, he/she/it, we, you,
they), observe que não consta o subject pronoun I na lista porque não se pode dar ordens a si
próprio. Também pode se usar let’s antes do verbo para se incluir no imperativo.
Vejamos alguns exemplos de uso do Imperative:
Ø Come here! Sit down! (venha aqui! Sente-se!) – ordem;
Ø Watch out! (cuidado!) – aviso;
Ø Please don’t smoke here. (por favor, não fume aqui.) – pedido;
Ø Don’t run in the living room! (não corra na sala de estar!) – ordem (negativa).
Nós brasileiros, não temos o hábito de usar o imperativo em português, já que em nossa
língua, na maioria das vezes, soaria mal educado falar dessa forma. Mas em Inglês o
Imperativo é mais usado e, na maioria das vezes não é visto como rude.
Agora, estudaremos um pouco sobre os Phrasal verbs, já que depois teremos uma aula
exclusiva para explorar a fundo esse tema. Vamos lá!
a) present.
b) past.
c) future.
d) advice.
After _______, the flight attendant must pass a test at the DAC to obtain a license. →
Esse é um caso em que usamos o verbo com -ing, depois de uma preposition (after).
Mas, atenção, pois ele não indica continuidade. Transmite a ideia da atividade, podendo
ser entendido, no caso, como “graduação” ou “formatura”. After graduating- depois da
graduação (ou, ainda, depois de “graduar-se”), o comissário de bordo deve passar por
um teste no DAC para obter uma licença.
a) graduate
b) graduates
c) graduated
d) graduating
a) to calm down
b) to cope with
c) to deal with
d) to manage
Require significa requerer, exigir, demandar. Atenção, pois a questão pede a exceção,
que não corresponde ao sentido de require. Vamos lá!
a) demand
b) need
c) dismiss
d) ask for
No esquema de voz ativa ↔ voz passiva, o tempo verbal deverá ser preservado, mantido,
sempre! Assim, na voz passiva você tem que observar em que tempo está o verbo to be-
no caso, está no passado – was. Na voz ativa, então, o verbo principal, inaugurate, deve
estar também no passado = inaugurated.
a) inaugurated
b) inaugurates
c) is inaugurating
d) was inaugurating
a) made
b) included
c) represented
d) demonstrated
carbon dioxide.
In the sentence “It is being added to the normal atmosphere” (line10), we can find the
passive voice of which verb tense?
a) future
b) simple present
c) past progressive
d) present progressive
Patients suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases also should not avoid ___________ to
the doctor.
a) to eat – to go
b) eating – to go
c) to eat – going
d) eating – going
conveyed – transmitiu
sought – procurou
monthslong – com duração de meses
prosecutors - promotores
a) strucken
b) struggle
c) striked
d) strike
a) visiting – to go
b) to visit – to go
c) to visit – going
d) visiting – going
exact cause.
Crew - um grupo de pessoas que trabalham na aeronave.
a) find out
b) stabilize
c) think
d) have
13 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Select the alternative that best completes
the dialogue below.
Economists have recognized that physical beauty affects wages, even in occupations
where appearance does not seem relevant to job performance. It seems that attractive
men and women are paid more than ordinary people for the same work.
14 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the best alternative that presents
the correct verb tense and the voice of the verbs underlined in the text, respectively.
15 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Select the correct modal verb that fills in the
blank in the paragraph below.
Paul feels very sick and dizzy. I think he has been drinking all night again. He ____ get out
of bed this morning.
a) will
b) must
c) can’t
d) could
16 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the alternative that fills in the blank
in the sentence below.
Scientists say that when a person stops _____ very soon, the chances of getting cancer
and other diseases reduce.
a) smoke
b) smokes
c) smoked
d) smoking
17 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The verb “clear”, in the cartoon, can be
replaced by
a) clean
b) bright
c) prohibited
d) authorized
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone,
except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only
see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything,
including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will
you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry
him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take
care of my eyes dear.”
18 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The underlined verbs, in the text, are in the
a) Simple Past
b) Simple Present
c) Present Perfect
d) Present Continuous
What was lost and what survived devastating Notre Dame fire
David K. Li
Some of the most prized, centuries-old relics of France and Christianity survived the
devastating Notre Dame Cathedral fire that almost wiped out the cherished Paris
According to Culture Minister Frank Riester the “most precious treasures” were largely
spared. Many of the works will be stored at Paris’ City Hall and the Louvre, where they
will be examined, treated for damage and protected.
Monday’s fire almost destroyed the entire cathedral, wich has stood in Paris and survived
nearly 900 years of tumultuous French history.
So far, authorities have said blaze appears to be an accident, possibly connected to a
renovation project carried out by five companies.
The fire was finally extinguished after nine hours of work.
a) seems
b) sounds
c) looks like
d) looks as if
Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last week Ethiopian Airlines crash
has revealed “similarities” to October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash.
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes after take off, killing all 157
people on board. It was the second disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in
less than six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight were killed in
Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities between the two incidents led aviation
authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the Lion
Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack sensor on the outside of the plane
that transmited incorrect data, which could have triggered the automated flight software
that forced the plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually corrected an “automatic
aircraft nose down two minutes after take off and performed the same procedure again
and again before the plane hurtled into the Java Sea.
a) allow
b) permit
c) forbid
d) suggest
More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China’s
east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before
midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency
reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters.
A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have
been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said.
The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland
to the northwest, Xinhua said.
21 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) Complete the text with the correct
a) becoming
b) arriving
c) understanding
d) obtaining
a) trained.
b) arranged.
c) exercised.
d) supported.
The interrogative form of the sentence “he’s got a ragtag group” (lines 13 and 14) is:
a) speaking
b) telling
c) talk
d) proverb
In “... attending a conference...”, (line 4), the underlined word is closest in meaning to
a) following.
b) assisting at.
a) for emphasis.
b) as a modal verb.
c) to avoid repetition.
d) as a question word.
a) find / comes
b) found / came
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling
floors, sharp eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly
tumbling out, some of _____ in flames.
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense
plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the
buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one
coming? No, it was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____
lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west?
Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated
jumping into the river (…).
to scramble – lutar
a) hit.
b) hike.
c) hint.
d) hide.
Greenpeace _____ against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of
volunteers and journalists _____ into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska.
Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity
and environment. It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to
challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act appropriately in order to
protect our environment and our future.
Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed, respectively:
Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he was walking sideways.
Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk
straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow your example.’
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She could not walk straight
herself. Then, she saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child.
Fonte:Aesop’s Fables
Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed, respectively:
a) express prohibition.
b) refuse permission.
d) give an order.
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can be completely honest, I hate
Christmas. Maybe it’s because Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a
young boy. Anyway, my neighbors really love Christmas and every year they decorate
the inside and outside of their house with big, bright lights. This year, however, they
really exaggerated: their lights are so bright that I can’t sleep at night! Tomorrow I am
going to speak to my neighbors and ask that the lights __________ reduced or
a) be
b) are
c) were
d) have been
a) quality
b) permission
c) prohibition
d) importance
The pilot of a Beech Baron airplane noticed that one of his engines was on fire. He
contacted the nearest air traffic control center to ask for help.
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the Control Tower. “Please inform
your altitude”.
a) infinitive
b) imperative
c) subjunctive
d) passive voice
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time revitalizing a small square on the
corner of avenues São Joãoand Duque de Caxias, in downtown São Paulo. He planted
pau-brasil, palm, banana and avocado trees. He also planted boldo, sweet potatoes,
beans, peppers and ornamental plants, such as snake plants. Residents noticed the
square’s gradual changes and congratulated the author for the modifications.
b) People congratulated the man for the gradual changes in the square.
The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer exchange meat for the traditional
dish of rice and beans. High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the low
prices of these products, caused by good harvest, are responsible for the increase in
demand, __________ will be 15% to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the
year. The average consumption per capita is around 3, 5 kilos of rice and 1, 5 kilo of
harvest = colheita
The words “is making”, underlined in the text, form a verb in the __________.
a) simple past
b) future tense
c) simple present
d) present progressive
It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career.
And becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are
some tips on what you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come.
- walk more;
- don’t smoke;
In the sentence “It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end
your flying career”, the modal verb “may” expresses __________.
a) ability
b) necessity
c) deduction
d) possibility
“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo,
drug addicts
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the
movement of those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe
outdoor areas where people negotiate and consume drugs.
The verbs “have spread” and “have accompanied”, underlined in the text, are in the
a) simple past
b) future tense
c) present perfect
d) past progressive
Arrest Dog
A police department has temporarily stopped the use of arrest dogs after a shocking
bodycam footage came to light.
The video shows US police officers ordering a dog to attack an unresisting black man.
The suspect was already handcuffed when the dog latched onto his leg for 20 seconds.
In the video, a police officer can be heard repeatedly praising the animal, saying ´good
The police department said that the officer had been placed on administrative leave.
According to the suspect, the injury was avoidable; however, he also said that he
suffered permanent nerve and tendon damage with infections that could lead to
The incident happened almost one month before George Floyd´s death.
The word, “latched”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to __________.
a) held
b) bit
c) licked
d) caught
“Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times
before the patient’s eyes opened.
Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young
uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The
Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a
message of love and encouragement.
The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the
night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man’s
hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested
that the Marine move away and rest awhile.
He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her
and of the night noises of the hospital – the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of
the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other
Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only
held tightly to his son all through the night.
Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he
had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he
Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine
interrupted her.
The nurse was startled, “He was your father,” she answered.
“Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”
“I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and
his son just wasn’t here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was
his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.”
Author Unknown
In " The nurse was startled", the word, in bold type, is closest in meaning to
_____________ . Except:
a) surprised
b) disconcerted
c) disturbed
d) flattered
Five baby gorillas have been born in six weeks in Bwindi National Park, leading the
Ugandan Wildlife Service (UWS) to declare a baby boom.
Announcing the latest birth, the UWS said: "The Rushegura gorilla family welcomes
another bouncing cute baby gorilla".
Seven babies have been born since January compared to three for the whole of 2019,
according to the UWS.
The UWS told the BBC that this year was unprecedented for gorilla births but it is not
clear why there has been this uptick.
The five recent births were to different families, not to the same family, as we initially
BBC Africa correspondent Catherine Byaruhanga says the baby boom comes as the
parks are testing out visits to primate locations, which were stopped due to coronavirus.
In March, most of Uganda's tourism sector was shut down and the industry is slowly
opening up but primates are of particular concern as they share so much of our DNA.
Now, small groups of visitors are allowed into protected areas as new safety
procedures, such as wearing face masks and social distancing, are tried out.
Poaching has also been a major worry for authorities especially during the lockdown.
In July, a man was sentenced to 11 years in prison over the killing of Rafiki, a silverback
gorilla in Bwindi.
As well as in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, they can also be found in a network
of parks in the Virunga Massif range of mountains which straddle the borders of the
three countries.
In 2018, the mountain gorilla was removed from the list of critically endangered
species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, after intensive
conservation efforts, including anti-poaching patrols, paid off.
43- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words SAID and TOLD in the text
a) Regular verbs
b) Modal verbs
c) Are not verbs
d) Irregular verbs
44- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, choose the best
a) We aren’t
b) We were
c) We are
d) We weren’t
a) Were
b) Are
c) Is
d) Am
More than 400 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats - a record for
a single day.
Border Force _______ 409 people, including young children, on board 27 boats, with
several further vessels still being dealt with. Some of the migrants were carrying
children too young to walk. Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday said the
UK had become "a target and a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people
in this way".
A further 53 people were rescued by French authorities after getting into difficulties
before reaching British waters. Some 145 people had crossed the Channel in 18 small
boats on Tuesday. Rough seas brought on by Storm Francis made crossings impossible
at the end of August, but conditions have improved in the first two days of September.
Speaking in the Commons during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "I have
a great deal of sympathy with those who are desperate as to put their children in
dinghies or in children's paddling pools and try to cross the channel.
"But I have to say what they're doing is falling prey to criminal gangs and they are
breaking the law." He added: "It also undermines the legitimate claims of others who
seek asylum in this country”. "We will address the rigidities in our laws that make this
country, I'm afraid, a target and a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable
people in this way."
More than 1,468 migrants made the crossing by small boat in August despite a vow
from Home Secretary Priti Patel to make the dangerous route "unviable". The Home
Office does not provide information on how many children are making the crossing on
small boats.
Home Office minister Chris Philp told the Commons on Wednesday the government
was attempting to return 1,000 people who had arrived in the UK, having "previously
claimed asylum in European countries, and under the regulations legally should be
returned there". More than 7,400 migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats
since January 2019.
47- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in
the blank.
48- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “… ARE RAW...” in the comic is in the
a) Simple past
b) Future simple
c) Present continuous
d) Simple present
49- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words LOSE and WAS in the text
a) Regular verbs
b) Not verbs
c) Modal verbs
d) Irregular verbs
a) Mustn’t
b) Can
c) Should
d) Have to
a) Drowns
b) Has drowned
c) Drowning
d) Was drowning
A 12-year-old found a 69 million-year-old dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad
Nathan Hrushkin _____ to be a paleontologist for as long as he can remember, and the
12-year-old has already made a significant discovery.
He found a partially unearthed dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad this summer
at a conservation site in the Horseshoe Canyon in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada.
"It's pretty amazing to find something that's like real, like an actual dinosaur
discovery," he told CNN. "It's kind of been my dream for a while."
The fossil was a humerus bone from the arm of a juvenile hadrosaur -- a duck-billed
dinosaur that lived about 69 million years ago, according to a news release from the
Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Nathan and his dad, Dion, had found bone fragments in the area on a previous hike
and thought that they might have washed down from farther up the hill.
They were just finishing lunch when Nathan climbed up the hill to take a look.
"He called down to me, he's like, 'Dad, you need to get up here,' and as soon as he
said that I could tell by the tone in his voice that he found something," Dion Hrushkin
Nathan said the fossil was very obvious and it looked like "a scene on a TV show or a
cartoon or something."
They sent pictures of the bone to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, which
identified the fossil and sent a team of paleontologists to the site.
Fossils are protected by law in Alberta, and the NCC said that it is important that
people don't disturb any fossils they may find.
The crew has been working at the site for about two months and uncovered between
30 and 50 bones that came from a single young hadrosaur that was about three or four
years old, according to the statement.
Hadrosaur bones are the most common fossils found in Alberta's badlands, but few
juvenile skeletons have been found, the statement said. It was also found in a layer of
rock that rarely preserves fossils.
"This young hadrosaur is a very important discovery because it comes from a time
interval for which we know very little about what kind of dinosaurs or animals lived in
Alberta," François Therrien, the Royal Tyrrell Museum's curator of dinosaur
palaeoecology, said in the statement. "Nathan and Dion's find will help us fill this big
gap in our knowledge of dinosaur evolution."
The fossils were very close together, so the paleontologists removed large pieces of
the surrounding rock from the canyon walls.
One of the fossil-rich slabs weighed about 1,000 pounds and was more than four feet
wide, according to Carys Richards, a communications manager with the NCC.
Nathan had heard of the hadrosaur before his big find but said it wasn't the most well-
known dinosaur.
It's probably his favorite now -- beating out the wildly popular Tyrannosaurus rex.
Nathan and his dad have come to watch the dig several times since the discovery and
were there on Thursday when the team was hauling out the last specimens.
"It was pretty fun to be there and watch them do their things," Nathan said.
(Adapted from
52- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in
the blank
a) Wanted
b) Want
c) Is wanting
d) Has wanted
Baptist Church in Opelousas and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Opelousas, between
26 March and 4 April.
Matthews, the son of a local sheriff's deputy, admitted to posting photographs and
video on Facebook of the first two churches burning.
All three buildings were razed to the ground by the fires, but no-one was injured
because they were torched at night.
A judge cleared him of hate crime charges, which Matthews admitted to earlier this year.
But he was found guilty of three counts of arson on religious buildings, and one count of
using fire to commit a federal felony.
At the time of the attacks, Matthews was a member of a band called Vodka Vultures. In
a plea hearing, he said he had sought to emulate church burnings carried out by "black
metal" music fans in Norway in the 1990s. During that period, at least 50 Christian
churches in Norway were attacked by arsonists in the name of "black metal", a subgenre
of heavy metal music.
In a statement, Acting US Attorney Alexander Van Hook said Matthews' sentence
"should send a clear message that there is a high price to pay for this type of destruction
and violence".
(Adapted from
53- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words ORDERED and EVOKED in
the text are
a) Irregular verbs
b) Not verbs
c) Modal verbs
d) Regular verbs
a) Did
b) Have
c) Do
d) Can
a) Say
b) Have been saying
c) Had said
d) Said
WhatsApp is introducing a "disappearing messages" option that will erase chats from
the phone of both the sender and recipient after seven days.
The Facebook-owned app, which has two billion users worldwide, said the setting would
help keep chats private.
But it said recipients would still be able to screenshot or forward any messages, photos
or videos that they wanted to keep. The option will appear for WhatsApp users by the
end of November.
In a blog, the company said messages could be set to expire after seven days to offer
"peace of mind that conversations aren't permanent, while remaining practical so you
don't forget what you were chatting about".
In April 2019, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg pledged to make several
changes to the social network to offer users more privacy.
One of his proposed changes was offering more "ephemeral" ways to share content,
including disappearing messages.
The company also hopes to integrate its messaging platforms, making WhatsApp,
Instagram and Facebook Messenger interoperable.
Rival messaging app Snapchat, which has provided inspiration for a number of
Facebook's features, was built on the principle of disappearing messages.
"Remarkable that this was so long in coming to WhatsApp, given that it launched Status
(also a disappearing feature) back in 2017, that ephemeral is huge, and that this is
Facebook we are talking about," said Ingrid Lunden, a journalist for Tech Crunch, on
(Adapted from
56- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words SAID and BUILT in the text
a) Modal verbs
b) Phrasal verbs
c) Irregular verbs
d) Not verbs
a) Know
b) Have known
c) Knew
d) Knowed
a) It has.
b) It been.
c) It is.
d) It was.
TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss
The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind:
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence
that went beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured
by standardized tests.
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic,
logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he
later added an eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The
theory became highly popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to
reach students who did not respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple
intelligences’ somehow became synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this
important post, Gardner explains why the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been
gratified by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools,
museums, and business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven
me to distraction and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I
cherish, to credit me with the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple
intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s high time to relieve my pain and to set the record
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including
the study of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea
that each of us has a number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be
termed our ‘multiple intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single
intelligence assumes that we have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines
how well we perform in every sector of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences
assumes that human beings have 7 to 10 distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied
about in educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all
children (indeed all of us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes
sense to find out about learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are
appropriate, that they value, and above all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use
this term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we
know this? What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should
we compensate by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or
visual or tactile? Same issues apply.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently
with those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the
learning style analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all
approach’. Of course, the learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if
it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention did not work does not mean that the
concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another intervention might have proved
effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals
to educational researchers: ‘back to the drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain:
Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong
intelligence, an area where the person has considerable computational power. Style or
learning style: A hypothesis of how an individual approaches the range of materials. If an
individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is hypothesized to be reflective about the full
range of materials. We cannot assume that reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals
reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This
notion is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they
make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental
computer, the intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or
a ‘visual learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may
be unhelpful, at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and
that strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in
any other intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are
common sense ways of assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate,
we can take a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors,
we can decide how best to make use of this information.
1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.
59 - (Estratégia Militares 2020 – AFA 2017) Choose the best option to change the
sentence “human capacities are represented in the brain” (4th paragraph) , into the active
a) has represented
b) represents
d) representing
60- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Mark the alternative that completes
the sentence below correctly
a) Is having
b) Had
c) Will have
d) Have
61- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the
sentences below?
63- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph
below correctly?
No one knows what the next months hold, but suggestions that Britain ___ back to
normal by Christmas seem unlikely. Already, Leicester, Greater
Manchester and Preston _____ local lockdowns after registering rises in Covid-19
cases, while increases in Spain and Germany ___ an alarming reminder of the
difficulty of controlling this virus.
(Adapted from
The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are typically an opportunity for
US voters to get a sense of what their next president's domestic policies might look like.
But this year they also provided a key insight for China Inc as it navigates its rocky
relationship with the US.
Several insiders at Chinese technology firms __64__ me that a Joe Biden presidency
would be more appealing than another four more years of President Trump - which would
be seen as "unpredictable".
And while they think a Biden administration would still be tough on China, it would be
based more on reason, and fact rather than rhetoric and politicking.
One thing is clear though: companies on the mainland believe that whoever is in the
White House the tough stance on China is here to stay.
Here are three things that __65__ Chinese companies the most about the next US
administration - and what they're doing to protect themselves:
This word gets used a lot these days. President Trump and his administration talk about
it in tweets and in press statements in relation to China.
Decoupling basically means undoing more than three decades' worth of US business
relations with China.
Everything is on the cards: from getting American factories to pull their supply chains
out of the mainland, to forcing Chinese-owned companies that operate in the US - like
TikTok and Tencent - to swap their Chinese owners for American ones.
But that's precisely what President Trump says needs to change: his administration
argues that China has become richer while the US has become poorer.
During Mr Trump's term, deglobalisation - where borders are less open and trade is less
free - has become a trend. And it's something that Beijing knows won't change even after
the election.
"The fundamental adjustment of the US' strategic mind-set over China is real", reads
the latest op-ed in the Communist Party's mouthpiece, The Global Times. 'This has to a
large extent reset the China-US relationship."
One of the natural consequences of globalisation was arguably a safer world.
If you're doing business with one another, chances are you're not going to want to get
in a fight - or at least not open conflict.
A big worry for many businesses in Asia is that a real military clash between the two
superpowers is inevitable - and those concerns only grew this week when Beijing fired
missiles into the South China Sea, a lucrative but contested waterway.
The reset of the US-China relationship is dangerous - not just for the US and China - but
for the rest of us too.
(Adapted from
a) Will tell
b) Is telling
c) Had been telling
d) Will be telling
e) Have told
a) Are worrying
b) Have worried
c) Have been worrying
d) Worried
e) Will worry
Volunteers in Mauritius are scrambling to create cordons to keep leaking oil from a tanker away
from the island.
The MV Wakashio, _______ be carrying 4,000 tonnes of oil, _______ aground on a coral reef off
the Indian Ocean island on 25 July. Locals _______ absorbent barriers of straw stuffed into fabric
sacks in an attempt to contain and absorb the oil. Mauritius is home to world-renowned coral
reefs, and tourism is a crucial part of its economy. Images _______ online by local media show
volunteers collecting straw from fields and filling sacks to make barriers.
a) has believed / run / is making / have posted
b) have believed / have run / make / has posted
c) believed / ran / are making / posted
d) had believed / has run / made / had posted
e) believe / had run / have made / are posting
At the age of 13, he attended Sherborne School in Dorset. Although his maths teacher Mr
Randolph declared him a ‘genius’, this counted little in a school that placed its emphasis on
humanities and classics. Teachers would often get annoyed with him for his high marks in
exams ___3___ him paying little attention during lessons.
What was Alan Turing’s relationship with Christopher Morcom?
Towards the end of his time at Sherborne, Turing formed a close relationship with another
student, Christopher Morcom, who shared his intellectual curiosity and inspired Alan’s future
endeavours. He has been described as Turing’s ‘first love’. However, their relationship was cut
short by Morcom's death in 1930 from tuberculosis. Turing coped with his grief by devoting his
energy to scientific study in an attempt to fulfil his friend's potential.
What happened in Alan Turing’s university years?
Turing attended King's College, University of Cambridge, in 1931 to study mathematics. In this
academic environment, he settled in much better and his years there were highly successful in
both his work and social life. Turing took up rowing and became an excellent long distance
runner. He also became involved in the peace movement, joining the Anti-War Council, which
called for chemicals and munitions workers to strike if war was declared amid the rise of Hitler.
Turing graduated in 1934 with a first-class honours degree and as a result of his dissertation, was
elected a Fellow of King's College at the age of 22. In 1936 Turing went on to study mathematics
at Princeton University, New Jersey, obtaining his Ph.D. in 1938. During his time here, he
developed the notion of a ‘universal computing machine’ which could solve complex
calculations. This would become known as the Turing machine, which ___71___ the digital
computer. He also studied cryptology, the study of codes and cyphers which can be used to
send secret messages, and built three out of four stages of an electro-mechanical binary
What did Alan Turing do at Bletchley Park?
In 1939, Turing was asked to join the Government Codes and Cypher School, a British code-
breaking organisation (now GCHQ), which was moved to Bletchley Park when war was declared
on 3 September.
Turing’s most notable achievement at Bletchley was cracking the ‘Enigma’ code. The Enigma was
an enciphering machine used by the German armed forces to send messages ___5___.
Together with fellow code-breaker Gordon Welchman, Turing developed the Bombe, a
machine based on an earlier Polish design, which from late 1940 was decoding all messages
sent by the Enigma machines.
Next, Turing turned his attentions to the more complex German naval signals, and together with
his ‘Hut 8’ team at Bletchley, succeeded in decrypting these as well in 1941, contributing to
Allied victory in the Battle of the Atlantic. In July 1942, Turing developed a complex code-
breaking technique he named ‘Turingery’ for use against the Lorenz cipher messages produced
by the Germans' new Geheimschreiber (secret writer) machine.
Turing also developed a secure speech system, which he ___72___ Delilah. The system, which
encoded and decoded voice communications, was intended to be used in a similar way to a
telephone scrambler. He demonstrated its mechanisms on one of Churchill's speeches, but the
machine was never commissioned for use in the war effort.
What did Turing do after his work at Bletchley Park?
In 1945 Turing was awarded an OBE for his services to the country and in 1949, was made deputy
director of the Computing Laboratory at the University of Manchester. Turing first addressed
the issue of Artificial intelligence (AI) in his famous paper Computing Machinery and
Intelligence (1950). In it, he ___73___ what he called the 'Imitation Game' (now called the
‘Turing Test’) – a method to determine whether a machine showing behaviour can truly be
called ‘intelligent’. The test has significantly influenced research on AI.
How did Alan Turing die?
On 7 June 1954, Turing was found dead from cyanide ___8___. An inquest ruled that it was
suicide, although this has been contested more recently, with Turing expert Prof Jack Copeland
attributing his death to the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes during an experiment.
What was Alan Turing's legacy?
The extent of Alan Turing’s work did not fully come to life until after his death. His impact on
computer science is commemorated in the annual ‘Turing Award’ – the highest ___9___ in the
industry. Meanwhile, his code-breaking operations at Bletchley Park are credited with
shortening the war by as much as two years and resulting in Allied victory – saving countless
lives in the process. In 2015 a new national centre for research in data science and AI, The Alan
Turing Institute, ___74___ in his name.
Adapted from
A) has become
B) has been become
C) becomes
D) has became
E) became
A) presupposed
B) was
C) foreshadowed
D) created
E) replaced
A) named
B) names
C) calls
D) has named
E) has called
A) disposed
B) divided
C) devised
D) declared
E) detracted
A) created
B) has created
C) has been created
D) was created
E) have been created
markings. The researchers, who have published ___17___ findings in the journal Plos One, now
believe they represent the earliest evidence of artistic expression in the British Isles.
The plaquettes were made by the Magdalenians, a hunter-gatherer culture ___76___ to have
expanded out of Iberia (modern Spain and Portugal) and southern France after the peak of the
last Ice Age.
The designs consist of straight lines more or less in parallel and longer, curved incisions. The two
types of mark were probably produced by the same tools, in short succession - perhaps by the
same engraver.
Co-author Dr Silvia Bello, from the Natural History Museum, ___77___: "Many of the lines,
including the curved, concentric designs, appear to have been made through layered or repeated
incisions, suggesting that it is unlikely that they resulted from the stones being used for a
functional purpose.
She told BBC News that most were "of abstract nature (simple intersecting lines), however, some
fragments seem to depict zoomorphic representations (horses, mammoths, a bovid and possibly
a human face)".
"On all the fragments, these potential representations appear imprecise and simplified in
comparisons to other Magdalenian examples, supporting ___20___ the hypothesis these are
chance arrangements amongst a system of representations, or that they were the product of
inexperienced engravers," she explained.
The Magdalenian era saw a flourishing of early art, from cave paintings and drawings to the
decoration of tools and weapons to engraving on stones and bones.
Although Magdalenian settlements are known to have existed as far north-west as Britain, no
similar examples of artistic expression ___78___ discovered in the British Isles from such an early
time period.
The plaquettes appear to pre-date the late Magdalenian cave art at Creswell Crags in Derbyshire,
the researchers said.
Dr Chantal Conneller, a co-author from Newcastle University, said: "These engraved stone
fragments provide exciting and rare evidence of artistic expression at what was the farthest edge
of the Magdalenian world.
"The people at Les Varines are likely to have been pioneer colonisers of the region and creating
engraved objects at new settlements may have been a way of creating symbolic relationships with
new places."
Dr Bello said the artefacts may only have been of temporary significance, as they were made on
soft stone. "The action of engraving probably created a powder within the incisions that makes
them temporarily visible. This swiftly disperses, meaning that the engravings were only clearly
visible at the moment of their making.
She added: "The act of engraving, possibly the context and the moment when the engraving
occurred, were the meaningful components of the process rather than the object (the plaquette)
that had been engraved."
Three of the stone fragments from Jersey had been recovered from an area of granite slabs which
may have served as paving, highlighting that the plaquettes might have been engraved in a
domestic context.
Adapted from
A) have lived
B) has lived
C) lived
D) had lived
E) was living
A) thinked
B) thinks
C) was thinking
D) has thought
E) thought
A) says
B) have said
C) has said
D) is saying
E) said
Europe is Seeing a Surge in Coronavirus Cases. Are Tourists the Cause of the Increase?
Europe has seen sharp rises in the number of COVID-19 cases across the region, with some
countries reporting higher daily caseloads than they have ever seen.
In recent weeks, Spain, France and Germany have recorded their highest number of daily
infections since April, as international travel has ramped up during one of the region’s
busiest vacation periods. In an effort to prevent the possibility of a second wave,
governments have reimposed restrictions on citizens and renewed quarantine measures
for some travelers.
Experts say the increase in travel in Europe has certainly contributed to the recent surge
in infections numbers. “International travel was very important in seeding the infections in
Europe in February and March. I think it has had an important impact in what we’ve seen
in the last six weeks,” says Jennifer Beam Dowd, associate professor of demography and
population health at Oxford University.
Strict lockdowns in the spring sharply reduced the spread of the virus in Europe, which
has reported over 3.9 million cases since the start of the pandemic, accounting for 17% of
global infections. By mid-June, most of the continent welcomed back travelers to help the
economy recover from the deepest recession it has seen since World War II.
The economies of France, Italy and Spain, which are powered by tourism, will each
contract by more than 10% this year, the European Commission said on July 7.
Cases have been increasing across Europe in the past month. But Spain, Germany, Italy
and France have seen particularly sharp rises.
Experts say yes. Increased travel combined with relaxed restrictions has “almost
certainly” led to a rise in cases, says Martin McKee, a professor of European public health
at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Europeans typically take vacation
between the end of July and August when schools break for summer. Grant Shapps, the
U.K’s Transport Secretary, said there were 160,000 British holidaymakers in France in mid
In mid May, Europe began reopening its bars, restaurants and nightclubs, subject to social
distancing measures.
The latest rise in cases in France has been most marked in Paris and cities in the south
including Nice, Toulouse and Marseille. “This might be representative of people having
moved from a high transmission area in France to a lower one, triggering an outbreak,”
says Nathalie MacDermott, a clinical lecturer in infectious diseases at King’s College
However, France’s health minister, Olivier Véran said in an interview published Aug. 23
that infections were already spreading between age groups and rising among the elderly
in the Marseille area.
The continent’s spike reflects “large numbers of people congregating in indoor poorly
ventilated spaces. Indoor areas are where the danger lies,” says McKee. In a tourist resort,
where people are coming from many different places, “the probability that somebody will
be infected is increased,” he says.
Nightclubs in particular, are “very conducive” to the spread of a virus, says MacDermott.
“They’re often poorly ventilated and it’s almost impossible to have social distancing,” she
says. In one of Spain’s largest recent outbreaks, more than 80 people tested positive after
around 400 people went to nightclubs in the Andalusian city of Cordoba on July 10.
Outbreaks in bars and nightclubs have been reported in other countries in Europe such
as France and Switzerland.
Some recent outbreaks in Spain have also been linked to the arrival of agricultural
workers from around Europe. But “most likely”, says McKee, the rise in cases has stemmed
from “tourists in crowded bars, restaurants, and nightclubs.”
(Adapted from
79- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Mark the alternative that completes the
sentence below correctly
a) Is having
b) Had
c) Will have
d) Have
80- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the
sentences below?
81- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which of the following sentences express
82- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
No one knows what the next months hold, but suggestions that Britain ___ back to normal
by Christmas seem unlikely. Already, Leicester, Greater Manchester and Preston _____
local lockdowns after registering rises in Covid-19 cases, while increases in Spain and
Germany ___ an alarming reminder of the difficulty of controlling this virus.
(Adapted from
1- C 18- A 35- B 52- D 69- D
2- D 19- B 36- A 53- D 70- E
3- A 20- C 37- D 54- C 71- C
4- C 21- D 38- D 55- D 72- A
5- D 22- A 39- C 56- C 73- C
6- A 23- A 40- D 57- C 74- D
7- B 24- D 41- C 58- A 75- C
8- D 25- D 42- D 59- B 76- E
9- D 26- C 43- D 60- A 77- E
10- D 27- C 44- C 61- D 78- B
11- D 28- B 45- C 62- E 79- A
12- A 29- D 46- B 63- B 80- D
13- B 30- A 47- C 64- E 81- E
14- A 31- B 48- D 65- A 82- B
15- C 32- C 49- D 66- A
16- D 33- A 50- D 67- C
17- D 34- B 51- C 68- C
a) present.
ERRADA, conforme vimos acima.
b) past.
Também ERRADA, conforme a explicação acima. ERRADA.
c) future.
Alternativa correta, de acordo com o que estudamos acima. CORRETA.
d) advice.
A estrutura verbal não tem nenhuma relação com advice, conselho, que normalmente é
dado em Inglês através do modal verb should. ERRADA.
Gabarito: C
After _______, the flight attendant must pass a test at the DAC to obtain a license. →
Esse é um caso em que usamos o verbo com -ing, depois de uma preposition (after).
Mas, atenção, pois ele não indica continuidade. Transmite a ideia da atividade, podendo
a) graduate
ERRADA, conforme explicação acima. After graduate não existe. A preposição after pede
o verbo com -ing.
b) graduates
ERRADA, conforme explicação acima. Para usarmos graduate, teria que haver o sujeito
he ou she- after he graduates.
c) graduated
ERRADA, conforme explicação acima. A preposição after pede o verbo com -ing.
d) graduating
CORRETA, conforme explicação.
Gabarito: D
a) to calm down
To handle significa lidar com uma situação. Não transmite a ideia de acalmar (to calm
down). Como estamos buscando a que não está correta, é esse o nosso gabarito.
b) to cope with
To cope with, assim como to handle, significa lidar com uma situação. Como estamos
buscando a exceção, ERRADA.
c) to deal with
To deal with, assim como to handle, significa lidar com uma situação. Como estamos
buscando a exceção, ERRADA.
d) to manage
To manage também significa lidar com uma situação, administrar uma situação. Como
estamos buscando a exceção, ERRADA.
Gabarito: A
In “... The courses require just a basic knowledge of English...” (lines 12 and 13), the
underlined verb is closest in meaning to _______ . Except:
Require significa requerer, exigir, demandar. Atenção, pois a questão pede a exceção,
que não corresponde ao sentido de require. Vamos lá!
a) demand
Demand significa demandar. Equivale ao sentido de require. ERRADA.
b) need
c) dismiss
Dismiss significa dispensar. Como vimos, require tem sentido oposto, de exigir. Como
estamos buscando a exceção, CORRETA.
d) ask for
Ask for significa exigir, pedir algo. No contexto, poderia substituir require, dando a ideia
de que os cursos pedem apenas um conhecimento básico de Inglês... ERRADA.
Gabarito: C
inaugurate- inaugurar
show- mostrar
symbolize- simbolizar
illuminate- iluminar
present- apresentar
Vamos ver qual faz mais sentido no contexto de cada trecho com as lacunas.
The giant structure was_______ with a firework display during an event that featured lights
and musical performance, drawing thousands of people to the lagoon.
A estrutura gigante foi _______ com um show de fogos... Nessa, poderíamos ter dúvidas,
principalmente quanto a inaugutared (inaugurada) ou featured (exibida), apesar de
parecer que inaugurada faz mais sentido, para dar a ideia de que a estrutura foi
inaugurada (inaugurated) com um show de fogos. Mas vamos analisar as demais! Let’s
This year’s theme celebrates the importance of light in people’s lives, _______by the sun,
the moon and the stars.
O tema deste ano celebra a importância da luz na vida das pessoas, _______ pelo sol, a
lua e as estrelas.
Nesse trecho, perceber qual seria a melhor possibilidade já nos daria a resposta correta.
O sol, a lua e as estrelas SIMBOLIZAM a luz, que é o tema deste ano. Assim, o tema
deste ano celebra a importância da luz na vida das pessoas, simbolizada pelo (=
symbolized by) sol, a lua e as estrelas.
The 280 ft. tall structure is _______ by 3.1 million lights and it will be lit every night until
6 January.
Aqui confirmamos a letra D como resposta, pois a ideia é de que a estrutura é iluminada
(illuminated) por 3,1 milhões de luzes. A estrutura não poderia ser inaugurada por luzes
e simbolizada faz menos sentido que iluminada.
Gabarito: D
In “The giant structure was inaugurated with a firework display...” the correct active voice
is: “Someone ________the giant structure”.
No esquema de voz ativa ↔ voz passiva, o tempo verbal deverá ser preservado, mantido,
sempre! Assim, na voz passiva você tem que observar em que tempo está o verbo to be-
no caso, está no passado – was. Na voz ativa, então, o verbo principal, inaugurate, deve
estar também no passado = inaugurated.
a) inaugurated
The giant structure was inaugurated ↔ Someone inaugurated the giant structure.
b) inaugurates
Aqui o tempo verbal não foi mantido. ERRADA.
c) is inaugurating
O tempo verbal aqui também não foi mantido. ERRADA.
d) was inaugurating
Cuidado: aqui a alternativa trouxe passado, porém contínuo, o que a invalida, já que na
voz ativa não tínhamos past continuous. ERRADA.
Gabarito: A
O sentido de featured no texto é de que a estrutura gigante foi inaugurada com uma
queima de fogos durante um evento que contou com, incluiu luzes e performance
musical, atraindo milhares de pessoas para a lagoa.
a) made
O sentido não é de que o evento fez luzes, mas, sim, de que incluiu, contou com luzes.
b) included
Alternativa CORRETA, conforme explicado acima.
c) represented
O sentido não é de que o evento representou luzes, mas, sim, de que incluiu, contou
com luzes. ERRADA.
d) demonstrated
A melhor interpretação do contexto é de que o evento incluiu luzes, contou com luzes,
e não que demonstrou luzes. ERRADA.
Gabarito: B
carbon dioxide.
In the sentence “It is being added to the normal atmosphere” (line10), we can find the
passive voice of which verb tense?
a) future
b) simple present
c) past progressive
d) present progressive
A alternativa A está incorreta. Para que tivéssemos a voz passiva do tempo futuro,
deveríamos ter a frase escrita como “it will be added...”, e não “it is being added”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Para que tivéssemos a voz passiva do tempo presente
simples, deveríamos ter a frase escrita como “it is added...”, e não “it is being added”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Para que tivéssemos a voz passiva do tempo passado
contínuo, deveríamos ter a frase escrita como “it was being added...”, e não “it is being
Patients suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases also should not avoid ___________ to
the doctor.
a) to eat – to go
b) eating – to go
c) to eat – going
d) eating – going
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “eating”. O uso do verbo “suggest” acaba
por determinar que o segundo verbo venha no gerúndio, pois “suggest” faz parte da
lista de verbos que exigem que o verbo subsequente esteja no gerúndio.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “going”. O uso do verbo “avoid” acaba por
determinar que o segundo verbo venha no gerúndio, pois “avoid” também faz parte da
lista de verbos que exigem que o verbo subsequente esteja no gerúndio.
conveyed – transmitiu
sought – procurou
a) strucken
b) struggle
c) striked
d) strike
“Struck” é o passado do verbo “strike”, que é um verbo irregular. Por isso, a palavra
“striked” não é o passado do verbo “strike”, elimininado a alternativa C. “Struggle” é
um verbo cujo passado é “struggled” e, assim, eliminamos a alternativa B. “Strucken” é
o obsoleto particípio de “strike”, eliminando a alternativa A.
a) visiting – to go
b) to visit – to go
c) to visit – going
d) visiting – going
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “visiting”. O uso do verbo “enjoy” acaba por
determinar que o segundo verbo venha no gerúndio, pois “enjoy” faz parte da lista de
verbos que exigem que o verbo subsequente esteja no gerúndio.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “going”. O uso do verbo “suggest” acaba
por determinar que o segundo verbo venha no gerúndio, pois “suggest” também faz
parte da lista de verbos que exigem que o verbo subsequente esteja no gerúndio.
exact cause.
Crew - um grupo de pessoas que trabalham na aeronave.
a) find out
b) stabilize
c) think
d) have
A alternativa A está correta. “Find out” significa descobrir, o que equivale ao uso de
“establish”, que significa estabelecer, nesse contexto específico. Estabelecer a causa do
acidente e descobrir a causa do acidente são basicamente a mesma coisa no contexto
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Stabilize” significa estabilizar, e não é isso que a palavra
“establish” significa, e sim estabelecer, descobrir.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Think” significa pensar, e não é isso que a palavra
“establish” significa, e sim estabelecer, descobrir.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Have” significa ter, e não é isso que a palavra “establish”
significa, e sim estabelecer, descobrir.
13 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Select the alternative that best completes
the dialogue below.
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “saw”. A expressão “last Sunday” usada no
final da frase nos dá a noção de tempo definido e essa é uma das situações de uso do
past simple. Portanto, é perfeito o uso do past simple nessa situação.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “haven’t seen”. A expressão “for years”
indica tempo decorrido, sendo esse o principal sinal que a frase nos oferece de que
precisamos usar o present perfect para preencher a lacuna.
Economists have recognized that physical beauty affects wages, even in occupations
where appearance does not seem relevant to job performance. It seems that attractive
men and women are paid more than ordinary people for the same work.
14 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the best alternative that presents
the correct verb tense and the voice of the verbs underlined in the text, respectively.
O primeiro verbo sublinhado é “are paid”. Podemos observar que o verbo to be está no
presente ao ser conjugado como “are” e, assim, podemos afirmar que este verbo está
conjugado no simple present, ainda que “paid” esteja no particípio. Além disso,
podemos observar que os homens e mulheres atraentes sofrem a ação de receber o
pagamento. Portanto, podemos afirmar que esse verbo está na voz passiva, ou passive
voice. Isso explica o uso do particípio no verbo “paid” e ainda explica o porquê de o
verbo estar no simple present.
Temos a sequência: present perfect / active voice; simple present / passive voice.
15 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Select the correct modal verb that fills in the
blank in the paragraph below.
Paul feels very sick and dizzy. I think he has been drinking all night again. He ____ get out
of bed this morning.
a) will
b) must
c) can’t
d) could
A alternativa A está incorreta. O uso de “will” para preencher a lacuna não teria sentido,
pois a frase diz que Paul se sente mal e tonto. Acho que ele esteve bebendo a noite toda
de novo. Ele vai levantar da cama essa manhã. Perceba que não faz sentido dizer que ele
vai levantar da cama se ele se sente mal e tonto. Seria lógico dizer que ele não consegue
levantar da cama, e não que ele vai levantar.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O uso de “must” para preencher a lacuna não teria sentido,
pois a frase diz que Paul se sente mal e tonto. Acho que ele esteve bebendo a noite toda
de novo. Ele tem que levantar da cama essa manhã. Perceba que não faz sentido dizer
que ele vai levantar da cama se ele se sente mal e tonto. Seria lógico dizer que ele não
consegue levantar da cama, e não que ele tem que levantar.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “can’t” é a ideal para preencher a lacuna, pois dá
o sentido mais lógico ao trecho. Se ele se sente mal e tonto por ter bebido a noite toda,
faz sentido que ele não consiga sair da cama de manhã.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O uso de “could” para preencher a lacuna não teria
sentido, pois a frase diz que Paul se sente mal e tonto. Acho que ele esteve bebendo a
noite toda de novo. Ele poderia levantar da cama essa manhã. Perceba que não faz
sentido dizer que ele vai levantar da cama se ele se sente mal e tonto. Seria lógico dizer
que ele não consegue levantar da cama, e não que ele poderia levantar.
16 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the alternative that fills in the blank
in the sentence below.
Scientists say that when a person stops _____ very soon, the chances of getting cancer
and other diseases reduce.
a) smoke
b) smokes
c) smoked
d) smoking
O uso do verbo “stops” antes da lacuna nos permite entender que o próximo verbo (no
caso, o verbo “smoke”), deverá ser apresentado no gerúndio. O verbo “stop” faz parte
de uma lista de verbos que são, normalmente, seguidos por outros verbos nas frases.
Esses verbos exigem que o verbo subsequente esteja no gerúndio. Assim, temos:
Scientists say that when a person stops smoking very soon, the chances of getting cancer
and other diseases reduce.
17 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The verb “clear”, in the cartoon, can be
replaced by
a) clean
b) bright
c) prohibited
d) authorized
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone,
except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only
see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything,
including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will
you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry
him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take
care of my eyes dear.”
18 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The underlined verbs, in the text, are in the
a) Simple Past
b) Simple Present
c) Present Perfect
d) Present Continuous
Podemos observar que os verbos são: was, said, donated, refused, walked, wrote. Todos
os verbos sublinhados no texto e citados anteriormente neste comentário estão
conjugados no simple past. Eles são o passado dos seguintes verbos, respectivamente:
be, say, donate, refuse, walk, write.
What was lost and what survived devastating Notre Dame fire
David K. Li
Some of the most prized, centuries-old relics of France and Christianity survived the
devastating Notre Dame Cathedral fire that almost wiped out the cherished Paris
According to Culture Minister Frank Riester the “most precious treasures” were largely
spared. Many of the works will be stored at Paris’ City Hall and the Louvre, where they
will be examined, treated for damage and protected.
Monday’s fire almost destroyed the entire cathedral, wich has stood in Paris and survived
nearly 900 years of tumultuous French history.
So far, authorities have said blaze appears to be an accident, possibly connected to a
renovation project carried out by five companies.
The fire was finally extinguished after nine hours of work.
a) seems
b) sounds
c) looks like
d) looks as if
Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last week Ethiopian Airlines crash
has revealed “similarities” to October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash.
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes after take off, killing all 157
people on board. It was the second disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in
less than six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight were killed in
Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities between the two incidents led aviation
authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the Lion
Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack sensor on the outside of the plane
that transmited incorrect data, which could have triggered the automated flight software
that forced the plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually corrected an “automatic
aircraft nose down two minutes after take off and performed the same procedure again
and again before the plane hurtled into the Java Sea.
a) allow
b) permit
c) forbid
d) suggest
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “forbid” traz o sentido de proibir, e “ban” traz o
sentido de algo banir, proibir. As duas expressões são sinônimas nesse contexto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “suggest” traz o sentido de sugerir, enquanto
“ban” traz o sentido de algo banido, proibido. As duas expressões não tem relação de
More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as a typhoon made landfall on China’s
east coast, state media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before
midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency
reports, citing provincial flood control headquarters.
A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have
been evacuated and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said.
The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland
to the northwest, Xinhua said.
21 –(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2020) Complete the text with the correct
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “have been”. O texto diz que mais de 200.000
pessoas tiveram que ser evacuadas por conta de um tufão na China, mas não é feita
nenhuma menção sobre quando essa evacuação foi feita. Por ter uma sentença no
passado que não sabemos quando aconteceu ou quando se encerrou, o uso do present
perfect é o mais apropiado. Como “people” é plural, usamos o auxiliar “have”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “have been”. ”. O texto diz que o verão é a
estação dos tufões na China, mas que as mortes vem sendo minisadas graças ao
planejamento antecipado do governo e evacuações de área de potencial perigo. Por ter
uma sentença no passado que não sabemos quando iniciou e que segue ocorrendo, o
uso do present perfect é o mais apropiado. Como “casualties” é plural, usamos o auxiliar
a) becoming
b) arriving
c) understanding
d) obtaining
O verbo get pode ter muitos e muitos significados em Inglês e é sempre importante
analisar o contexto. No trecho mencionado pela questão, ele tem o sentido de “se
smaller all the time = Embora o hiato de gerações não tenha desaparecido
(arriving), caso em que é usado com a preposição to, mas, como vimos, não é o sentido
no trecho. (Ex: We’re getting to the hotel). Get também pode significar entendendo
(understanding), mas também não é o sentido no trecho. (Ex: I’m not getting it.). Por fim,
pode querer dizer obtendo (obtaining), mas não foi o caso no trecho (Ex: I’m getting
Gabarito: A
a) trained.
b) arranged.
c) exercised.
d) supported.
a) treinado.
b) arranjados.
c) exercido.
Gabarito: A
The interrogative form of the sentence “he’s got a ragtag group” (lines 13 and 14) is:
O verbo da frase está no Present Perfect. É um uso especial, que equivale a usar o verbo
have/has, indicando que alguém tem, possui algo. Ex: I have a car = I’ve got a car. Assim,
ragtag group?
Gabarito: D
a) speaking
b) telling
c) talk
d) proverb
No trecho, saying está sendo usado como um substantivo (observe o uso do artigo
indefinido “a” antes do termo) e tem o sentido de dito, provérbio. Nas alternativas,
equivale a proverb (letra D). Não corresponde propriamente ao ato de falar (speaking),
Gabarito: D
In “... attending a conference...”, (line 4), the underlined word is closest in meaning to
a) following.
b) assisting at.
letra C - estar presente em. Não tem sentido de seguindo (following), auxiliando em
Gabarito: C
a) for emphasis.
b) as a modal verb.
c) to avoid repetition.
d) as a question word.
Conforme explicado na questão 39, o auxiliar “do” entra no lugar de toda a expressão
“kill people” = these machines kill more people than sharks kill people. (Essas máquinas
matam mais pessoas do que tubarões matam pessoas.). Observe como ficaria repetitivo
sem o uso do auxiliar do. O auxiliar, dessa forma, evita a repetição. Dessa forma, está
sendo usado
Esse é um uso possível do auxiliar do, antes do verbo principal em uma afirmativa (com
sujeitos I, we, you e they e does para he, she e it), para enfatizar o que se diz. Ex: I do
love pizza = Eu amo pizza (muito, de verdade). Porém, não foi esse o uso no trecho do
texto. ERRADA.
c) evitar repetição.
Uma das funções mais típicas do auxiliar do é para construir perguntas no Simple Present
(com sujeitos I, we, you e they). Mas ele não foi usado assim no texto. ERRADA.
Gabarito: C
a) find / comes
b) found / came
A expressão “a long time ago” é uma expressão de tempo passado, significando “há
muito tempo”, “um longo tempo atrás”. E é ela que vai estabelecer o tempo em que os
verbos serão usados, ou seja, também no passado (Simple Past). A única alternativa que
trouxe os dois verbos no passado é a letra B (found: encontraram / came: veio). A letra
A trouxe os dois verbos no presente, a letra C trouxe a primeira opção no Present Perfect
(que pode indicar passado, mas não será usado com expressões de passado, como “a
Gabarito: B
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling
floors, sharp eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly
tumbling out, some of _____ in flames.
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense
plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the
buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one
coming? No, it was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____
lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west?
Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated
jumping into the river (…).
to scramble – lutar
a) hit.
b) hike.
c) hint.
d) hide.
A palavra “hid” é o tempo verbal past simple do verbo “to hide” (esconder-se). Trata-
se de um verbo irregular, cuja conjugação no presente é “hide”, no passado é “hid” e
no particípio (usado na estrutura dos tempos perfect) é “hidden”. O passado do verbo
“hike” é “hiked, do verbo “hint” é “hinted” e do verbo “hit” é “hit”. Portanto a
alternativa D está correta.
Greenpeace _____ against environmental degradation since 1971 when a small boat of
volunteers and journalists _____ into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska.
Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s biodiversity
and environment. It’s also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to
challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act appropriately in order to
protect our environment and our future.
Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed, respectively:
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “has campaigned”. O uso da expressão
“since 1971” é indicativo de que a lacuna precisa ser preenchida no present perfect,
pois indica tempo o decorrido desde 1971 até agora. Portanto, “has campaigned” é a
única escolha possível.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “sailed”. O uso do past simple se faz
necessário porque o texto diz que esse ato foi cometido em um momento específico
(em 1971). Quando temos um ato único e terminado, que sabemos exatamente
quando ocorreu, usamos o past simple. Portanto, “sailed” é a única escolha possível.
Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he was walking sideways.
Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk
straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow your example.’
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. She could not walk straight
herself. Then, she saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child.
Fonte:Aesop’s Fables
Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed, respectively:
A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “was talking”. O trecho nos dá a entender
que e mãe estava no meio de uma conversa quando percebeu algo. Portanto,
podemos dizer que era uma ação em andamento no passado. Dessa forma, a melhor
forma de preencher a lacuna é usando o past continuous.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “noticed”. O uso do past simple se faz
necessário porque o texto diz que estava acontecendo uma conversa quando a mãe
percebeu algo. Portanto, sabemos quando foi que ela percebeu. O conhecimento do
momento no qual uma ação ocorreu, somado ao fato de que sabemos que essa ação
não se prolongou, afinal, perceber algo só leva um instante, nos dá a certeza de que a
lacuna deve ser preenchida no past simple.
a) express prohibition.
b) refuse permission.
d) give an order.
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “could” foi usada no texto para da ideia de
capacidade de fazer algo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre expressar proibição.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “could” foi usada no texto para da ideia de
capacidade de fazer algo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre recusar permissão.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra “could” foi usada no texto para da ideia de
capacidade de fazer algo, e a alternativa fala sobre capacidade. A alternativa define
perfeitamente o uso da palavra “could” no texto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “could” foi usada no texto para da ideia de
capacidade de fazer algo, enquanto a alternativa fala sobre dar uma ordem.
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can be completely honest, I hate
Christmas. Maybe it’s because Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a
young boy. Anyway, my neighbors really love Christmas and every year they decorate
the inside and outside of their house with big, bright lights. This year, however, they
really exaggerated: their lights are so bright that I can’t sleep at night! Tomorrow I am
going to speak to my neighbors and ask that the lights __________ reduced or
a) be
b) are
c) were
d) have been
a) quality
b) permission
c) prohibition
d) importance
A alternativa B está correta. O verbo modal “can” expressa permissão. Se eu posso ser
completamente honesto, eu odeio o natal.
The pilot of a Beech Baron airplane noticed that one of his engines was on fire. He
contacted the nearest air traffic control center to ask for help.
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the Control Tower. “Please inform
your altitude”.
a) infinitive
b) imperative
c) subjunctive
d) passive voice
Nesse caso, o trecho em que a palavra está inserida, a torre de controle diz ao piloto:
Por favor, informe sua altitude. Informe é um verbo conjugado no imperativo e,
embora possamos observar o uso da expressão por favor, isso não muda o fato de que
o verbo está conjugado no imperativo. Todo esse raciocínio aplicado, neste
comentário, em língua portuguesa, aplica-se sem nenhum ônus ao trecho em língua
inglesa que encontramos no texto.
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time revitalizing a small square on the
corner of avenues São Joãoand Duque de Caxias, in downtown São Paulo. He planted
pau-brasil, palm, banana and avocado trees. He also planted boldo, sweet potatoes,
beans, peppers and ornamental plants, such as snake plants. Residents noticed the
square’s gradual changes and congratulated the author for the modifications.
b) People congratulated the man for the gradual changes in the square.
A alternativa A está correta. O verbo “has chosen” está conjugado no present perfect,
e não no simple past.
The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer exchange meat for the traditional
dish of rice and beans. High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the low
prices of these products, caused by good harvest, are responsible for the increase in
demand, __________ will be 15% to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the
year. The average consumption per capita is around 3, 5 kilos of rice and 1, 5 kilo of
harvest = colheita
The words “is making”, underlined in the text, form a verb in the __________.
a) simple past
b) future tense
c) simple present
d) present progressive
A alternativa A está incorreta. O “simple past” do verbo “to make” é “made”, não
A alternativa B está incorreta. O “future tense” do verbo “to make” é “will make”, não
A alternativa C está incorreta. O “simple present” do verbo “to make” é “make”, não
It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career.
And becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are
some tips on what you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come.
- walk more;
- don’t smoke;
In the sentence “It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end
your flying career”, the modal verb “may” expresses __________.
a) ability
b) necessity
c) deduction
d) possibility
A alternativa A está incorreta. O verbo modal “may” indica possibiliadade, pois diz que
se deve evitar doenças que podem acabar com sua carreira como piloto. Sendo assim,
não se pode dizer que o verbo fala sobre capacidade.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O verbo modal “may” indica possibiliadade, pois diz que
se deve evitar doenças que podem acabar com sua carreira como piloto. Sendo assim,
não se pode dizer que o verbo fala sobre necessidade.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O verbo modal “may” indica possibiliadade, pois diz que
se deve evitar doenças que podem acabar com sua carreira como piloto. Sendo assim,
não se pode dizer que o verbo fala sobre dedução.
A alternativa D está correta. O verbo modal “may” indica possibiliadade, pois diz que
se deve evitar doenças que podem acabar com sua carreira como piloto. Sendo assim,
não se pode dizer que o verbo fala sobre capacidade.
“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo,
drug addicts
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the
movement of those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe
outdoor areas where people negotiate and consume drugs.
The verbs “have spread” and “have accompanied”, underlined in the text, are in the
a) simple past
b) future tense
c) present perfect
d) past progressive
A alternativa B está incorreta. O “Future Tense” pode ser caracterizado pelo uso do
auxiliar “will” ou pelo uso da expressão “going to” antes do verbo principal. O auxiliar
usado no enunciado é o “have”. Isso descarta o tempo futuro.
O trecho traz uma contração que pode ser enganosa “kid’s”, mas perceba que logo
após essa contração, observamos o verbo “earn” escrito no particípio, o que nos leva a
entender que o apóstrofo “s” em questão é uma contração de “kid has”. Isso nos leva
à estrutura do tempo verbal present perfect.
Arrest Dog
A police department has temporarily stopped the use of arrest dogs after a shocking
bodycam footage came to light.
The video shows US police officers ordering a dog to attack an unresisting black man.
The suspect was already handcuffed when the dog latched onto his leg for 20 seconds.
In the video, a police officer can be heard repeatedly praising the animal, saying ´good
The police department said that the officer had been placed on administrative leave.
According to the suspect, the injury was avoidable; however, he also said that he
suffered permanent nerve and tendon damage with infections that could lead to
The incident happened almost one month before George Floyd´s death.
The word, “latched”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to __________.
a) held
b) bit
c) licked
d) caught
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Lachted” significa segurou algo, agarrou. “Bit” significa
mordeu e tem a mesma ideia de “latched” no contexto apresentado.
“Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times
before the patient’s eyes opened.
Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young
uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The
Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a
message of love and encouragement.
The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed. All through the
night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man’s
hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested
that the Marine move away and rest awhile.
He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her
and of the night noises of the hospital – the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of
the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other
Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only
held tightly to his son all through the night.
Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he
had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he
Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine
interrupted her.
The nurse was startled, “He was your father,” she answered.
“Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”
“I knew right away there had been a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and
his son just wasn’t here. When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was
his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.”
Author Unknown
In " The nurse was startled", the word, in bold type, is closest in meaning to
_____________ . Except:
a) surprised
b) disconcerted
c) disturbed
d) flattered
A alternativa A está incorreta. O termo “startled” quer dizer que alguém está surpreso
ou perturbado com algo, e “suprised” significa surpreso, havendo relação próxima
entre as palavras.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O termo “startled” quer dizer que alguém está surpreso
ou perturbado com algo, e “disconcerted” significa desconcertado, havendo relação
próxima entre as palavras.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O termo “startled” quer dizer que alguém está surpreso
ou perturbado com algo, e “disturbed” significa perturbado, havendo relação próxima
entre as palavras.
A alternativa D está correta. O termo “startled” quer dizer que alguém está surpreso ou
perturbado com algo, enquanto “flattered” significa lisonjeado, não havendo nenhuma
relação entre as palavras.
Five baby gorillas have been born in six weeks in Bwindi National Park, leading the
Ugandan Wildlife Service (UWS) to declare a baby boom.
Announcing the latest birth, the UWS said: "The Rushegura gorilla family welcomes
another bouncing cute baby gorilla".
Seven babies have been born since January compared to three for the whole of 2019,
according to the UWS.
The UWS told the BBC that this year was unprecedented for gorilla births but it is not
clear why there has been this uptick.
The five recent births were to different families, not to the same family, as we initially
BBC Africa correspondent Catherine Byaruhanga says the baby boom comes as the
parks are testing out visits to primate locations, which were stopped due to coronavirus.
In March, most of Uganda's tourism sector was shut down and the industry is slowly
opening up but primates are of particular concern as they share so much of our DNA.
Now, small groups of visitors are allowed into protected areas as new safety
procedures, such as wearing face masks and social distancing, are tried out.
Poaching has also been a major worry for authorities especially during the lockdown.
In July, a man was sentenced to 11 years in prison over the killing of Rafiki, a silverback
gorilla in Bwindi.
As well as in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, they can also be found in a network
of parks in the Virunga Massif range of mountains which straddle the borders of the
three countries.
In 2018, the mountain gorilla was removed from the list of critically endangered
species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, after intensive
conservation efforts, including anti-poaching patrols, paid off.
43- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words SAID and TOLD in the text
a) Regular verbs
b) Modal verbs
c) Are not verbs
d) Irregular verbs
A alternativa A está incorreta. As palavras “said” e “told” não são regular verbs (verbos
regulares), mas sim, irregular verbs (verbos irregulares) no passado, que no presente
são “to say” e “to tell”, respectivamente.
A alternativa B está incorreta. As palavras “said” e “told” não são modal verbs (verbos
modais), mas sim, irregular verbs (verbos irregulares) no passado, que no presente são
“to say” e “to tell”, respectivamente.
A alternativa C está incorreta. As palavras “said” e “told” são irregular verbs (verbos
irregulares) no passado, que no presente são “to say” e “to tell”, respectivamente, ou
seja, não é correto afirmar que não são verbos.
A alternativa D está correta. As palavras “said” e “told” são irregular verbs (verbos
irregulares) no passado, que no presente são “to say” e “to tell”, respectivamente,
assim como esta opção indica.
44- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) According to the text, choose the best
A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os
cinco nascimentos recentes podem ser da mesma família, mas sim, que os nascimentos
foram de diferentes famílias. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The five recent
births were to different families, not to the same family…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os
cinco nascimentos recentes foram da mesma família, mas sim, que os nascimentos
foram de diferentes famílias. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The five recent
births were to different families, not to the same family…”.
A alternativa C está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que os cinco
nascimentos recentes foram de diferentes famílias, assim como esta opção indica. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The five recent births were to different families,
not to the same family…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os
cinco nascimentos recentes podem ter sido de diferentes famílias, mas sim, que os
nascimentos foram de diferentes famílias. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The
five recent births were to different families, not to the same family…”.
a) We aren’t
b) We were
c) We are
d) We weren’t
A alternativa A está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser completado
com o verb to be na negativa (we aren’t), mas sim, na afirmativa (we are), pois, logo
depois já tem a palavra “not” indicando negação.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser completado
com o verb to be no passado (we were), mas sim, na afirmativa e no presente (we are),
pois, logo depois já tem a palavra “not” indicando negação.
A alternativa C está correta. O espaço em branco na tirinha pode ser completado com
o verb to be na afirmativa e no presente (we are), pois, logo depois já tem a palavra
“not” indicando negação, assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser completado
com o verb to be na negativa e no passado (we weren’t), mas sim, na afirmativa e no
presente (we are), pois, logo depois já tem a palavra “not” indicando negação.
a) Were
b) Are
c) Is
d) Am
A alternativa A está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser preenchido
com “were” (estava) pois se refere a algo no passado, enquanto a tirinha se refere ao
presente, ou seja, o correto é “are” (está), pois o menino dirige diretamente a palavra
ao avô.
A alternativa B está correta. O espaço em branco na tirinha pode ser preenchido com
“are” (está), pois o menino dirige diretamente a palavra ao avô, no presente, assim
como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser preenchido
com “is” (está), o correto é “are” (está), pois o menino dirige diretamente a palavra ao
avô, ou seja, pronome “you” (você).
A alternativa D está incorreta. O espaço em branco na tirinha não pode ser preenchido
com “am” pois se refere ao pronome (I), o correto é “are” (está), pois o menino dirige a
palavra ao avô, ou seja, pronome “you” (você).
More than 400 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats - a record for
a single day.
Border Force _______ 409 people, including young children, on board 27 boats, with
several further vessels still being dealt with. Some of the migrants were carrying
children too young to walk. Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday said the
UK had become "a target and a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people
in this way".
A further 53 people were rescued by French authorities after getting into difficulties
before reaching British waters. Some 145 people had crossed the Channel in 18 small
boats on Tuesday. Rough seas brought on by Storm Francis made crossings impossible
at the end of August, but conditions have improved in the first two days of September.
Speaking in the Commons during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "I have
a great deal of sympathy with those who are desperate as to put their children in
dinghies or in children's paddling pools and try to cross the channel.
"But I have to say what they're doing is falling prey to criminal gangs and they are
breaking the law." He added: "It also undermines the legitimate claims of others who
seek asylum in this country”. "We will address the rigidities in our laws that make this
country, I'm afraid, a target and a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable
people in this way."
More than 1,468 migrants made the crossing by small boat in August despite a vow
from Home Secretary Priti Patel to make the dangerous route "unviable". The Home
Office does not provide information on how many children are making the crossing on
small boats.
Home Office minister Chris Philp told the Commons on Wednesday the government
was attempting to return 1,000 people who had arrived in the UK, having "previously
claimed asylum in European countries, and under the regulations legally should be
returned there". More than 7,400 migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats
since January 2019.
47- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in
the blank.
A lacuna precisa ser preenchida pelo verbo “has intercepted”. O present perfect é
necessário porque o texto não nos dá a exata noção de quando ocorreu o fato. O fato
de o próprio título do texto estar escrito no tempo verbal present perfect é outro bom
indicativo que esse é o tempo verbal mais adequado para preencher a lacuna.
48- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “… ARE RAW...” in the comic is in the
a) Simple past
b) Future simple
c) Present continuous
d) Simple present
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase “...are raw...” não está no simple past (passado
simples), mas sim, no simple present (presente simples).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase “...are raw...” não está no future simple (futuro
simples), mas sim, no simple present (presente simples).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase “...are raw...” não está no present continuous
(presente contínuo), mas sim, no simple present (presente simples).
A alternativa D está correta. A frase “...are raw...” está no simple present (presente
simples), assim como esta opção indica.
Recent polls suggest Joe Biden has a significant and steady lead over Republican
Donald Trump in this year's presidential race in both national preference and key swing-
state surveys.
Due to record-shattering fundraising, the Democrat also has a sizeable financial
advantage, which means he'll be able to blanket the airwaves with his campaign message
in the final weeks.
Electoral analysts have been increasing their odds that Trump will lose his re-election
bid. Nate Silver's blog currently has Biden with an 87% chance of
winning, while Decision Desk HQ puts him at 83.5%.
49- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words LOSE and WAS in the text
a) Regular verbs
b) Not verbs
c) Modal verbs
d) Irregular verbs
A alternativa A está incorreta. As palavras “lose” e “was” não são regular verbs (verbos
regulares), mas sim, irregular verbs (verbos irregulares) no futuro e no passado, que no
presente são “to lose” e “to be”, respectivamente.
A alternativa B está incorreta. As palavras “lose” e “was” são irregular verbs (verbos
irregulares) no futuro e no passado, que no presente são “to lose” e “to be”,
respectivamente, ou seja, não é correto afirmar que não são verbos.
A alternativa C está incorreta. As palavras “said” e “told” não são modal verbs (verbos
modais), mas sim, irregular verbs (verbos irregulares) no futuro e no passado, que no
presente são “to lose” e “to be”, respectivamente.
A alternativa D está correta. As palavras “lose” e “was” são irregular verbs (verbos
irregulares) no futuro e no passado, que no presente são “to lose” e “to be”,
respectivamente, assim como esta opção indica.
a) Mustn’t
b) Can
c) Should
d) Have to
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase em questão não pede “mustn’t” (não devemos)
pois nos infere que o menino diz que ir para a cama é uma obrigação, ou seja, o que se
encaixa é “have to” (temos que).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase em questão não pede “can” (podemos) pois nos
infere que o menino diz que ir para a cama é uma obrigação, ou seja, o que se encaixa
é “have to” (temos que).
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase em questão não pede “should” (devríamos) pois
nos infere que o menino diz que ir para a cama é uma obrigação, ou seja, o que se
encaixa é “have to” (temos que).
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase em questão nos infere que o menino diz que ir
para a cama é uma obrigação, ou seja, o que se encaixa é “have to” (temos que), assim
como esta opção indica.
a) Drowns
b) Has drowned
c) Drowning
d) Was drowning
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase não pede um verbo no simple present (drowns –
afoga), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (drowning – afogando).
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase não pede um verbo no present perfect (has
drowned – tem afogado), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (drowning –
A alternativa C está correta. A frase pede um verbo no present continuous (drowning –
afogando), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase não pede um verbo no past continuous (was
drowning – estava afogando), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (drowning –
A 12-year-old found a 69 million-year-old dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad
Nathan Hrushkin _____ to be a paleontologist for as long as he can remember, and the
12-year-old has already made a significant discovery.
He found a partially unearthed dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad this summer
at a conservation site in the Horseshoe Canyon in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada.
"It's pretty amazing to find something that's like real, like an actual dinosaur
discovery," he told CNN. "It's kind of been my dream for a while."
The fossil was a humerus bone from the arm of a juvenile hadrosaur -- a duck-billed
dinosaur that lived about 69 million years ago, according to a news release from the
Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Nathan and his dad, Dion, had found bone fragments in the area on a previous hike
and thought that they might have washed down from farther up the hill.
They were just finishing lunch when Nathan climbed up the hill to take a look.
"He called down to me, he's like, 'Dad, you need to get up here,' and as soon as he
said that I could tell by the tone in his voice that he found something," Dion Hrushkin
Nathan said the fossil was very obvious and it looked like "a scene on a TV show or a
cartoon or something."
They sent pictures of the bone to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, which
identified the fossil and sent a team of paleontologists to the site.
Fossils are protected by law in Alberta, and the NCC said that it is important that
people don't disturb any fossils they may find.
The crew has been working at the site for about two months and uncovered between
30 and 50 bones that came from a single young hadrosaur that was about three or four
years old, according to the statement.
Hadrosaur bones are the most common fossils found in Alberta's badlands, but few
juvenile skeletons have been found, the statement said. It was also found in a layer of
rock that rarely preserves fossils.
"This young hadrosaur is a very important discovery because it comes from a time
interval for which we know very little about what kind of dinosaurs or animals lived in
Alberta," François Therrien, the Royal Tyrrell Museum's curator of dinosaur
palaeoecology, said in the statement. "Nathan and Dion's find will help us fill this big
gap in our knowledge of dinosaur evolution."
The fossils were very close together, so the paleontologists removed large pieces of
the surrounding rock from the canyon walls.
One of the fossil-rich slabs weighed about 1,000 pounds and was more than four feet
wide, according to Carys Richards, a communications manager with the NCC.
Nathan had heard of the hadrosaur before his big find but said it wasn't the most well-
known dinosaur.
It's probably his favorite now -- beating out the wildly popular Tyrannosaurus rex.
Nathan and his dad have come to watch the dig several times since the discovery and
were there on Thursday when the team was hauling out the last specimens.
"It was pretty fun to be there and watch them do their things," Nathan said.
(Adapted from
52- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Choose the appropriate word to fill in
the blank
a) Wanted
b) Want
c) Is wanting
d) Has wanted
A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase em questão não nos pede um verbo no simple
past (wanted – queria), mas sim, um verbo no present perfect (has wanted – quer)
considerando que a frase é “Athan Hrushkin quer ser paleontólogo desde que se
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase em questão não nos pede um verbo no simple
present (want – quer), mas sim, um verbo no present perfect (has wanted – quer)
considerando que a frase é “Athan Hrushkin quer ser paleontólogo desde que se
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase em questão não nos pede um verbo no present
continuous (is wanting – está querendo), mas sim, um verbo no present perfect (has
wanted – quer) considerando que a frase é “Athan Hrushkin quer ser paleontólogo
desde que se lembra...”.
A alternativa D está correta. A frase em questão nos pede um verbo no present perfect
(has wanted – quer) considerando que a frase é “Athan Hrushkin quer ser paleontólogo
desde que se lembra...”, assim como esta opção indica.
A judge cleared him of hate crime charges, which Matthews admitted to earlier this year.
But he was found guilty of three counts of arson on religious buildings, and one count of
using fire to commit a federal felony.
At the time of the attacks, Matthews was a member of a band called Vodka Vultures. In
a plea hearing, he said he had sought to emulate church burnings carried out by "black
metal" music fans in Norway in the 1990s. During that period, at least 50 Christian
churches in Norway were attacked by arsonists in the name of "black metal", a subgenre
of heavy metal music.
In a statement, Acting US Attorney Alexander Van Hook said Matthews' sentence
"should send a clear message that there is a high price to pay for this type of destruction
and violence".
(Adapted from
53- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words ORDERED and EVOKED in
the text are
a) Irregular verbs
b) Not verbs
c) Modal verbs
d) Regular verbs
A alternativa A está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que as palavras “ordered”
(ordenado) e “evoked” (evocou) são “irregular verbs” (verbos irregulares), mas sim, que
são “regular verbs”, considerando que ao final da palavra se adicionou o sufixo -ed.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que as palavras “ordered”
(ordenado) e “evoked” (evocou) não são “verbs” (verbos), mas sim, que são “regular
verbs”, considerando que ao final da palavra se adicionou o sufixo -ed e expressam
uma ação.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que as palavras “ordered”
(ordenado) e “evoked” (evocou) são “modal verbs” (verbos modais), mas sim, que são
“regular verbs”, considerando que ao final da palavra se adicionou o sufixo -ed.
A alternativa D está correta. É correto afirmar que as palavras “ordered” (ordenado) e
“evoked” (evocou) são “regular verbs”, considerando que ao final da palavra se
adicionou o sufixo -ed, assim como esta opção indica.
a) Did
b) Have
c) Do
d) Can
A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço em branco não
é “did” (passado), mas sim, “do” (presente) pois a frase se encontra no presente, ou
seja, o verbo deve estar no presente e criar a frase “você se importa se eu me sentar
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço em branco não
é “have” (tem), mas sim, “do” (fazer) pois a frase se encontra no presente, ou seja, o
verbo deve estar no presente e criar a frase “você se importa se eu me sentar aqui?”.
A alternativa C está correta. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço em branco é
“do” (fazer - presente), assim como esta opção indica; pois a frase se encontra no
presente, ou seja, o verbo deve estar no presente e criar a frase “você se importa se eu
me sentar aqui?”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra que melhor completa o espaço em branco não
é “can” (tem), mas sim, “do” (fazer) pois a frase se encontra no presente, ou seja, o
verbo deve estar no presente e criar a frase “você se importa se eu me sentar aqui?”.
a) Say
b) Have been saying
c) Had said
d) Said
A alternativa A está incorreta. O tempo verbal do verbo “to say” (dizer) que melhor
completa o espaço em branco não é “say” (simple present), mas sim, “said” (simple
past), para completar a frase “who said so?” (quem disse isso?).
A alternativa B está incorreta. O tempo verbal do verbo “to say” (dizer) que melhor
completa o espaço em branco não é “have been saying” (present perfect continuous),
mas sim, “said” (simple past), para completar a frase “who said so?” (quem disse isso?).
A alternativa C está incorreta. O tempo verbal do verbo “to say” (dizer) que melhor
completa o espaço em branco não é “had said” (past perfect), mas sim, “said” (simple
past), para completar a frase “who said so?” (quem disse isso?).
A alternativa D está correta. O tempo verbal do verbo “to say” (dizer) que melhor
completa o espaço em branco é “said” (simple past), para completar a frase “who said
so?” (quem disse isso?), assim como esta opção indica.
WhatsApp is introducing a "disappearing messages" option that will erase chats from
the phone of both the sender and recipient after seven days.
The Facebook-owned app, which has two billion users worldwide, said the setting would
help keep chats private.
But it said recipients would still be able to screenshot or forward any messages, photos
or videos that they wanted to keep. The option will appear for WhatsApp users by the
end of November.
In a blog, the company said messages could be set to expire after seven days to offer
"peace of mind that conversations aren't permanent, while remaining practical so you
don't forget what you were chatting about".
In April 2019, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg pledged to make several
changes to the social network to offer users more privacy.
One of his proposed changes was offering more "ephemeral" ways to share content,
including disappearing messages.
The company also hopes to integrate its messaging platforms, making WhatsApp,
Instagram and Facebook Messenger interoperable.
Rival messaging app Snapchat, which has provided inspiration for a number of
Facebook's features, was built on the principle of disappearing messages.
"Remarkable that this was so long in coming to WhatsApp, given that it launched Status
(also a disappearing feature) back in 2017, that ephemeral is huge, and that this is
Facebook we are talking about," said Ingrid Lunden, a journalist for Tech Crunch, on
(Adapted from
56- (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The words SAID and BUILT in the text
a) Modal verbs
b) Phrasal verbs
c) Irregular verbs
d) Not verbs
Os verbos em questão são irregular verbs (verbos irregulares), pois na forma de passado,
não utilizam o sufixo -ed, mas sim, uma estrutura singular; cujos forma no presente são
“say” e “build”.
a) Know
b) Have known
c) Knew
d) Knowed
A alternativa A está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é simple present – presente
simples (know – sei), mas sim, simple past – passado simples (knew – sabia), pois a
sequência da frase nos indica que deve ser no passado.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é present perfect – presente
perfeito (have known – sabia), mas sim, simple past – passado simples (knew – sabia),
pois a sequência da frase nos indica que deve ser no passado.
A alternativa C está correta. O tempo verbal correto é simple past – passado simples
(knew – sabia), pois a sequência da frase nos indica que deve ser no passado, assim
como esta opção indica.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O tempo verbal correto não é “knowed”, pois o verbo
“to know” é irregular e não se adiciona o -ed ao fim; mas sim, simple past – passado
simples (knew – sabia), pois a sequência da frase nos indica que deve ser no passado.
In the sentence “it’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple
intelligences’”, the contraction refers to
a) It has.
b) It been.
c) It is.
d) It was.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Não se utiliza sujeito + verbo no “past participle”. Tem de
haver o verbo auxiliar “have” para que a estrutura esteja correta.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O uso do verbo “to be” no particípio “been” é o grande
indicador de que temos uma estrutura no “present perfect” e, portanto, faz-se necessário
o uso do auxiliar “have”.
TEXT Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning styles’ by Valerie Strauss
The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized 30 years ago when we now
worldrenowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind:
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human intelligence
that went beyond the traditional view that there was a single kind that could be measured
by standardized tests.
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which work together: linguistic,
logical-mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he
later added an eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a few more. The
theory became highly popular with K-12¹ educators around the world seeking ways to
reach students who did not respond to traditional approaches, but over time, ‘multiple
intelligences’ somehow became synonymous with the concept of ‘learning styles’. In this
important post, Gardner explains why the former is not the latter.
It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been
gratified by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools,
museums, and business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence has driven
me to distraction and that’s the tendency of many people, including persons whom I
cherish, to credit me with the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple
intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s high time to relieve my pain and to set the record
First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in several disciplines, including
the study of how human capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea
that each of us has a number of relatively independent mental faculties, which can be
termed our ‘multiple intelligences’. The basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single
intelligence assumes that we have one central, all-purpose computer, and it determines
how well we perform in every sector of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences
assumes that human beings have 7 to 10 distinct intelligences.
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied
about in educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all
children (indeed all of us) have distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it makes
sense to find out about learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are
appropriate, that they value, and above all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use
this term do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have a learning style that is
‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we
know this? What does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should
we compensate by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning style is ‘right-brained’ or
visual or tactile? Same issues apply.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify learning styles, teach consistently
with those styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the
learning style analysis produces more effective outcomes than a ‘one size fits all
approach’. Of course, the learning style analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if
it is on the mark, the fact that one intervention did not work does not mean that the
concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another intervention might have proved
effective. Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals
to educational researchers: ‘back to the drawing boards’.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to analyze this lexical terrain:
Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But we signed out, as a strong
intelligence, an area where the person has considerable computational power. Style or
learning style: A hypothesis of how an individual approaches the range of materials. If an
individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is hypothesized to be reflective about the full
range of materials. We cannot assume that reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals
reflectiveness in one’s interaction with the others.
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The
implication is that some people learn through their eyes, others through their ears. This
notion is incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the eyes, but they
make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. What matters is the power of the mental
computer, the intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or
a ‘visual learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may
be unhelpful, at best, and ill-conceived at worst.
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligences and
that strength (or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in
any other intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are
common sense ways of assessing our own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate,
we can take a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or selfassessors,
we can decide how best to make use of this information.
1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for
teaching with objects.
59 - (Estratégia Militares 2020 – AFA 2017) Choose the best option to change the
sentence “human capacities are represented in the brain” (4th paragraph) , into the active
a) has represented
b) represents
d) representing
O enunciado pede que transformemos uma frase da voz passiva para a voz ativa. A frase
no enunciado diz: As capacidades humanas são representadas no cérebro. Devemos,
então, dizer: O cérebro representa as capacidades humanas.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Has been represented” tem a ideia de “tem sido
representado”, e não de “representa”. O erro está no tempo verbal empregado.
60- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Mark the alternative that completes
the sentence below correctly
a) Is having
b) Had
c) Will have
d) Have
A alternativa A está correta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo agora
na Europa, ou seja, a frase dada pede um verbo no present continuous. Então o
correto é “Europe is having a critical moment in the pandemic” (Europa está
tendo um momento crítico na pandemia), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo
agora na Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no simple past, “had”
(teve), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto é “Europe is
having a critical moment in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um momento
crítico na pandemia).
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo
agora na Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no future simple,
“will have” (vai ter), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto
é “Europe is having a critical moment in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um
momento crítico na pandemia).
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo
agora na Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no simple presente,
61- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the
sentences below?
63- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph
below correctly?
No one knows what the next months hold, but suggestions that Britain ___ back to
normal by Christmas seem unlikely. Already, Leicester, Greater
Manchester and Preston _____ local lockdowns after registering rises in Covid-19
cases, while increases in Spain and Germany ___ an alarming reminder of the
difficulty of controlling this virus.
(Adapted from
The Democratic and Republican National Conventions are typically an opportunity for
US voters to get a sense of what their next president's domestic policies might look like.
But this year they also provided a key insight for China Inc as it navigates its rocky
relationship with the US.
Several insiders at Chinese technology firms __64__ me that a Joe Biden presidency
would be more appealing than another four more years of President Trump - which would
be seen as "unpredictable".
And while they think a Biden administration would still be tough on China, it would be
based more on reason, and fact rather than rhetoric and politicking.
One thing is clear though: companies on the mainland believe that whoever is in the
White House the tough stance on China is here to stay.
Here are three things that __65__ Chinese companies the most about the next US
administration - and what they're doing to protect themselves:
This word gets used a lot these days. President Trump and his administration talk about
it in tweets and in press statements in relation to China.
Decoupling basically means undoing more than three decades' worth of US business
relations with China.
Everything is on the cards: from getting American factories to pull their supply chains
out of the mainland, to forcing Chinese-owned companies that operate in the US - like
TikTok and Tencent - to swap their Chinese owners for American ones.
But that's precisely what President Trump says needs to change: his administration
argues that China has become richer while the US has become poorer.
During Mr Trump's term, deglobalisation - where borders are less open and trade is less
free - has become a trend. And it's something that Beijing knows won't change even after
the election.
"The fundamental adjustment of the US' strategic mind-set over China is real", reads
the latest op-ed in the Communist Party's mouthpiece, The Global Times. 'This has to a
large extent reset the China-US relationship."
One of the natural consequences of globalisation was arguably a safer world.
If you're doing business with one another, chances are you're not going to want to get
in a fight - or at least not open conflict.
A big worry for many businesses in Asia is that a real military clash between the two
superpowers is inevitable - and those concerns only grew this week when Beijing fired
missiles into the South China Sea, a lucrative but contested waterway.
The reset of the US-China relationship is dangerous - not just for the US and China - but
for the rest of us too.
(Adapted from
a) Will tell
b) Is telling
c) Had been telling
d) Will be telling
e) Have told
A alternativa A está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no future
simple (will tell – vai dizer), mas sim, um verbo no past participle (have told – ter dito)
pois a frase se refere a algo que estava acontecendo no passado.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no present
continuous (is telling – está dizendo), mas sim, um verbo no past participle (have told
– ter dito) pois a frase se refere a algo que estava acontecendo no passado.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no past
perfect continuous (had been telling – estava dizendo), mas sim, um verbo no past
participle (have told – ter dito) pois a frase se refere a algo que estava acontecendo
no passado.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no future
continuous (will be telling – estará dizendo), mas sim, um verbo no past participle
(have told – ter dito) pois a frase se refere a algo que estava acontecendo no passado.
A alternativa E está correta. A lacuna em questão pede um verbo no past participle
(have told – ter dito) pois a frase se refere a algo que estava acontecendo no passado,
assim como esta opção indica.
a) Are worrying
b) Have worried
c) Have been worrying
d) Worried
e) Will worry
A alternativa A está correta. A lacuna em questão pede um verbo no present
continuous (are worrying – estão preocupando), pois a frase se refere algo que está
acontecendo agora, assim como a opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no present
perfect (have worried – preocupou), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (are
worrying – estão preocupando), pois a frase se refere algo que está acontecendo
A alternativa C está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no present
perfect continuous (have been worrying – tem preocupado), mas sim, um verbo no
present continuous (are worrying – estão preocupando), pois a frase se refere algo
que está acontecendo agora.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no simple
past (worried – preocupou), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (are worrying
– estão preocupando), pois a frase se refere algo que está acontecendo agora.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A lacuna em questão não pede um verbo no future
simple (will worry – vai preocupar), mas sim, um verbo no present continuous (are
worrying – estão preocupando), pois a frase se refere algo que está acontecendo
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida por “ran”. O simple past é o tempo verbal mais adequado
nesse caso. O fato de o texto ter citado a data exata de quando o navio encalhou é o maior indício
de que devemos usar o simple past, pois sabemos exatamente quando o evento aconteceu.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida por “are making”. Essa lacuna teria mais de uma opção de
preenchimento, já que a frase é bastante aberta, no entanto, por causa das lacunas anteriores, a
única opção viável é a da letra C.
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida por “posted”. O verbo a ser inserido nessa lacuna deve vir
no particípio, pois as imagens foram postadas online.
Temos a sequência: believed / ran / are making / posted.
Together with fellow code-breaker Gordon Welchman, Turing developed the Bombe, a
machine based on an earlier Polish design, which from late 1940 was decoding all messages
sent by the Enigma machines.
Next, Turing turned his attentions to the more complex German naval signals, and together with
his ‘Hut 8’ team at Bletchley, succeeded in decrypting these as well in 1941, contributing to
Allied victory in the Battle of the Atlantic. In July 1942, Turing developed a complex code-
breaking technique he named ‘Turingery’ for use against the Lorenz cipher messages produced
by the Germans' new Geheimschreiber (secret writer) machine.
Turing also developed a secure speech system, which he ___72___ Delilah. The system, which
encoded and decoded voice communications, was intended to be used in a similar way to a
telephone scrambler. He demonstrated its mechanisms on one of Churchill's speeches, but the
machine was never commissioned for use in the war effort.
What did Turing do after his work at Bletchley Park?
In 1945 Turing was awarded an OBE for his services to the country and in 1949, was made deputy
director of the Computing Laboratory at the University of Manchester. Turing first addressed
the issue of Artificial intelligence (AI) in his famous paper Computing Machinery and
Intelligence (1950). In it, he ___73___ what he called the 'Imitation Game' (now called the
‘Turing Test’) – a method to determine whether a machine showing behaviour can truly be
called ‘intelligent’. The test has significantly influenced research on AI.
How did Alan Turing die?
On 7 June 1954, Turing was found dead from cyanide ___8___. An inquest ruled that it was
suicide, although this has been contested more recently, with Turing expert Prof Jack Copeland
attributing his death to the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes during an experiment.
What was Alan Turing's legacy?
The extent of Alan Turing’s work did not fully come to life until after his death. His impact on
computer science is commemorated in the annual ‘Turing Award’ – the highest ___9___ in the
industry. Meanwhile, his code-breaking operations at Bletchley Park are credited with
shortening the war by as much as two years and resulting in Allied victory – saving countless
lives in the process. In 2015 a new national centre for research in data science and AI, The Alan
Turing Institute, ___74___ in his name.
Adapted from
A) has become
B) has been become
C) becomes
D) has became
E) became
A alternativa A está incorreta. O trecho da lacuna está escrito no simple past, o que pode ser
observado pelo verbo “moved” antes da lacuna. Além disso, temos o ano de 1922 dando a exata
noção de quando o fato ocorreu. Sendo assim, não se pode usar uma estrutura de present perfect
para preencher a lacuna.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O trecho da lacuna está escrito no simple past, o que pode ser
observado pelo verbo “moved” antes da lacuna. Além disso, temos o ano de 1922 dando a exata
noção de quando o fato ocorreu. Sendo assim, não se pode usar uma estrutura de present perfect
na voz passiva para preencher a lacuna.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O trecho da lacuna está escrito no simple past, o que pode ser
observado pelo verbo “moved” antes da lacuna. Além disso, temos o ano de 1922 dando a exata
noção de quando o fato ocorreu. Sendo assim, não se pode usar uma estrutura de present simple
para preencher a lacuna.
A alternativa D está incorreta. O trecho da lacuna está escrito no simple past, o que pode ser
observado pelo verbo “moved” antes da lacuna. Além disso, temos o ano de 1922 dando a exata
noção de quando o fato ocorreu. Sendo assim, não se pode usar uma estrutura de present perfect
para preencher a lacuna. Estrutura essa que ainda está incorreta, pois o verbo não está no
particípio, mas sim no passado simples.
A alternativa E está correta. O trecho da lacuna está escrito no simple past, o que pode ser
observado pelo verbo “moved” antes da lacuna. Além disso, temos o ano de 1922 dando a exata
noção de quando o fato ocorreu. Sendo assim, devemos preencher a lacuna com o verbo no past
A) presupposed
B) was
C) foreshadowed
D) created
E) replaced
A alternativa A está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida com uma palavra que indique que
foi um presságio do computador digital , e “presupposed” significa pressupôs e não tem nenhuma
relação com o que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida com uma palavra que indique que
foi um presságio do computador digital , e “was” significa foi e não tem nenhuma relação com o
que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa C está correta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida com uma palavra que indique que
foi um presságio do computador digital , e “foreshadowed” significa extamente pressagiou.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida com uma palavra que indique que
foi um presságio do computador digital , e “created” significa criou e não tem nenhuma relação
com o que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida com uma palavra que indique que
foi um presságio do computador digital , e “replaced” significa substituiu e não tem nenhuma
relação com o que a lacuna pede.
A) named
B) names
C) calls
D) has named
E) has called
A alternativa A está correta. “Named” completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista que o
trecho está escrito no past simple, o preenchimento da lacuna também deve ser nesse tempo
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Names” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista
que o trecho está escrito no past simple, o preenchimento da lacuna também deve ser nesse
tempo verbal, e não no present simple.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Calls” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista que
o trecho está escrito no past simple, o preenchimento da lacuna também deve ser nesse tempo
verbal, e não no present simple.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Has named” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em
vista que o trecho está escrito no past simple, o preenchimento da lacuna também deve ser nesse
tempo verbal, e não no present perfect.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Has called” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em
vista que o trecho está escrito no past simple, o preenchimento da lacuna também deve ser nesse
tempo verbal, e não no present perfect.
A) disposed
B) divided
C) devised
D) declared
E) detracted
A alternativa A está incorreta. A lacuna pede uma palavra que diga que ele inventou/criou o que
ele chamou de jogo da imitação. A palavra “disposed” significa descartou e não tem relação de
significado com o que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A lacuna pede uma palavra que diga que ele inventou/criou o que
ele chamou de jogo da imitação. A palavra “divided” significa dividiu e não tem relação de
significado com o que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa C está correta. A lacuna pede uma palavra que diga que ele inventou/criou o que
ele chamou de jogo da imitação. A palavra “devised” significa criou e preenche a lacuna de forma
A alternativa D está incorreta. A lacuna pede uma palavra que diga que ele inventou/criou o que
ele chamou de jogo da imitação. A palavra “declared” significa declarou e não tem relação de
significado com o que a lacuna pede.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A lacuna pede uma palavra que diga que ele inventou/criou o que
ele chamou de jogo da imitação. A palavra “detracted” significa falou mal, prejudicou e não tem
relação de significado com o que a lacuna pede.
A) created
B) has created
C) has been created
D) was created
E) have been created
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Created” está na avoz ativa, enquanto a lacuna pede uma
estrutura de voz passiva, já que o instituto foi criado em seu nome.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Has created” está na avoz ativa, enquanto a lacuna pede uma
estrutura de voz passiva, já que o instituto foi criado em seu nome.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Has been created” está no present perfect, mas o texto nos diz
exatamente quando ocorreu a criação. Por isso, o past simple seria mais apropriado.
A alternativa D está correta. “Was created” está no past simple, pois o texto nos diz exatamente
quando ocorreu a criação. Por isso, o past simple é mais apropriado.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Have been created” está no present perfect, mas o texto nos diz
exatamente quando ocorreu a criação. Por isso, o past simple seria mais apropriado.
"On all the fragments, these potential representations appear imprecise and simplified in
comparisons to other Magdalenian examples, supporting ___20___ the hypothesis these are
chance arrangements amongst a system of representations, or that they were the product of
inexperienced engravers," she explained.
The Magdalenian era saw a flourishing of early art, from cave paintings and drawings to the
decoration of tools and weapons to engraving on stones and bones.
Although Magdalenian settlements are known to have existed as far north-west as Britain, no
similar examples of artistic expression ___78___ discovered in the British Isles from such an early
time period.
The plaquettes appear to pre-date the late Magdalenian cave art at Creswell Crags in Derbyshire,
the researchers said.
Dr Chantal Conneller, a co-author from Newcastle University, said: "These engraved stone
fragments provide exciting and rare evidence of artistic expression at what was the farthest edge
of the Magdalenian world.
"The people at Les Varines are likely to have been pioneer colonisers of the region and creating
engraved objects at new settlements may have been a way of creating symbolic relationships with
new places."
Dr Bello said the artefacts may only have been of temporary significance, as they were made on
soft stone. "The action of engraving probably created a powder within the incisions that makes
them temporarily visible. This swiftly disperses, meaning that the engravings were only clearly
visible at the moment of their making.
She added: "The act of engraving, possibly the context and the moment when the engraving
occurred, were the meaningful components of the process rather than the object (the plaquette)
that had been engraved."
Three of the stone fragments from Jersey had been recovered from an area of granite slabs which
may have served as paving, highlighting that the plaquettes might have been engraved in a
domestic context.
Adapted from
A) have lived
B) has lived
C) lived
D) had lived
E) was living
A alternativa A está incorreta. “Have lived” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em
vista que a frase precisa ser completada com o tempo verbal past simple, já que o texto dá noção
de tempo do acontecimento.
A alternativa B está incorreta. “Has lived” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista
que a frase precisa ser completada com o tempo verbal past simple, já que o texto dá noção de
tempo do acontecimento.
A alternativa C está correta. “Lived” completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista que a
frase precisa ser completada com o tempo verbal past simple, já que o texto dá noção de tempo
do acontecimento.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Had lived” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em vista
que a frase precisa ser completada com o tempo verbal past simple, já que o texto dá noção de
tempo do acontecimento.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Was living” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo em
vista que a frase precisa ser completada com o tempo verbal past simple, já que o texto dá noção
de tempo do acontecimento.
A) thinked
B) thinks
C) was thinking
D) has thought
E) thought
A alternativa A está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida por um verbo no particípio, tendo
em vista que o trecho está na voz passiva, pois não foi a cultura antiga que pensou algo, mas sim
outras pessoas pensam que ela expandiu a partir da Ibéria. A alternativa não apresenta o verbo
“think” no particípio.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida por um verbo no particípio, tendo
em vista que o trecho está na voz passiva, pois não foi a cultura antiga que pensou algo, mas sim
outras pessoas pensam que ela expandiu a partir da Ibéria. A alternativa não apresenta o verbo
“think” no particípio.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida por um verbo no particípio, tendo
em vista que o trecho está na voz passiva, pois não foi a cultura antiga que pensou algo, mas sim
outras pessoas pensam que ela expandiu a partir da Ibéria. A alternativa não apresenta o verbo
“think” no particípio.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida por um verbo no particípio, tendo
em vista que o trecho está na voz passiva, pois não foi a cultura antiga que pensou algo, mas sim
outras pessoas pensam que ela expandiu a partir da Ibéria. A alternativa não apresenta o verbo
“think” no particípio.
A alternativa E está correta. A lacuna precisa ser preenchida por um verbo no particípio, tendo
em vista que o trecho está na voz passiva, pois não foi a cultura antiga que pensou algo, mas sim
outras pessoas pensam que ela expandiu a partir da Ibéria. A alternativa apresenta o verbo “think”
no particípio “thought”.
A) says
B) have said
C) has said
D) is saying
E) said
A lacuna precisa ser preenchida pelo verbo “said”. Isso ocorre porque estamos diante de uma
situação fixa, a introdução de um discurso direto. Assim, sempre veremos a palavra “said”
antecedendo a fala, na íntegra, de alguém.
fala já haviam sido encontradas no momento que o texto é escrito. Então, o texto diz que
nenhuma arte similar àquela havia sido descoberta antes dessa.
A alternativa C está incorreta. “Has previously been” não completa adequadamente a lacuna,
tendo em vista que o trecho está tratando do passado do passado. As expressões artísticas da
quais o texto fala já haviam sido encontradas no momento que o texto é escrito. Então, o texto
diz que nenhuma arte similar àquela havia sido descoberta antes dessa.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “Were previously” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo
em vista que o trecho está tratando do passado do passado. As expressões artísticas da quais o
texto fala já haviam sido encontradas no momento que o texto é escrito. Então, o texto diz que
nenhuma arte similar àquela havia sido descoberta antes dessa.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “Was previously” não completa adequadamente a lacuna, tendo
em vista que o trecho está tratando do passado do passado. As expressões artísticas da quais o
texto fala já haviam sido encontradas no momento que o texto é escrito. Então, o texto diz que
nenhuma arte similar àquela havia sido descoberta antes dessa.
Europe is Seeing a Surge in Coronavirus Cases. Are Tourists the Cause of the Increase?
Europe has seen sharp rises in the number of COVID-19 cases across the region, with some
countries reporting higher daily caseloads than they have ever seen.
In recent weeks, Spain, France and Germany have recorded their highest number of daily
infections since April, as international travel has ramped up during one of the region’s
busiest vacation periods. In an effort to prevent the possibility of a second wave,
governments have reimposed restrictions on citizens and renewed quarantine measures
for some travelers.
Experts say the increase in travel in Europe has certainly contributed to the recent surge
in infections numbers. “International travel was very important in seeding the infections in
Europe in February and March. I think it has had an important impact in what we’ve seen
in the last six weeks,” says Jennifer Beam Dowd, associate professor of demography and
population health at Oxford University.
Strict lockdowns in the spring sharply reduced the spread of the virus in Europe, which
has reported over 3.9 million cases since the start of the pandemic, accounting for 17% of
global infections. By mid-June, most of the continent welcomed back travelers to help the
economy recover from the deepest recession it has seen since World War II.
The economies of France, Italy and Spain, which are powered by tourism, will each
contract by more than 10% this year, the European Commission said on July 7.
Cases have been increasing across Europe in the past month. But Spain, Germany, Italy
and France have seen particularly sharp rises.
Experts say yes. Increased travel combined with relaxed restrictions has “almost
certainly” led to a rise in cases, says Martin McKee, a professor of European public health
at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Europeans typically take vacation
between the end of July and August when schools break for summer. Grant Shapps, the
U.K’s Transport Secretary, said there were 160,000 British holidaymakers in France in mid
In mid May, Europe began reopening its bars, restaurants and nightclubs, subject to social
distancing measures.
The latest rise in cases in France has been most marked in Paris and cities in the south
including Nice, Toulouse and Marseille. “This might be representative of people having
moved from a high transmission area in France to a lower one, triggering an outbreak,”
says Nathalie MacDermott, a clinical lecturer in infectious diseases at King’s College
However, France’s health minister, Olivier Véran said in an interview published Aug. 23
that infections were already spreading between age groups and rising among the elderly
in the Marseille area.
The continent’s spike reflects “large numbers of people congregating in indoor poorly
ventilated spaces. Indoor areas are where the danger lies,” says McKee. In a tourist resort,
where people are coming from many different places, “the probability that somebody will
be infected is increased,” he says.
Nightclubs in particular, are “very conducive” to the spread of a virus, says MacDermott.
“They’re often poorly ventilated and it’s almost impossible to have social distancing,” she
says. In one of Spain’s largest recent outbreaks, more than 80 people tested positive after
around 400 people went to nightclubs in the Andalusian city of Cordoba on July 10.
Outbreaks in bars and nightclubs have been reported in other countries in Europe such
as France and Switzerland.
Some recent outbreaks in Spain have also been linked to the arrival of agricultural
workers from around Europe. But “most likely”, says McKee, the rise in cases has stemmed
from “tourists in crowded bars, restaurants, and nightclubs.”
(Adapted from
79- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Mark the alternative that completes the
sentence below correctly
a) Is having
b) Had
c) Will have
d) Have
A alternativa A está correta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo agora na
Europa, ou seja, a frase dada pede um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto é
“Europe is having a critical moment in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um momento
crítico na pandemia), assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa B está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo agora na
Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no simple past, “had” (teve), mas sim,
um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto é “Europe is having a critical moment
in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um momento crítico na pandemia).
A alternativa C está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo agora na
Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no future simple, “will have” (vai ter),
mas sim, um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto é “Europe is having a critical
moment in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um momento crítico na pandemia).
A alternativa D está incorreta. O texto fala sobre algo que está acontecendo agora na
Europa, ou seja, a frase dada não pede um verbo no simple presente, “have” (tem), mas
sim, um verbo no present continuous. Então o correto é “Europe is having a critical
moment in the pandemic” (Europa está tendo um momento crítico na pandemia).
80- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option is correct to complete the
sentences below?
81- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which of the following sentences express
A alternativa B está incorreta. Eu tenho que fazer meu trabalho de casa até o final da
semana. Essa frase não passa ideia de probabilidade como o enunciado pede.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Você deve ter paciência para fazer meditação. Há uma ideia de
necessidade, e não de possibilidade, como o enunciado pede.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Ele pode escolher o que ele quiser nessa loja. Há uma ideia de
possibilidade, e não de probabilidade, como o enunciado pede.
A alternativa E está correta. Eu fui muito bem na escola, acho que vou ter ótimas notas. Uma
vez que ela foi vem, é provável que ela tenha ótimas notas, ou seja, probabilidade, assim
como o enunciado pede.
82- (2020 - Estratégia Militares - Inédita) Which option completes the paragraph below
No one knows what the next months hold, but suggestions that Britain ___ back to normal
by Christmas seem unlikely. Already, Leicester, Greater Manchester and Preston _____
local lockdowns after registering rises in Covid-19 cases, while increases in Spain and
Germany ___ an alarming reminder of the difficulty of controlling this virus.
(Adapted from
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Leonardo Pontes
Leonardo Pontes